ref: 15e065df12bf7ad79000d150cefa5038ee7416b3
dir: /module/zip.m/
Zip: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/zip.dis"; dflag: int; init: fn(): string; # compression methods. only plain & deflate supported. Mplain, Mshrunk, Mreduced1, Mreduced2, Mreduced3, Mreduced4, Mimplode, Mtokenize, Mdeflate, Mdeflate64, Mpkwareimplode, Mreserved0, Mbzip2, Mreserved1, Mlzma: con iota+0; Mibmterse, Mlz77z: con iota+18; Mwavpack, Mppmdi1: con iota+97; # general purpose flags Fencrypted: con 1<<0; Flocaldatadescr: con 1<<3; # crc & sizes in fhdr are 0, use "data descriptor" following fhdr Fcompressedpatched: con 1<<5; Fstrongcrypto: con 1<<6; Futf8: con 1<<11; Fcdirencrypted: con 1<<13; # internal file attributes IFArecord: con 1<<1; Version: con 20; # supported for reading Extra: adt { l: list of ref (int, array of byte); parse: fn(d: array of byte): (ref Extra, string); pack: fn(e: self ref Extra): array of byte; text: fn(e: self ref Extra): string; }; Fhdr: adt { versneeded: int; flags: int; comprmethod: int; filemtime: int; filemdate: int; mtime: int; # not in file, unix epoch mtime based on filemtime & filemdate crc32: big; comprsize: big; uncomprsize: big; filename: string; extra: ref Extra; dataoff: big; # not in file mk: fn(f: ref CDFhdr): ref Fhdr; parse: fn(buf: array of byte, off: big): (ref Fhdr, string); read: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, off: big): (ref Fhdr, string); pack: fn(f: self ref Fhdr): array of byte; text: fn(f: self ref Fhdr): string; }; CDFhdr: adt { versmadeby: int; versneeded: int; flags: int; comprmethod: int; filemtime: int; filemdate: int; mtime: int; # not in file, unix epoch mtime based on filemtime & filemdate crc32: big; comprsize: big; uncomprsize: big; filename: string; extra: ref Extra; comment: string; disknrstart: int; intattr: int; extattr: big; reloffset: big; mk: fn(f: ref Fhdr, off: big): ref CDFhdr; parse: fn(buf: array of byte): (ref CDFhdr, string); read: fn(b: ref Bufio->Iobuf): (ref CDFhdr, string); pack: fn(f: self ref CDFhdr): array of byte; text: fn(f: self ref CDFhdr): string; }; Endofcdir: adt { disknr: int; diskcdir: int; diskcdirentries: int; cdirentries: int; cdirsize: big; cdiroffset: big; comment: array of byte; parse: fn(buf: array of byte): (ref Endofcdir, string); pack: fn(e: self ref Endofcdir): array of byte; text: fn(e: self ref Endofcdir): string; }; comprmethod: fn(m: int): string; open: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Endofcdir, array of ref CDFhdr, string); openfile: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, f: ref CDFhdr): (ref Sys->FD, ref Fhdr, string); readfhdr: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, f: ref CDFhdr): (ref Fhdr, string); pread: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, f: ref Fhdr, buf: array of byte, n: int, off: big): int; sanitizepath: fn(s: string): string; crc32: fn(crc: int, buf: array of byte): int; };