ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /emu/Nt/ie-win.c/
#define Unknown win_Unknown #include <windows.h> #undef Unknown #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "ieplugin.h" /* * image channel descriptors - copied from draw.h as it clashes with windows.h on many things */ enum { CRed = 0, CGreen, CBlue, CGrey, CAlpha, CMap, CIgnore, NChan, }; #define __DC(type, nbits) ((((type)&15)<<4)|((nbits)&15)) #define CHAN1(a,b) __DC(a,b) #define CHAN2(a,b,c,d) (CHAN1((a),(b))<<8|__DC((c),(d))) #define CHAN3(a,b,c,d,e,f) (CHAN2((a),(b),(c),(d))<<8|__DC((e),(f))) #define CHAN4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) (CHAN3((a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f))<<8|__DC((g),(h))) #define NBITS(c) ((c)&15) #define TYPE(c) (((c)>>4)&15) enum { GREY1 = CHAN1(CGrey, 1), GREY2 = CHAN1(CGrey, 2), GREY4 = CHAN1(CGrey, 4), GREY8 = CHAN1(CGrey, 8), CMAP8 = CHAN1(CMap, 8), RGB15 = CHAN4(CIgnore, 1, CRed, 5, CGreen, 5, CBlue, 5), RGB16 = CHAN3(CRed, 5, CGreen, 6, CBlue, 5), RGB24 = CHAN3(CRed, 8, CGreen, 8, CBlue, 8), RGBA32 = CHAN4(CRed, 8, CGreen, 8, CBlue, 8, CAlpha, 8), ARGB32 = CHAN4(CAlpha, 8, CRed, 8, CGreen, 8, CBlue, 8), /* stupid VGAs */ XRGB32 = CHAN4(CIgnore, 8, CRed, 8, CGreen, 8, CBlue, 8), }; extern ulong displaychan; extern void drawend(void); extern int chantodepth(ulong); extern int main(int argc, char **argv); static void dprint(char*, ...); static DWORD WINAPI winproc(LPVOID); static HINSTANCE inst; static HINSTANCE previnst; static int attached; static ulong *data; extern DWORD PlatformId; char* gkscanid = "emu_win32vk"; extern int cflag; Plugin *plugin = NULL; DWORD WINAPI pluginproc(LPVOID p) { int x, y, b; for (;;) { WaitForSingleObject(plugin->dopop, INFINITE); switch (POP.op) { case Pgfxkey: if(gkbdq != nil) gkbdputc(gkbdq, POP.u.key); break; case Pmouse: x = POP.u.m.x; y = POP.u.m.y; b = POP.u.m.b; mousetrack(b, x, y, 0); break; } SetEvent(plugin->popdone); } } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE winst, HINSTANCE wprevinst, LPSTR cmdline, int wcmdshow) { HANDLE sharedmem; uint pid = _getpid(); char iname[16]; inst = winst; previnst = wprevinst; sprint(iname, "%uX", pid); sharedmem = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, iname); if (sharedmem != NULL) plugin = MapViewOfFile(sharedmem, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (plugin != NULL) { DWORD tid; int i; Xsize = plugin->Xsize; Ysize = plugin->Ysize; displaychan = plugin->cdesc; cflag = plugin->cflag; for (i = 0; i < PI_NCLOSE; i++) CloseHandle(plugin->closehandles[i]); CreateThread(0, 0, pluginproc, 0, 0, &tid); /* cmdline passed into WinMain does not contain name of executable. * The globals __argc and __argv to include this info - like UNIX */ main(__argc, __argv); UnmapViewOfFile(plugin); plugin = NULL; } if (sharedmem != NULL) CloseHandle(sharedmem); return 0; } static Lock ioplock; void newiop() { lock(&ioplock); } int sendiop() { int val; SetEvent(plugin->doiop); WaitForSingleObject(plugin->iopdone, INFINITE); val = plugin->iop.val; unlock(&ioplock); return val; } void dprint(char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; char buf[128]; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, (LPSTR)arg); va_end(arg); OutputDebugString("inferno: "); OutputDebugString(buf); } uchar* attachscreen(IRectangle *r, ulong *chan, int *d, int *width, int *softscreen) { int k; if (!attached) { newiop(); IOP.op = Iattachscr; if (sendiop() != 0) return nil; data = plugin->screen; attached = 1; } r->min.x = 0; r->min.y = 0; r->max.x = Xsize; r->max.y = Ysize; if(displaychan == 0) displaychan = CMAP8; *chan = displaychan; k = chantodepth(displaychan); *d = k; *width = (Xsize/4)*(k/8); *softscreen = 1; return (uchar*)data; } void flushmemscreen(IRectangle r) { if(r.max.x<=r.min.x || r.max.y<=r.min.y) return; newiop(); IOP.op = Iflushscr; IOP.u.r = r; sendiop(); } void setpointer(int x, int y) { USED(x); USED(y); // TODO } void drawcursor(Drawcursor* c) { USED(c); // TODO } char* clipread(void) { return nil; } int clipwrite(char *p) { USED(p); return -1; }