ref: 06fac9885c8349fe2e06ffdd36817f65adc0fd66
dir: /utils/5coff/5coff.c/
#include "auxi.h" #define RND(x, y) ((((x)+(y)-1)/(y))*(y)) char *cmd; int sflag, dflag; int ifd, ofd; Fhdr ihdr; long HEADR, INITTEXT, INITDAT, INITRND, INITENTRY; long textsize, datsize, bsssize; int cout; int thumb; static void get_file(char *); static void put_file(char *); static void usage(char *); static long strxtol(char *); static void readsyms(void); char *fail = "error"; void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *a, *ifile, *ofile; cmd = argv[0]; INITTEXT = -1; INITDAT = -1; INITRND = -1; INITENTRY = -1; ARGBEGIN { /* * Options without args */ case 's': sflag = 1; break; /* * Options with args */ case 'T': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITTEXT = strxtol(a); break; case 'D': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITDAT = strxtol(a); break; case 'R': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITRND = strxtol(a); break; case 'E': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITENTRY = strxtol(a); break; case 'd': dflag |= strxtol(ARGF()); break; default: usage("Invalid option"); } ARGEND if (argc != 2) usage("Wrong number of arguments"); ifile = argv[0]; ofile = argv[1]; get_file(ifile); put_file(ofile); exits(0); } char usagemsg[] = "usage: %s options infile outfile\n\t options (for outfile): -H[1234] -s -T<text> -D<data> -R<rnd> -E<entry>\n"; static void usage(char *msg) { fprint(2, "***Error: %s\n", msg); fprint(2, usagemsg, cmd); exits("usage"); } static long strxtol(char *s) { char *es; int base = 0; long r; if (*s == '0') if (*++s == 'x'){ base = 16; s++; } else base = 8; r = strtol(s, &es, base); if (*es) usage("bad number"); return(r); } static void get_file(char *ifile) { int h; ifd = open(ifile, OREAD); if (ifd < 0) { fprint(2, "5coff: open %s: %r\n", ifile); exits("open"); } h = crackhdr(ifd, &ihdr); if (!h || dflag){ fprint(2, "Crackhdr: %d, type: %d, name: %s\n", h, ihdr.type,; fprint(2, "txt %llux, ent %llux, txtsz %lux, dataddr %llux\n", ihdr.txtaddr, ihdr.entry, ihdr.txtsz, ihdr.dataddr); } if (!h) usage("File type not recognized"); machbytype(ihdr.type); if (dflag) fprint(2, "name: <%s> pgsize:%ux\n", mach->name, mach->pgsize); HEADR = 22+28+3*48; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = ihdr.txtaddr; else ihdr.txtaddr = INITTEXT; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = ihdr.dataddr; else ihdr.dataddr = INITDAT; if(INITENTRY == -1) INITENTRY = ihdr.entry; else ihdr.entry = INITENTRY; textsize = ihdr.txtsz; datsize = ihdr.datsz; bsssize = ihdr.bsssz; if(INITRND > 0) ihdr.dataddr = INITDAT = RND(INITTEXT+textsize, INITRND); if(0){ INITTEXT = INITENTRY; INITDAT = RND(INITTEXT+textsize, 4); } if(0){ print("H=%lux T=%lux D=%lux t=%lux d=%lux b=%lux e=%lux\n", HEADR, INITTEXT, INITDAT, textsize, datsize, bsssize, INITENTRY); print("%llux %llux %llux %lux %lux %lux\n", ihdr.txtaddr, ihdr.dataddr, ihdr.entry, ihdr.txtsz, ihdr.datsz, ihdr.bsssz); } readsyms(); } #define WB 128 #define WSAFE (WB-4) char Wbuf[WB]; char *wp = Wbuf; void cflush(void) { if(wp > Wbuf) write(ofd, Wbuf, wp-Wbuf); wp = Wbuf; } void lput(long l) { wp[0] = l>>24; wp[1] = l>>16; wp[2] = l>>8; wp[3] = l; wp += 4; if(wp >= Wbuf+WSAFE) cflush(); } void cput(int l) { wp[0] = l; wp += 1; if(wp >= Wbuf+WSAFE) cflush(); } void hputl(int l) { wp[1] = l>>8; wp[0] = l; wp += 2; if(wp >= Wbuf+WSAFE) cflush(); } void lputl(long l) { wp[3] = l>>24; wp[2] = l>>16; wp[1] = l>>8; wp[0] = l; wp += 4; if(wp >= Wbuf+WSAFE) cflush(); } static void copyseg(long sz) { char buf[1024]; cflush(); while (sz > 0){ long n; long r; n = sz; if (n > sizeof buf) n = sizeof buf; sz -= n; if ((r = read(ifd, buf, n)) != n){ fprint(2, "%ld = read(...%ld) at %ld\n", r, n, (long)seek(ifd, 0, 1)); perror("Premature eof"); exits(fail); } if ((r = write(ofd, buf, n)) != n){ fprint(2, "%ld = write(...%ld)\n", r, n); perror("Write error!"); exits(fail); } } cflush(); } static void put_file(char *ofile) { ofd = create(ofile, OWRITE, 0666); if (ofd < 0) { fprint(2, "5coff: create %s: %r\n", ofile); exits("create"); } cout = ofd; /* TBS lput for Plan9 header before ? */ seek(ifd, ihdr.txtoff, 0); seek(ofd, HEADR, 0); copyseg(ihdr.txtsz); seek(ifd, ihdr.datoff, 0); seek(ofd, HEADR+textsize, 0); copyseg(ihdr.datsz); seek(ofd, HEADR+textsize+datsize, 0); coffsym(); cflush(); cofflc(); cflush(); seek(ofd, 0, 0); coffhdr(); cflush(); close(ifd); close(ofd); } long entryvalue(void) { return INITENTRY; } void diag(char *s, ...) { fprint(2, "%s\n", s); exits("error"); } static void readsyms(void) { int i; long n; Sym *s; if(sflag) return; n = syminit(ifd, &ihdr); beginsym(); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ s = getsym(i); newsym(i, s->name, s->value, s->type); } endsym(); }