ref: 4bc20df7142ce5e02c7fb49a33eefdc7715ff726
dir: /os/rpcg/archrpcg.h/
/* * values for RPXLite AW */ enum { /* CS assignment */ BOOTCS = 0, DRAM1CS = 1, DRAM2CS = 2, BCSRCS = 3, NVRAMCS = 4, /* expansion header on CS5 */ PCMCIA0CS= 6, /* even bytes(!); CS6 to header if OP2 high */ PCMCIA1CS= 7, /* odd bytes(!); CS7 to header if OP2 high */ }; /* * BCSR bits (there's only one register) */ enum { EnableEnet = IBIT(0), EnableXcrLB= IBIT(1), DisableColTest= IBIT(2), DisableFullDplx=IBIT(3), LedOff= IBIT(4), DisableUSB= IBIT(5), HighSpdUSB= IBIT(6), EnableUSBPwr= IBIT(7), /* 8,9,10 unused */ VCCMask= IBIT(12)|IBIT(13), VPPMask= IBIT(14)|IBIT(15), VCC0V= 0, VCC5V= IBIT(13), VCC3V= IBIT(12), VPP0V= 0, VPPVCC= IBIT(14), VPP12V= IBIT(15), VPPHiZ= IBIT(14)|IBIT(15), /* 16-23 NYI */ DipSwitchMask= IBIT(24)|IBIT(25)|IBIT(26)|IBIT(27), DipSwitch0= IBIT(24), DipSwitch1= IBIT(25), DipSwitch2= IBIT(26), DipSwitch3= IBIT(27), /* bit 28 RESERVED */ FlashComplete= IBIT(29), NVRAMBattGood= IBIT(30), RTCBattGood= IBIT(31), };