ref: 248c637d25154f762a7d675662c405a169594ca0
dir: /appl/alphabet/fs/write.b/
implement Write, Fsmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; Report, report: import reports; include "alphabet/fs.m"; fs: Fs; Value: import fs; Fschan, Fsdata, Entrychan, Entry, Gatechan, Gatequery, Option, Next, Down, Skip, Quit: import Fs; Write: module {}; types(): string { return "rxs-v"; } badmod(p: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "fs: write: cannot load %s: %r\n", p); raise "fail:bad module"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fs = load Fs Fs->PATH; if(fs == nil) badmod(Fs->PATH); fs->init(); reports = load Reports Reports->PATH; if(reports == nil) badmod(Reports->PATH); } run(nil: ref Draw->Context, report: ref Report, opts: list of Option, args: list of ref Value): ref Value { sync := chan of string; spawn fswriteproc(sync, (hd tl args).s().i, (hd args).x().i, report.start("fswrite"), opts!=nil); <-sync; return ref Value.Vr(sync); } fswriteproc(sync: chan of string, root: string, c: Fschan, errorc: chan of string, verbose: int) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); sync <-= nil; if(<-sync != nil){ (<-c).t1 <-= Quit; quit(sync, errorc); } (d, reply) := <-c; if(root != nil){ d.dir = ref *d.dir; = root; } fswritedir(, d, reply, c, errorc, verbose); quit(sync, errorc); } quit(sync: chan of string, errorc: chan of string) { errorc <-= nil; sync <-= nil; exit; } fswritedir(path: string, d: Fsdata, dreply: chan of int, c: Fschan, errorc: chan of string, verbose: int) { fd: ref Sys->FD; if(verbose) report(errorc, sys->sprint("create %q %uo", path, d.dir.mode)); if(d.dir.mode & Sys->DMDIR){ created := 1; fd = sys->create(, Sys->OREAD, d.dir.mode|8r777); if(fd == nil){ err := sys->sprint("%r"); if((fd = sys->open(, Sys->OREAD)) == nil){ dreply <-= Next; report(errorc, sys->sprint("cannot create %q, mode %uo: %s", path, d.dir.mode|8r300, err)); return; }else created = 0; } if(sys->chdir( == -1){ # XXX beware of names starting with '#' dreply <-= Next; report(errorc, sys->sprint("cannot cd to %q: %r", path)); fd = nil; sys->remove(; return; } dreply <-= Down; path[len path] = '/'; for(;;){ (ent, reply) := <-c; if(ent.dir == nil){ reply <-= Next; break; } fswritedir(path +, ent, reply, c, errorc, verbose); } sys->chdir(".."); if(created && (d.dir.mode & 8r777) != 8r777){ ws := Sys->nulldir; ws.mode = d.dir.mode; if(sys->fwstat(fd, ws) == -1) report(errorc, sys->sprint("cannot wstat %q: %r", path)); } }else{ fd = sys->create(, Sys->OWRITE, d.dir.mode); if(fd == nil){ dreply <-= Next; report(errorc, sys->sprint("cannot create %q, mode %uo: %r", path, d.dir.mode|8r300)); return; } dreply <-= Down; while((((nil, buf), reply) := <-c) != nil){ nw := sys->write(fd, buf, len buf); if(nw < len buf){ if(nw == -1) errorc <-= sys->sprint("error writing %q: %r", path); else errorc <-= sys->sprint("short write"); reply <-= Skip; break; } reply <-= Next; } reply <-= Next; } }