ref: 1dbb193077af7ba6ff7fb70a4dd465480764382e
dir: /appl/lib/dividers.b/
implement Dividers; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "dividers.m"; Lay: adt { d: int; x: fn(l: self Lay, p: Point): int; y: fn(l: self Lay, p: Point): int; mkr: fn(l: self Lay, r: Rect): Rect; mkpt: fn(l: self Lay, p: Point): Point; }; DIVHEIGHT: con 6; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; } # dir is direction in which to stack widgets (NS or EW) ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, wl: list of string, dir: int): (ref Divider, chan of string) { lay := Lay(dir); n := len wl; d := ref Divider(win, w, nil, dir, array[n] of {* => ref DWidget}, (0, 0)); p := Point(0, 0); for (i := 0; wl != nil; (wl, i) = (tl wl, i+1)) { sz := lay.mkpt(wsize(win, hd wl)); *d.widgets[i] = (hd wl, (p, p.add(sz)), sz); if (sz.x > d.canvsize.x) d.canvsize.x = sz.x; p.y += sz.y + DIVHEIGHT; } d.canvsize.y = p.y - DIVHEIGHT; cmd(win, "canvas " + d.w + " -width " + string lay.x(d.canvsize) + " -height " + string lay.y(d.canvsize)); ech := chan of string; echname := "dw" + d.w; tk->namechan(win, ech, echname); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { dw := d.widgets[i]; dw.r.max.x = d.canvsize.x + dw.r.min.x; sz := dxy(dw.r); cmd(win, d.w + " create window " + p2s(lay.mkpt(dw.r.min)) + " -window " + dw.w + " -tags w" + string i + " -anchor nw" + " -width " + string lay.x(sz) + " -height " + string lay.y(sz)); cmd(win, "pack propagate " + dw.w + " 0"); if (i < n - 1) { r := lay.mkr(((dw.r.min.x, dw.r.max.y), (dw.r.max.x, dw.r.max.y + DIVHEIGHT))); cmd(win, d.w + " create rectangle " + r2s(r) + " -fill red" + " -tags d" + string i); cmd(win, d.w + " bind d" + string i + " <Button-1>" + " {send " + echname + " but " + string i + " %x %y}"); cmd(win, d.w + " bind d" + string i + " <Motion-Button-1> {}"); cmd(win, d.w + " bind d" + string i + " <ButtonRelease-1>" + " {send " + echname + " up x %x %y}"); } } cmd(win, d.w + " create rectangle -2 -2 -1 -1 -tags grab"); cmd(win, d.w + " bind grab <Button-1> {send " + echname + " drag x %x %y}"); cmd(win, d.w + " bind grab <ButtonRelease-1> {send " + echname + " up x %x %y}"); cmd(win, "bind " + d.w + " <Configure> {send " + echname + " config x x x}"); return (d, ech); } Divider.event(d: self ref Divider, e: string) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(e, " "); if (n != 4) { sys->print("dividers: invalid event %s\n", e); return; } lay := Lay(d.dir); p := lay.mkpt((int hd tl tl toks, int hd tl tl tl toks)); t := hd toks; if (t == "but" && d.state != nil) t = "drag"; case t { "but" => if (d.state != nil) { sys->print("dividers: event '%s' received in drag mode\n", e); return; } div := int hd tl toks; d.state = ref DState; d.state.dragdiv = div; d.state.dy = p.y - d.widgets[div].r.max.y; d.state.maxy = d.widgets[div+1].r.max.y - DIVHEIGHT; d.state.miny = d.widgets[div].r.min.y; cmd(, d.w + " itemconfigure d" + string div + " -fill orange"); cmd(, d.w + " raise d" + string div); cmd(, d.w + " coords grab -10000 -10000 10000 10000"); cmd(, "grab set " + d.w); cmd(, "update"); "drag" => if (d.state == nil) { sys->print("dividers: event '%s' received in non-drag mode\n", e); return; } div := d.state.dragdiv; ypos := p.y - d.state.dy; if (ypos > d.state.maxy) ypos = d.state.maxy; else if (ypos < d.state.miny) ypos = d.state.miny; r := Rect((0, ypos), (d.canvsize.x, ypos + DIVHEIGHT)); cmd(, d.w + " coords d" + string div + " " + r2s(lay.mkr(r))); d.widgets[div].r.max.y = ypos; d.widgets[div+1].r.min.y = ypos + DIVHEIGHT; relayout(d); cmd(, "update"); "up" => if (d.state == nil) { sys->print("dividers: event '%s' received in non-drag mode\n", e); return; } div := d.state.dragdiv; cmd(, d.w + " itemconfigure d" + string div + " -fill red"); cmd(, d.w + " coords grab -2 -2 -1 -1"); cmd(, "grab release " + d.w); cmd(, "update"); d.state = nil; "config" => resize(d); cmd(, "update"); } } # lay out widgets according to rectangles that have been already specified. relayout(d: ref Divider) { lay := Lay(d.dir); for (i := 0; i < len d.widgets; i++) { dw := d.widgets[i]; sz := dxy(dw.r); szs := " -width " + string lay.x(sz) + " -height " + string lay.y(sz); cmd(, d.w + " coords w" + string i + " " + p2s(lay.mkpt(dw.r.min))); cmd(, d.w + " itemconfigure w" + string i + szs); cmd(, dw.w + " configure" + szs); if (i < len d.widgets - 1) { r := lay.mkr(((dw.r.min.x, dw.r.max.y), (dw.r.max.x, dw.r.max.y + DIVHEIGHT))); cmd(, d.w + " coords d" + string i + " " + r2s(r)); } } } # resize based on current actual size of canvas; # sections resize proportionate to their previously occupied space. # strange things will happen if we're resizing in the middle of a drag... resize(d: ref Divider) { lay := Lay(d.dir); sz := lay.mkpt((int cmd(, d.w + " cget -actwidth"), int cmd(, d.w + " cget -actheight"))); wspace := (len d.widgets - 1) * DIVHEIGHT; y := 0; for (i := 0; i < len d.widgets; i++) { dw := d.widgets[i]; prop := real dw.r.dy() / real (d.canvsize.y - wspace); dw.r = ((0, y), (sz.x, y + int (prop * real (sz.y - wspace)))); y = dw.r.max.y + DIVHEIGHT; } y -= DIVHEIGHT; # compensate for rounding errors d.widgets[i - 1].r.max.y -= y - sz.y; d.canvsize = sz; relayout(d); } wsize(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): Point { bw := int cmd(win, w + " cget -borderwidth"); return Point(int cmd(win, w + " cget -width") + bw*2, int cmd(win, w + " cget -height") + bw*2); } dxy(r: Rect): Point { return r.max.sub(r.min); } p2s(p: Point): string { return string p.x + " " + string p.y; } r2s(r: Rect): string { return string r.min.x + " " + string r.min.y + " " + string r.max.x + " " + string r.max.y; } Lay.x(l: self Lay, p: Point): int { if (l.d == NS) return p.x; return p.y; } Lay.y(l: self Lay, p: Point): int { if (l.d == NS) return p.y; return p.x; } Lay.mkr(l: self Lay, r: Rect): Rect { if (l.d == NS) return r; return ((r.min.y, r.min.x), (r.max.y, r.max.x)); } Lay.mkpt(l: self Lay, p: Point): Point { if (l.d == NS) return p; return (p.y, p.x); } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->print("dividers: tk error %s on '%s'\n", e, s); return e; }