ref: 42dfac6916ebbdac65cbec8b3e1a80c3ee41423c
dir: /man/1/yacc/
.TH YACC 1 .SH NAME yacc \- yet another compiler-compiler (Limbo version) .SH SYNOPSIS .B yacc [ .I option ... ] .I grammar .SH DESCRIPTION .I Yacc converts a context-free grammar and translation code into a set of tables for an LR(1) parser and translator. The grammar may be ambiguous; specified precedence rules are used to break ambiguities. .PP The output from .I yacc is a Limbo module .B containing the parse function .B yyparse which must be provided with a .B YYLEX adt providing the parser access to a lexical analyser routine .BR lex() , an error routine .BR error() , and any other context required. .PP The options are .TP "\w'\fL-o \fIoutput\fLXX'u" .BI -o " output Direct output to the specified file instead of .BR . .TP .BI -D n Create file .BR y.debug , containing diagnostic messages. To incorporate them in the parser, give an .I n greater than zero. The amount of diagnostic output from the parser is regulated by value .IR n : .RS .TP 1 Report errors. .TP 2 Also report reductions. .TP 3 Also report the name of each token returned by .LR yylex . .RE .TP .B -v Create file .BR y.output , containing a description of the parsing tables and of conflicts arising from ambiguities in the grammar. .TP .B -d Create file .BR , containing the module declaration for the parser, along with definitions of the constants that associate .IR yacc -assigned `token codes' with user-declared `token names'. Include it in source files other than .B to give access to the token codes and the parser module. .TP .BI -s " stem Change the prefix .L y of the file names .BR , .BR , .BR y.debug , and .B y.output to .IR stem . .TP .B -m Normally .I yacc defines the type of the .B module within the text of the module according to the contents of the .B %module directive. Giving the .B -m option suppresses this behaviour, leaving the implementation free to define the module's type from an external .B .m file. The module's type name is still taken from the .B %module directive. .TP .BI -n " size Specify the initial .I size of the token stack created for the parser (default: 200). .SS Differences from C yacc The Limbo .I yacc is in many respects identical to the C .IR yacc . The differences are summarised below: .PP Comments follow the Limbo convention (a .B # symbol gives a comment until the end of the line). .PP A .B %module directive is required, which replaces the .B %union directive. It is of the form: .RS .IP .B %module .I modname .B { .br .I module types, functions and constants .br .B } .RE .B Modname will be the module's implementation type; the body of the directive, augmented with .B con definitions for the .IR yacc -assigned token codes, gives the type of the module, unless the .B -m option is given, in which case no module definition is emitted. .PP A type .B YYSTYPE must be defined, giving the type associated with .I yacc tokens. If the angle bracket construction is used after any of the .BR %token , .BR %left , .BR %right , .BR %nonassoc or .B %type directives in order to associate a type with a token or production, the word inside the angle brackets refers to a member of an instance of .BR YYSTYPE , which should be an adt. .PP An adt .B YYLEX must be defined, providing context to the parser. The definition must consist of at least the following: .EX YYLEX: adt { lval: YYSTYPE; lex: fn(l: self ref YYLEX): int; error: fn(l: self ref YYLEX, msg: string); } .EE .B Lex should invoke a lexical analyser to return the next token for .I yacc to analyse. The value of the token should be left in .BR lval . .B Error will be called when a parse error occurs. .B Msg is a string describing the error. .PP .B Yyparse takes one argument, a reference to the .B YYLEX adt that will be used to provide it with tokens. .PP The parser is fully re-entrant; .I i.e. it does not hold any parse state in any global variables within the module. .SH EXAMPLE The following is a small but complete example of the use of Limbo .I yacc to build a simple calculator. .EX %{ include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "draw.m"; YYSTYPE: adt { v: real; }; YYLEX: adt { lval: YYSTYPE; lex: fn(l: self ref YYLEX): int; error: fn(l: self ref YYLEX, msg: string); }; %} %module Calc{ init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); } %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %type <v> exp uexp term %token <v> REAL %% top : | top '\en' | top exp '\en' { sys->print("%g\en", $2); } | top error '\en' ; exp : uexp | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; } | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } ; uexp : term | '+' uexp { $$ = $2; } | '-' uexp { $$ = -$2; } ; term : REAL | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; %% in: ref Iobuf; stderr: ref Sys->FD; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; in = bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(0), Bufio->OREAD); stderr = sys->fildes(2); lex := ref YYLEX; yyparse(lex); } YYLEX.error(nil: self ref YYLEX, err: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\en", err); } YYLEX.lex(lex: self ref YYLEX): int { for(;;){ c := in.getc(); case c{ ' ' or '\et' => ; '-' or '+' or '*' or '/' or '\en' or '(' or ')' => return c; '0' to '9' or '.' => s := ""; i := 0; s[i++] = c; while((c = in.getc()) >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') s[i++] = c; in.ungetc(); lex.lval.v = real s; return REAL; * => return -1; } } } .EE .SH FILES .TF /lib/yaccpar .TP .B y.output .TP .B .TP .B .TP .B y.debug .TP .B /lib/yaccpar parser prototype .SH SOURCE .B /appl/cmd/yacc.b .SH "SEE ALSO" S. C. Johnson and R. Sethi, ``Yacc: A parser generator'', .I Unix Research System Programmer's Manual, Tenth Edition, Volume 2 .br B. W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, .I The UNIX Programming Environment, Prentice Hall, 1984 .SH BUGS The parser may not have full information when it writes to .B y.debug so that the names of the tokens returned by .L yylex may be missing.