ref: 15e065df12bf7ad79000d150cefa5038ee7416b3
dir: /appl/wm/ftree/items.b/
implement Items; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "items.m"; Taglen: con 5; Titletaglen: con 10; Spotdiam: con 10; Lineopts: con " -width 1 -fill gray"; Ovalopts: con " -outline gray"; Crossopts: con " -fill red"; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; } blankexpander: Expander; ref Tk->Toplevel, cvs: string): ref Expander { e := ref blankexpander; = win; e.cvs = cvs; return e; } moveto(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, cvs: string, tag: string, bbox: Rect, p: Point) { if (!bbox.min.eq(p)) cmd(win, cvs + " move " + tag + " " + p2s(p.sub(bbox.min))); } bbox(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, cvs, w: string): Rect { return s2r(cmd(win, cvs + " bbox " + w)); } rename(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, it: Item, newname: string): Item { (nil, itl) := sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c find withtag " +, " "); cmd(win, ".c dtag " + + " " +; for (; itl != nil; itl = tl itl) cmd(win, ".c addtag " + newname + " withtag " + hd itl); = newname; return it; } Expander.make(e: self ref Expander, titleitem: Item): Item { name :=; tag := " -tags " + name; e.titleitem = rename(, titleitem, "!!." + name); cmd(, e.cvs + " addtag " + name + " withtag !!." + name); sc := spotcentre((0, 0), dxy(e.titleitem.r)); spotr := Rect(sc, sc).inset(-Spotdiam/2); p := (spotr.max.x + Titletaglen, 0); moveto(, e.cvs,, e.titleitem.r, p); e.titleitem.r = rmoveto(e.titleitem.r, p); it := Item(name, ((0, 0), (spotr.max.x + Titletaglen + titleitem.r.dx(), titleitem.r.dy())), (0, 0)); # make line to the right of spot cmd(, e.cvs + " create line " + p2s((spotr.max.x, sc.y)) + " " + p2s((spotr.max.x+Titletaglen, sc.y)) + tag + Lineopts); # make spot spotid := cmd(, e.cvs + " create oval " + r2s(spotr) + Ovalopts + tag); if (e.expanded) cmd(, e.cvs + " bind " + spotid + " <ButtonRelease-1>" + " {send event " + name + " contract}"); else cmd(, e.cvs + " bind " + spotid + " <ButtonRelease-1>" + " {send event " + name + " expand}"); cmd(, e.cvs + " raise " + spotid); e.spotid = int spotid; it.attach = (0, sc.y); it.r.max = (e.titleitem.r.dx() + spotr.max.x + Titletaglen, e.titleitem.r.dy()); if (!e.expanded) { addcross(e, it, name); return it; } it.r = placechildren(e, it, name); return it; } rmoveto(r: Rect, p: Point): Rect { return r.addpt(p.sub(r.min)); } # place all children of e appropriately. # assumes that the canvas items of all children are already made. # return bbox rectangle of whole thing. placechildren(e: ref Expander, it: Item, tags: string): Rect { ltag := " -tags {"+ tags + " !." + + "}"; titlesize := dxy(e.titleitem.r); sc := spotcentre(it.r.min, titlesize); maxwidth := 0; y := it.r.min.y + titlesize.y; lasty := 0; for (i := 0; i < len e.children; i++) { c := e.children[i]; if (c.r.dx() > maxwidth) maxwidth = c.r.dx(); c.r = c.r.addpt(it.r.min); r: Rect; r.min = (sc.x + Taglen, y); r.max = r.min.add(dxy(c.r)); moveto(, e.cvs,, c.r, r.min); # make item coords relative to parent e.children[i].r = r.subpt(it.r.min); cmd(, e.cvs + " addtag " + + " withtag " +; # horizontal attachment cmd(, e.cvs + " create line " + p2s((sc.x, y + c.attach.y)) + " " + p2s((sc.x + Taglen + c.attach.x, y + c.attach.y)) + ltag + Lineopts); lasty = y + c.attach.y; y += r.dy(); } # vertical attachment (if there were any children) if (i > 0) { id := cmd(, e.cvs + " create line " + p2s((sc.x, sc.y + Spotdiam/2)) + " " + p2s((sc.x, lasty)) + ltag + Lineopts); cmd(, e.cvs + " bind " + id + " <Button-1>"+ " {send event " + + " see}"); } r := Rect(it.r.min, (max(sc.x+Spotdiam/2+Titletaglen+titlesize.x, sc.x+Taglen+maxwidth), y)); return r; } Expander.event(e: self ref Expander, it: Item, ev: string): Item { case ev { "expand" => if (e.expanded) { sys->print("item %s is already expanded\n",; return it; } e.expanded = 1; tags := gettags(, e.cvs, string e.spotid); cmd(, e.cvs + " delete !." +; cmd(, e.cvs + " bind " + string e.spotid + " <ButtonRelease-1>" + + " {send event " + + " contract}"); it.r = placechildren(e, it, tags); "contract" => if (!e.expanded) { sys->print("item %s is already contracted\n",; return it; } e.expanded = 0; cmd(, e.cvs + " delete !." +; for (i := 0; i < len e.children; i++) cmd(, e.cvs + " delete " + e.children[i].name); cmd(, e.cvs + " bind " + string e.spotid + " <ButtonRelease-1>" + + " {send event " + + " expand}"); tags := gettags(, e.cvs, string e.spotid); addcross(e, it, tags); titlesize := dxy(e.titleitem.r); it.r.max = it.r.min.add((Taglen * 2 + Spotdiam + titlesize.x, titlesize.y)); e.children = nil; "see" => cmd(, e.cvs + " see " + p2s(it.r.min)); * => sys->print("unknown event '%s' on item %s\n", ev,; } return it; } Expander.childrenchanged(e: self ref Expander, it: Item): Item { cmd(, e.cvs + " delete !." +; tags := gettags(, e.cvs, string e.spotid); it.r = placechildren(e, it, tags); return it; } gettags(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, cvs: string, name: string): string { tags := cmd(win, cvs + " gettags " + name); (n, tagl) := sys->tokenize(tags, " "); ntags := ""; for (; tagl != nil; tagl = tl tagl) { t := hd tagl; if (t[0] != '!' && (t[0] < '0' || t[0] > '9')) ntags += " " + t; } return ntags; } spotcentre(origin, titlesize: Point): Point { return (origin.x + Spotdiam / 2, origin.y + titlesize.y / 2); } addcross(e: ref Expander, it: Item, tags: string) { p := spotcentre(it.r.min, dxy(e.titleitem.r)); crosstags := " -tags {" + tags + " !." + + "}"; id1 := cmd(, e.cvs + " create line " + p2s((p.x-Spotdiam/2, p.y)) + " " + p2s((p.x+Spotdiam/2, p.y)) + crosstags + Crossopts); id2 := cmd(, e.cvs + " create line " + p2s((p.x, p.y-Spotdiam/2)) + " " + p2s((p.x, p.y+Spotdiam/2)) + crosstags + Crossopts); cmd(, e.cvs + " lower " + id1 + ";" + e.cvs + " lower " + id2); } knownfont: string; knownfontheight: int; fontheight(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, font: string): int { Font: import draw; if (font == knownfont) return knownfontheight; if (win.image == nil) # can happen if we run out of image memory return -1; f :=, font); if (f == nil) return -1; knownfont = font; knownfontheight = f.height; return f.height; } maketext(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, cvs: string, name: string, text: string): Item { tag := " -tags " + name; it := Item(name, ((0, 0), (0, 0)), (0, 0)); ttid := cmd(win, cvs + " create text 0 0 " + " -anchor nw" + tag + " -text '" + text); it.r = bbox(win, cvs, ttid); h := fontheight(win, cmd(win, cvs + " itemcget " + ttid + " -font")); if (h != -1) { dh := it.r.dy() - h; it.r.min.y += dh / 2; it.r.max.y -= dh / 2; } it.attach = (0, it.r.dy() / 2); return it; } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "items: tk error %s on '%s'\n", e, s); return e; } r2s(r: Rect): string { return string r.min.x + " " + string r.min.y + " " + string r.max.x + " " + string r.max.y; } s2r(s: string): Rect { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 4) { sys->print("'%s' is not a rectangle!\n", s); raise "bad conversion"; } r: Rect; (r.min.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.min.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); return r; } Item.eq(i: self Item, j: Item): int { return i.r.eq(j.r) && i.attach.eq(j.attach) && ==; } Item.addpt(i: self Item, p: Point): Item { i.r = i.r.addpt(p); return i; } Item.subpt(i: self Item, p: Point): Item { i.r = i.r.subpt(p); return i; } p2s(p: Point): string { return string p.x + " " + string p.y; } dxy(r: Rect): Point { return r.max.sub(r.min); } max(a, b: int): int { if (a > b) return a; return b; }