ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /appl/wm/smenu.b/
implement Smenu; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "smenu.m"; ref Tk->Toplevel, name: string, labs: array of string, e: int, o: int): ref Scrollmenu { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(tk == nil) tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; m := ref Scrollmenu; n := len labs; if(n < e) e = n; if(o > n-e) o = n-e; l := 0; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ if(len labs[i] > l) l = len labs[i]; i++; } nlabs := array[n] of string; sp := string array[l] of { * => byte ' ' }; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) nlabs[i] = labs[i] + sp[0: l - len labs[i]]; sch := cname(name); cmd(t, "menu " + name); for(i = 0; i < e; i++){ cmd(t, name + " add command -label {" + nlabs[o+i] + "} -command {send " + sch + " " + string i + "}"); } # cmd(t, "bind " + name + " <ButtonPress-1> +{send " + sch + " b}"); # cmd(t, "bind " + name + " <ButtonRelease-1> +{send " + sch + " b}"); cmd(t, "bind " + name + " <Motion> +{send " + sch + " M %x %y}"); cmd(t, "bind " + name + " <Map> +{send " + sch + " m}"); cmd(t, "bind " + name + " <Unmap> +{send " + sch + " u}"); cmd(t, "update"); = name; m.labs = nlabs; m.c = nil; m.t = t; m.m = e; m.n = n; m.o = o; m.timer = 1; return m; } self ref Scrollmenu, x: int, y: int, resc: chan of string, prefix: string) { sync := chan of int; spawn listen(m, sync, resc, prefix); <- sync; cmd(m.t, + " post " + string x + " " + string y); cmd(m.t, "update"); } Scrollmenu.destroy(m: self ref Scrollmenu) { if(m.c != nil){ m.c <-= "u"; # fake unmap message m.c = nil; } = nil; m.labs = nil; m.t = nil; } timer(t: int, sync: chan of int, c: chan of int) { sync <-= 0; for(;;){ alt{ c <-= 0 => sys->sleep(t); <- sync => exit; } } } TINT: con 100; SEC: con 1000/TINT; listen(m: ref Scrollmenu, sync: chan of int, resc: chan of string, prefix: string) { timerc := chan of int; cmdc := chan of string; m.c = cmdc; tk->namechan(m.t, cmdc, cname(; sync <-= 0; x := y := ly := w := h := -1; for(;;){ alt{ <- timerc => if(x > 0 && x < w){ if(y < 0 && y > -h/m.m) menudir(m, -1); else if(y > 0+h && y < h+h/m.m) menudir(m, 1); } s := <- cmdc => (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); case hd toks{ "M" => x = int hd tl toks; y = int hd tl tl toks; if(!m.timer && x > 0 && x < w){ mv := 0; if(y < ly && y < 0) mv = y/(h/m.m)-1; else if(y > ly && y > h) mv = (y-h)/(h/m.m)+1; if(mv != 0) menudirs(m, mv); ly = y; } "m" => w = int cmd(m.t, + " cget -actwidth"); h = int cmd(m.t, + " cget -actheight"); ly = -1; if(m.timer){ spawn timer(TINT, sync, timerc); <- sync; } "u" => if(m.timer) sync <-= 0; m.c = nil; exit; * => # do not block res := prefix + string (int hd toks + m.o); for(t := 0; t < SEC; ){ if(m.timer) alt{ resc <-= res => t = SEC; <- timerc => t++; } else alt{ resc <-= res => t = SEC; * => sys->sleep(TINT); t++; } } } } } } menudirs(sm: ref Scrollmenu, n: int) { if(n < 0) (a, d) := (-n, -1); else (a, d) = (n, 1); for(i := 0; i < a; i++) menudir(sm, d); } menudir(sm: ref Scrollmenu, d: int) { o := sm.o; n := sm.n; m := sm.m; if(d == -1){ if(o == 0) return; for(i := 0; i < m; i++) cmd(sm.t, + " entryconfigure " + string i + " -label {" + sm.labs[o-1+i] + "}"); sm.o = o-1; } else{ if(o+m == n) return; for(i := 0; i < m; i++) cmd(sm.t, + " entryconfigure " + string i + " -label {" + sm.labs[o+1+i] + "}"); sm.o = o+1; } cmd(sm.t, "update"); } cname(s: string): string { return "sm_" + s + "_sm"; } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "Smenu: tk error on '%s': %s\n", s, e); return e; }