ref: 4bc20df7142ce5e02c7fb49a33eefdc7715ff726
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/lex.b/
# # Lexical analyzer. # lexdebug : con 0; # # Import tokens from parser. # Land, Lat, Lbackq, Lcaret, Lcase, Lcolon, Lcolonmatch, Lcons, Ldefeq, Lelse, Leof, Leq, Leqeq, Lerror, Lfn, Lfor, Lgreat, Lgreatgreat, Lhd, Lif, Lin, Llen, Lless, Llessgreat, Lmatch, Lmatched, Lnot, Lnoteq, Loffcurly, Loffparen, Loncurly, Lonparen, Lpipe, Lquote, Lrescue, Lsemi, Ltl, Lwhile, Lword : import Mashparse; KWSIZE: con 31; # keyword hashtable size NCTYPE: con 128; # character class array size ALPHA, NUMERIC, ONE, WS, META : con 1 << iota; keywords := array[] of { ("case", Lcase), ("else", Lelse), ("fn", Lfn), ("for", Lfor), ("hd", Lhd), ("if", Lif), ("in", Lin), ("len", Llen), ("rescue", Lrescue), ("tl", Ltl), ("while", Lwhile) }; ctype := array[NCTYPE] of { 0 or ' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\r' or '\v' => WS, ':' or '#' or ';' or '&' or '|' or '^' or '$' or '=' or '@' or '~' or '`'or '{' or '}' or '(' or ')' or '<' or '>' => ONE, 'a' to 'z' or 'A' to 'Z' or '_' => ALPHA, '0' to '9' => NUMERIC, '*' or '[' or ']' or '?' => META, * => 0 }; keytab: ref HashTable; # # Initialize hashtable. # initlex() { keytab = hash->new(KWSIZE); for (i := 0; i < len keywords; i++) { (s, v) := keywords[i]; keytab.insert(s, HashVal(v, 0.0, nil)); } } # # Keyword value, or -1. # keyval(i: ref Item): int { if (i.op != Iword) return -1; w := i.word; if (w.flags & Wquoted) return -1; v := keytab.find(w.text); if (v == nil) return -1; return v.i; } # # Attach a source file to an environment. # Env.fopen(e: self ref Env, fd: ref Sys->FD, s: string) { in := bufio->fopen(fd, Bufio->OREAD); if (in == nil) e.error(sys->sprint("could not fopen %s: %r\n", s)); e.file = ref File(in, s, 1, 0); } # # Attach a source string to an environment. # Env.sopen(e: self ref Env, s: string) { in := bufio->sopen(s); if (in == nil) e.error(sys->sprint("Bufio->sopen failed: %r\n")); e.file = ref File(in, "<string>", 1, 0); } # # Close source file. # fclose(e: ref Env, c: int) { if (c == Bufio->ERROR) readerror(e, e.file);; e.file = nil; } # # Character class routines. # isalpha(c: int): int { return c >= NCTYPE || (c >= 0 && (ctype[c] & ALPHA) != 0); } isalnum(c: int): int { return c >= NCTYPE || (c >= 0 && (ctype[c] & (ALPHA | NUMERIC)) != 0); } isdigit(c: int): int { return c >= 0 && c < NCTYPE && (ctype[c] & NUMERIC) != 0; } isquote(c: int): int { return c < NCTYPE && (c < 0 || (ctype[c] & (ONE | WS | META)) != 0); } isspace(c: int): int { return c >= 0 && c < NCTYPE && (ctype[c] & WS) != 0; } isterm(c: int): int { return c < NCTYPE && (c < 0 || (ctype[c] & (ONE | WS)) != 0); } # # Test for an identifier. # ident(s: string): int { if (s == nil || !isalpha(s[0])) return 0; n := len s; for (x := 1; x < n; x++) { if (!isalnum(s[x])) return 0; } return 1; } # # Quote text. # enquote(s: string): string { r := "'"; j := 1; n := len s; for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { c := s[i]; if (c == '\'' || c == '\\') r[j++] = '\\'; r[j++] = c; } r[j] = '\''; return r; } # # Quote text if needed. # quote(s: string): string { n := len s; for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { if (isquote(s[i])) return enquote(s); } return s; } # # Test for single word and identifier. # Item.sword(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): ref Item { if (i.op == Iword && ident(i.word.text)) return i;"malformed identifier: " + i.text()); return nil; } readerror(e: ref Env, f: ref File) { sys->fprint(e.stderr, "error reading %s: %r\n",; } where(e: ref Env): string { if ((e.flags & EInter) || e.file == nil) return nil; return + ":" + string e.file.line + ": "; } # # Suck input (on error). # Env.suck(e: self ref Env) { if (e.file == nil) return; in :=; while ((c := in.getc()) >= 0 && c != '\n') ; } # # Lexical analyzer. # Env.lex(e: self ref Env, yylval: ref Mashparse->YYSTYPE): int { i, r: ref Item; reader: for (;;) { if (e.file == nil) return -1; f := e.file; in :=; while (isspace(c := in.getc())) { if (c == '\n') f.line++; } if (c < 0) { fclose(e, c); return Leof; } case c { ':' => if ((d := in.getc()) == ':') return Lcons; if (d == '=') return Ldefeq; if (d == '~') return Lcolonmatch; if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); return Lcolon; '#' => for (;;) { if ((c = in.getc()) < 0) { fclose(e, c); return Leof; } if (c == '\n') { f.line++; continue reader; } } ';' => return Lsemi; '&' => return Land; '|' => return Lpipe; '^' => return Lcaret; '@' => return Lat; '!' => if ((d := in.getc()) == '=') return Lnoteq; if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); return Lnot; '~' => return Lmatch; '=' => if ((d := in.getc()) == '>') return Lmatched; if (d == '=') return Leqeq; if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); return Leq; '`' => return Lbackq; '"' => return Lquote; '{' => return Loncurly; '}' => return Loffcurly; '(' => return Lonparen; ')' => return Loffparen; '<' => if ((d := in.getc()) == '>') return Llessgreat; if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); return Lless; '>' => if ((d := in.getc()) == '>') return Lgreatgreat; if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); return Lgreat; '\\' => if ((d := in.getc()) == '\n') { f.line++; continue reader; } if (d >= 0) in.ungetc(); } # Loop over "carets for free". for (;;) { if (c == '$') (i, c) = getdollar(f); else (i, c) = getword(e, f, c); if (i == nil) return Lerror; if (isterm(c) && c != '$') break; if (r != nil) r = ref Item(Iicaret, nil, r, i, nil, nil); else r = i; } if (c >= 0) in.ungetc(); if (r != nil) yylval.item = ref Item(Iicaret, nil, r, i, nil, nil); else if ((c = keyval(i)) >= 0) return c; else yylval.item = i; return Lword; } } # # Get $n or $word. # getdollar(f: ref File): (ref Item, int) { s: string; in :=; l := f.line; o := Idollar; if (isdigit(c := in.getc())) { s[0] = c; n := 1; while (isdigit(c = in.getc())) s[n++] = c; o = Imatch; } else { if (c == '"') { o = Idollarq; c = in.getc(); } if (isalpha(c)) { s[0] = c; n := 1; while (isalnum(c = in.getc())) s[n++] = c; } else { if (o == Idollar) s = "$"; else s = "$\""; o = Iword; } } return (ref Item(o, ref Word(s, 0, Src(l,, nil, nil, nil, nil), c); } # # Get word with quoting. # getword(e: ref Env, f: ref File, c: int): (ref Item, int) { s: string; in :=; l := f.line; wf := 0; n := 0; if (c == '\'') { wf = Wquoted; collect: while ((c = in.getc()) >= 0) { case c { '\'' => c = in.getc(); break collect; '\\' => c = in.getc(); if (c != '\'' && c != '\\') { if (c == '\n') continue collect; if (c >= 0) in.ungetc(); c = '\\'; } '\n' => f.line++;"newline in quoted word"); return (nil, 0); } s[n++] = c; } } else { do { case c { '*' or '[' or '?' => wf |= Wexpand; } s[n++] = c; } while (!isterm(c = in.getc()) && c != '\''); } if (lexdebug && s == "exit") exit; return (ref Item(Iword, ref Word(s, wf, Src(l,, nil, nil, nil, nil), c); } # # Get a line, mapping escape newline to space newline. # getline(in: ref Bufio->Iobuf): string { if (inchan != nil) { alt { b := <-inchan => if (inchan == nil) return nil; s := string b; n := len s; if (n > 1) { while (s[n - 2] == '\\' && s[n - 1] == '\n') { s[n - 2] = ' '; s[n - 1] = ' '; prprompt(1); b = <-inchan; if (b == nil) break; s += string b; n = len s; } } return s; b := <-servechan => s := string b; sys->print("%s", s); return s; } } else { s := in.gets('\n'); if (s == nil) return nil; n := len s; if (n > 1) { while (s[n - 2] == '\\' && s[n - 1] == '\n') { s[n - 2] = ' '; s[n - 1] = ' '; prprompt(1); t := in.gets('\n'); if (t == nil) break; s += t; n = len s; } } return s; } } # # Interactive shell loop. # Env.interactive(e: self ref Env, fd: ref Sys->FD) { in := bufio->fopen(fd, Sys->OREAD); if (in == nil) e.error(sys->sprint("could not fopen stdin: %r\n")); e.flags |= EInter; for (;;) { prprompt(0); if (startserve) e.serve(); if ((s := getline(in)) == nil) exitmash(); e.sopen(s); parse->parse(e); if (histchan != nil) histchan <-= array of byte s; } }