ref: 7975eec3e602fd5bc3e93c78f4166259190f2fe9
dir: /appl/grid/demo/block.b/
implement Block; include "sys.m"; sys : Sys; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Chans, Context, Display, Point, Rect, Image, Screen, Font: import draw; include "readdir.m"; readdir: Readdir; include "grid/demo/exproc.m"; exproc: Exproc; include "grid/demo/block.m"; timeout := 50; WAITING: con -1; DONE: con -2; path := ""; init(pathname: string, ep: Exproc) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if (sys == nil) badmod(Sys->PATH); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; if (draw == nil) badmod(Draw->PATH); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if (daytime == nil) badmod(Daytime->PATH); readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; if (readdir == nil) badmod(Readdir->PATH); if (pathname == "") err("no path given"); if (pathname[len pathname - 1] != '/') pathname[len pathname] = '/'; path = pathname; exproc = ep; if (exproc == nil) badmod("Exproc"); sys->create(path, sys->OREAD, 8r777 | sys->DMDIR); (n, nil) := sys->stat(path); if (n == -1) sys->print("Cannot find path: %s\n",path); } slave() { buf := array[8192] of byte; for(;;) { (n, nil) := sys->stat(path+"working"); if (n == -1) sys->sleep(1000); else { fd := sys->open(path + "data.dat", sys->OREAD); if (fd != nil) { s := ""; for (;;) { i := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if (i < 1) break; s += string buf[:i]; } (nil, lst) := sys->tokenize(s, "\n"); exproc->getslavedata(lst); break; } } } doneblocks := 0; loop: for (;;) { (dirs, nil) := readdir->init(path+"todo", readdir->NAME); if (len dirs == 0) { (n, nil) := sys->stat(path + "working"); if (n == -1) break loop; sys->sleep(2000); } for (i := 0; i < len dirs; i++) { fd := sys->create(path+dirs[i].name, sys->OREAD, 8r777 | sys->DMDIR); if (fd != nil) { (nil, lst) := sys->tokenize(dirs[i].name, "."); exproc->doblock(int hd tl lst, dirs[i].name); doneblocks++; } (n, nil) := sys->stat(path + "working"); if (n == -1) break loop; } } sys->print("Finished: %d blocks\n",doneblocks); } writedata(s: string) { fd := sys->create(path+"data.dat", sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if (fd != nil) sys->fprint(fd, "%s", s); else err("could not create data.dat"); fd = nil; } masterinit(noblocks: int) { sys->create(path+"todo", sys->OREAD, 8r777 | sys->DMDIR); sys->create(path+"working", sys->OWRITE, 8r666); for (i := 0; i < noblocks; i++) makefile(i, ""); } reader(noblocks: int, chanout: chan of string, sync: chan of int) { sync <-= sys->pctl(0,nil); starttime := daytime->now(); times := array[noblocks] of { * => WAITING }; let := array[noblocks] of { * => "a" }; buf := array[50] of byte; result := 0; for (;;) { nodone := 0; for (i := 0; i < noblocks; i++) { if (times[i] != DONE) { (n,nil) := sys->stat(path+"block."+string i+"."+let[i]+"/done"); if (n == -1) { (n2, nil) := sys->stat(path+"block."+string i+"."+let[i]); if (n2 != -1) { now := daytime->now(); if (times[i] == WAITING) times[i] = now; else if (now - times[i] > timeout) { let[i] = makefile(i, let[i]); times[i] = WAITING; } } } else { sys->remove(path +"todo/block."+string i+"."+let[i]); if (exproc->readblock(i, path+"block."+string i+"."+let[i]+"/", chanout) == -1) { let[i] = makefile(i, let[i]); times[i] = WAITING; } else { times[i] = DONE; nodone++; } } } else nodone++; } if (nodone == noblocks) break; chanout <-= string ((nodone*100)/noblocks); sys->sleep(1000); } endtime := daytime->now(); chanout <-= "100"; spawn exproc->finish(endtime - starttime, chanout); } makefile(block: int, let: string): string { if (let == "") let = "a"; else { sys->remove(path +"todo/block."+string block+"."+let); let[0]++; } name := path+"todo/block."+string block+"."+let; fd := sys->create(name, sys->OREAD, 8r666); if (fd == nil) sys->print("Error creating: '%s'\n",name); return let; } err(s: string) { sys->print("Error: '%s'\n",s); exit; } cleanfiles(delpath: string) { buf := array[8192] of byte; if (delpath == "") return; if (delpath[len delpath - 1] != '/') delpath[len delpath] = '/'; (dirs, n) := readdir->init(delpath, readdir->NAME); for (i := 0; i < len dirs; i++) { if (dirs[i].mode & sys->DMDIR) cleanfiles(delpath+dirs[i].name+"/"); sys->remove(delpath+dirs[i].name); } } isin(l: list of string, s: string): int { for(tmpl := l; tmpl != nil; tmpl = tl tmpl) if (hd tmpl == s) return 1; return 0; } badmod(path: string) { sys->print("Block: failed to load: %s\n",path); exit; }