ref: 71292834bbafcf6bc409cfd7691f9e6650df025b
dir: /appl/alphabet/grid/rexec.b/
implement Rexec, Gridmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; include "string.m"; str: String; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; report, Report, quit: import reports; include "alphabet/endpoints.m"; endpoints: Endpoints; Endpoint: import endpoints; include "alphabet/grid.m"; grid: Grid; Value: import grid; Rexec: module {}; types(): string { return "eesc-A"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; reports = checkload(load Reports Reports->PATH, Reports->PATH); endpoints = checkload(load Endpoints Endpoints->PATH, Endpoints->PATH); endpoints->init(); grid = checkload(load Grid Grid->PATH, Grid->PATH); grid->init(); sh = checkload(load Sh Sh->PATH, Sh->PATH); sh->initialise(); str = checkload(load String String->PATH, String->PATH); } run(nil: chan of string, r: ref Reports->Report, opts: list of (int, list of ref Grid->Value), args: list of ref Grid->Value): ref Grid->Value { ec0 := (hd args).e().i; addr := (hd tl args).s().i; cmd := (hd tl tl args).c().i; spawn rexecproc(sync := chan of int, addr, ec0, cmd, r.start("rexec"), opts != nil, ec1 := chan of Endpoint); <-sync; return ref Value.Ve(ec1); } rexecproc(sync: chan of int, addr: string, ec0: chan of Endpoint, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, errorc: chan of string, noauth: int, ec1: chan of Endpoint ) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); sync <-= 1; ep0 := <-ec0; if(ep0.addr == nil){ ec1 <-= ep0; quit(errorc); } (ep1, err) := exec(addr, ep0, cmd, noauth); if(err != nil){ endpoints->open(nil, ep0); # discard report(errorc, err); } ec1 <-= ep1; quit(errorc); } Nope: con Endpoint(nil, nil, nil); exec(addr: string, ep0: Endpoint, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, noauth: int): (Endpoint, string) { args := addr::"/n/remote"::nil; if(noauth) args = "-A"::args; if((e := sh->run(nil, "mount"::args)) != nil) return (Nope, sys->sprint("cannot mount rexec at %q: %s", addr, e)); fd := sys->open("/n/remote/exec", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) return (Nope, sys->sprint("cannot open exec at %q: %r", addr)); if(sys->fprint(fd, "%q %q", ep0.text(), sh->cmd2string(cmd)) == -1) return (Nope, sys->sprint("exec write failed: %r")); buf := array[1024] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return (Nope, sys->sprint("error reading endpoint: %r")); if(n == 0) return (Nope, "eof reading endpoint"); s := string buf[0:n]; ep1 :=; if(ep1.addr == nil) return (Nope, sys->sprint("bad endpoint %#q: %s", s, ep1.about)); ep1.about = sys->sprint("%s | rexec %q %s", ep0.about, addr, sh->cmd2string(cmd)); return (ep1, nil); } checkload[T](m: T, path: string): T { if(m != nil) return m; raise sys->sprint("fail:cannot load %s: %r", path); }