ref: 3efb5bbb4061056e523858b134c555949591efe2
dir: /os/pc/vga.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #define Image IMAGE #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <cursor.h> #include "screen.h" static Memimage* back; static Memimage *conscol; static Point curpos; static Rectangle window; static int *xp; static int xbuf[256]; static Lock vgascreenlock; int drawdebug; void vgaimageinit(ulong chan) { if(back == nil){ back = allocmemimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), chan); /* RSC BUG */ if(back == nil) panic("back alloc"); /* RSC BUG */ back->flags |= Frepl; back->clipr = Rect(-0x3FFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF); memfillcolor(back, DBlack); } if(conscol == nil){ conscol = allocmemimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), chan); /* RSC BUG */ if(conscol == nil) panic("conscol alloc"); /* RSC BUG */ conscol->flags |= Frepl; conscol->clipr = Rect(-0x3FFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF); memfillcolor(conscol, DWhite); } } static void vgascroll(VGAscr* scr) { int h, o; Point p; Rectangle r; h = scr->memdefont->height; o = 8*h; r = Rpt(window.min, Pt(window.max.x, window.max.y-o)); p = Pt(window.min.x, window.min.y+o); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, scr->gscreen, p, nil, p, S); r = Rpt(Pt(window.min.x, window.max.y-o), window.max); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, back, ZP, nil, ZP, S); curpos.y -= o; } static void vgascreenputc(VGAscr* scr, char* buf, Rectangle *flushr) { Point p; int h, w, pos; Rectangle r; // drawdebug = 1; if(xp < xbuf || xp >= &xbuf[sizeof(xbuf)]) xp = xbuf; h = scr->memdefont->height; switch(buf[0]){ case '\n': if(curpos.y+h >= window.max.y){ vgascroll(scr); *flushr = window; } curpos.y += h; vgascreenputc(scr, "\r", flushr); break; case '\r': xp = xbuf; curpos.x = window.min.x; break; case '\t': p = memsubfontwidth(scr->memdefont, " "); w = p.x; if(curpos.x >= window.max.x-4*w) vgascreenputc(scr, "\n", flushr); pos = (curpos.x-window.min.x)/w; pos = 4-(pos%4); *xp++ = curpos.x; r = Rect(curpos.x, curpos.y, curpos.x+pos*w, curpos.y + h); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, back, back->r.min, nil, back->r.min, S); curpos.x += pos*w; break; case '\b': if(xp <= xbuf) break; xp--; r = Rect(*xp, curpos.y, curpos.x, curpos.y+h); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, back, back->r.min, nil, ZP, S); combinerect(flushr, r); curpos.x = *xp; break; case '\0': break; default: p = memsubfontwidth(scr->memdefont, buf); w = p.x; if(curpos.x >= window.max.x-w) vgascreenputc(scr, "\n", flushr); *xp++ = curpos.x; r = Rect(curpos.x, curpos.y, curpos.x+w, curpos.y+h); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, back, back->r.min, nil, back->r.min, S); memimagestring(scr->gscreen, curpos, conscol, ZP, scr->memdefont, buf); combinerect(flushr, r); curpos.x += w; } // drawdebug = 0; } static void vgascreenputs(char* s, int n) { int i; Rune r; char buf[4]; VGAscr *scr; Rectangle flushr; scr = &vgascreen[0]; if(!islo()){ /* * Don't deadlock trying to * print in an interrupt. */ if(!canlock(&vgascreenlock)) return; } else lock(&vgascreenlock); flushr = Rect(10000, 10000, -10000, -10000); while(n > 0){ i = chartorune(&r, s); if(i == 0){ s++; --n; continue; } memmove(buf, s, i); buf[i] = 0; n -= i; s += i; vgascreenputc(scr, buf, &flushr); } flushmemscreen(flushr); unlock(&vgascreenlock); } void vgascreenwin(VGAscr* scr) { int h, w; h = scr->memdefont->height; w = scr->memdefont->info[' '].width; window = insetrect(scr->gscreen->r, 48); window.max.x = window.min.x+((window.max.x-window.min.x)/w)*w; window.max.y = window.min.y+((window.max.y-window.min.y)/h)*h; curpos = window.min; screenputs = vgascreenputs; } /* * Supposedly this is the way to turn DPMS * monitors off using just the VGA registers. * Unfortunately, it seems to mess up the video mode * on the cards I've tried. */ void vgablank(VGAscr*, int blank) { uchar seq1, crtc17; if(blank) { seq1 = 0x00; crtc17 = 0x80; } else { seq1 = 0x20; crtc17 = 0x00; } outs(Seqx, 0x0100); /* synchronous reset */ seq1 |= vgaxi(Seqx, 1) & ~0x20; vgaxo(Seqx, 1, seq1); crtc17 |= vgaxi(Crtx, 0x17) & ~0x80; delay(10); vgaxo(Crtx, 0x17, crtc17); outs(Crtx, 0x0300); /* end synchronous reset */ } void cornerstring(char *s) { int h, w; VGAscr *scr; Rectangle r; Point p; scr = &vgascreen[0]; if(scr->aperture == 0 || screenputs != vgascreenputs) return; p = memsubfontwidth(scr->memdefont, s); w = p.x; h = scr->memdefont->height; r = Rect(0, 0, w, h); memimagedraw(scr->gscreen, r, back, back->r.min, nil, back->r.min, S); memimagestring(scr->gscreen, r.min, conscol, ZP, scr->memdefont, s); // flushmemscreen(r); }