ref: 354b56d6bfdca067a6f04a39c4ce4bc9c0160861
dir: /include/freetype.h/
/* * interface to libfreetype without recourse to the real freetype headers * which would otherwise require full-blown CPP */ typedef struct FTfaceinfo FTfaceinfo; struct FTfaceinfo { int nfaces; int index; int style; int height; int ascent; char* familyname; char* stylename; }; typedef struct FTface FTface; struct FTface { void* ft_lib; void* ft_face; }; typedef struct FTglyph FTglyph; struct FTglyph { int top; int left; int advx; int advy; int height; int width; int bpr; uchar* bitmap; }; typedef struct FTmatrix FTmatrix; struct FTmatrix { int a; int b; int c; int d; }; typedef struct FTvector FTvector; struct FTvector { int dx; int dy; }; extern char* ftnewface(char *, int, FTface*, FTfaceinfo*); extern char* ftloadmemface(void*, int, int, FTface*, FTfaceinfo*); extern char* ftsetcharsize(FTface, int, int, int, FTfaceinfo*); extern void ftsettransform(FTface, FTmatrix*, FTvector*); extern int fthaschar(FTface,int); extern char* ftloadglyph(FTface, int, FTglyph*); extern void ftdoneface(FTface);