ref: 6042bb8adffe111049edfcb8b2eb1ad84814ed69
dir: /appl/lib/scoretable.b/
# Copyright © 1999 Roger Peppe. All rights reserved. implement Scoretable; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; stderr: ref Sys->FD; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "scoretable.m"; # this is the cut-down version - it doesn't bother # with score table locking at all; there is such a version, # but it needs a lock server, so is often more hassle than # it's worth. if you want a distributed score file, contact # [email protected] # currently this module is only used by tetris - the interface # will probably change in the future. scorefile: string; username: string; MAXSCORES: con 10; init(nil: int, user, nil: string, sfile: string): (int, string) { if (sys == nil) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) { sys = nil; return (-1, sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Bufio->PATH)); } } username = user; lock(); scorefd: ref Sys->FD; if ((scorefd = sys->open(sfile, Sys->ORDWR)) == nil && (scorefd = sys->create(sfile, Sys->ORDWR, 8r666)) == nil) { unlock(); return (-1, sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", sfile)); } unlock(); scorefile = sfile; return (0, nil); } lock() { } unlock() { } scores(): list of Score { lock(); sl := readscores(); unlock(); return sl; } readscores(): list of Score { sl: list of Score; iob := bufio->open(scorefile, Sys->OREAD); if (iob == nil) return nil; 0, Bufio->SEEKSTART); while ((s := iob.gets('\n')) != nil) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " \t\n"); if (toks == nil) continue; if (n < 2) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bad line in score table: %s", s); continue; } score: Score; (score.user, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); (score.score, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); score.other = nil; while (toks != nil) { score.other += hd toks; if (tl toks != nil) score.other += " "; toks = tl toks; } sl = score :: sl; } iob.close(); nl: list of Score; while (sl != nil) { nl = hd sl :: nl; sl = tl sl; } return nl; } writescores(sl: list of Score) { scoreiob := bufio->open(scorefile, Sys->OWRITE|Sys->OTRUNC); if (scoreiob == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "scoretable: cannot write score file '%s': %r\n", scorefile); return; } 0, Bufio->SEEKSTART); n := 0; while (sl != nil && n < MAXSCORES) { s := hd sl; scoreiob.puts(sys->sprint("%s %d %s\n", s.user, s.score, s.other)); n++; sl = tl sl; } scoreiob.close(); } setscore(score: int, other: string): int { lock(); sl := readscores(); nl: list of Score; done := 0; n := rank := 0; while (sl != nil) { s := hd sl; if (score > s.score && !done) { nl = Score(username, score, other) :: nl; rank = n; done = 1; } nl = s :: nl; sl = tl sl; n++; } if (!done) { nl = Score(username, score, other) :: nl; rank = n; } sl = nil; while (nl != nil) { sl = hd nl :: sl; nl = tl nl; } writescores(sl); unlock(); # XXX minor race condition in returning the rank, not our idea of the rank. return rank; }