ref: 6042bb8adffe111049edfcb8b2eb1ad84814ed69
dir: /appl/lib/mpeg.b/
implement Mpeg; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD: import Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Rect, Image: import draw; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; Connection: import dial; include "mpeg.m"; Chroma: con 16r05; getenv() { if(sys != nil) return; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; } copy(files: list of string, notify: chan of string, mpctl, mpdata: ref FD) { n: int; c: ref Connection; name: list of string; while(files != nil) { file := hd files; (n, name) = sys->tokenize(file, "@"); m : ref FD; case n { 1 => m = sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if(m == nil) { notify <-= "mpeg open:" + file; return; } 2 => c = dial->dial(hd tl name, nil); if(c == nil) { notify <-= "dial:" + hd tl name; return; } sys->fprint(c.dfd, "%s\n", hd name); = nil; m = c.dfd; * => notify <-= "bad file:"+hd name; return; } sys->stream(m, mpdata, 64*1024); files = tl files; } sys->fprint(mpctl, "stop"); sys->fprint(mpctl, "window 0 0 0 0"); notify <-= ""; } play(display: ref Display, w: ref Image, paint: int, r: Rect, file: string, notify: chan of string): string { i, j: int; line: string; cfg: array of byte; buf := array[1024] of byte; arg, words, files: list of string; getenv(); mpdata := sys->open("/dev/mpeg", sys->OWRITE); if(mpdata == nil) return sys->sprint("can't open /dev/mpeg: %r"); obj := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if(obj == nil) return "open failed:"+file; n := sys->read(obj, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return "mpeg object: read error"; mpctl := sys->open("/dev/mpegctl", sys->OWRITE); if(mpctl == nil) return "open mpeg ctl file"; # Parse into lines (n, arg) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { # Parse into words line = hd arg; (j, words) = sys->tokenize(line, " \t"); # Pass device config lines through to the ctl file if(hd words == "files") files = tl words; else { cfg = array of byte line; if(sys->write(mpctl, cfg, len cfg) < 0) return "invalid device config:"+line; } arg = tl arg; } if(files == nil) return "no file to play"; # now the driver is configured initialize the dsp's # and set up the trident overlay sys->fprint(mpctl, "init"); sys->fprint(mpctl, "window %d %d %d %d", r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y); # paint the window with the chroma key color if(paint) w.draw(r, keycolor(display), nil, r.min); if(notify != nil) { spawn copy(files, notify, mpctl, mpdata); return ""; } notify = chan of string; spawn copy(files, notify, mpctl, mpdata); return <-notify; } ctl(msg: string): int { mpc: ref FD; getenv(); mpc = sys->open("/dev/mpegctl", sys->OWRITE); if(mpc == nil) return -1; b := array of byte msg; n := sys->write(mpc, b, len b); if(n != len b) n = -1; return n; } keycolor(display: ref Display): ref Image { getenv(); return display.color(Chroma); }