ref: 1dbb193077af7ba6ff7fb70a4dd465480764382e
dir: /emu/port/devmem.c/
#include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include "interp.h" enum { Qdir, Qctl, Qstate, Qsum, Qevent, Qprof, Qheap, Qgc }; static Dirtab memdir[] = { ".", {Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, 0, DMDIR|0555, "memctl", {Qctl}, 0, 0666, "memstate", {Qstate}, 0, 0444, "memsum", {Qsum}, 0, 0444, "memevent", {Qevent}, 0, 0444, "memprof", {Qprof}, 0, 0444, "memheap", {Qheap}, 0, 0444, "memgc", {Qgc}, 0, 0444, }; enum { /* these are the top two bits of size */ Pflags= 3<<30, Pfree= 0<<30, Palloc= 1<<30, Paend= 2<<30, Pimmutable= 3<<30, Npool = 3, Nevent = 10000, Nstate = 12000 }; /* * pool snapshots */ typedef struct Pstate Pstate; struct Pstate { ulong base; ulong size; }; static struct { Pstate state[3+Nstate]; Pstate* lim; Pstate* ptr; int summary; } poolstate[Npool]; static Ref stateopen; /* * pool/heap allocation events */ typedef struct Pevent Pevent; struct Pevent { int pool; ulong pc; ulong base; ulong size; }; static struct { Lock l; Ref inuse; Rendez r; int open; Pevent events[Nevent]; int rd; int wr; int full; int want; ulong lost; } poolevents; /* * allocation profiles */ typedef struct Pprof Pprof; typedef struct Pbucket Pbucket; struct Pbucket { ulong val; ulong pool; ulong count; ulong size; Pbucket* next; }; static struct { Ref inuse; /* only one of these things */ Lock l; Pbucket buckets[1000]; Pbucket snap[1000]; int used; int snapped; Pbucket* hash[128]; ulong lost; } memprof; extern void (*memmonitor)(int, ulong, ulong, ulong); extern ulong gcnruns; extern ulong gcsweeps; extern ulong gcbroken; extern ulong gchalted; extern ulong gcepochs; extern uvlong gcdestroys; extern uvlong gcinspects; extern uvlong gcbusy; extern uvlong gcidle; extern uvlong gcidlepass; extern uvlong gcpartial; static void mprofreset(void) { lock(&memprof.l); /* need ilock in kernel */ memset(memprof.hash, 0, sizeof(memprof.hash)); memprof.used = 0; memprof.lost = 0; unlock(&memprof.l); } static void mprofmonitor(int pool, ulong pc, ulong base, ulong size) { Pbucket **h0, **h, *p; if((pool&7) == 1) return; /* ignore heap */ USED(base); h0 = &memprof.hash[((pc>>16)^(pc>>4))&(nelem(memprof.hash)-1)]; lock(&memprof.l); for(h = h0; (p = *h) != nil; h = &p->next) if(p->val == pc && p->pool == pool){ p->count++; p->size += size; *h = p->next; p->next = *h0; *h0 = p; unlock(&memprof.l); return; } if(memprof.used >= nelem(memprof.buckets)){ memprof.lost++; unlock(&memprof.l); return; } p = &memprof.buckets[memprof.used++]; p->val = pc; p->pool = pool; p->count = 1; p->size = size; p->next = *h0; *h0 = p; unlock(&memprof.l); } static void _memmonitor(int pool, ulong pc, ulong base, ulong size) { Pevent e; e.pool = pool; e.pc = pc; e.base = base; e.size = size; lock(&poolevents.l); if(!poolevents.full){[poolevents.wr] = e; if(++poolevents.wr == nelem( poolevents.wr = 0; if(poolevents.wr == poolevents.rd) poolevents.full = 1; }else poolevents.lost++; if(poolevents.want){ poolevents.want = 0; Wakeup(&poolevents.r); } unlock(&poolevents.l); } static int ismemdata(void *v) { USED(v); return poolevents.full || poolevents.rd != poolevents.wr; } static char* memaudit(int pno, Bhdr *b) { Pstate *p; if(pno >= Npool) return "too many pools for memaudit"; if((p = poolstate[pno].ptr) == poolstate[pno].lim){ if(b->magic == MAGIC_E) return nil; p = &poolstate[pno].state[1]; if(b->magic == MAGIC_F) p++; p->base++; p->size += b->size; return nil; } poolstate[pno].ptr++; p->base = (ulong)b; p->size = b->size; switch(b->magic){ case MAGIC_A: p->size |= Palloc; break; case MAGIC_F: p->size |= Pfree; break; case MAGIC_E: p->size = b->csize | Paend; break; case MAGIC_I: p->size |= Pimmutable; break; default: return "bad magic number in block"; } return nil; } static void mput4(uchar *m, ulong v) { m[0] = v>>24; m[1] = v>>16; m[2] = v>>8; m[3] = v; } static Chan* memattach(char *spec) { return devattach('%', spec); } static Walkqid* memwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); } static int memstat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n) { return devstat(c, db, n, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); } static Chan* memopen(Chan *c, int omode) { if(memmonitor != nil && c->qid.path != Qgc) error(Einuse); c = devopen(c, omode, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Qevent: if(incref(&poolevents.inuse) != 1){ decref(&poolevents.inuse); c->flag &= ~COPEN; error(Einuse); } poolevents.rd = poolevents.wr = 0; poolevents.full = 0; poolevents.want = 0; poolevents.lost = 0; memmonitor = _memmonitor; = 1; break; case Qstate: if(incref(&stateopen) != 1){ decref(&stateopen); c->flag &= ~COPEN; error(Einuse); } break; case Qprof: if(incref(&memprof.inuse) != 1){ decref(&memprof.inuse); c->flag &= ~COPEN; error(Einuse); } memmonitor = mprofmonitor; break; } return c; } static void memclose(Chan *c) { if((c->flag & COPEN) == 0) return; switch((ulong)c->qid.path) { case Qevent: memmonitor = nil; = 0; decref(&poolevents.inuse); break; case Qstate: decref(&stateopen); break; case Qprof: decref(&memprof.inuse); memmonitor = nil; break; } } static long memread(Chan *c, void *va, long count, vlong offset) { uchar *m; char *e, *s; int i, summary; long n, nr; Pstate *p; Pevent pe; Pbucket *b; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return devdirread(c, va, count, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); summary = 0; switch((ulong)c->qid.path) { default: error(Egreg); case Qctl: return 0; case Qsum: summary = 1; /* fall through */ case Qstate: if(offset == 0){ for(i=0; i<Npool; i++){ poolstate[i].ptr = &poolstate[i].state[3]; poolstate[i].lim = poolstate[i].ptr + Nstate; memset(poolstate[i].state, 0, sizeof(poolstate[i].state)); poolstate[i].summary = summary; } e = poolaudit(memaudit); if(e != nil){ print("mem: %s\n", e); error(e); } } m = va; nr = offset/8; for(i=0; i<Npool && count >= 8; i++){ n = poolstate[i].ptr - poolstate[i].state; poolstate[i].state[0].base = i; poolstate[i].state[0].size = n; if(nr >= n){ nr -= n; continue; } n -= nr; p = &poolstate[i].state[nr]; for(; --n >= 0 && (count -= 8) >= 0; m += 8, p++){ mput4(m, p->base); mput4(m+4, p->size); } } return m-(uchar*)va; case Qevent: while(!ismemdata(nil)){ poolevents.want = 1; Sleep(&poolevents.r, ismemdata, nil); } m = va; do{ if((count -= 4*4) < 0) return m-(uchar*)va; pe =[poolevents.rd]; mput4(m, pe.pool); mput4(m+4, pe.pc); mput4(m+8, pe.base); mput4(m+12, pe.size); m += 4*4; if(++poolevents.rd >= nelem( poolevents.rd = 0; }while(poolevents.rd != poolevents.wr); poolevents.full = 0; return m-(uchar*)va; case Qprof: if(offset == 0){ lock(&memprof.l); memmove(memprof.snap, memprof.buckets, memprof.used*sizeof(memprof.buckets[0])); memprof.snapped = memprof.used; unlock(&memprof.l); } m = va; for(i = offset/(4*4); i < memprof.snapped && (count -= 4*4) >= 0; i++){ b = &memprof.snap[i]; mput4(m, b->pool); mput4(m+4, b->val); mput4(m+8, b->count); mput4(m+12, b->size); m += 4*4; } return m-(uchar*)va; case Qgc: s = malloc(READSTR); if(s == nil) error(Enomem); if(waserror()){ free(s); nexterror(); } snprint(s, READSTR, "runs: %lud\nsweeps: %lud\nbchain: %lud\nhalted: %lud\nepochs: %lud\ndestroy: %llud\ninspects: %llud\nbusy: %llud\nidle: %llud\nidlepass: %llud\npartial: %llud\n", gcnruns, gcsweeps, gcbroken, gchalted, gcepochs, gcdestroys, gcinspects, gcbusy, gcidle, gcidlepass, gcpartial); count = readstr(offset, va, count, s); poperror(); free(s); return count; } } static long memwrite(Chan *c, void *va, long count, vlong offset) { USED(offset); USED(count); USED(va); if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); switch((ulong)c->qid.path) { default: error(Egreg); case Qctl: error(Ebadarg); case Qstate: error(Eperm); case Qprof: mprofreset(); break; } return 0; } Dev memdevtab = { '%', "mem", devinit, memattach, memwalk, memstat, memopen, devcreate, memclose, memread, devbread, memwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat };