ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /libtk/canvu.c/
#include <lib9.h> #include <kernel.h> #include "draw.h" #include "tk.h" #include "canvs.h" char* tkparsepts(TkTop *t, TkCpoints *i, char **arg, int close) { char *s, *e; Point *p, *d; int n, npoint; i->parampt = nil; i->drawpt = nil; i->bb = bbnil; s = *arg; npoint = 0; while(*s) { s = tkskip(s, " \t"); if(*s == '-' && (s[1] < '0' || s[1] > '9')) break; while(*s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t') s++; npoint++; } i->parampt = mallocz(npoint*sizeof(Point), 0); if(i->parampt == nil) return TkNomem; s = *arg; p = i->parampt; npoint = 0; while(*s) { e = tkfracword(t, &s, &p->x, nil); if(e != nil) goto Error; e = tkfracword(t, &s, &p->y, nil); if(e != nil) goto Error; npoint++; s = tkskip(s, " \t"); if(*s == '-' && (s[1] < '0' || s[1] > '9')) break; p++; } *arg = s; close = (close != 0); i->drawpt = mallocz((npoint+close)*sizeof(Point), 0); if(i->drawpt == nil){ e = TkNomem; goto Error; } d = i->drawpt; p = i->parampt; for(n = 0; n < npoint; n++) { d->x = TKF2I(p->x); d->y = TKF2I(p->y); if(d->x < i->bb.min.x) i->bb.min.x = d->x; if(d->x > i->bb.max.x) i->bb.max.x = d->x; if(d->y < i->bb.min.y) i->bb.min.y = d->y; if(d->y > i->bb.max.y) i->bb.max.y = d->y; d++; p++; } if (close) *d = i->drawpt[0]; i->npoint = npoint; return nil; Error: tkfreepoint(i); i->parampt = nil; i->drawpt = nil; return e; } TkCitem* tkcnewitem(Tk *tk, int t, int n) { TkCitem *i; i = malloc(n); if(i == nil) return nil; memset(i, 0, n); i->type = t; i->env = tk->env; i->env->ref++; return i; } /* * expand the canvas's dirty rectangle, clipping * appropriately to its boundaries. */ void tkcvssetdirty(Tk *tk) { TkCanvas *c; Rectangle r; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); r = tkrect(tk, 0); if (rectclip(&r, rectsubpt(c->update, c->view))) combinerect(&tk->dirty, r); } void tkxlatepts(Point *p, int npoints, int x, int y) { while(npoints--) { p->x += x; p->y += y; p++; } } void tkbbmax(Rectangle *bb, Rectangle *r) { if(r->min.x < bb->min.x) bb->min.x = r->min.x; if(r->min.y < bb->min.y) bb->min.y = r->min.y; if(r->max.x > bb->max.x) bb->max.x = r->max.x; if(r->max.y > bb->max.y) bb->max.y = r->max.y; } void tkpolybound(Point *p, int n, Rectangle *r) { while(n--) { if(p->x < r->min.x) r->min.x = p->x; if(p->y < r->min.y) r->min.y = p->y; if(p->x > r->max.x) r->max.x = p->x; if(p->y > r->max.y) r->max.y = p->y; p++; } } /* * look up a tag for a canvas item. * if n is non-nil, and the tag isn't found, * then add it to the canvas's taglist. * NB if there are no binds done on the * canvas, these tags never get cleared out, * even if nothing refers to them. */ TkName* tkctaglook(Tk* tk, TkName *n, char *name) { ulong h; TkCanvas *c; char *p, *s; TkName *f, **l; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); s = name; if(s == nil) s = n->name; if(strcmp(s, "current") == 0) return c->current; h = 0; for(p = s; *p; p++) h += 3*h + *p; l = &c->thash[h%TkChash]; for(f = *l; f; f = f->link) if(strcmp(f->name, s) == 0) return f; if(n == nil) return nil; n->link = *l; *l = n; return n; } char* tkcaddtag(Tk *tk, TkCitem *i, int new) { TkCtag *t; TkCanvas *c; char buf[16]; TkName *n, *f, *link; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); if(new != 0) { i->id = ++c->id; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i->id); n = tkmkname(buf); if(n == nil) return TkNomem; n->link = i->tags; i->tags = n; } for(n = i->tags; n; n = link) { link = n->link; f = tkctaglook(tk, n, nil); if(n != f) free(n); for(t = i->stag; t; t = t->itemlist) if(t->name == f) break; if(t == nil) { t = malloc(sizeof(TkCtag)); if(t == nil) { tkfreename(link); return TkNomem; } t->name = f; t->taglist = f->obj; /* add to head of items with this tag */ f->obj = t; t->item = i; t->itemlist = i->stag; /* add to head of tags for this item */ i->stag = t; } } i->tags = nil; if(new != 0) { i->tags = tkmkname("all"); if(i->tags == nil) return TkNomem; /* XXX - Tad: memory leak? */ return tkcaddtag(tk, i, 0); } return nil; } void tkfreepoint(TkCpoints *p) { free(p->drawpt); free(p->parampt); } /* * of all the items in ilist tagged with tag, * return that tag for the first (topmost) item. */ TkCtag* tkclasttag(TkCitem *ilist, TkCtag* tag) { TkCtag *last, *t; if (tag == nil || tag->taglist == nil) return tag; last = nil; while(ilist) { for(t = tag; t; t = t->taglist) { if(t->item == ilist) { last = t; break; } } ilist = ilist->next; } return last; } /* * of all the items in ilist tagged with tag, * return that tag for the first (bottommost) item. */ TkCtag* tkcfirsttag(TkCitem *ilist, TkCtag* tag) { TkCtag *t; if (tag == nil || tag->taglist == nil) return tag; for (; ilist != nil; ilist = ilist->next) for(t = tag; t; t = t->taglist) if(t->item == ilist) return t; return nil; } void tkmkpen(Image **pen, TkEnv *e, Image *stipple) { int locked; Display *d; Image *new, *fill; fill = tkgc(e, TkCfill); d = e->top->display; locked = lockdisplay(d); if(*pen != nil) { freeimage(*pen); *pen = nil; } if(stipple == nil) { if(locked) unlockdisplay(d); return; } if(fill == nil) fill = d->black; new = allocimage(d, stipple->r, RGBA32, 1, DTransparent); /* XXX RGBA32 is excessive sometimes... */ if (new != nil) draw(new, stipple->r, fill, stipple, ZP); else new = fill; if(locked) unlockdisplay(d); *pen = new; } Point tkcvsanchor(Point dp, int w, int h, int anchor) { Point o; if(anchor & Tknorth) o.y = dp.y; else if(anchor & Tksouth) o.y = dp.y - h; else o.y = dp.y - h/2; if(anchor & Tkwest) o.x = dp.x; else if(anchor & Tkeast) o.x = dp.x - w; else o.x = dp.x - w/2; return o; } static TkCitem* tkcvsmousefocus(TkCanvas *c, Point p) { TkCitem *i, *s; int (*hit)(TkCitem*, Point); if (c->grab != nil) return c->grab; s = nil; for(i = c->head; i; i = i->next) if(ptinrect(p, i-> { if ((hit = tkcimethod[i->type].hit) != nil && !(*hit)(i, p)) continue; s = i; } return s; } Tk* tkcvsinwindow(Tk *tk, Point *p) { TkCanvas *c; TkCitem *i; Point q; TkCwind *w; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); q = addpt(*p, c->view); i = tkcvsmousefocus(c, addpt(*p, c->view)); if (i == nil || i->type != TkCVwindow) return tk; w = TKobj(TkCwind, i); if (w->sub == nil) return tk; p->x = q.x - (i-> + w->sub->borderwidth); p->y = q.y - (i-> + w->sub->borderwidth); return w->sub; } static Tk* tkcvsmouseinsub(TkCwind *w, TkMouse m) { Point g, mp; int bd; g = tkposn(w->sub); bd = w->sub->borderwidth; mp.x = m.x - (g.x + bd); mp.y = m.y - (g.y + bd); return tkinwindow(w->sub, mp, 0); } static Tk* tkcvsdeliver(Tk *tk, TkCitem *i, int event, void *data) { Tk *ftk, *dest; TkCtag *t; TkCwind *w; TkAction *a; if(i->type == TkCVwindow) { dest = nil; w = TKobj(TkCwind, i); if(w->sub == nil) return nil; if(!(event & TkKey) && (event & TkEmouse)) { ftk = tkcvsmouseinsub(w, *(TkMouse*)data); if(ftk != w->focus) { tkdeliver(w->focus, TkLeave, data); if(0)print("focus %p %q %p %q\n", w->sub, tkname(w->sub), ftk, tkname(ftk)); tkdeliver(ftk, TkEnter, data); w->focus = ftk; } if(ftk != nil) dest = tkdeliver(ftk, event, data); } else { if(event & TkLeave) { tkdeliver(w->focus, TkLeave, data); w->focus = nil; } else if(event & TkEnter) { ftk = tkcvsmouseinsub(w, *(TkMouse*)data); tkdeliver(ftk, TkEnter, data); w->focus = ftk; } else dest = tkdeliver(w->sub, event, data); } return dest; } for(t = i->stag; t != nil; t = t->itemlist) { a = t->name->prop.binds; if(a != nil) tksubdeliver(tk, a, event, data, 0); } return nil; } Tk* tkcvsevent(Tk *tk, int event, void *data) { TkMouse m; TkCitem *f; Point mp, g; TkCanvas *c; Tk *dest; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); if(event == TkLeave && c->mouse != nil) { tkcvsdeliver(tk, c->mouse, TkLeave, data); c->mouse = nil; } dest = nil; if(!(event & TkKey) && (event & TkEmouse) || (event & TkEnter)) { m = *(TkMouse*)data; g = tkposn(tk); mp.x = (m.x - g.x - tk->borderwidth) + c->view.x; mp.y = (m.y - g.y - tk->borderwidth) + c->view.y; f = tkcvsmousefocus(c, mp); if(c->mouse != f) { if(c->mouse != nil) { tkcvsdeliver(tk, c->mouse, TkLeave, data); c->current->obj = nil; } if(f != nil) { c->current->obj = &c->curtag; c->curtag.item = f; tkcvsdeliver(tk, f, TkEnter, data); } c->mouse = f; } f = c->mouse; if(f != nil && (event & TkEnter) == 0) dest = tkcvsdeliver(tk, f, event, &m); } if(event & TkKey) { f = c->focus; if(f != nil) tkcvsdeliver(tk, f, event, data); } if(dest == nil) tksubdeliver(tk, tk->binds, event, data, 0); return dest; } /* * debugging */ void tkcvsdump(Tk *tk) { TkCanvas *c; TkCitem *it; TkCwind *w; char v1[Tkminitem], v2[Tkminitem]; int i; if(tk == nil) return; c = TKobj(TkCanvas, tk); tkfprint(v1, c->width); tkfprint(v2, c->height); print("%q configure -width %s -height %s", tkname(tk), v1, v2); print(" # focus %#p mouse %#p grab %#p\n", c->focus, c->mouse, c->grab); for(it = c->head; it != nil; it = it->next){ print("%q create %q", tkname(tk), tkcimethod[it->type].name); for(i = 0; i < it->p.npoint; i++){ tkfprint(v1, it->p.parampt[i].x); tkfprint(v2, it->p.parampt[i].y); print(" %s %s", v1, v2); } if(it->type == TkCVwindow){ w = TKobj(TkCwind, it); if(w->sub != nil) print(" -window %q", tkname(w->sub)); print(" # item %#p id %d sub %#p focus [%#p %q]\n", it, it->id, w->sub, w->focus, tkname(w->focus)); }else print("# item %#p id %d\n", it, it->id); } }