ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /module/dhcp.m/
Dhcpclient: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/dhcpclient.dis"; Bootconf: adt { ip: string; ipgw: string; ipmask: string; bootf: string; bootip: string; dhcpip: string; siaddr: string; serverid: string; sys: string; dom: string; lease: int; options: array of array of byte; vendor: array of array of byte; new: fn(): ref Bootconf; get: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int): array of byte; getint: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int): int; getip: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int): string; getips: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int): list of string; gets: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int): string; put: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int, a: array of byte); putint: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int, v: int); putips: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int, ips: list of string); puts: fn(c: self ref Bootconf, n: int, s: string); }; Lease: adt { pid: int; configs: chan of (ref Bootconf, string); release: fn(l: self ref Lease); }; init: fn(); tracing: fn(debug: int); bootp: fn(net: string, ctlifc: ref Sys->FD, device: string, init: ref Bootconf): (ref Bootconf, string); dhcp: fn(net: string, ctlifc: ref Sys->FD, device: string, init: ref Bootconf, options: array of int): (ref Bootconf, ref Lease, string); applycfg: fn(net: string, ctlifc: ref Sys->FD, conf: ref Bootconf): string; removecfg: fn(net: string, ctlifc: ref Sys->FD, conf: ref Bootconf): string; # bootp options used here Opad: con 0; Oend: con 255; Omask: con 1; Orouter: con 3; Odnsserver: con 6; Ocookieserver: con 8; Ohostname: con 12; Odomainname: con 15; Ontpserver: con 42; Ovendorinfo: con 43; Onetbiosns: con 44; Osmtpserver: con 69; Opop3server: con 70; Owwwserver: con 72; # dhcp options Oipaddr: con 50; Olease: con 51; Ooverload: con 52; Otype: con 53; Oserverid: con 54; Oparams: con 55; Omessage: con 56; Omaxmsg: con 57; Orenewaltime: con 58; Orebindingtime: con 59; Ovendorclass: con 60; Oclientid: con 61; Otftpserver: con 66; Obootfile: con 67; Ovendor: con (1<<8); OP9fs: con Ovendor|128; # plan 9 file server OP9auth: con Ovendor|129; # plan 9 auth server Infinite: con ~0; # lease };