ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /appl/ebook/oebpackage.b/
implement OEBpackage; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "bufio.m"; include "url.m"; url: Url; ParsedUrl: import url; include "xml.m"; xml: Xml; Attributes, Locator, Parser: import xml; include "oebpackage.m"; OEBpkgtype: con ""; OEBdoctype: con ""; OEBpkg, OEBdoc: con iota; Laxchecking: con 1; init(xmlm: Xml) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; url = load Url Url->PATH; if(url != nil) url->init(); xml = xmlm; } open(f: string, warnings: chan of (Xml->Locator, string)): (ref Package, string) { (x, e) := xml->open(f, warnings, nil); if(x == nil) return (nil, e); xi :=; if(xi == nil) return (nil, "not valid XML"); pick d := xi { Process => if( != "xml") return (nil, "not an XML file"); * => return (nil, "unexpected file structure"); } # XXX i don't understand this 3-times loop... # seems to me that something like the following (correct) document # will fail: # <?xml><!DOCTYPE ...><package> ....</package> # i.e. no space between the doctype declaration and the # start of the package tag. for(i := 0; i < 3; i++){ xi =; if(xi == nil) return (nil, "not OEB package"); pick d := xi { Text => ; # usual XML extraneous punctuation cruft Doctype => if(!d.public || len d.params < 2) return (nil, "not an OEB document or package"); case doctype(hd tl d.params, Laxchecking) { OEBpkg => break; OEBdoc => # it's a document; make it into a simple package p := ref Package; p.file = f; p.uniqueid =; p.manifest = p.spine = ref Item("doc", f, "text/x-oeb1-document", nil, f, nil) :: nil; return (p, nil); * => return (nil, "unexpected DOCTYPE for OEB package: " + hd tl d.params ); } * => return (nil, "not OEB package (no DOCTYPE)"); } } p := ref Package; p.file = f; # package[@unique-identifier[IDREF], Metadata, Manifest, Spine, Tours?, Guide?] if((tag := next(x, "package")) == nil) return (nil, "can't find OEB package"); p.uniqueid = tag.attrs.get("unique-identifier"); spine: list of string; fallbacks: list of (ref Item, string); x.down(); while((tag = next(x, nil)) != nil){ x.down(); case { "metadata" => while((tag = next(x, nil)) != nil) if( == "dc-metadata"){ x.down(); while((tag = next(x, nil)) != nil && (s := text(x)) != nil) p.meta = (, tag.attrs, s) :: p.meta; x.up(); } "manifest" => while((tag = next(x, "item")) != nil){ a := tag.attrs; p.manifest = ref Item(a.get("id"), a.get("href"), a.get("media-type"), nil, nil, nil) :: p.manifest; fallback := a.get("fallback"); if (fallback != nil) fallbacks = (hd p.manifest, fallback) :: fallbacks; } "spine" => while((tag = next(x, "itemref")) != nil) if((id := tag.attrs.get("idref")) != nil) spine = id :: spine; "guide" => while((tag = next(x, "reference")) != nil){ a := tag.attrs; = ref Reference(a.get("type"), a.get("title"), a.get("href")) ::; } "tours" => ; # ignore for now } x.up(); } x.up(); # deal with fallbacks, and make sure they're not circular. for (; fallbacks != nil; fallbacks = tl fallbacks) { (item, fallbackid) := hd fallbacks; fallback := lookitem(p.manifest, fallbackid); for (fi := fallback; fi != nil; fi = fi.fallback) if (fi == item) break; if (fi == nil) item.fallback = fallback; else sys->print("warning: circular fallback reference\n"); } # we'll assume it doesn't require a hash table for(; spine != nil; spine = tl spine) if((item := lookitem(p.manifest, hd spine)) != nil) p.spine = item :: p.spine; else p.spine = ref Item(hd spine, nil, nil, nil, nil, "item in OEB spine but not listed in manifest") :: p.spine; guide :=; for( = nil; guide != nil; guide = tl guide) = hd guide ::; return (p, nil); } doctype(s: string, lax: int): int { case s { OEBpkgtype => return OEBpkg; OEBdoctype => return OEBdoc; * => if (!lax) return -1; if (contains(s, "oebpkg1")) return OEBpkg; if (contains(s, "oebdoc1")); return OEBdoc; return -1; } } # does s1 contain s2 contains(s1, s2: string): int { if (len s2 > len s1) return 0; n := len s1 - len s2 + 1; search: for (i := 0; i < n ; i++) { for (j := 0; j < len s2; j++) if (s1[i + j] != s2[j]) continue search; return 1; } return 0; } lookitem(items: list of ref Item, id: string): ref Item { for(; items != nil; items = tl items){ item := hd items; if( == id) return item; } return nil; } next(x: ref Parser, s: string): ref Xml->Item.Tag { while ((t0 := != nil) { pick t1 := t0 { Error => sys->print("oebpackage: error: %s:%d: %s\n", t1.loc.systemid, t1.loc.line, t1.msg); Tag => if (s == nil || s == return t1; } } return nil; } text(x: ref Parser): string { s: string; x.down(); loop: while ((t0 := != nil) { pick t1 := t0 { Error => sys->print("oebpackage: error: %s:%d: %s\n", t1.loc.systemid, t1.loc.line, t1.msg); Text => s =; break loop; } } x.up(); return s; } Package.getmeta(p: self ref Package, n: string): list of (Xml->Attributes, string) { r: list of (Xml->Attributes, string); for(meta := p.meta; meta != nil; meta = tl meta){ (name, a, value) := hd meta; if(name == n) r = (a, value) :: r; } # r is in file order because p.meta is reversed return r; } Package.locate(p: self ref Package): int { dir := "./"; for(n := len p.file; --n >= 0;) if(p.file[n] == '/'){ dir = p.file[0:n+1]; break; } nmissing := 0; for(items := p.manifest; items != nil; items = tl items){ item := hd items; err := ""; if(item.href != nil){ u := url->makeurl(item.href); if(u.scheme != Url->FILE && u.scheme != Url->NOSCHEME) err = sys->sprint("URL scheme %s not yet supported", url->schemes[u.scheme]); else if( != "localhost" && != nil) err = "non-local URLs not supported"; else{ path := u.path; if(u.pstart != "/") path = dir+path; # TO DO: security (ok, d) := sys->stat(path); if(ok >= 0) item.file = path; else err = sys->sprint("%r"); } }else err = "no location specified (missing HREF)"; if(err != nil) nmissing++; item.missing = err; } return nmissing; }