ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /appl/ebook/cssparser.b/
implement CSSparser; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "string.m"; str: String; include "css.m"; css: CSS; Stylesheet, Statement, Select, Value: import css; include "cssparser.m"; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; css = load CSS CSS->PATH; if (css == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cssparser: cannot load %s: %r\n", CSS->PATH); raise "fail:bad module"; } css->init(1); } parse(s: string): list of (string, list of Decl) { (stylesheet, e) := css->parse(s); if (stylesheet == nil) { warning("error parsing stylesheet: " + e); return nil; } rules, r: list of (string, list of Decl); for (stl := stylesheet.statements; stl != nil; stl = tl stl) { pick st := hd stl { Ruleset => rules = ruleset2rule(st, rules); } } for (; rules != nil; rules = tl rules) r = hd rules :: r; return r; } ruleset2rule(statement: ref Statement.Ruleset, onto: list of (string, list of Decl)): list of (string, list of Decl) { d := makedecls(statement.decls); names: list of string; for (sels := statement.selectors; sels != nil; sels = tl sels) { csel := hd sels; if (len csel != 1) { warning("context-specific selectors not allowed"); continue; } (nil, l) := hd csel; if ((name := selector2name(l)) != nil) names = name :: names; } for (; names != nil; names = tl names) onto = (hd names, d) :: onto; return onto; } makedecls(decls: list of ref CSS->Decl): list of Decl { d: list of Decl; for (; decls != nil; decls = tl decls) { nd: Decl; = (hd decls).property; nd.important = (hd decls).important; s := ""; for (vals := (hd decls).values; vals != nil; vals = tl vals) { vs: string; pick v := hd vals { Percentage => vs = v.value + "%"; String or Number or Url or Unicoderange => vs = v.value; Hexcolour => vs = rgb2s(v.rgb); RGB => vs = rgb2s(v.rgb); Ident => vs =; Unit => vs = v.value + v.units; } if (s != nil) s[len s] = (hd vals).sep; s += vs; } nd.val = s; d = nd :: d; } return d; } rgb2s(rgb: (int, int, int)): string { (r, g, b) := rgb; return sys->sprint("#%.2x%.2x%.2x", r, g, b); } warning(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cssparser: %s\n", s); } selector2name(sel: list of ref Select): string { tag: string; class: string; pseudo: string; for (; sel != nil; sel = tl sel) { pick v := hd sel { Element => tag =; Class => class = "." +; Pseudo => class = ":" +; * => warning("unknown selector type " + string tagof(hd sel)); } } return tag + class + pseudo; } parsedecl(s: string): list of Decl { if (s == nil) return nil; (d, e) := css->parsedecl(s); if (d == nil) { warning(e); return nil; } return makedecls(d); }