ref: 7975eec3e602fd5bc3e93c78f4166259190f2fe9
dir: /appl/grid/jpg2bit.b/
implement jpg2bit; include "sys.m"; sys : Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Display, Point, Rect, Image, Screen, Font: import draw; include "grid/readjpg.m"; readjpg: Readjpg; display : ref draw->Display; screen : ref draw->Screen; context : ref draw->Context; jpg2bit : module { init : fn (ctxt : ref Draw->Context, argv : list of string); }; init(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, argv : list of string) { display = ctxt.display; screen = ctxt.screen; context = ctxt; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; readjpg = load Readjpg Readjpg->PATH; readjpg->init(display); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; argv = tl argv; if (argv == nil) exit; filename := hd argv; filename2 : string; if (tl argv == nil) { if (len filename > 3) filename2 = filename[:len filename - 4]; filename2 += ".bit"; } else filename2 = hd tl argv; img := readjpg->jpg2img(hd argv, "", chan of string, nil); fd := sys->create(filename2, sys->OWRITE,8r666); if (fd != nil) display.writeimage(fd,img); }