ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /appl/lib/ssl.b/
implement SSL; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "keyring.m"; include "security.m"; sslclone(): (ref Sys->Connection, string) { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; (rc, nil) := sys->stat("#D"); # only the local device will work, because local file descriptors are used if(rc < 0) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot access SSL device #D: %r")); c := ref Sys->Connection; c.dir = "#D"; if(rc >= 0){ (rc, nil) = sys->stat("#D/ssl"); # another variant if(rc >= 0) c.dir = "#D/ssl"; } clonef := c.dir+"/clone"; = sys->open(clonef, Sys->ORDWR); if( == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", clonef)); s := readstring(; if(s == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot read %s: %r", clonef)); c.dir += "/" + s; return (c, nil); } connect(fd: ref Sys->FD): (string, ref Sys->Connection) { (c, err) := sslclone(); if(c == nil) return (err, nil); c.dfd = sys->open(c.dir + "/data", Sys->ORDWR); if(c.dfd == nil) return (sys->sprint("cannot open data: %r"), nil); if(sys->fprint(, "fd %d", fd.fd) < 0) return (sys->sprint("cannot push fd: %r"), nil); return (nil, c); } secret(c: ref Sys->Connection, secretin, secretout: array of byte): string { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(secretin != nil){ fd := sys->open(c.dir + "/secretin", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", c.dir + "/secretin"); if(sys->write(fd, secretin, len secretin) < 0) return sys->sprint("cannot write %s: %r", c.dir + "/secretin"); } if(secretout != nil){ fd := sys->open(c.dir + "/secretout", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", c.dir + "/secretout"); if(sys->write(fd, secretout, len secretout) < 0) return sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", c.dir + "/secretout"); } return nil; } algs(): (list of string, list of string) { (c, nil) := sslclone(); if(c == nil) return (nil, nil); c.dfd = nil; (nil, encalgs) := sys->tokenize(readstring(sys->open(c.dir+"/encalgs", Sys->OREAD)), " \t\n"); (nil, hashalgs) := sys->tokenize(readstring(sys->open(c.dir+"/hashalgs", Sys->OREAD)), " \t\n"); return (encalgs, hashalgs); } readstring(fd: ref Sys->FD): string { if(fd == nil) return nil; buf := array[256] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return nil; return string buf[0:n]; }