ref: 06fac9885c8349fe2e06ffdd36817f65adc0fd66
dir: /os/js/devcs4231.c/
/* * preliminary Crystal CS4231 audio driver, * initially based on SB16 driver, and therefore needs work. * for instance, i suspect the linked-list buffering is excessive: * a rolling buffering scheme or double buffering should be fine, * and possibly simpler. * * To do: * stop/start? * is the linux mix_cvt ideal? * ad1845 differences * adpcm freezing */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "devtab.h" #include "io.h" #include "audio.h" #define DPRINT if(chatty)print typedef struct AChan AChan; typedef struct AQueue AQueue; typedef struct Buf Buf; typedef struct Vol Vol; enum { Qdir = 0, Qaudio, Qaudioctl, Fmono = 1, Fin = 2, Fout = 4, Vaudio = 0, Vaux1, Vaux2, Vline, Vmic, Vmono, Vspeed, Vchans, Vbits, Nvol, Speed = 22050, Ncmd = 50, /* max volume command words */ }; enum { Paddr= 0, TRD= 1<<5, MCE= 1<<6, Pdata= 1, Pstatus= 2, Pio= 3, LeftADC= 0, MGE= 1<<5, ISline= 0<<6, ISaux1= 1<<6, ISmic= 2<<6, ISloop= 3<<6, ISmask= 3<<6, RightADC= 1, LeftAux1= 2, Mute= 1<<7, RightAux1= 3, LeftAux2= 4, RightAux2= 5, LeftDAC= 6, RightDAC= 7, OutFormat= 8, Stereo= 1<<4, Linear8= 0<<5, uLaw= 1<<5, Linear16= 2<<5, aLaw= 3<<5, ADPCM= 5<<5, Fmask= 7<<5, Config= 9, PEN= 1<<0, CEN= 1<<1, Nocal= 0<<3, Convcal= 1<<3, DACcal= 2<<3, Fullcal= 3<<3, PinControl= 10, IEN= 1<<1, DEN= 1<<3, Xctl0= 1<<6, Xctl1= 1<<7, Status= 11, ACI= 1<<5, Mode= 12, Mode2= 1<<6, Loopback= 13, LBE= 1<<0, PlayCount1= 14, PlayCount0= 15, Feature1= 16, PMCE= 1<<4, CMCE= 1<<5, Feature2= 17, LeftLine= 18, RightLine= 19, Timer0= 20, Timer1= 21, Feature3= 23, FeatureStatus= 24, PI= 1<<4, /* playback interrupt */ CI= 1<<5, /* capture interrupt */ TI= 1<<6, /* timer interrupt */ ChipID= 25, MonoCtl= 26, MBY= 1<<5, /* mono bypass */ MOM= 1<<6, InFormat= 28, RecCount1= 30, RecCount0= 31, }; #define csdelay() microdelay(1) static Dirtab audiodir[] = { "audio", {Qaudio}, 0, 0666, "audioctl", {Qaudioctl}, 0, 0666, }; #define NPORT (sizeof audiodir/sizeof(Dirtab)) struct Buf { uchar* virt; int count; Buf* next; }; struct AQueue { Lock; Buf* first; Buf* last; }; struct AChan { QLock; Rendez r; Buf buf[Nbuf]; /* buffers and queues */ AQueue empty; AQueue full; Buf* current; Buf* filling; int flushing; }; static struct { QLock; int opened; int bufinit; /* boolean if buffers allocated */ int rivol[Nvol]; /* right/left input/output volumes */ int livol[Nvol]; int rovol[Nvol]; int lovol[Nvol]; int loopback; AChan in; AChan out; } audio; static char* encname(int); static int dacload(int, int); static int auxload(int, int); static int adcload(int, int); static int monoload(int, int); struct Vol { char* name; int flag; int ilval; /* initial values */ int irval; int reg; int (*load)(int, int); }; static Vol volumes[] = { [Vaudio] {"audio", Fout, 50, 50, LeftDAC, dacload}, [Vaux1] {"aux1", Fin, 0, 0, LeftAux1, auxload}, [Vaux2] {"aux2", Fin, 0, 0, LeftAux2, auxload}, [Vline] {"line", Fin, 0, 0, LeftLine, auxload}, [Vmono] {"mono", Fin|Fout|Fmono, 0, 0, MonoCtl, monoload}, [Vmic] {"mic", Fin, 0, 0, LeftADC, adcload}, [Vspeed] {"rate", Fin|Fout|Fmono, Speed, Speed,}, [Vchans] {"chans", Fin|Fout|Fmono, 2, 2,}, [Vbits] {"bits", Fin|Fout|Fmono, 8, 8,}, {0}, }; static struct { Lock; int port; int irq; uchar sticky; uchar regs[32]; } csdev; static void contininput(void); static void continoutput(void); static char Evolume[] = "illegal audioctl specifier"; static int chatty; #include "cs4231.h" static int xin(int r) { int i; for(i=100; --i >= 0 && IN(Paddr) & 0x80;) csdelay(); OUT(Paddr, r|csdev.sticky); csdelay(); return IN(Pdata); } static void xout(int r, int v) { int i; for(i=100; --i >= 0 && IN(Paddr) & 0x80;) csdelay(); OUT(Paddr, r|csdev.sticky); csdelay(); OUT(Pdata, v); //csdelay(); } static void speaker(int on) { int s; s = xin(PinControl); if(on) s |= Xctl0; else s &= ~Xctl0; xout(PinControl, s); } static Buf* getbuf(AQueue *q) { Buf *b; ilock(q); b = q->first; if(b) q->first = b->next; iunlock(q); return b; } static void putbuf(AQueue *q, Buf *b) { ilock(q); b->next = 0; if(q->first) q->last->next = b; else q->first = b; q->last = b; iunlock(q); } static void achanreset(AChan *ac) { int i; ac->filling = 0; ac->flushing = 0; ac->current = 0; ac->empty.first = 0; ac->empty.last = 0; ac->full.first = 0; ac->full.last = 0; for(i=0; i<Nbuf; i++){ ac->buf[i].count = 0; putbuf(&ac->empty, &ac->buf[i]); } } static void startoutput(void) { ilock(&csdev); if(audio.out.current == 0) continoutput(); iunlock(&csdev); } static void continoutput(void) { Buf *b; int f; ulong n; b = getbuf(&audio.out.full); audio.out.current = b; //xout(Config, xin(Config)&~PEN); if(b){ n = b->count; dmasetup(Wdma, b->virt, n, 0); f = xin(OutFormat); if((f & Fmask) == ADPCM) n >>= 2; else{ if((f & Fmask) == Linear16) n >>= 1; if(f & Stereo) n >>= 1; } n--; xout(PlayCount0, n); xout(PlayCount1, n>>8); xout(Config, xin(Config)|PEN); DPRINT("cs: out %d\n", n); } else xout(Config, xin(Config)&~PEN); } static void startinput(void) { ilock(&csdev); if( == 0) contininput(); iunlock(&csdev); } static void contininput(void) { Buf *b; int f; ulong n; xout(Config, xin(Config)&~CEN); if(!audio.opened ||{ return; } b = getbuf(&; = b; if(b){ n = Bufsize; dmasetup(Rdma, b->virt, Bufsize, 1); f = xin(InFormat); if((f & Fmask) == ADPCM) n >>= 2; else{ if((f & Fmask) == Linear16) n >>= 1; if(f & Stereo) n >>= 1; } n--; xout(RecCount0, n); xout(RecCount1, n>>8); xout(Config, xin(Config)|CEN); DPRINT("cs: in %d\n", n); } } static void cswait(void) { int i; for(i=50; --i >= 0 && IN(Paddr) & 0x80;) microdelay(2000); if(i < 0) print("cswait1\n"); for(i=1000; --i >= 0 && (xin(Status) & ACI) == 0;) csdelay(); for(i=1000; --i >= 0 && xin(Status) & ACI;) microdelay(2000); /* could give error(Eio) if i < 0 */ if(i < 0) print("cswait2\n"); } static int csspeed(int freq) { int i; static int freqtab[] = { /* p. 33 CFS2-CFS0 */ /* xtal1 xtal2 */ 8000, 5510, 16000, 11025, 27420, 18900, 32000, 22050, 0, 37800, 0, 44100, 48000, 33075, 9600, 6620, }; for(i=0; i<16; i++) if(freqtab[i] == freq){ xout(OutFormat, (xin(OutFormat)&~0xF) | i); return 1; } return 0; } static void csformat(int r, int flag, int form, int *vec) { int v; if(form == Linear8){ if(vec[Vbits] == 16) form = Linear16; else if(vec[Vbits] == 4) form = ADPCM; } if(vec[Vchans] == 2) form |= Stereo; DPRINT("csformat(%x,%x,%x)\n", r, flag, form); if((xin(r)&0xF0) != form){ v = xin(Feature1); xout(Feature1, v|flag); xout(r, (xin(r)&~0xF0)|form); xout(Feature1, v); } csdev.regs[r] = form; } static void cs4231intr(Ureg*, void*) { int ir, s; Buf *b; lock(&csdev); csdev.sticky |= TRD; ir = IN(Pstatus); s = xin(FeatureStatus); if(s & PI){ b = audio.out.current; audio.out.current = 0; dmaend(Wdma); continoutput(); if(b) putbuf(&audio.out.empty, b); wakeup(&audio.out.r); } if(s & CI){ b =; = 0; dmaend(Rdma); contininput(); if(b){ b->count = Bufsize; putbuf(&, b); } wakeup(&; } OUT(Pstatus, 0); csdev.sticky &= ~TRD; unlock(&csdev); if(s & 0xF) DPRINT("audiointr: #%x\n", s); } static int anybuf(void *p) { return ((AChan*)p)->empty.first != 0; } static int anyinput(void *p) { return ((AChan*)p)->full.first != 0; } static int outcomplete(void *p) { return ((AChan*)p)->full.first == 0 && ((AChan*)p)->current==0; } static int incomplete(void *p) { return ((AChan*)p)->current == 0; } static void acbufinit(AChan *ac) { int i; void *p; for(i=0; i<Nbuf; i++) { //p = xspanalloc(Bufsize, CACHELINESZ, 64*1024); //dcflush(p, Bufsize); p = xalloc(Bufsize); ac->buf[i].virt = UNCACHED(uchar, p); } } static void setempty(void) { ilock(&csdev); achanreset(&; achanreset(&audio.out); iunlock(&csdev); } void cs4231reset(void) { } static char mix_cvt[101] = { 0, 0,3,7,10,13,16,19,21,23,26,28,30,32,34,35,37,39,40,42, 43,45,46,47,49,50,51,52,53,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65, 65,66,67,68,69,70,70,71,72,73,73,74,75,75,76,77,77,78,79,79, 80,81,81,82,82,83,84,84,85,85,86,86,87,87,88,88,89,89,90,90, 91,91,92,92,93,93,94,94,95,95,96,96,96,97,97,98,98,98,99,99, 100 }; static int dacload(int r, int v) { USED(r); DPRINT("dacload(%x,%d)\n", r, v); if(v == 0) return Mute; return 63-((v*63)/100); } static int monoload(int r, int v) { DPRINT("monoload(%x,%d)\n", r, v); if(v == 0) return r|Mute; return (r&~(Mute|MBY))|(15-((v*15)/100)); } static int auxload(int r, int v) { DPRINT("auxload(%x,%d)\n", r, v); USED(r); if(v == 0) return Mute; return 31-(v*31)/100; } static int adcload(int r, int v) { DPRINT("adcload(%x,%d)\n", r, v); return (r&~0xF)|((v*15)/100)|MGE; } static void mxvolume(void) { Vol *v; int i, l, r; ilock(&csdev); speaker(0); for(i =0; volumes[i].name; i++){ v = &volumes[i]; if(v->load == 0) continue; if(v->flag & Fin){ l = audio.livol[i]; r = audio.rivol[i]; } else { l = audio.lovol[i]; r = audio.rovol[i]; } if(l < 0) l = 0; if(r < 0) r = 0; if(l > 100) l = 100; if(r > 100) r = 100; l = mix_cvt[l]; r = mix_cvt[r]; if((v->flag & Fmono) == 0){ xout(v->reg, (*v->load)(xin(v->reg), l)); xout(v->reg+1, (*v->load)(xin(v->reg+1), r)); } else xout(v->reg, (*v->load)(xin(v->reg), l)); } xout(LeftADC, (xin(LeftADC)&~ISmask)|csdev.regs[LeftADC]); xout(RightADC, (xin(RightADC)&~ISmask)|csdev.regs[RightADC]); if(audio.loopback) xout(Loopback, xin(Loopback)|LBE); else xout(Loopback, xin(Loopback)&~LBE); csformat(InFormat, CMCE, csdev.regs[InFormat], audio.livol); csformat(OutFormat, PMCE, csdev.regs[OutFormat], audio.lovol); if(audio.lovol[Vaudio] || audio.rovol[Vaudio]) speaker(1); iunlock(&csdev); } static void flushinput(void) { Buf *b; ilock(&csdev); = 1; iunlock(&csdev); qlock(&; if(waserror()){ qunlock(&; nexterror(); } sleep(&, incomplete, &; qunlock(&; poperror(); ilock(&csdev); = 0; iunlock(&csdev); if((b = != 0){ = 0; putbuf(&, b); } while((b = getbuf(& != 0) putbuf(&, b); } static void waitoutput(void) { qlock(&audio.out); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&audio.out); nexterror(); } startoutput(); while(!outcomplete(&audio.out)) sleep(&audio.out.r, outcomplete, &audio.out); qunlock(&audio.out); poperror(); } static void resetlevel(void) { int i; for(i=0; volumes[i].name; i++) { audio.lovol[i] = volumes[i].ilval; audio.rovol[i] = volumes[i].irval; audio.livol[i] = volumes[i].ilval; audio.rivol[i] = volumes[i].irval; } } void cs4231init(void) { cs4231install(); csdev.regs[LeftADC] = ISmic; csdev.regs[RightADC] = ISmic; dmasize(Wdma, 8); dmasize(Rdma, 8); csdev.sticky = 0; OUT(Paddr, Mode); csdelay(); if((IN(Pdata) & 0x8F) != 0x8a){ DPRINT("port %x not cs4231a: %x\n", IN(Pdata)); return; } print("audio0: cs4231a: port %x irq %d wdma %d rdma %d\n", csdev.port, csdev.irq, Wdma, Rdma); resetlevel(); cswait(); OUT(Paddr, Mode); csdelay(); OUT(Pdata, Mode2|IN(Pdata)); /* mode2 for all the trimmings */ csdelay(); cswait(); csdev.sticky = MCE; xout(Config, Fullcal); csspeed(volumes[Vspeed].ilval); csformat(InFormat, CMCE, Linear8, audio.livol); csformat(OutFormat, PMCE, Linear8, audio.lovol); csdev.sticky &= ~MCE; OUT(Paddr, csdev.sticky); microdelay(10000); cswait(); /* recalibration takes ages */ xout(FeatureStatus, 0); OUT(Pstatus, 0); setvec(csdev.irq, cs4231intr, 0); xout(PinControl, xin(PinControl)|IEN); } Chan* cs4231attach(char *param) { return devattach('A', param); } Chan* cs4231clone(Chan *c, Chan *nc) { return devclone(c, nc); } int cs4231walk(Chan *c, char *name) { return devwalk(c, name, audiodir, NPORT, devgen); } void cs4231stat(Chan *c, char *db) { devstat(c, db, audiodir, NPORT, devgen); } Chan* cs4231open(Chan *c, int omode) { switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { default: error(Eperm); break; case Qaudioctl: case Qdir: break; case Qaudio: qlock(&audio); if(audio.opened){ qunlock(&audio); error(Einuse); } if(audio.bufinit == 0) { audio.bufinit = 1; acbufinit(&; acbufinit(&audio.out); } audio.opened = 1; setempty(); qunlock(&audio); mxvolume(); break; } c = devopen(c, omode, audiodir, NPORT, devgen); c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; c->offset = 0; return c; } void cs4231create(Chan *c, char *name, int omode, ulong perm) { USED(c, name, omode, perm); error(Eperm); } void cs4231close(Chan *c) { Buf *b; switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { default: error(Eperm); break; case Qdir: case Qaudioctl: break; case Qaudio: if(c->flag & COPEN) { qlock(&audio); audio.opened = 0; if(waserror()){ qunlock(&audio); nexterror(); } b = audio.out.filling; if(b){ audio.out.filling = 0; putbuf(&audio.out.full, b); } waitoutput(); flushinput(); //tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 500); //speaker(0); qunlock(&audio); poperror(); } break; } } long cs4231read(Chan *c, char *a, long n, vlong offset) { int liv, riv, lov, rov, ifmt, ofmt; long m, n0; char buf[350]; Buf *b; int j; n0 = n; switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { default: error(Eperm); break; case Qdir: return devdirread(c, a, n, audiodir, NPORT, devgen); case Qaudio: qlock(&; if(waserror()){ qunlock(&; nexterror(); } while(n > 0) { b =; if(b == 0) { b = getbuf(&; if(b == 0) { startinput(); sleep(&, anyinput, &; continue; } = b; b->count = 0; } m = Bufsize-b->count; if(m > n) m = n; memmove(a, b->virt+b->count, m); b->count += m; n -= m; a += m; if(b->count >= Bufsize) { = 0; putbuf(&, b); } } qunlock(&; poperror(); break; case Qaudioctl: j = 0; buf[0] = 0; for(m=0; volumes[m].name; m++){ liv = audio.livol[m]; riv = audio.rivol[m]; lov = audio.lovol[m]; rov = audio.rovol[m]; j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "%s", volumes[m].name); if((volumes[m].flag & Fmono) || liv==riv && lov==rov){ if((volumes[m].flag&(Fin|Fout))==(Fin|Fout) && liv==lov) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " %d", liv); else{ if(volumes[m].flag & Fin) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " in %d", liv); if(volumes[m].flag & Fout) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " out %d", lov); } }else{ if((volumes[m].flag&(Fin|Fout))==(Fin|Fout) && liv==lov && riv==rov) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " left %d right %d", liv, riv); else{ if(volumes[m].flag & Fin) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " in left %d right %d", liv, riv); if(volumes[m].flag & Fout) j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " out left %d right %d", lov, rov); } } j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "\n"); } ifmt = xin(InFormat); ofmt = xin(OutFormat); if(ifmt != ofmt){ j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "in enc %s\n", encname(ifmt)); j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "out enc %s\n", encname(ofmt)); } else j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "enc %s\n", encname(ifmt)); j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, "loop %d\n", audio.loopback); {int i; for(i=0; i<32; i++){j += snprint(buf+j, sizeof(buf)-j, " %d:%x", i, xin(i)); }j += snprint(buf+j,sizeof(buf)-j,"\n");} USED(j); return readstr(offset, a, n, buf); } return n0-n; } Block* cs4231bread(Chan *c, long n, ulong offset) { return devbread(c, n, offset); } long cs4231write(Chan *c, char *a, long n, vlong offset) { long m, n0; int i, nf, v, left, right, in, out, fmt, doload; char buf[255], *field[Ncmd]; Buf *b; USED(offset); n0 = n; switch(c->qid.path & ~CHDIR) { default: error(Eperm); break; case Qaudioctl: waitoutput(); flushinput(); qlock(&audio); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&audio); nexterror(); } v = Vaudio; doload = 0; left = 1; right = 1; in = 1; out = 1; if(n > sizeof(buf)-1) n = sizeof(buf)-1; memmove(buf, a, n); buf[n] = '\0'; nf = getfields(buf, field, Ncmd, 1, " \t\n,"); for(i = 0; i < nf; i++){ /* * a number is volume */ if(field[i][0] >= '0' && field[i][0] <= '9') { m = strtoul(field[i], 0, 10); if(left && out) audio.lovol[v] = m; if(left && in) audio.livol[v] = m; if(right && out) audio.rovol[v] = m; if(right && in) audio.rivol[v] = m; if(v == Vspeed){ ilock(&csdev); csdev.sticky = MCE; csspeed(m); csdev.sticky &= ~MCE; OUT(Paddr, csdev.sticky); microdelay(10000); cswait(); iunlock(&csdev); } else doload = 1; continue; } for(m=0; volumes[m].name; m++) { if(strcmp(field[i], volumes[m].name) == 0) { v = m; in = 1; out = 1; left = 1; right = 1; break; } } if(volumes[m].name) continue; if(strcmp(field[i], "chat") == 0){ chatty = !chatty; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "reset") == 0) { resetlevel(); doload = 1; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "loop") == 0) { if(++i >= nf) error(Evolume); audio.loopback = strtoul(field[i], 0, 10); doload = 1; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "enc") == 0) { if(++i >= nf) error(Evolume); fmt = -1; if(strcmp(field[i], "ulaw") == 0) fmt = uLaw; else if(strcmp(field[i], "alaw") == 0) fmt = aLaw; else if(strcmp(field[i], "pcm") == 0) fmt = Linear8; else if(strcmp(field[i], "adpcm") == 0) fmt = ADPCM; else error(Evolume); if(in) csdev.regs[InFormat] = fmt; if(out) csdev.regs[OutFormat] = fmt; doload = 1; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "dev") == 0) { if(++i >= nf) error(Evolume); if(in){ fmt = -1; if(strcmp(field[i], "mic") == 0) fmt = ISmic; else if(strcmp(field[i], "line") == 0) fmt = ISline; else if(strcmp(field[i], "aux1") == 0) fmt = ISaux1; else if(strcmp(field[i], "loop") == 0) fmt = ISloop; else error(Evolume); if(left) csdev.regs[LeftADC] = fmt; if(right) csdev.regs[RightADC] = fmt; doload = 1; } continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "in") == 0) { in = 1; out = 0; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "out") == 0) { in = 0; out = 1; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "left") == 0) { left = 1; right = 0; continue; } if(strcmp(field[i], "right") == 0) { left = 0; right = 1; continue; } error(Evolume); } if(doload) mxvolume(); qunlock(&audio); poperror(); n=0; break; case Qaudio: qlock(&audio.out); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&audio.out); nexterror(); } while(n > 0) { b = audio.out.filling; if(b == 0) { b = getbuf(&audio.out.empty); if(b == 0) { startoutput(); sleep(&audio.out.r, anybuf, &audio.out); continue; } b->count = 0; audio.out.filling = b; } m = Bufsize-b->count; if(m > n) m = n; memmove(b->virt+b->count, a, m); b->count += m; n -= m; a += m; if(b->count >= Bufsize) { audio.out.filling = 0; putbuf(&audio.out.full, b); } } qunlock(&audio.out); poperror(); break; } return n0 - n; } long cs4231bwrite(Chan *c, Block *bp, ulong offset) { return devbwrite(c, bp, offset); } void cs4231remove(Chan *c) { USED(c); error(Eperm); } void cs4231wstat(Chan *c, char *dp) { USED(c, dp); error(Eperm); } static char * encname(int v) { switch(v & ~(0xF|Stereo)){ case uLaw: return "ulaw"; case aLaw: return "alaw"; case Linear8: return "pcm"; case Linear16: return "pcm16"; case ADPCM: return "adpcm"; default: return "?"; } }