ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /os/ip/ppp.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include <libcrypt.h> #include <kernel.h> #include "ip.h" #include "ppp.h" int nocompress; Ipaddr pppdns[2]; /* * Calculate FCS - rfc 1331 */ ushort fcstab[256] = { 0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329b, 0x4624, 0x57ad, 0x6536, 0x74bf, 0x8c48, 0x9dc1, 0xaf5a, 0xbed3, 0xca6c, 0xdbe5, 0xe97e, 0xf8f7, 0x1081, 0x0108, 0x3393, 0x221a, 0x56a5, 0x472c, 0x75b7, 0x643e, 0x9cc9, 0x8d40, 0xbfdb, 0xae52, 0xdaed, 0xcb64, 0xf9ff, 0xe876, 0x2102, 0x308b, 0x0210, 0x1399, 0x6726, 0x76af, 0x4434, 0x55bd, 0xad4a, 0xbcc3, 0x8e58, 0x9fd1, 0xeb6e, 0xfae7, 0xc87c, 0xd9f5, 0x3183, 0x200a, 0x1291, 0x0318, 0x77a7, 0x662e, 0x54b5, 0x453c, 0xbdcb, 0xac42, 0x9ed9, 0x8f50, 0xfbef, 0xea66, 0xd8fd, 0xc974, 0x4204, 0x538d, 0x6116, 0x709f, 0x0420, 0x15a9, 0x2732, 0x36bb, 0xce4c, 0xdfc5, 0xed5e, 0xfcd7, 0x8868, 0x99e1, 0xab7a, 0xbaf3, 0x5285, 0x430c, 0x7197, 0x601e, 0x14a1, 0x0528, 0x37b3, 0x263a, 0xdecd, 0xcf44, 0xfddf, 0xec56, 0x98e9, 0x8960, 0xbbfb, 0xaa72, 0x6306, 0x728f, 0x4014, 0x519d, 0x2522, 0x34ab, 0x0630, 0x17b9, 0xef4e, 0xfec7, 0xcc5c, 0xddd5, 0xa96a, 0xb8e3, 0x8a78, 0x9bf1, 0x7387, 0x620e, 0x5095, 0x411c, 0x35a3, 0x242a, 0x16b1, 0x0738, 0xffcf, 0xee46, 0xdcdd, 0xcd54, 0xb9eb, 0xa862, 0x9af9, 0x8b70, 0x8408, 0x9581, 0xa71a, 0xb693, 0xc22c, 0xd3a5, 0xe13e, 0xf0b7, 0x0840, 0x19c9, 0x2b52, 0x3adb, 0x4e64, 0x5fed, 0x6d76, 0x7cff, 0x9489, 0x8500, 0xb79b, 0xa612, 0xd2ad, 0xc324, 0xf1bf, 0xe036, 0x18c1, 0x0948, 0x3bd3, 0x2a5a, 0x5ee5, 0x4f6c, 0x7df7, 0x6c7e, 0xa50a, 0xb483, 0x8618, 0x9791, 0xe32e, 0xf2a7, 0xc03c, 0xd1b5, 0x2942, 0x38cb, 0x0a50, 0x1bd9, 0x6f66, 0x7eef, 0x4c74, 0x5dfd, 0xb58b, 0xa402, 0x9699, 0x8710, 0xf3af, 0xe226, 0xd0bd, 0xc134, 0x39c3, 0x284a, 0x1ad1, 0x0b58, 0x7fe7, 0x6e6e, 0x5cf5, 0x4d7c, 0xc60c, 0xd785, 0xe51e, 0xf497, 0x8028, 0x91a1, 0xa33a, 0xb2b3, 0x4a44, 0x5bcd, 0x6956, 0x78df, 0x0c60, 0x1de9, 0x2f72, 0x3efb, 0xd68d, 0xc704, 0xf59f, 0xe416, 0x90a9, 0x8120, 0xb3bb, 0xa232, 0x5ac5, 0x4b4c, 0x79d7, 0x685e, 0x1ce1, 0x0d68, 0x3ff3, 0x2e7a, 0xe70e, 0xf687, 0xc41c, 0xd595, 0xa12a, 0xb0a3, 0x8238, 0x93b1, 0x6b46, 0x7acf, 0x4854, 0x59dd, 0x2d62, 0x3ceb, 0x0e70, 0x1ff9, 0xf78f, 0xe606, 0xd49d, 0xc514, 0xb1ab, 0xa022, 0x92b9, 0x8330, 0x7bc7, 0x6a4e, 0x58d5, 0x495c, 0x3de3, 0x2c6a, 0x1ef1, 0x0f78 }; static char *snames[] = { "Sclosed", "Sclosing", "Sreqsent", "Sackrcvd", "Sacksent", "Sopened", }; static void init(PPP*); static void setphase(PPP*, int); static void pinit(PPP*, Pstate*); static void ppptimer(void*); static void ptimer(PPP*, Pstate*); static int getframe(PPP*, Block**); static Block* putframe(PPP*, int, Block*); static uchar* escapebyte(PPP*, ulong, uchar*, ushort*); static void config(PPP*, Pstate*, int); static int getopts(PPP*, Pstate*, Block*); static void rejopts(PPP*, Pstate*, Block*, int); static void newstate(PPP*, Pstate*, int); static void rcv(PPP*, Pstate*, Block*); static void getchap(PPP*, Block*); static void getpap(PPP*, Block*); static void sendpap(PPP*); static void getlqm(PPP*, Block*); static void putlqm(PPP*); static void hangup(PPP*); static void remove(PPP*); static int validv4(Ipaddr); static void invalidate(Ipaddr); static void ipconnect(PPP *); static void setdefroute(PPP *, Ipaddr); static void printopts(PPP *, Pstate*, Block*, int); static void sendtermreq(PPP*, Pstate*); static void errlog(PPP *ppp, char *err) { int n; char msg[64]; n = snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s\n", err); qproduce(ppp->ifc->conv->eq, msg, n); } static void init(PPP* ppp) { if(ppp->inbuf == nil){ ppp->inbuf = allocb(4096); ppp->outbuf = allocb(4096); ppp->lcp = malloc(sizeof(Pstate)); ppp->ipcp = malloc(sizeof(Pstate)); if(ppp->lcp == nil || ppp->ipcp == nil) error("ppp init: malloc"); ppp->lcp->proto = Plcp; ppp->lcp->state = Sclosed; ppp->ipcp->proto = Pipcp; ppp->ipcp->state = Sclosed; kproc("ppptimer", ppptimer, ppp, KPDUPPG|KPDUPFDG); } pinit(ppp, ppp->lcp); setphase(ppp, Plink); } static void setphase(PPP *ppp, int phase) { int oldphase; oldphase = ppp->phase; ppp->phase = phase; switch(phase){ default: panic("ppp: unknown phase %d", phase); case Pdead: /* restart or exit? */ pinit(ppp, ppp->lcp); setphase(ppp, Plink); break; case Plink: /* link down */ switch(oldphase) { case Pnet: newstate(ppp, ppp->ipcp, Sclosed); } break; case Pauth: if(ppp->usepap) sendpap(ppp); else if(!ppp->usechap) setphase(ppp, Pnet); break; case Pnet: pinit(ppp, ppp->ipcp); break; case Pterm: /* what? */ break; } } static void pinit(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p) { p->timeout = 0; switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: ppp->magic = TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks); ppp->xctlmap = 0xffffffff; ppp->period = 0; p->optmask = 0xffffffff; ppp->rctlmap = 0; ppp->ipcp->state = Sclosed; ppp->ipcp->optmask = 0xffffffff; /* quality goo */ ppp->timeout = 0; memset(&ppp->in, 0, sizeof(ppp->in)); memset(&ppp->out, 0, sizeof(ppp->out)); memset(&ppp->pin, 0, sizeof(ppp->pin)); memset(&ppp->pout, 0, sizeof(ppp->pout)); memset(&ppp->sin, 0, sizeof(ppp->sin)); break; case Pipcp: if(ppp->localfrozen == 0) invalidate(ppp->local); if(ppp->remotefrozen == 0) invalidate(ppp->remote); p->optmask = 0xffffffff; ppp->ctcp = compress_init(ppp->ctcp); ppp->usedns = 3; invalidate(ppp->dns1); invalidate(ppp->dns2); break; } p->confid = p->rcvdconfid = -1; config(ppp, p, 1); newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); } /* * change protocol to a new state. */ static void newstate(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, int state) { netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "%ux %ux %s->%s ctlmap %lux/%lux flags %ux mtu %d mru %d\n", ppp, p->proto, snames[p->state], snames[state], ppp->rctlmap, ppp->xctlmap, p->flags, ppp->mtu, ppp->mru); if(p->proto == Plcp) { if(state == Sopened) setphase(ppp, Pauth); else if(state == Sclosed) setphase(ppp, Pdead); else if(p->state == Sopened) setphase(ppp, Plink); } if(p->proto == Pipcp && state == Sopened && validv4(ppp->local) && validv4(ppp->remote)){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "pppnewstate: local %I remote %I\n", ppp->local, ppp->remote); ipmove(pppdns[0], ppp->dns1); ipmove(pppdns[1], ppp->dns2); ipconnect(ppp); /* if this is the only network, set up a default route */ // if(ppp->ifc->link==nil) /* how??? */ setdefroute(ppp, ppp->remote); errlog(ppp, Enoerror); } p->state = state; } static void remove(PPP *ppp) { free(ppp->ipcp); ppp->ipcp = 0; free(ppp->ctcp); ppp->ctcp = 0; free(ppp->lcp); ppp->lcp = 0; if (ppp->inbuf) { freeb(ppp->inbuf); ppp->inbuf = nil; } if (ppp->outbuf) { freeb(ppp->outbuf); ppp->outbuf = nil; } free(ppp); } void pppclose(PPP *ppp) { hangup(ppp); remove(ppp); } static void dumpblock(Block *b) { char x[256]; int i; for(i = 0; i < (sizeof(x)-1)/3 && b->rp+i < b->wp; i++) sprint(&x[3*i], "%2.2ux ", b->rp[i]); print("%s\n", x); } /* returns (protocol, information) */ static int getframe(PPP *ppp, Block **info) { uchar *p, *from, *to; int n, len, proto; ulong c; ushort fcs; Block *buf, *b; buf = ppp->inbuf; for(;;){ /* read till we hit a frame byte or run out of room */ for(p = buf->rp; buf->wp < buf->lim;){ for(; p < buf->wp; p++) if(*p == HDLC_frame) goto break2; len = buf->lim - buf->wp; n = 0; if(ppp->dchan != nil) n = kchanio(ppp->dchan, buf->wp, len, OREAD); netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp kchanio %d bytes\n", n); if(n <= 0){ buf->wp = buf->rp; // if(n < 0) // print("ppp kchanio(%s) returned %d: %r", // ppp->dchan->path->elem, n); *info = nil; return 0; } buf->wp += n; } break2: /* copy into block, undoing escapes, and caculating fcs */ fcs = PPP_initfcs; b = allocb(p - buf->rp); to = b->wp; for(from = buf->rp; from != p;){ c = *from++; if(c == HDLC_esc){ if(from == p) break; c = *from++ ^ 0x20; } else if((c < 0x20) && (ppp->rctlmap & (1 << c))) continue; *to++ = c; fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ fcstab[(fcs ^ c) & 0xff]; } /* copy down what's left in buffer */ p++; memmove(buf->rp, p, buf->wp - p); n = p - buf->rp; buf->wp -= n; b->wp = to - 2; /* return to caller if checksum matches */ if(fcs == PPP_goodfcs){ if(b->rp[0] == PPP_addr && b->rp[1] == PPP_ctl) b->rp += 2; proto = *b->rp++; if((proto & 0x1) == 0) proto = (proto<<8) | *b->rp++; if(b->rp < b->wp){ ppp->in.bytes += n; ppp->in.packets++; *info = b; return proto; } } else if(BLEN(b) > 0){ ppp->ifc->inerr++; ppp->in.discards++; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "len %d/%d cksum %ux (%ux %ux %ux %ux)\n", BLEN(b), BLEN(buf), fcs, b->rp[0], b->rp[1], b->rp[2], b->rp[3]); } freeblist(b); } *info = nil; return 0; } /* send a PPP frame */ static Block * putframe(PPP *ppp, int proto, Block *b) { Block *buf; uchar *to, *from; ushort fcs; ulong ctlmap; int c; Block *bp; if(ppp->dchan == nil){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "putframe: dchan down\n"); errlog(ppp, Ehungup); return b; } netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "putframe %ux %d %d (%d bytes)\n", proto, b->rp[0], b->rp[1], BLEN(b)); ppp->out.packets++; if(proto == Plcp) ctlmap = 0xffffffff; else ctlmap = ppp->xctlmap; /* make sure we have head room */ if(b->rp - b->base < 4){ b = padblock(b, 4); b->rp += 4; } /* add in the protocol and address, we'd better have left room */ from = b->rp; *--from = proto; if(!(ppp->lcp->flags&Fpc) || proto > 0x100 || proto == Plcp) *--from = proto>>8; if(!(ppp->lcp->flags&Fac) || proto == Plcp){ *--from = PPP_ctl; *--from = PPP_addr; } qlock(&ppp->outlock); buf = ppp->outbuf; /* escape and checksum the body */ fcs = PPP_initfcs; to = buf->rp; *to++ = HDLC_frame; for(bp = b; bp; bp = bp->next){ if(bp != b) from = bp->rp; for(; from < bp->wp; from++){ c = *from; if(c == HDLC_frame || c == HDLC_esc || (c < 0x20 && ((1<<c) & ctlmap))){ *to++ = HDLC_esc; *to++ = c ^ 0x20; } else *to++ = c; fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ fcstab[(fcs ^ c) & 0xff]; } } /* add on and escape the checksum */ fcs = ~fcs; c = fcs; if(c == HDLC_frame || c == HDLC_esc || (c < 0x20 && ((1<<c) & ctlmap))){ *to++ = HDLC_esc; *to++ = c ^ 0x20; } else *to++ = c; c = fcs>>8; if(c == HDLC_frame || c == HDLC_esc || (c < 0x20 && ((1<<c) & ctlmap))){ *to++ = HDLC_esc; *to++ = c ^ 0x20; } else *to++ = c; /* add frame marker and send */ *to++ = HDLC_frame; buf->wp = to; if(ppp->dchan == nil){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "putframe: dchan down\n"); errlog(ppp, Ehungup); }else{ kchanio(ppp->dchan, buf->rp, BLEN(buf), OWRITE); ppp->out.bytes += BLEN(buf); } qunlock(&ppp->outlock); return b; } #define IPB2LCP(b) ((Lcpmsg*)((b)->wp-4)) static Block* alloclcp(int code, int id, int len) { Block *b; Lcpmsg *m; /* * leave room for header */ b = allocb(len); m = (Lcpmsg*)b->wp; m->code = code; m->id = id; b->wp += 4; return b; } static void putao(Block *b, int type, int aproto, int alg) { *b->wp++ = type; *b->wp++ = 5; hnputs(b->wp, aproto); b->wp += 2; *b->wp++ = alg; } static void putlo(Block *b, int type, ulong val) { *b->wp++ = type; *b->wp++ = 6; hnputl(b->wp, val); b->wp += 4; } static void putv4o(Block *b, int type, Ipaddr val) { *b->wp++ = type; *b->wp++ = 6; if(v6tov4(b->wp, val) < 0){ /*panic("putv4o")*/; } b->wp += 4; } static void putso(Block *b, int type, ulong val) { *b->wp++ = type; *b->wp++ = 4; hnputs(b->wp, val); b->wp += 2; } static void puto(Block *b, int type) { *b->wp++ = type; *b->wp++ = 2; } /* * send configuration request */ static void config(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, int newid) { Block *b; Lcpmsg *m; int id; if(newid){ id = ++(p->id); p->confid = id; p->timeout = Timeout; } else id = p->confid; b = alloclcp(Lconfreq, id, 256); m = IPB2LCP(b); USED(m); switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: if(p->optmask & Fmagic) putlo(b, Omagic, ppp->magic); if(p->optmask & Fmtu) putso(b, Omtu, ppp->mru); if(p->optmask & Fac) puto(b, Oac); if(p->optmask & Fpc) puto(b, Opc); if(p->optmask & Fctlmap) putlo(b, Octlmap, 0); /* we don't want anything escaped */ break; case Pipcp: if((p->optmask & Fipaddr) /*&& validv4(ppp->local)*/) putv4o(b, Oipaddr, ppp->local); if(!nocompress && (p->optmask & Fipcompress)){ *b->wp++ = Oipcompress; *b->wp++ = 6; hnputs(b->wp, Pvjctcp); b->wp += 2; *b->wp++ = MAX_STATES-1; *b->wp++ = 1; } if(ppp->usedns & 1) putlo(b, Oipdns, 0); if(ppp->usedns & 2) putlo(b, Oipdns2, 0); break; } hnputs(m->len, BLEN(b)); b = putframe(ppp, p->proto, b); freeblist(b); } /* * parse configuration request, sends an ack or reject packet * * returns: -1 if request was syntacticly incorrect * 0 if packet was accepted * 1 if packet was rejected */ static int getopts(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, Block *b) { Lcpmsg *m, *repm; Lcpopt *o; uchar *cp; ulong rejecting, nacking, flags, proto; ulong mtu, ctlmap, period; ulong x; Block *repb; Ipaddr ipaddr; rejecting = 0; nacking = 0; flags = 0; /* defaults */ invalidate(ipaddr); mtu = ppp->mtu; ctlmap = 0xffffffff; period = 0; m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; repb = alloclcp(Lconfack, m->id, BLEN(b)); repm = IPB2LCP(repb); /* copy options into ack packet */ memmove(repm->data, m->data, b->wp - m->data); repb->wp += b->wp - m->data; /* look for options we don't recognize or like */ for(cp = m->data; cp < b->wp; cp += o->len){ o = (Lcpopt*)cp; if(cp + o->len > b->wp || o->len == 0){ freeblist(repb); netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: bad option length %ux\n", ppp->ifc->dev, o->type); return -1; } switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: switch(o->type){ case Oac: flags |= Fac; continue; case Opc: flags |= Fpc; continue; case Omtu: mtu = nhgets(o->data); if(mtu < ppp->ifc->m->mintu){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "bogus mtu %d\n", mtu); mtu = ppp->ifc->m->mintu; } continue; case Omagic: if(ppp->magic == nhgetl(o->data)) netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: possible loop\n"); continue; case Octlmap: ctlmap = nhgetl(o->data); continue; case Oquality: proto = nhgets(o->data); if(proto != Plqm) break; x = nhgetl(o->data+2)*10; period = (x+Period-1)/Period; continue; case Oauth: proto = nhgets(o->data); if(proto == Ppap && ppp->chapname[0] && ppp->secret[0]){ ppp->usepap = 1; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: select PAP\n", ppp->ifc->dev); continue; } if(proto != Pchap || o->data[2] != APmd5){ if(!nacking){ nacking = 1; repb->wp = repm->data; repm->code = Lconfnak; } putao(repb, Oauth, Pchap, APmd5); } else ppp->usechap = 1; ppp->usepap = 0; continue; } break; case Pipcp: switch(o->type){ case Oipaddr: v4tov6(ipaddr, o->data); if(!validv4(ppp->remote)) continue; if(!validv4(ipaddr) && !rejecting){ /* other side requesting an address */ if(!nacking){ nacking = 1; repb->wp = repm->data; repm->code = Lconfnak; } putv4o(repb, Oipaddr, ppp->remote); } continue; case Oipcompress: proto = nhgets(o->data); if(nocompress || proto != Pvjctcp || compress_negotiate(ppp->ctcp, o->data+2) < 0) break; flags |= Fipcompress; continue; } break; } /* come here if option is not recognized */ if(!rejecting){ rejecting = 1; repb->wp = repm->data; repm->code = Lconfrej; } netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: bad %ux option %d\n", ppp->ifc->dev, p->proto, o->type); memmove(repb->wp, o, o->len); repb->wp += o->len; } /* permanent changes only after we know that we liked the packet */ if(!rejecting && !nacking){ switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "Plcp: mtu: %d %d x:%lux/r:%lux %lux\n", mtu, ppp->mtu, ppp->xctlmap, ppp->rctlmap, ctlmap); ppp->period = period; ppp->xctlmap = ctlmap; if(mtu > Maxmtu) mtu = Maxmtu; if(mtu < Minmtu) mtu = Minmtu; ppp->mtu = mtu; break; case Pipcp: if(validv4(ipaddr) && ppp->remotefrozen == 0) ipmove(ppp->remote, ipaddr); break; } p->flags = flags; } hnputs(repm->len, BLEN(repb)); repb = putframe(ppp, p->proto, repb); freeblist(repb); return rejecting || nacking; } /* * parse configuration rejection, just stop sending anything that they * don't like (except for ipcp address nak). */ static void rejopts(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, Block *b, int code) { Lcpmsg *m; Lcpopt *o; /* just give up trying what the other side doesn't like */ m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; for(b->rp = m->data; b->rp < b->wp; b->rp += o->len){ o = (Lcpopt*)b->rp; if(b->rp + o->len > b->wp || o->len == 0){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: bad roption length %ux\n", ppp->ifc->dev, o->type); return; } if(code == Lconfrej){ if(o->type < 8*sizeof(p->optmask)) p->optmask &= ~(1<<o->type); if(o->type == Oipdns) ppp->usedns &= ~1; else if(o->type == Oipdns2) ppp->usedns &= ~2; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: %ux rejecting %d\n", ppp->ifc->dev, p->proto, o->type); continue; } switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: switch(o->type){ case Octlmap: ppp->rctlmap = nhgetl(o->data); break; default: if(o->type < 8*sizeof(p->optmask)) p->optmask &= ~(1<<o->type); break; }; case Pipcp: switch(o->type){ case Oipaddr: if(!validv4(ppp->local)) v4tov6(ppp->local, o->data); // if(o->type < 8*sizeof(p->optmask)) // p->optmask &= ~(1<<o->type); break; case Oipdns: if(!validv4(ppp->dns1)) v4tov6(ppp->dns1, o->data); ppp->usedns &= ~1; break; case Oipdns2: if(!validv4(ppp->dns2)) v4tov6(ppp->dns2, o->data); ppp->usedns &= ~2; break; default: if(o->type < 8*sizeof(p->optmask)) p->optmask &= ~(1<<o->type); break; } break; } } } /* * put a messages through the lcp or ipcp state machine. They are * very similar. */ static void rcv(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, Block *b) { ulong len; int err; Lcpmsg *m; if(BLEN(b) < 4){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: short lcp message\n", ppp->ifc->dev); freeblist(b); return; } m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; len = nhgets(m->len); if(BLEN(b) < len){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: short lcp message\n", ppp->ifc->dev); freeblist(b); return; } netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: %ux rcv %d len %d id %d/%d/%d\n", p->proto, m->code, len, m->id, p->confid, p->id); if(p->proto != Plcp && ppp->lcp->state != Sopened){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: non-lcp with lcp not open\n"); freeb(b); return; } qlock(ppp); switch(m->code){ case Lconfreq: /* flush the output queue */ if(p->state == Sopened && p->proto == Plcp) kchanio(ppp->cchan, "f", 1, OWRITE); printopts(ppp, p, b, 0); err = getopts(ppp, p, b); if(err < 0) break; if(m->id == p->rcvdconfid) break; /* don't change state for duplicates */ p->rcvdconfid = m->id; switch(p->state){ case Sackrcvd: if(err) break; newstate(ppp, p, Sopened); break; case Sclosed: case Sopened: config(ppp, p, 1); if(err == 0) newstate(ppp, p, Sacksent); else newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; break; case Sreqsent: case Sacksent: if(err == 0) newstate(ppp, p, Sacksent); else newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; } break; case Lconfack: if(p->confid != m->id){ /* ignore if it isn't the message we're sending */ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: dropping confack\n"); break; } p->confid = -1; /* ignore duplicates */ p->id++; /* avoid sending duplicates */ switch(p->state){ case Sopened: case Sackrcvd: config(ppp, p, 1); newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; case Sreqsent: newstate(ppp, p, Sackrcvd); break; case Sacksent: newstate(ppp, p, Sopened); break; } break; case Lconfrej: case Lconfnak: if(p->confid != m->id) { /* ignore if it isn't the message we're sending */ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: dropping confrej or confnak\n"); break; } p->confid = -1; /* ignore duplicates */ p->id++; /* avoid sending duplicates */ switch(p->state){ case Sopened: case Sackrcvd: config(ppp, p, 1); newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; case Sreqsent: case Sacksent: printopts(ppp, p, b, 0); rejopts(ppp, p, b, m->code); config(ppp, p, 1); break; } break; case Ltermreq: m->code = Ltermack; b = putframe(ppp, p->proto, b); switch(p->state){ case Sackrcvd: case Sacksent: newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; case Sopened: newstate(ppp, p, Sclosing); break; } break; case Ltermack: if(p->termid != m->id) /* ignore if it isn't the message we're sending */ break; if(p->proto == Plcp) ppp->ipcp->state = Sclosed; switch(p->state){ case Sclosing: newstate(ppp, p, Sclosed); break; case Sackrcvd: newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; case Sopened: config(ppp, p, 0); newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); break; } break; case Lcoderej: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: code reject %d\n", ppp->ifc->dev, m->data[0]); break; case Lprotorej: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: proto reject %lux\n", ppp->ifc->dev, nhgets(m->data)); break; case Lechoreq: m->code = Lechoack; b = putframe(ppp, p->proto, b); break; case Lechoack: case Ldiscard: /* nothing to do */ break; } qunlock(ppp); freeblist(b); } /* * timer for protocol state machine */ static void ptimer(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p) { if(p->state == Sopened || p->state == Sclosed) return; p->timeout--; switch(p->state){ case Sclosing: sendtermreq(ppp, p); break; case Sreqsent: case Sacksent: if(p->timeout <= 0){ if(p->proto && ppp->cchan != nil) kchanio(ppp->cchan, "f", 1, OWRITE); /* flush output queue */ newstate(ppp, p, Sclosed); } else { config(ppp, p, 0); } break; case Sackrcvd: if(p->timeout <= 0){ if(p->proto && ppp->cchan != nil) kchanio(ppp->cchan, "f", 1, OWRITE); /* flush output queue */ newstate(ppp, p, Sclosed); } else { config(ppp, p, 0); newstate(ppp, p, Sreqsent); } break; } } /* * timer for ppp */ static void ppptimer(void *arg) { PPP *ppp; ppp = arg; ppp->timep = up; if(waserror()){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppptimer: %I: %s\n", ppp->local, up->env->errstr); ppp->timep = 0; pexit("hangup", 1); } for(;;){ tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, nil, Period); if(ppp->pppup){ qlock(ppp); ptimer(ppp, ppp->lcp); if(ppp->lcp->state == Sopened) ptimer(ppp, ppp->ipcp); if(ppp->period && --(ppp->timeout) <= 0){ ppp->timeout = ppp->period; putlqm(ppp); } qunlock(ppp); } } } static void setdefroute(PPP *ppp, Ipaddr gate) { int fd, n; char path[128], msg[128]; snprint(path, sizeof path, "#I%d/iproute", ppp->f->dev); fd = kopen(path, ORDWR); if(fd < 0) return; n = snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "add 0 0 %I", gate); kwrite(fd, msg, n); kclose(fd); } static void ipconnect(PPP *ppp) { int fd, n; char path[128], msg[128]; snprint(path, sizeof path, "#I%d/ipifc/%d/ctl", ppp->f->dev, ppp->ifc->conv->x); fd = kopen(path, ORDWR); if(fd < 0) return; n = snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "connect %I %I", ppp->local, ppp->remote); if (kwrite(fd, msg, n) != n) print("ppp ipconnect: %s: %r\n", msg); kclose(fd); } PPP* pppopen(PPP *ppp, char *dev, Ipaddr ipaddr, Ipaddr remip, int mtu, int framing, char *chapname, char *secret) { int fd, cfd; char ctl[Maxpath]; invalidate(ppp->remote); invalidate(ppp->local); invalidate(ppp->dns1); invalidate(ppp->dns2); ppp->mtu = Defmtu; ppp->mru = mtu; ppp->framing = framing; if(remip != nil && validv4(remip)){ ipmove(ppp->remote, remip); ppp->remotefrozen = 1; } if(ipaddr != nil && validv4(ipaddr)){ ipmove(ppp->local, ipaddr); ppp->localfrozen = 1; } /* authentication goo */ ppp->secret[0] = 0; if(secret != nil) strncpy(ppp->secret, secret, sizeof(ppp->secret)); ppp->chapname[0] = 0; if(chapname != nil) strncpy(ppp->chapname, chapname, sizeof(ppp->chapname)); if(strchr(dev, '!')) fd = kdial(dev, nil, nil, nil); else fd = kopen(dev, ORDWR); if(fd < 0){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: can't open %s\n", dev); return nil; } ppp->dchan = fdtochan(up->env->fgrp, fd, ORDWR, 0, 1); kclose(fd); /* set up serial line */ /* XXX this stuff belongs in application, not driver */ sprint(ctl, "%sctl", dev); cfd = kopen(ctl, ORDWR); if(cfd >= 0){ ppp->cchan = fdtochan(up->env->fgrp, cfd, ORDWR, 0, 1); kclose(cfd); kchanio(ppp->cchan, "m1", 2, OWRITE); /* cts/rts flow control/fifo's) on */ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "q64000", 6, OWRITE);/* increas q size to 64k */ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "n1", 2, OWRITE); /* nonblocking writes on */ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "r1", 2, OWRITE); /* rts on */ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "d1", 2, OWRITE); /* dtr on */ } ppp->pppup = 1; init(ppp); return ppp; } static void hangup(PPP *ppp) { qlock(ppp); if(waserror()){ qunlock(ppp); nexterror(); } netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP Hangup\n"); errlog(ppp, Ehungup); if(ppp->pppup && ppp->cchan != nil){ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "f", 1, OWRITE); /* flush */ kchanio(ppp->cchan, "h", 1, OWRITE); /* hangup */ } cclose(ppp->dchan); cclose(ppp->cchan); ppp->dchan = nil; ppp->cchan = nil; ppp->pppup = 0; qunlock(ppp); poperror(); } /* return next input IP packet */ Block* pppread(PPP *ppp) { Block *b; int proto; Lcpmsg *m; for(;;){ proto = getframe(ppp, &b); if(b == nil) return nil; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: read proto %d len %d\n", proto, blocklen(b)); switch(proto){ case Plcp: rcv(ppp, ppp->lcp, b); break; case Pipcp: rcv(ppp, ppp->ipcp, b); break; case Pip: if(ppp->ipcp->state == Sopened) return b; freeblist(b); break; case Plqm: getlqm(ppp, b); break; case Pchap: getchap(ppp, b); break; case Ppap: getpap(ppp, b); break; case Pvjctcp: case Pvjutcp: if(ppp->ipcp->state == Sopened){ b = tcpuncompress(ppp->ctcp, b, proto, ppp->f); if(b != nil) return b; } freeblist(b); break; default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "unknown proto %ux\n", proto); if(ppp->lcp->state == Sopened){ /* reject the protocol */ b->rp -= 6; m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; m->code = Lprotorej; m->id = ++ppp->lcp->id; hnputs(m->data, proto); hnputs(m->len, BLEN(b)); b = putframe(ppp, Plcp, b); } freeblist(b); break; } } return nil; /* compiler confused */ } /* transmit an IP packet */ int pppwrite(PPP *ppp, Block *b) { ushort proto; int r; qlock(ppp); /* can't send ip packets till we're established */ if(ppp->ipcp->state != Sopened) goto ret; /* link hung up */ if(ppp->dchan == nil) goto ret; b = concatblock(b); /* or else compression will barf */ proto = Pip; if(ppp->ipcp->flags & Fipcompress) proto = compress(ppp->ctcp, b, ppp->f); b = putframe(ppp, proto, b); ret: qunlock(ppp); r = blocklen(b); netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp wrt len %d\n", r); freeblist(b); return r; } /* * link quality management */ static void getlqm(PPP *ppp, Block *b) { Qualpkt *p; p = (Qualpkt*)b->rp; if(BLEN(b) == sizeof(Qualpkt)){ ppp->in.reports++; ppp->pout.reports = nhgetl(p->peeroutreports); ppp->pout.packets = nhgetl(p->peeroutpackets); ppp->pout.bytes = nhgetl(p->peeroutbytes); ppp->pin.reports = nhgetl(p->peerinreports); ppp->pin.packets = nhgetl(p->peerinpackets); ppp->pin.discards = nhgetl(p->peerindiscards); ppp->pin.errors = nhgetl(p->peerinerrors); ppp->pin.bytes = nhgetl(p->peerinbytes); /* save our numbers at time of reception */ memmove(&ppp->sin, &ppp->in, sizeof(Qualstats)); } freeblist(b); if(ppp->period == 0) putlqm(ppp); } static void putlqm(PPP *ppp) { Qualpkt *p; Block *b; b = allocb(sizeof(Qualpkt)); b->wp += sizeof(Qualpkt); p = (Qualpkt*)b->rp; hnputl(p->magic, 0); /* heresay (what he last told us) */ hnputl(p->lastoutreports, ppp->pout.reports); hnputl(p->lastoutpackets, ppp->pout.packets); hnputl(p->lastoutbytes, ppp->pout.bytes); /* our numbers at time of last reception */ hnputl(p->peerinreports, ppp->sin.reports); hnputl(p->peerinpackets, ppp->sin.packets); hnputl(p->peerindiscards, ppp->sin.discards); hnputl(p->peerinerrors, ppp->sin.errors); hnputl(p->peerinbytes, ppp->sin.bytes); /* our numbers now */ hnputl(p->peeroutreports, ppp->out.reports+1); hnputl(p->peeroutpackets, ppp->out.packets+1); hnputl(p->peeroutbytes, ppp->out.bytes+53/*hack*/); b = putframe(ppp, Plqm, b); freeblist(b); ppp->out.reports++; } /* * challenge response dialog */ static void getchap(PPP *ppp, Block *b) { Lcpmsg *m; int len, vlen, n; char md5buf[512]; m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; len = nhgets(m->len); if(BLEN(b) < len){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: short chap message\n", ppp->ifc->dev); freeblist(b); return; } switch(m->code){ case Cchallenge: vlen = m->data[0]; if(vlen > len - 5){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: bad challenge len\n", ppp->ifc->dev); freeblist(b); break; } netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: CHAP Challenge\n", ppp->ifc->dev); netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "(secret %s chapname %s id %d)\n", ppp->secret, ppp->chapname, m->id); /* create string to hash */ md5buf[0] = m->id; strcpy(md5buf+1, ppp->secret); n = strlen(ppp->secret) + 1; memmove(md5buf+n, m->data+1, vlen); n += vlen; freeblist(b); /* send reply */ len = 4 + 1 + 16 + strlen(ppp->chapname); b = alloclcp(2, md5buf[0], len); m = IPB2LCP(b); m->data[0] = 16; md5((uchar*)md5buf, n, m->data+1, 0); memmove((char*)m->data+17, ppp->chapname, strlen(ppp->chapname)); hnputs(m->len, len); b->wp += len-4; b = putframe(ppp, Pchap, b); break; case Cresponse: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: chap response?\n", ppp->ifc->dev); break; case Csuccess: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: chap succeeded\n", ppp->ifc->dev); setphase(ppp, Pnet); break; case Cfailure: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: chap failed: %.*s\n", ppp->ifc->dev, len-4, m->data); errlog(ppp, Eperm); break; default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: chap code %d?\n", ppp->ifc->dev, m->code); break; } freeblist(b); } /* * password authentication protocol dialog * -- obsolete but all we know how to use with NT just now */ static void sendpap(PPP *ppp) { Lcpmsg *m; int clen, slen, len; Block *b; uchar *p; clen = strlen(ppp->chapname); slen = strlen(ppp->secret); len = 4 + 1 + clen + 1 + slen; ppp->papid = ++ppp->lcp->id; b = alloclcp(Cpapreq, ppp->papid, len); m = IPB2LCP(b); p = m->data; p[0] = clen; memmove(p+1, ppp->chapname, clen); p += clen + 1; p[0] = slen; memmove(p+1, ppp->secret, slen); hnputs(m->len, len); b->wp += len-4; b = putframe(ppp, Ppap, b); netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: sent pap auth req (%d)\n", ppp->ifc->dev, len); freeblist(b); } static void getpap(PPP *ppp, Block *b) { Lcpmsg *m; int len; m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; len = nhgets(m->len); if(BLEN(b) < len){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp %s: short pap message\n", ppp->ifc->dev); freeblist(b); return; } switch(m->code){ case Cpapreq: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: pap request?\n", ppp->ifc->dev); break; case Cpapack: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: PAP succeeded\n", ppp->ifc->dev); setphase(ppp, Pnet); break; case Cpapnak: if(m->data[0]) netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: PAP failed: %.*s\n", ppp->ifc->dev, len-5, m->data+1); else netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: PAP failed\n", ppp->ifc->dev); errlog(ppp, Eperm); break; default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "PPP %s: pap code %d?\n", ppp->ifc->dev, m->code); break; } freeblist(b); } static void printopts(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p, Block *b, int send) { Lcpmsg *m; Lcpopt *o; int proto, x, period; uchar *cp; char *code, *dir; m = (Lcpmsg*)b->rp; switch(m->code) { default: code = "<unknown>"; break; case Lconfreq: code = "confrequest"; break; case Lconfack: code = "confack"; break; case Lconfnak: code = "confnak"; break; case Lconfrej: code = "confreject"; break; } if(send) dir = "send"; else dir = "recv"; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "ppp: %s %s: id=%d\n", dir, code, m->id); for(cp = m->data; cp < b->wp; cp += o->len){ o = (Lcpopt*)cp; if(cp + o->len > b->wp || o->len == 0){ netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tbad option length %ux\n", o->type); return; } switch(p->proto){ case Plcp: switch(o->type){ default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tunknown %d len=%d\n", o->type, o->len); break; case Omtu: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tmtu = %d\n", nhgets(o->data)); break; case Octlmap: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tctlmap = %ux\n", nhgetl(o->data)); break; case Oauth: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tauth = ", nhgetl(o->data)); proto = nhgets(o->data); switch(proto) { default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "unknown auth proto %d\n", proto); break; case Ppap: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "password\n"); break; case Pchap: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "chap %ux\n", o->data[2]); break; } break; case Oquality: proto = nhgets(o->data); switch(proto) { default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tunknown quality proto %d\n", proto); break; case Plqm: x = nhgetl(o->data+2)*10; period = (x+Period-1)/Period; netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tlqm period = %d\n", period); break; } case Omagic: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tmagic = %ux\n", nhgetl(o->data)); break; case Opc: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tprotocol compress\n"); break; case Oac: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\taddr compress\n"); break; } break; case Pccp: switch(o->type){ default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tunknown %d len=%d\n", o->type, o->len); break; case Ocoui: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tOUI\n"); break; case Ocstac: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tstac LZS\n"); break; case Ocmppc: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tMicrosoft PPC len=%d %ux\n", o->len, nhgetl(o->data)); break; } break; case Pecp: switch(o->type){ default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tunknown %d len=%d\n", o->type, o->len); break; case Oeoui: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tOUI\n"); break; case Oedese: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tDES\n"); break; } break; case Pipcp: switch(o->type){ default: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tunknown %d len=%d\n", o->type, o->len); break; case Oipaddrs: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tip addrs - deprecated\n"); break; case Oipcompress: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tip compress\n"); break; case Oipaddr: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tip addr %V\n", o->data); break; case Oipdns: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tdns addr %V\n", o->data); break; case Oipwins: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\twins addr %V\n", o->data); break; case Oipdns2: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\tdns2 addr %V\n", o->data); break; case Oipwins2: netlog(ppp->f, Logppp, "\twins2 addr %V\n", o->data); break; } break; } } } static void sendtermreq(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p) { Block *b; Lcpmsg *m; p->termid = ++(p->id); b = alloclcp(Ltermreq, p->termid, 4); m = IPB2LCP(b); hnputs(m->len, 4); putframe(ppp, p->proto, b); freeb(b); newstate(ppp, p, Sclosing); } static void sendechoreq(PPP *ppp, Pstate *p) { Block *b; Lcpmsg *m; p->termid = ++(p->id); b = alloclcp(Lechoreq, p->id, 4); m = IPB2LCP(b); hnputs(m->len, 4); putframe(ppp, p->proto, b); freeb(b); } /* * return non-zero if this is a valid v4 address */ static int validv4(Ipaddr addr) { return memcmp(addr, v4prefix, IPv4off) == 0; } static void invalidate(Ipaddr addr) { ipmove(addr, IPnoaddr); }