ref: 063c3f398e949895bb9795539e83a2e0be364376
dir: /appl/cmd/mc.b/
implement Mc; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; open, read, fprint, fildes, tokenize, ORDWR, OREAD, OWRITE: import sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Font: import draw; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "arg.m"; font: ref Font; columns := 65; tabwid := 0; mintab := 1; Mc: module{ init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if((bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH) == nil) fatal("can't load " + Bufio->PATH); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; if((arg := load Arg Arg->PATH) == nil) fatal("can't load " + Arg->PATH); getwidth(ctxt); arg->init(argv); arg->setusage("mc [-c columns] [file ...]"); while((c:=arg->opt()) != 0) case c { 'c' => columns = int arg->earg() * mintab; * => arg->usage(); } argv = arg->argv(); if(len argv == 0) argv = "/fd/0" :: nil; a := array[1024] of (string, int); n := 0; maxwidth := 0; for(; argv!=nil; argv=tl argv){ if((bin:=bufio->open(hd argv, OREAD)) == nil){ fprint(fildes(2), "mc: can't open %s: %r\n", hd argv); continue; } while((s:=bin.gets('\n')) != nil){ if(s[len s-1] == '\n') s = s[0:len s-1]; if(n == len a) a = (array[n+1024] of (string, int))[0:] = a; a[n].t0 = s; a[n].t1 = wordsize(s); if(a[n].t1 > maxwidth) maxwidth = a[n].t1; n++; } bin.close(); } outcols(a[:n], maxwidth); } outcols(words: array of (string, int), maxwidth: int) { maxwidth = nexttab(maxwidth+mintab-1); numcols := columns / maxwidth; if(numcols <= 0) numcols = 1; nwords := len words; nlines := (nwords+numcols-1) / numcols; bout := bufio->fopen(fildes(1), OWRITE); for(i := 0; i < nlines; i++){ col := endcol := 0; for(j:=i; j<nwords; j+=nlines){ endcol += maxwidth; bout.puts(words[j].t0); col += words[j].t1; if(j+nlines < nwords){ while(col < endcol){ if(tabwid) bout.putc('\t'); else bout.putc(' '); col = nexttab(col); } } } bout.putc('\n'); } bout.close(); } wordsize(s: string): int { if(font != nil) return font.width(s); return len s; } nexttab(col: int): int { if(tabwid){ col += tabwid; col -= col%tabwid; return col; } return col+1; } getwidth(ctxt: ref Draw->Context) { if(ctxt == nil || draw == nil) return; if((wid := rf("/env/acmewin")) == nil) return; if((fd := open("/chan/" + wid + "/ctl", ORDWR)) == nil) return; buf := array[256] of byte; if((n := read(fd, buf, len buf)) <= 0) return; (nf, f) := tokenize(string buf[:n], " "); if(nf != 8) return; f0 := tl tl tl tl tl f; if((font =, hd tl f0)) == nil) return; tabwid = int hd tl tl f0; mintab = font.width("0"); columns = int hd f0; } fatal(s: string) { fprint(fildes(2), "mc: %s: %r\n", s); raise "fail:"+s; } rf(f: string): string { fd := sys->open(f, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return nil; b := array[Sys->NAMEMAX] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, b, len b); if(n < 0) return nil; return string b[0:n]; }