ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /man/9/types/
.TH TYPES 9 .SH NAME types \- Standard types required by widget options. .SH DESCRIPTION This manual entry describes the the standard types that can be given as arguments to Inferno Tk widget options. When an option is documented, the type of argument that it accepts is either documented there, or the name of the argument refers to one of the names documented below. .TP .I anchorPos One of the values \f5n\fR, \f5ne\fR, \f5e\fR, \f5se\fR, \f5s\fR, \f5sw\fR, \f5w\fR, \f5nw\fR, or \f5center\fR. See .B -anchor in .IR options (9). .TP .I boolean A true or false value, one of the following: \f50\fP, \f5no\fP, \f5off\fP, \f5false\fP (false), \f51\fP, \f5yes\fP, \f5on\fP, \f5true\fP (true). .TP .I bitmap Identifies an image which can be drawn, or used as a mask through which something else is drawn. If .I bitmap begins with a .RB ` @ ', the remaining characters must be the path name of an Inferno image file. If .I bitmap begins with the character .RB ` < ', the remaining characters must be a decimal integer giving the file descriptor number of an open file (see .IR sys-open (2)) from which the bitmap can be loaded. Otherwise, .I bitmap should be the name of a bitmap file in the directory .BR /icons/tk . .TP .I color A .I color parameter can be a colour name or an RGB (red, green and blue luminance) value. The colour names recognized are: .EX aqua yellow red teal white fuchsia black blue darkblue transparent maroon gray green lime purple navy olive orange .EE For RGB values, either .BI # rgb or .BI # rrggbb can be used, where .IR r , .IR rr , etc. are hexadecimal values for the corresponding colour components. The notation .BI #rrggbbaa can be used to describe a colour with alpha (transparency) component .IR aa ; the .IR rr , .IR gg , and .IR bb values should be pre-multiplied appropriately. This is the canonical form for colour values. Alternatively, transparency can be applied to any other colour using a suffix .BI * alpha where .I alpha is either .BI #aa (two hex digits representing an alpha value between 0 and 255) or .I f (a decimal fixed point number between 0 and 1). For example, .B red*0.5 gives half transparent red; .B #007f007f*#7f gives 0.75 transparent green (canonically .B #003f003f). .TP .I dist .I Dist specifies a distance on the screen, in the following form: an optional minus sign .RB ( - ), then one or more decimal digits (with possible embedded decimal point), then an optional units specifier. The unit specifiers are the following: .RS .TP .B c centimetres .TP .B m millimetres .TP .B i inches .TP .B p points (1/72th inch) .TP .B h height of widget's font (only applicable if the widget has an associated font, and if the font has previously been set). .TP .B w width of the zero .RB ( 0 ) character in widget's font. (see above). .TP Measurements are converted into pixels assuming 100 dots per inch on an average CRT display. .RE .TP .I font A .I font parameter gives the full path name of an Inferno font file; for example, .BR /fonts/pelm/unicode.9.font . .TP .I frac A numeric, possibly fractional, value. .TP .I relief One of \f5raised\fR, \f5sunken\fR, \f5flat\fR, \f5ridge\fR, or \f5groove\fR. See .B -relief in .IR options (9). .SH SEE ALSO .IR intro (9), .IR options (9)