ref: 6042bb8adffe111049edfcb8b2eb1ad84814ed69
dir: /appl/charon/cookiesrv.b/
implement Cookiesrv; include "sys.m"; include "bufio.m"; include "string.m"; include "daytime.m"; include "cookiesrv.m"; sys: Sys; bufio: Bufio; S: String; daytime: Daytime; Iobuf: import bufio; Cookielist: adt { prev: cyclic ref Cookielist; next: cyclic ref Cookie; }; Cookie: adt { name: string; value: string; dom: string; path: string; expire: int; # seconds from epoch, -1 => not set, 0 => expire now secure: int; touched: int; link: cyclic ref Cookielist; # linkage for list of cookies in the same domain }; Domain: adt { name: string; doms: cyclic list of ref Domain; cookies: ref Cookielist; }; MAXCOOKIES: con 300; # total number of cookies allowed LISTMAX: con 20; # max number of cookies per Domain PURGENUM: con 30; # number of cookies to delete when freeing up space MAXCKLEN: con 4*1024; # max cookie length ncookies := 0; doms: list of ref Domain; now: int; # seconds since epoch cookiepath: string; touch := 0; start(path: string, saveinterval: int): ref Client { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) { sys->print("cookiesrv: cannot load %s: %r\n", Bufio->PATH); return nil; } S = load String String->PATH; if (S == nil) { sys->print("cookiesrv: cannot load %s: %r\n", String->PATH); return nil; } daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if (daytime == nil) { sys->print("cookiesrv: cannot load %s: %r\n", Daytime->PATH); return nil; } cookiepath = path; now = daytime->now(); # load the cookie file # order is most recently touched first iob := bufio->open(cookiepath, Sys->OREAD); if (iob != nil) { line: string; while ((line = iob.gets('\n')) != nil) { if (line[len line -1] == '\n') line = line[:len line -1]; loadcookie(line); } iob.close(); iob = nil; expire(); } fdc := chan of ref Sys->FD; spawn server(fdc, saveinterval); fd := <- fdc; if (fd == nil) return nil; return ref Client(fd); } addcookie(ck: ref Cookie, domlist: ref Cookielist) { (last, n) := lastlink(domlist); if (n == LISTMAX) rmcookie(; if (ncookies == MAXCOOKIES) rmlru(); = ref Cookielist(domlist,; if ( != nil) =; = ck; ncookies++; } rmcookie(ck: ref Cookie) { nextck :=; = nextck; if (nextck != nil) =; ncookies--; } lastlink(ckl: ref Cookielist): (ref Cookielist, int) { n := 0; for (nckl := ckl.prev; nckl != nil; nckl = nckl.prev) n++; for (; != nil; ckl = n++; return (ckl, n); } rmlru() { cka := array [ncookies] of ref Cookie; ix := getallcookies(doms, cka, 0); if (ix < PURGENUM) return; mergesort(cka, nil, SORT_TOUCHED); for (n := 0; n < PURGENUM; n++) rmcookie(cka[n]); } getallcookies(dl: list of ref Domain, cka: array of ref Cookie, ix: int): int { for (; dl != nil; dl = tl dl) { dom := hd dl; for (ck :=; ck != nil; ck = cka[ix++] = ck; ix = getallcookies(dom.doms, cka, ix); } return ix; } isipaddr(s: string): int { # assume ipaddr if only numbers and '.'s # should maybe count the dots too (what about IPV6?) return S->drop(s, ".0123456789") == nil; } setcookie(ck: ref Cookie) { parent, dom: ref Domain; domain := ck.dom; if (isipaddr(domain)) (parent, dom, domain) = getdom(doms, nil, domain); else (parent, dom, domain) = getdom(doms, domain, nil); if (dom == nil) dom = newdom(parent, domain); for (oldck :=; oldck != nil; oldck = { if ( == && ck.path == oldck.path) { rmcookie(oldck); break; } } if (ck.expire > 0 && ck.expire <= now) return; addcookie(ck, dom.cookies); } expire() { cka := array [ncookies] of ref Cookie; ix := getallcookies(doms, cka, 0); for (i := 0; i < ix; i++) { ck := cka[i]; if (ck.expire > 0 && ck.expire < now) rmcookie(ck); } } newdom(parent: ref Domain, domain: string): ref Domain { while (domain != "") { (lhs, rhs) := splitdom(domain); d := ref Domain(rhs, nil, ref Cookielist(nil, nil)); if (parent == nil) doms = d :: doms; else parent.doms = d :: parent.doms; parent = d; domain = lhs; } return parent; } getdom(dl: list of ref Domain, lhs, rhs: string): (ref Domain, ref Domain, string) { if (rhs == "") (lhs, rhs) = splitdom(lhs); parent: ref Domain; while (dl != nil) { d := hd dl; if ( != rhs) { dl = tl dl; continue; } # name matches if (lhs == nil) return (parent, d, rhs); parent = d; (lhs, rhs) = splitdom(lhs); dl = d.doms; } return (parent, nil, lhs+rhs); } # returned list is in shortest to longest domain match order getdoms(dl: list of ref Domain, lhs, rhs: string): list of ref Domain { if (rhs == "") (lhs, rhs) = splitdom(lhs); for (; dl != nil; dl = tl dl) { d := hd dl; if ( == rhs) { if (lhs == nil) return d :: nil; (lhs, rhs) = splitdom(lhs); return d :: getdoms(d.doms, lhs, rhs); } } return nil; } server(fdc: chan of ref Sys->FD, saveinterval: int) { sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKNS, nil); sys->bind("#s", "/chan", Sys->MBEFORE); fio := sys->file2chan("/chan", "ctl"); if (fio == nil) { fdc <-= nil; return; } fd := sys->open("/chan/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); fdc <-= fd; if (fd == nil) return; fd = nil; tick := chan of int; spawn ticker(tick, 1*60*1000); # clock tick once a minute tickerpid := <- tick; modified := 0; savetime := now + saveinterval; for (;;) alt { now = <- tick => expire(); if (saveinterval != 0 && now > savetime) { if (modified) { save(); modified = 0; } savetime = now + saveinterval; } (nil, line, nil, rc) := <- fio.write => now = daytime->now(); if (rc == nil) { kill(tickerpid); expire(); save(); return; } loadcookie(string line); alt { rc <-= (len line, nil) => ; * => ; }; modified = 1; } } ticker(tick: chan of int, ms: int) { tick <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); for (;;) { sys->sleep(ms); tick <-= daytime->now(); } } # sort orders SORT_TOUCHED, SORT_PATHLEN: con iota; mergesort(a, b: array of ref Cookie, order: int) { if (b == nil) b = array [len a] of ref Cookie; r := len a; if (r > 1) { m := (r-1)/2 + 1; mergesort(a[0:m], b[0:m], order); mergesort(a[m:], b[m:], order); b[0:] = a; for ((i, j, k) := (0, m, 0); i < m && j < r; k++) { if (greater(b[i], b[j], order)) a[k] = b[j++]; else a[k] = b[i++]; } if (i < m) a[k:] = b[i:m]; else if (j < r) a[k:] = b[j:r]; } } greater(x, y: ref Cookie, order: int): int { if (y == nil) return 0; case order { SORT_TOUCHED => if (x.touched > y.touched) return 1; SORT_PATHLEN => if (len x.path < len y.path) return 1; } return 0; } cookie2str(ck: ref Cookie): string { if (len +1 > MAXCKLEN) return ""; namval := sys->sprint("%s=%s",, ck.value); if (len namval > MAXCKLEN) namval = namval[:MAXCKLEN]; return sys->sprint("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s", ck.dom, ck.path, ck.expire,, namval); } loadcookie(ckstr: string) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(ckstr, "\t"); if (n < 5) return; dom, path, exp, sec, namval: string; (dom, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); (path, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); (exp, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); (sec, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); (namval, toks) = (hd toks, tl toks); # some sanity checks if (dom == "" || path == "" || path[0] != '/') return; (name, value) := S->splitl(namval, "="); if (value == nil) return; value = value[1:]; ck := ref Cookie(name, value, dom, path, int exp, int sec, touch++, nil); setcookie(ck); } Client.set(c: self ref Client, host, path, cookie: string) { ck := parsecookie(host, path, cookie); if (ck == nil) return; b := array of byte cookie2str(ck); sys->write(c.fd, b, len b); } Client.getcookies(nil: self ref Client, host, path: string, secure: int): string { dl: list of ref Domain; if (isipaddr(host)) dl = getdoms(doms, nil, host); else { # note some domains match hosts # e.g. site has to set a cookie for '' # to get around the netscape '.' count check # this messes up our domain checking # putting a '.' on the front of host is a safe way of handling this # host = "." + host; dl = getdoms(doms, host, nil); } cookies: list of ref Cookie; for (; dl != nil; dl = tl dl) { ckl := (hd dl).cookies; for (ck :=; ck != nil; ck = { if ( && !secure) continue; if (!S->prefix(ck.path, path)) continue; ck.touched = touch++; cookies = ck :: cookies; } } if (cookies == nil) return ""; # sort w.r.t path len and creation order cka := array [len cookies] of ref Cookie; for (i := 0; cookies != nil; cookies = tl cookies) cka[i++] = hd cookies; mergesort(cka, nil, SORT_PATHLEN); s := sys->sprint("%s=%s", cka[0].name, cka[0].value); for (i = 1; i < len cka; i++) s += sys->sprint("; %s=%s", cka[i].name, cka[i].value); return s; } save() { fd := sys->create(cookiepath, Sys->OWRITE, 8r600); if (fd == nil) return; cka := array [ncookies] of ref Cookie; ix := getallcookies(doms, cka, 0); mergesort(cka, nil, SORT_TOUCHED); for (i := 0; i < ix; i++) { ck := cka[i]; if (ck.expire > now) sys->fprint(fd, "%s\n", cookie2str(cka[i])); } } parsecookie(dom, path, cookie: string): ref Cookie { defpath := "/"; if (path != nil) (defpath, nil) = S->splitr(path, "/"); (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(cookie, ";"); namval := hd toks; toks = tl toks; (name, value) := S->splitl(namval, "="); name = trim(name); if (value != nil && value[0] == '=') value = value[1:]; value = trim(value); ck := ref Cookie(name, value, dom, defpath, -1, 0, 0, nil); for (; toks != nil; toks = tl toks) { (name, value) = S->splitl(hd toks, "="); if (value != nil && value[0] == '=') value = value[1:]; name = trim(name); value = trim(value); case S->tolower(name) { "domain" => ck.dom = value; "expires" => ck.expire = date2sec(value); "path" => ck.path = value; "secure" => = 1; } } if (ckcookie(ck, dom, path)) return ck; return nil; } # Top Level Domains as defined in Netscape cookie spec tld := array [] of { ".com", ".edu", ".net", ".org", ".gov", ".mil", ".int" }; ckcookie(ck: ref Cookie, host, path: string): int { #dumpcookie(ck, "CKCOOKIE"); if (ck == nil) return 0; if (ck.path == "" || ck.dom == "") return 0; if (host == "" || path == "") return 1; # netscape does no path check on accpeting a cookie # any page can set a cookie on any path within its domain. # the filtering is done when sending cookies back to the server # if (!S->prefix(ck.path, path)) # return 0; if (host == ck.dom) return 1; if (ck.dom[0] != '.' || len host < len ck.dom) return 0; ipaddr := S->drop(host, ".0123456789") == nil; if (ipaddr) # ip addresses have to match exactly return 0; D := host[len host - len ck.dom:]; if (D != ck.dom) return 0; # netscape specific policy ndots := 0; for (i := 0; i < len D; i++) if (D[i] == '.') ndots++; for (i = 0; i < len tld; i++) { if (len D >= len tld[i] && D[len D - len tld[i]:] == tld[i]) { if (ndots < 2) return 0; return 1; } } if (ndots < 3) return 0; return 1; } trim(s: string): string { is := 0; ie := len s; while(is < ie) { c := s[is]; if(!(c == ' ' || c == '\t')) break; is++; } if(is == ie) return ""; while(ie > is) { c := s[ie-1]; if(!(c == ' ' || c == '\t')) break; ie--; } if(is >= ie) return ""; if(is == 0 && ie == len s) return s; return s[is:ie]; } kill(pid: int) { sys->fprint(sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE), "kill"); } date2sec(date: string): int { Tm: import daytime; tm := daytime->string2tm(date); if(tm == nil || tm.year < 70 || != "GMT") t := -1; else t = daytime->tm2epoch(tm); return t; } dumpcookie(ck: ref Cookie, msg: string) { if (msg != nil) sys->print("%s: ", msg); if (ck == nil) sys->print("NIL\n"); else { dbgval := ck.value; if (len dbgval > 10) dbgval = dbgval[:10]; sys->print("dom[%s], path[%s], name[%s], value[%s], secure=%d\n", ck.dom, ck.path,, dbgval,; } } splitdom(s: string): (string, string) { for (ie := len s -1; ie > 0; ie--) if (s[ie] == '.') break; return (s[:ie], s[ie:]); }