ref: 51bf59e016b43f16ec91943829af30d99a886cc1
dir: /appl/cmd/install/wfind.b/
implement Wfind; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "arg.m"; arg: Arg; include "wrap.m"; wrap : Wrap; include "sh.m"; include "keyring.m"; keyring : Keyring; include "readdir.m"; readdir : Readdir; Wfind: module{ init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; fatal(err : string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s\n", err); exit; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; arg = load Arg Arg->PATH; keyring = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH; wrap = load Wrap Wrap->PATH; wrap->init(bufio); pkgs: list of string; indir := "/install"; arg->init(args); while ((c := arg->opt()) != 0) { case c { 'p' => pkg := arg->arg(); if (pkg == nil) fatal("missing package name"); pkgs = pkg :: pkgs; * => fatal(sys->sprint("bad argument -%c", c)); } } args = arg->argv(); if (args == nil) fatal("usage: install/wfind [-p package ... ] file ..."); # (ok, dir) := sys->stat(indir); # if (ok < 0) # fatal(sys->sprint("cannot open install directory %s", indir)); if(pkgs != nil){ npkgs: list of string; for(pkg := pkgs; pkg != nil; pkg = tl pkg) npkgs = hd pkg :: npkgs; pkgs = npkgs; for(pkg = pkgs; pkg != nil; pkg = tl pkg) scanpkg(hd pkg, indir+"/"+hd pkg, args); } else scanpkgs(indir, args); prfiles(); } scanpkgs(d : string, files: list of string) { (dir, n) := readdir->init(d, Readdir->NAME|Readdir->COMPACT); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { if (dir[i].mode & Sys->DMDIR) scanpkg(dir[i].name, d + "/" + dir[i].name, files); } } scanpkg(pkg : string, d : string, files: list of string) { # base package, updates and update packages have the name # <timestamp> or <timestamp.gz> (dir, n) := readdir->init(d, Readdir->NAME|Readdir->COMPACT); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { f := dir[i].name; l := len f; if (l >= 4 && f[l-3:l] == ".gz") f = f[0:l-3]; scanfile(f, pkg, d+"/"+dir[i].name, files); } w := wrap->openwrap(pkg, "/", 0); if(w == nil) return; for(i = 0; i <; i++) scanw(w, i, files, WRAP, pkg); } scanfile(f: string, pkg: string, d: string, files: list of string) { f = nil; # sys->print("%s %s %s\n", f, pkg, d); w := wrap->openwraphdr(d, "/", nil, 0); if(w == nil) return; if( != 1) fatal("strange package: more than one piece"); # sys->print(" %s %d %s %d %d %d\n",, w.tfull, w.u[0].desc, w.u[0].time, w.u[0].utime, w.u[0].typ); scanw(w, 0, files, INSTALL, pkg); } scanw(w: ref Wrap->Wrapped, i: int, files: list of string, where: int, pkg: string) { w.u[i] 0, Bufio->SEEKSTART); while ((p := w.u[i].bmd5.gets('\n')) != nil){ # sys->print("%s", p); (n, l) := sys->tokenize(p, " \n"); if(n != 2) fatal(sys->sprint("bad md5 file in %s\n", wtype(where)+"/""/"+wrap->now2string(w.u[i].time, 0))); file := hd l; md5 := hd tl l; for(fs := files; fs != nil; fs = tl fs){ if(strsuffix(file, hd fs)){ # sys->print("%s %s %s %d\n", pkg, file, md5, where); addfile(file, w, i, md5, where, pkg); } } } } Stat: adt{ name: string; occs: list of (ref Wrap->Wrapped, int, string, int, string); md5: string; }; stats: list of ref Stat; addfile(file: string, w: ref Wrap->Wrapped, i: int, md5: string, where: int, pkg: string) { for(sts := stats; sts != nil; sts = tl sts){ st := hd sts; if( == file){ st.occs = (w, i, md5, where, pkg) :: st.occs; return; } } digest := array[keyring->MD5dlen] of { * => byte 0 }; if (wrap->md5file(file, digest) < 0) str := "non-existent"+blanks(32-12); else str = wrap->md5conv(digest); st := ref Stat; = file; st.occs = (w, i, md5, where, pkg) :: nil; st.md5 = str; stats = st :: stats; } prfiles() { for(sts := stats; sts != nil; sts = tl sts){ st := hd sts; sys->print("%s\n",; proccs(st.occs); sys->print("\t%s %s\n", st.md5,; } } proccs(ocs: list of (ref Wrap->Wrapped, int, string, int, string)) { if(ocs != nil){ proccs(tl ocs); (w, i, md5, where, pkg) := hd ocs; sys->print("\t%s %s/%s(%s)\t%s\n", md5,, wrap->now2string(w.u[i].time, 0), ptype(w.u[i].typ), wtype(where)+"/"+pkg); } } ptype(p: int): string { return (array[] of { "???", "package ", "update ", "full upd" })[p]; } INSTALL: con 0; WRAP: con 1; wtype(w: int): string { return (array[] of { "/install", "/wrap" })[w]; } strsuffix(s: string, suf: string): int { return (l1 := len s) >= (l2 := len suf) && s[l1-l2: l1] == suf; } blanks(n: int): string { s := ""; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) s += " "; return s; }