ref: 60ecd07e6d3f5786c8723dc9172c35d580fdadc8
dir: /emu/port/deveia-posix.c/
/* * Driver for POSIX serial ports */ #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE /* for deveia-bsd.c */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <termios.h> enum { Devchar = 't', Ndataqid = 1, Nctlqid, Nstatqid, Nqid = 3, /* number of QIDs */ CTLS= 023, CTLQ= 021, Maxctl = 128, Maxfield = 32 }; /* * Macros to manage QIDs */ #define NETTYPE(x) ((x)&0x0F) #define NETID(x) ((x)>>4) #define NETQID(i,t) (((i)<<4)|(t)) static Dirtab *eiadir; static int ndir; static char Devname[] = "eia"; typedef struct Eia Eia; struct Eia { Ref r; int fd; int overrun; int frame; int restore; /* flag to restore prev. states */ struct termios ts; int dtr; int rts; int cts; }; static Eia *eia; struct tcdef_t { int val; tcflag_t flag; }; struct flagmap { char* s; tcflag_t flag; }; static struct tcdef_t bps[]; static struct tcdef_t size[] = { {5, CS5}, {6, CS6}, {7, CS7}, {8, CS8}, {-1, -1} }; static char * ftos(char *buf, struct tcdef_t *tbl, tcflag_t flag) { for(; tbl->val >= 0; tbl++) if(tbl->flag == flag){ sprint(buf, "%d", tbl->val); return buf; } return "unknown"; } static tcflag_t stof(struct tcdef_t *tbl, int val) { for(; tbl->val >= 0 && tbl->val != val; tbl++) {} return tbl->flag; } static char * rdxtra(int port, struct termios *ts, char *str); /* non-POSIX extensions */ static long rdstat(int port, void *buf, long n, ulong offset) { int fd = eia[port].fd; struct termios ts; char str[Maxctl]; char sbuf[20]; char *s; if(tcgetattr(fd, &ts) < 0) oserror(); s = str; s += sprint(s, "opens %d ferr %d oerr %d baud %s", eia[port].r.ref-1, eia[port].frame, eia[port].overrun, ftos(sbuf, bps, (tcflag_t)cfgetospeed(&ts))); s = rdxtra(port, &ts, s); sprint(s, "\n"); return readstr(offset, buf, n, str); } static char * wrxtra(int port, struct termios *ts, char *cmd); /* non-POSIX extensions */ static void wrctl(int port, char *cmd) { struct termios ts; char *xerr; int r, nf, n, i; char *f[Maxfield]; int fd = eia[port].fd; tcflag_t flag; if(tcgetattr(fd, &ts) < 0) { Error: oserror(); } nf = tokenize(cmd, f, nelem(f)); for(i = 0; i < nf; i++){ if(strncmp(f[i], "break", 5) == 0){ tcsendbreak(fd, 0); continue; } n = atoi(f[i]+1); switch(*f[i]) { case 'F': case 'f': if(tcflush(fd, TCOFLUSH) < 0) goto Error; break; case 'K': case 'k': if(tcsendbreak(fd, 0) < 0) ; /* ignore it */ break; case 'H': case 'h': cfsetospeed(&ts, B0); break; case 'B': case 'b': flag = stof(bps, n); if((int)flag == -1) error(Ebadarg); cfsetispeed(&ts, (speed_t)flag); cfsetospeed(&ts, (speed_t)flag); break; case 'L': case 'l': flag = stof(size, n); if((int)flag == -1) error(Ebadarg); ts.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; ts.c_cflag |= flag; break; case 'S': case 's': if(n == 1) ts.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; else if(n ==2) ts.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; else error(Ebadarg); break; case 'P': case 'p': if(*(f[i]+1) == 'o') ts.c_cflag |= PARENB|PARODD; else if(*(f[i]+1) == 'e') { ts.c_cflag |= PARENB; ts.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; } else ts.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; break; case 'X': case 'x': if(n == 0) ts.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|IXOFF); else ts.c_iflag |= (IXON|IXOFF); break; case 'i': case 'I': /* enable fifo; ignore */ break; default: if((xerr = wrxtra(port, &ts, f[i])) != nil) error(xerr); } } osenter(); r = tcsetattr(fd, TCSADRAIN, &ts); osleave(); if(r < 0) goto Error; eia[port].restore = 1; eia[port].ts = ts; } static void eiainit(void) { int i, nports; Dirtab *dp; struct stat sb; #ifdef buildsysdev buildsysdev(); #endif /* check to see which ports exist by trying to stat them */ nports = 0; for (i=0; i < nelem(sysdev); i++) { if(stat(sysdev[i], &sb) < 0) break; nports++; } if (!nports) return; ndir = Nqid*nports+1; dp = eiadir = malloc(ndir*sizeof(Dirtab)); if(dp == 0) panic("eiainit"); strcpy(dp->name, "."); dp->qid.path = 0; dp->qid.type = QTDIR; dp->perm = DMDIR|0555; dp++; eia = malloc(nports*sizeof(Eia)); if(eia == 0) panic("eiainit"); for(i = 0; i < nports; i++) { sprint(dp->name, "%s%d", Devname, i); dp->qid.path = NETQID(i, Ndataqid); dp->perm = 0660; dp++; sprint(dp->name, "%s%dctl", Devname, i); dp->qid.path = NETQID(i, Nctlqid); dp->perm = 0660; dp++; sprint(dp->name, "%s%dstatus", Devname, i); dp->qid.path = NETQID(i, Nstatqid); dp->perm = 0660; dp++; eia[i].frame = eia[i].overrun = 0; eia[i].restore = eia[i].dtr = eia[i].rts = eia[i].cts = 0; } } static Chan* eiaattach(char *spec) { if(eiadir == nil) error(Enodev); return devattach(Devchar, spec); } Walkqid* eiawalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, eiadir, ndir, devgen); } int eiastat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n) { return devstat(c, db, n, eiadir, ndir, devgen); } static void resxtra(int port, struct termios *ts); /* non-POSIX extensions */ static Chan* eiaopen(Chan *c, int mode) { int port = NETID(c->qid.path); struct termios ts; int r; c = devopen(c, mode, eiadir, ndir, devgen); switch(NETTYPE(c->qid.path)) { case Nctlqid: case Ndataqid: case Nstatqid: if(incref(&eia[port].r) != 1) break; osenter(); eia[port].fd = open(sysdev[port], O_RDWR); osleave(); if(eia[port].fd < 0) oserror(); /* make port settings sane */ if(tcgetattr(eia[port].fd, &ts) < 0) oserror(); ts.c_iflag = ts.c_oflag = ts.c_lflag = 0; if(eia[port].restore) ts = eia[port].ts; else { cfsetispeed(&ts, B9600); cfsetospeed(&ts, B9600); ts.c_iflag |= IGNPAR; ts.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; ts.c_cflag |= CS8|CREAD; ts.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB|PARODD); ts.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; ts.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; } osenter(); r = tcsetattr(eia[port].fd, TCSANOW, &ts); osleave(); if(r < 0) oserror(); if(eia[port].restore) resxtra(port, &ts); break; } return c; } static void eiaclose(Chan *c) { int port = NETID(c->qid.path); if((c->flag & COPEN) == 0) return; switch(NETTYPE(c->qid.path)) { case Nctlqid: case Ndataqid: case Nstatqid: if(decref(&eia[port].r) != 0) break; if(eia[port].fd >= 0) { osenter(); close(eia[port].fd); osleave(); } break; } } static long eiaread(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, vlong offset) { ssize_t cnt; int port = NETID(c->qid.path); if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return devdirread(c, buf, n, eiadir, ndir, devgen); switch(NETTYPE(c->qid.path)) { case Ndataqid: osenter(); cnt = read(eia[port].fd, buf, n); osleave(); if(cnt == -1) oserror(); return cnt; case Nctlqid: return readnum(offset, buf, n, port, NUMSIZE); case Nstatqid: return rdstat(port, buf, n, offset); } return 0; } static long eiawrite(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, vlong offset) { ssize_t cnt; char cmd[Maxctl]; int port = NETID(c->qid.path); USED(offset); if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); switch(NETTYPE(c->qid.path)) { case Ndataqid: osenter(); cnt = write(eia[port].fd, buf, n); osleave(); if(cnt == -1) oserror(); return cnt; case Nctlqid: if(n >= (long)sizeof(cmd)) n = sizeof(cmd)-1; memmove(cmd, buf, n); cmd[n] = 0; wrctl(port, cmd); return n; } return 0; } int eiawstat(Chan *c, uchar *dp, int n) { Dir d; int i; if(strcmp(up->env->user, eve) != 0) error(Eperm); if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); n = convM2D(dp, n, &d, nil); i = Nqid*NETID(c->qid.path)+NETTYPE(c->qid.path)-Ndataqid; eiadir[i+1].perm = d.mode&0666; return n; } Dev eiadevtab = { Devchar, Devname, eiainit, eiaattach, eiawalk, eiastat, eiaopen, devcreate, eiaclose, eiaread, devbread, eiawrite, devbwrite, devremove, eiawstat };