ref: 254b07675e1a5348f2a8723f55e6b5b1b18a4721
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/dump.b/
# # Output routines. # # # Echo list of strings. # echo(e: ref Env, s: list of string) { out := e.outfile(); if (out == nil) return; out.putc('+'); for (t := s; t != nil; t = tl t) { out.putc(' '); out.puts(hd t); } out.putc('\n'); out.close(); } # # Return text representation of Word/Item/Cmd. # Word.word(w: self ref Word, d: string): string { if (w == nil) return nil; if (d != nil) return d + w.text; if (w.flags & Wquoted) return enquote(w.text); return w.text; } Item.text(i: self ref Item): string { if (i == nil) return nil; case i.op { Icaret => return i.left.text() + " ^ " + i.right.text(); Iicaret => return i.left.text() + i.right.text(); Idollarq => return i.word.word("$\""); Idollar or Imatch => return i.word.word("$"); Iword => return i.word.word(nil); Iexpr => return "(" + i.cmd.text() + ")"; Ibackq => return "`" + group(i.cmd); Iquote => return "\"" + group(i.cmd); Iinpipe => return "<" + group(i.cmd); Ioutpipe => return ">" + group(i.cmd); * => return "?" + string i.op; } } words(l: list of ref Item): string { s: string; while (l != nil) { if (s == nil) s = (hd l).text(); else s = s + " " + (hd l).text(); l = tl l; } return s; } redir(s: string, c: ref Cmd): string { if (c == nil) return s; for (l := c.redirs; l != nil; l = tl l) { r := hd l; s = s + " " + rdsymbs[r.op] + " " + r.word.text(); } return s; } cmd2in(c: ref Cmd, s: string): string { return c.left.text() + " " + s + " " + c.right.text(); } group(c: ref Cmd): string { if (c == nil) return "{ }"; return redir("{ " + c.text() + " }", c); } sequence(c: ref Cmd): string { s: string; do { r := c.right; t := ";"; if (r.op == Casync) { r = r.left; t = "&"; } if (s == nil) s = r.text() + t; else s = r.text() + t + " " + s; c = c.left; } while (c != nil); return s; } Cmd.text(c: self ref Cmd): string { if (c == nil) return nil; case c.op { Csimple => return redir(words(c.words), c); Cseq => return sequence(c); Cfor => return "for (" + c.item.text() + " in " + words(c.words) + ") " + c.left.text(); Cif => return "if (" + c.left.text() +") " + c.right.text(); Celse => return c.left.text() +" else " + c.right.text(); Cwhile => return "while (" + c.left.text() +") " + c.right.text(); Ccase => return redir("case " + c.left.text() + " { " + c.right.text() + "}", c); Ccases => s := c.left.text(); if (s[len s - 1] != '&') return s + "; " + c.right.text(); return s + " " + c.right.text(); Cmatched => return cmd2in(c, "=>"); Cdefeq => return c.item.text() + " := " + words(c.words); Ceq => return c.item.text() + " = " + words(c.words); Cfn => return "fn " + c.item.text() + " " + group(c.left); Crescue => return "rescue " + c.item.text() + " " + group(c.left); Casync => return c.left.text() + "&"; Cgroup => return group(c.left); Clistgroup => return ":" + group(c.left); Csubgroup => return "@" + group(c.left); Cnop => return nil; Cword => return c.item.text(); Ccaret => return cmd2in(c, "^"); Chd => return "hd " + c.left.text(); Clen => return "len " + c.left.text(); Cnot => return "!" + c.left.text(); Ctl => return "tl " + c.left.text(); Ccons => return cmd2in(c, "::"); Ceqeq => return cmd2in(c, "=="); Cnoteq => return cmd2in(c, "!="); Cmatch => return cmd2in(c, "~"); Cpipe => return cmd2in(c, "|"); Cdepend => return words(c.words) + " : " + words(c.left.words) + " " + c.left.text(); Crule => return c.item.text() + " :~ " + c.left.item.text() + " " + c.left.text(); * => if (c.op >= Cprivate) return "Priv+" + string (c.op - Cprivate); else return "?" + string c.op; } return nil; }