ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /appl/cmd/ed.b/
# # Editor # implement Editor; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "regex.m"; regex: Regex; Re: import regex; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; Editor: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; FNSIZE: con 128; # file name LBSIZE: con 4096; # max line size BLKSIZE: con 4096; # block size in temp file NBLK: con 8191; # max size of temp file ESIZE: con 256; # max size of reg exp GBSIZE: con 256; # max size of global command MAXSUB: con 9; # max number of sub reg exp ESCFLG: con 16rFFFF; # escape Rune - user defined code EOF: con -1; BytesPerRune: con 2; RunesPerBlock: con BLKSIZE / BytesPerRune; APPEND_GETTTY, APPEND_GETSUB, APPEND_GETCOPY, APPEND_GETFILE: con iota; Subexp: adt { rsp, rep: int; }; Globp: adt { s: string; isnil: int; }; addr1: int; addr2: int; anymarks: int; col: int; count: int; dol: int; dot: int; fchange: int; file: string; genbuf := array[LBSIZE] of int; given: int; globp: Globp; iblock: int; ichanged: int; io: ref Sys->FD; iobuf: ref Iobuf; lastc: int; line := array [70] of byte; linebp := -1; linebuf := array [LBSIZE] of int; listf: int; listn: int; loc1: int; loc2: int; names := array [26] of int; oblock: int; oflag: int; pattern: Re; peekc: int; pflag: int; rescuing: int; rhsbuf := array [LBSIZE/2] of int; savedfile: string; subnewa: int; subolda: int; subexp: array of Subexp; tfname: string; tline: int; waiting: int; wrapp: int; zero: array of int; drawctxt: ref Draw->Context; Q: con ""; T: con "TMP"; WRERR: con "WRITE ERROR"; bpagesize := 20; hex: con "0123456789abcdef"; linp: int; nlall := 128; tfile: ref Sys->FD; vflag := 1; debug(s: string) { sys->print("%s", s); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { drawctxt = ctxt; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "can't load %s\n", Bufio->PATH); return; } regex = load Regex Regex->PATH; if (regex == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "can't load %s\n", Regex->PATH); return; } # notify(notifyf); if (args != nil) args = tl args; if (args != nil && hd args == "-o") { oflag = 1; vflag = 0; args = tl args; } if (args != nil && hd args == "-") { vflag = 0; args = tl args; } if (oflag) { savedfile = "/fd/1"; globp = ("a", 0); } else if (args != nil) { savedfile = hd args; globp = ("r", 0); } else globp = (nil, 1); zero = array [nlall + 5] of int; tfname = mktemp("/tmp/eXXXXX"); # debug(sys->sprint("tfname %s\n", tfname)); _init(); for(;;){ { commands(); quit(); }exception{ "savej" => ; } } } casee(c: int) { setnoaddr(); if(vflag && fchange) { fchange = 0; error(Q); } filename(c); _init(); addr2 = 0; caseread(); } casep() { newline(); printcom(); } caseq() { setnoaddr(); newline(); quit(); } caseread() { #debug("caseread " + file); if((io=sys->open(file, Sys->OREAD)) == nil) { lastc = '\n'; error(file); } iobuf = bufio->fopen(io, Sys->OREAD); setwide(); squeeze(0); c := 0 != dol; append(APPEND_GETFILE, addr2); exfile(Sys->OREAD); fchange = c; } commands() { a1: int; c, temp: int; lastsep: int; for(;;) { if(pflag) { pflag = 0; addr1 = addr2 = dot; printcom(); } c = '\n'; for(addr1 = -1;;) { lastsep = c; a1 = address(); c = getchr(); if(c != ',' && c != ';') break; if(lastsep == ',') error(Q); if(a1 < 0) { a1 = 1; if(a1 > dol) a1--; } addr1 = a1; if(c == ';') dot = a1; } if(lastsep != '\n' && a1 < 0) a1 = dol; if((addr2=a1) < 0) { given = 0; addr2 = dot; } else given = 1; if(addr1 < 0) addr1 = addr2; #debug(sys->sprint("%d,%d %c\n", addr1, addr2, c)); case c { 'a' => add(0); continue; 'b' => nonzero(); browse(); continue; 'c' => nonzero(); newline(); rdelete(addr1, addr2); append(APPEND_GETTTY, addr1-1); continue; 'd' => nonzero(); newline(); rdelete(addr1, addr2); continue; 'E' => fchange = 0; c = 'e'; casee(c); continue; 'e' => casee(c); continue; 'f' => setnoaddr(); filename(c); putst(savedfile); continue; 'g' => global(1); continue; 'i' => add(-1); continue; 'j' => if(!given) addr2++; newline(); join(); continue; 'k' => nonzero(); c = getchr(); if(c < 'a' || c > 'z') error(Q); newline(); names[c-'a'] = zero[addr2] & ~16r1; anymarks |= 16r1; continue; 'm' => move(0); continue; 'n' => listn++; newline(); printcom(); continue; '\n' => if(a1 < 0) { a1 = dot+1; addr2 = a1; addr1 = a1; } if(lastsep==';') addr1 = a1; printcom(); continue; 'l' => listf++; casep(); continue; 'p' or 'P' => casep(); continue; 'Q' => fchange = 0; caseq(); continue; 'q' => caseq(); continue; 'r' => filename(c); caseread(); continue; 's' => nonzero(); substitute(!globp.isnil); continue; 't' => move(1); continue; 'u' => nonzero(); newline(); if((zero[addr2]&~8r01) != subnewa) error(Q); zero[addr2] = subolda; dot = addr2; continue; 'v' => global(0); continue; 'W' or 'w' => if (c == 'W') wrapp++; setwide(); squeeze(dol>0); temp = getchr(); if(temp != 'q' && temp != 'Q') { peekc = temp; temp = 0; } filename(c); if(!wrapp || ((io = sys->open(file, Sys->OWRITE)) == nil) || ((sys->seek(io, big 0, Sys->SEEKEND)) < big 0)) if((io = sys->create(file, Sys->OWRITE, 8r0666)) == nil) error(file); iobuf = bufio->fopen(io, Sys->OWRITE); wrapp = 0; if(dol > 0) putfile(); exfile(Sys->OWRITE); if(addr1<=1 && addr2==dol) fchange = 0; if(temp == 'Q') fchange = 0; if(temp) quit(); continue; '=' => setwide(); squeeze(0); newline(); count = addr2 - 0; putd(); putchr('\n'); continue; '!' => callunix(); continue; EOF => return; } error(Q); } } printcom() { a1: int; nonzero(); a1 = addr1; do { if(listn) { count = a1-0; putd(); putchr('\t'); } putshst(getline(zero[a1++])); } while(a1 <= addr2); dot = addr2; listf = 0; listn = 0; pflag = 0; } address(): int { sign, a, opcnt, nextopand, b, c: int; nextopand = -1; sign = 1; opcnt = 0; a = dot; do { do { c = getchr(); } while(c == ' ' || c == '\t'); if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { peekc = c; if(!opcnt) a = 0; a += sign*getnum(); } else case c { '$' or '.' => if (c == '$') a = dol; if(opcnt) error(Q); '\'' => c = getchr(); if(opcnt || c < 'a' || c > 'z') error(Q); a = 0; do { a++; } while(a <= dol && names[c-'a'] != (zero[a] & ~8r01)); '?' or '/' => if (c == '?') sign = -sign; compile(c); b = a; for(;;) { a += sign; if(a <= 0) a = dol; if(a > dol) a = 0; if(match(a)) break; if(a == b) error(Q); } break; * => if(nextopand == opcnt) { a += sign; if(a < 0 || dol < a) continue; # error(Q); } if(c != '+' && c != '-' && c != '^') { peekc = c; if(opcnt == 0) a = -1; return a; } sign = 1; if(c != '+') sign = -sign; nextopand = ++opcnt; continue; } sign = 1; opcnt++; } while(0 <= a && a <= dol); error(Q); return -1; } getnum(): int { r, c: int; r = 0; for(;;) { c = getchr(); if(c < '0' || c > '9') break; r = r*10 + (c-'0'); } peekc = c; return r; } setwide() { if(!given) { addr1 = 0 + (dol>0); addr2 = dol; } } setnoaddr() { if(given) error(Q); } nonzero() { squeeze(1); } squeeze(i: int) { if(addr1 < 0+i || addr2 > dol || addr1 > addr2) error(Q); } newline() { c: int; c = getchr(); if(c == '\n' || c == EOF) return; if(c == 'p' || c == 'l' || c == 'n') { pflag++; if(c == 'l') listf++; else if(c == 'n') listn++; c = getchr(); if(c == '\n') return; } error(Q); } filename(comm: int) { rune: int; c: int; count = 0; c = getchr(); if(c == '\n' || c == EOF) { if(savedfile == nil && comm != 'f') error(Q); file = savedfile; return; } if(c != ' ') error(Q); while((c=getchr()) == ' ') ; if(c == '\n') error(Q); file = nil; do { if(c == ' ' || c == EOF) error(Q); rune = c; file[len file] = c; } while((c=getchr()) != '\n'); if(savedfile == nil || comm == 'e' || comm == 'f') savedfile = file; } exfile(om: int) { if(om == Sys->OWRITE) if(iobuf.flush() < 0) error(Q); iobuf.close(); iobuf = nil; io = nil; if(vflag) { putd(); putchr('\n'); } } error1(s: string) { c: int; wrapp = 0; listf = 0; listn = 0; count = 0; sys->seek(sys->fildes(0), big 0, Sys->SEEKEND); # what does this do? pflag = 0; if(!globp.isnil) lastc = '\n'; globp = (nil, 1); peekc = lastc; if(lastc) for(;;) { c = getchr(); if(c == '\n' || c == EOF) break; } if(io != nil) io = nil; putchr('?'); putst(s); } error(s: string) { error1(s); raise "savej"; } rescue() { rescuing = 1; if(dol > 0) { addr1 = 0+1; addr2 = dol; io = sys->create("ed.hup", Sys->OWRITE, 8r0666); if(io != nil){ iobuf = bufio->fopen(io, Sys->OWRITE); putfile(); } } fchange = 0; quit(); } # void # notifyf(void *a, char *s) # { # if(strcmp(s, "interrupt") == 0){ # if(rescuing || waiting) # noted(NCONT); # putchr(L'\n'); # lastc = '\n'; # error1(Q); # notejmp(a, savej, 0); # } # if(strcmp(s, "hangup") == 0){ # if(rescuing) # noted(NDFLT); # rescue(); # } # fprint(2, "ed: note: %s\n", s); # abort(); # } getchr(): int { s := array [Sys->UTFmax] of byte; i: int; r: int; status: int; if(lastc = peekc) { peekc = 0; #debug(sys->sprint("getchr: peekc %c\n", lastc)); return lastc; } if(!globp.isnil) { if (globp.s != nil) { lastc = globp.s[0]; globp.s = globp.s[1:]; #debug(sys->sprint("getchr: globp %c remaining %d\n", lastc, len globp.s)); return lastc; } globp = (nil, 1); #debug(sys->sprint("getchr: globp end\n")); return EOF; } #debug("globp nil\n"); for(i=0;;) { if(sys->read(sys->fildes(0), s[i:], 1) <= 0) return lastc = EOF; i++; (r, nil, status) = sys->byte2char(s, 0); if (status > 0) break; } lastc = r; return lastc; } gety(): int { c: int; gf: int; p: int; p = 0; gf = !globp.isnil; for(;;) { c = getchr(); if(c == '\n') { linebuf[p] = 0; return 0; } if(c == EOF) { if(gf) peekc = c; return c; } if(c == 0) continue; linebuf[p++] = c; if(p >= len linebuf) error(Q); } return 0; } gettty(): int { rc: int; rc = gety(); if(rc) return rc; if(linebuf[0] == '.' && linebuf[1] == 0) return EOF; return 0; } getfile(): int { c: int; lp: int; lp = 0; do { c = iobuf.getc(); if(c < 0) { if(lp > 0) { putst("'\\n' appended"); c = '\n'; } else return EOF; } if(lp >= len linebuf) { lastc = '\n'; error(Q); } linebuf[lp++] = c; count++; } while(c != '\n'); linebuf[lp - 1] = 0; #debug(sys->sprint("getline read %d\n", lp)); return 0; } putfile() { a1: int; lp: int; c: int; a1 = addr1; do { lp = getline(zero[a1++]); for(;;) { count++; c = linebuf[lp++]; if(c == 0) { if (iobuf.putc('\n') < 0) error(Q); break; } if (iobuf.putc(c) < 0) error(Q); } } while(a1 <= addr2); if(iobuf.flush() < 0) error(Q); } append(f: int, a: int): int { a1, a2, rdot, nline, _tl: int; rv: int; nline = 0; dot = a; for (;;) { case f { APPEND_GETTTY => rv = gettty(); APPEND_GETSUB => rv = getsub(); APPEND_GETCOPY => rv = getcopy(); APPEND_GETFILE => rv = getfile(); } if (rv != 0) break; if(dol >= nlall) { nlall += 512; newzero := array [nlall + 5] of int; if(newzero == nil) { error("MEM?"); rescue(); } newzero[0:] = zero; zero = newzero; } _tl = putline(); nline++; a1 = ++dol; a2 = a1+1; rdot = ++dot; zero[rdot:] = zero[rdot - 1: a1]; zero[rdot] = _tl; } #debug(sys->sprint("end of append - dot %d\n", dot)); return nline; } add(i: int) { if(i && (given || dol > 0)) { addr1--; addr2--; } squeeze(0); newline(); append(APPEND_GETTTY, addr2); } bformat, bnum: int; browse() { forward, n: int; forward = 1; peekc = getchr(); if(peekc != '\n'){ if(peekc == '-' || peekc == '+') { if(peekc == '-') forward = 0; getchr(); } n = getnum(); if(n > 0) bpagesize = n; } newline(); if(pflag) { bformat = listf; bnum = listn; } else { listf = bformat; listn = bnum; } if(forward) { addr1 = addr2; addr2 += bpagesize; if(addr2 > dol) addr2 = dol; } else { addr1 = addr2-bpagesize; if(addr1 <= 0) addr1 = 0+1; } printcom(); } callunix() { buf: string; c: int; if (sh == nil) sh = load Sh Sh->PATH; if (sh == nil) { putst("can't load shell"); return; } setnoaddr(); while((c=getchr()) != EOF && c != '\n') buf[len buf] = c; sh->system(drawctxt, buf); if(vflag) putst("!"); } quit() { if(vflag && fchange && dol!=0) { fchange = 0; error(Q); } sys->remove(tfname); exit; } onquit(nil: int) { quit(); } rdelete(ad1, ad2: int) { a1, a2, a3: int; a1 = ad1; a2 = ad2+1; a3 = dol; dol -= a2 - a1; do { zero[a1++] = zero[a2++]; } while (a2 <= a3); a1 = ad1; if(a1 > dol) a1 = dol; dot = a1; fchange = 1; } gdelete() { a1, a2, a3: int; a3 = dol; for(a1=0; (zero[a1]&8r01)==0; a1++) if(a1>=a3) return; for(a2=a1+1; a2<=a3;) { if(zero[a2] & 8r01) { a2++; dot = a1; } else zero[a1++] = zero[a2++]; } dol = a1-1; if(dot > dol) dot = dol; fchange = 1; } getline(_tl: int): int { lp, bp: int; nl: int; block: array of int; #debug(sys->sprint("getline %d\n", _tl)); lp = 0; (block, bp) = getblock(_tl, Sys->OREAD); nl = len block - bp; _tl &= ~(RunesPerBlock - 1); while(linebuf[lp++] = block[bp++]) { nl--; if(nl == 0) { (block, bp) = getblock(_tl += RunesPerBlock, Sys->OREAD); nl = len block; } } return 0; } putline(): int { lp, bp: int; nl, _tl: int; block: array of int; fchange = 1; lp = 0; _tl = tline; (block, bp) = getblock(_tl, Sys->OWRITE); nl = len block - bp; _tl &= ~(RunesPerBlock-1); # _tl is now at the beginning of the block while(block[bp] = linebuf[lp++]) { if(block[bp++] == '\n') { block[bp-1] = 0; linebp = lp; break; } nl--; if(nl == 0) { _tl += RunesPerBlock; (block, bp) = getblock(_tl, Sys->OWRITE); nl = len block; } } nl = tline; tline += ((lp) + 8r03) & 8r077776; return nl; } tbuf := array [BLKSIZE] of byte; getrune(buf: array of byte): int { return int buf[0] + (int buf[1] << 8); } putrune(buf: array of byte, v: int) { buf[0] = byte (v); buf[1] = byte (v >> 8); } blkio(b: int, buf: array of int, writefunc: int) { sys->seek(tfile, big b * big BLKSIZE, Sys->SEEKSTART); if (writefunc) { # flatten buf into tbuf for (x := 0; x < RunesPerBlock; x++) putrune(tbuf[x * BytesPerRune:], buf[x]); if (sys->write(tfile, tbuf, BLKSIZE) != len tbuf) { error(T); } } else { if (sys->read(tfile, tbuf, len tbuf) != len tbuf) { error(T); } for (x := 0; x < RunesPerBlock; x++) buf[x] = getrune(tbuf[x * BytesPerRune:]); } } ibuff := array [RunesPerBlock] of int; obuff := array [RunesPerBlock] of int; getblock(atl, iof: int): (array of int, int) { bno, off: int; bno = atl / RunesPerBlock; off = (atl * BytesPerRune) & (BLKSIZE-1) & ~8r03; if(bno >= NBLK) { lastc = '\n'; error(T); } off /= BytesPerRune; if(bno == iblock) { ichanged |= iof; #debug(sys->sprint("getblock(%d, %d): returns ibuff offset %d\n", atl, iof, off)); return (ibuff, off); } if(bno == oblock) { #debug(sys->sprint("getblock(%d, %d): returns obuff offset %d\n", atl, iof, off)); return (obuff, off); } if(iof == Sys->OREAD) { if(ichanged) blkio(iblock, ibuff, 1); ichanged = 0; iblock = bno; blkio(bno, ibuff, 0); #debug(sys->sprint("getblock(%d, %d): returns ibuff offset %d\n", atl, iof, off)); return (ibuff, off); } if(oblock >= 0) blkio(oblock, obuff, 1); oblock = bno; #debug(sys->sprint("getblock(%d, %d): returns offset %d\n", atl, iof, off)); return (obuff, off); } _init() { markp: int; tfile = nil; tline = RunesPerBlock; for(markp = 0; markp < len names; markp++) names[markp] = 0; subnewa = 0; anymarks = 0; iblock = -1; oblock = -1; ichanged = 0; if((tfile = sys->create(tfname, Sys->ORDWR, 8r0600)) == nil){ error1(T); exit; } dot = dol = 0; } global(k: int) { globuf: string; c, a1: int; if(!globp.isnil) error(Q); setwide(); squeeze(dol > 0); c = getchr(); if(c == '\n') error(Q); compile(c); globuf = nil; while((c=getchr()) != '\n') { if(c == EOF) error(Q); if(c == '\\') { c = getchr(); if(c != '\n') globuf[len globuf] = '\\'; } globuf[len globuf] = c; } if(globuf == nil) globuf = "p"; globuf[len globuf] = '\n'; for(a1=0; a1<=dol; a1++) { zero[a1] &= ~8r01; if(a1 >= addr1 && a1 <= addr2 && match(a1) == k) zero[a1] |= 8r01; } # # Special case: g/.../d (avoid n^2 algorithm) if(globuf == "d\n") { gdelete(); return; } for(a1=0; a1<=dol; a1++) { if(zero[a1] & 8r01) { zero[a1] &= ~8r01; dot = a1; globp = (globuf, 0); commands(); a1 = 0; } } } join() { gp, lp: int; a1: int; nonzero(); gp = 0; for(a1=addr1; a1<=addr2; a1++) { lp = getline(zero[a1]); while(genbuf[gp] = linebuf[lp++]) if(gp++ >= LBSIZE-2) error(Q); } lp = 0; gp = 0; while(linebuf[lp++] = genbuf[gp++]) ; zero[addr1] = putline(); if(addr1 < addr2) rdelete(addr1+1, addr2); dot = addr1; } substitute(inglob: int) { mp, a1, nl, gsubf, n: int; n = getnum(); # OK even if n==0 gsubf = compsub(); for(a1 = addr1; a1 <= addr2; a1++) { if(match(a1)){ m := n; do { span := loc2-loc1; if(--m <= 0) { dosub(); if(!gsubf) break; if(span == 0) { # null RE match if(zero[loc2] == 0) break; loc2++; } } } while(match(-1)); if(m <= 0) { inglob |= 8r01; subnewa = putline(); zero[a1] &= ~8r01; if(anymarks) { for(mp=0; mp<len names; mp++) if(names[mp] == zero[a1]) names[mp] = subnewa; } subolda = zero[a1]; zero[a1] = subnewa; #debug(sys->sprint("append-getsub linebp = %d\n", linebp)); nl = append(APPEND_GETSUB, a1); addr2 += nl; } } } if(inglob == 0) error(Q); } compsub(): int { seof, c: int; p: int; seof = getchr(); if(seof == '\n' || seof == ' ') error(Q); compile(seof); p = 0; for(;;) { c = getchr(); if(c == '\\') { c = getchr(); rhsbuf[p++] = ESCFLG; if(p >= LBSIZE / 2) error(Q); } else if(c == '\n' && (globp.isnil || globp.s == nil)) { peekc = c; pflag++; break; } else if(c == seof) break; rhsbuf[p++] = c; if(p >= LBSIZE / 2) error(Q); } rhsbuf[p] = 0; peekc = getchr(); if(peekc == 'g') { peekc = 0; newline(); return 1; } newline(); return 0; } getsub(): int { p1, p2: int; p1 = 0; if((p2 = linebp) == -1) return EOF; while(linebuf[p1++] = linebuf[p2++]) ; linebp = -1; return 0; } dosub() { lp, sp, rp: int; c, n: int; # lp = linebuf; # sp = genbuf; # rp = rhsbuf; lp = 0; sp = 0; rp = 0; while(lp < loc1) genbuf[sp++] = linebuf[lp++]; while(c = rhsbuf[rp++]) { if(c == '&'){ sp = place(sp, loc1, loc2); continue; } if(c == ESCFLG && (c = rhsbuf[rp++]) >= '1' && c < MAXSUB+'0') { n = c-'0'; if(n < len subexp && subexp[n].rsp >= 0 && subexp[n].rep >= 0) { sp = place(sp, subexp[n].rsp, subexp[n].rep); continue; } error(Q); } genbuf[sp++] = c; if(sp >= LBSIZE) error(Q); } lp = loc2; loc2 = sp; while(genbuf[sp++] = linebuf[lp++]) if(sp >= LBSIZE) error(Q); linebuf[0:] = genbuf[0: sp]; } place(sp: int, l1: int, l2: int): int { while(l1 < l2) { genbuf[sp++] = linebuf[l1++]; if(sp >= LBSIZE) error(Q); } return sp; } move(cflag: int) { _adt, ad1, ad2: int; nonzero(); if((_adt = address()) < 0) # address() guarantees addr is in range error(Q); newline(); if(cflag) { ad1 = dol; append(APPEND_GETCOPY, ad1++); ad2 = dol; } else { ad2 = addr2; for(ad1 = addr1; ad1 <= ad2;) zero[ad1++] &= ~8r01; ad1 = addr1; } ad2++; if(_adt<ad1) { dot = _adt + (ad2-ad1); if((++_adt)==ad1) return; reverse(_adt, ad1); reverse(ad1, ad2); reverse(_adt, ad2); } else if(_adt >= ad2) { dot = _adt++; reverse(ad1, ad2); reverse(ad2, _adt); reverse(ad1, _adt); } else error(Q); fchange = 1; } reverse(a1, a2: int) { t: int; for(;;) { t = zero[--a2]; if(a2 <= a1) return; zero[a2] = zero[a1]; zero[a1++] = t; } } getcopy(): int { if(addr1 > addr2) return EOF; getline(zero[addr1++]); return 0; } compile(eof: int) { c: int; if((c = getchr()) == '\n') { peekc = c; c = eof; } if(c == eof) { if(pattern == nil) error(Q); return; } pattern = nil; program := ""; do { if(c == '\\') { program[len program] = '\\'; if((c = getchr()) == '\n') { error(Q); return; } } program[len program] = c; } while((c = getchr()) != eof && c != '\n'); if(c == '\n') peekc = c; diag: string; #debug("program " + program + "\n"); (pattern, diag) = regex->compile(program, 1); #if (diag != nil) # debug("diag " + diag + "\n"); if (diag != nil) pattern = nil; } mkstring(a: array of int): string { s: string; for (x := 0; x < len a; x++) { if (a[x] == 0) break; s[x] = a[x]; } return s; } match(addr: int): int { rsp: int; if(pattern == nil) return 0; if(addr >= 0){ if(addr == 0) return 0; rsp = getline(zero[addr]); } else rsp = loc2; s := mkstring(linebuf); subexp = regex->executese(pattern, s, (rsp, len s), rsp == 0, 1); if(subexp != nil) { (loc1, loc2) = subexp[0]; return 1; } loc1 = loc2 = -1; return 0; } putd() { r: int; r = count%10; count /= 10; if(count) putd(); putchr(r + '0'); } putst(s: string) { col = 0; for(x := 0; x < len s; x++) putchr(s[x]); putchr('\n'); } putshst(sp: int) { col = 0; while(linebuf[sp]) { putchr(linebuf[sp++]); } putchr('\n'); } putchr(ac: int) { lp: int; c: int; rune: int; lp = linp; c = ac; if(listf) { if(c == '\n') { if(linp != 0 && line[linp - 1] == byte ' ') { line[lp++] = byte '\\'; line[lp++] = byte 'n'; } } else { if(col > (72-6-2)) { col = 8; line[lp++] = byte '\\'; line[lp++] = byte '\n'; line[lp++] = byte '\t'; } col++; if(c=='\b' || c=='\t' || c=='\\') { line[lp++] = byte '\\'; if(c == '\b') c = 'b'; else if(c == '\t') c = 't'; col++; } else if(c<' ' || c>=8r0177) { line[lp++] = byte '\\'; line[lp++] = byte 'x'; line[lp++] = byte hex[c>>12]; line[lp++] = byte hex[c>>8&16rF]; line[lp++] = byte hex[c>>4&16rF]; c = hex[c&16rF]; col += 5; } } } rune = c; lp += sys->char2byte(rune, line, lp); if(c == '\n' || lp >= len line - 5) { linp = 0; if (oflag) sys->write(sys->fildes(2), line, lp); else sys->write(sys->fildes(1), line, lp); return; } linp = lp; } stringfromint(i: int): string { s: string; s[0] = i; return s; } mktemp(as: string): string { pid: int; s: string; s = nil; pid = sys->pctl(0, nil); for (x := len as - 1; x >= 0; x--) if (as[x] == 'X') { s = stringfromint('0' + pid % 10) + s; pid /= 10; } else s = stringfromint(as[x]) + s; s[len s] = 'a'; for (;;) { (rv, nil) := sys->stat(s); if (rv < 0) break; if (s[len s - 1] == 'z') return "/"; s[len s - 1]++; } return s; }