ref: 02ac617541ca1a7bf82b1615fb5a58235469b5d3
dir: /os/cerf405/mal.c/
#include "u.h" #include "lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" /* * on the 405EP the MAL is used only by the Ethernet * but we keep it separate even so */ enum { Nrxchan= 2, Ntxchan= 4, Maxchan = 4 }; enum { /* device control registers */ Cfg= 0x180, /* configuration register */ Esr= 0x181, /* error status register */ Ier= 0x182, /* interrupt enable register */ Txcasr= 0x184, /* transmit channel active set register */ Txcarr= 0x185, /* transmit channel active reset register */ Txeobisr= 0x186, /* transmit end of buffer interrupt status register */ Txdeir= 0x187, /* transmit descriptor error interrupt register */ Rxcasr= 0x190, /* receive channel active set register */ Rxcarr= 0x191, /* receive channel active reset register */ Rxeobisr= 0x192, /* receive channel descriptor error interrupt register */ Rxdeir= 0x193, /* receive descriptor error interrupt register */ }; #define TXCTPR(n) (0x1A0+(n)) /* transmit channel table pointer register */ #define RXCTPR(n) (0x1C0+(n)) /* receive channel table pointer register */ #define RCBS(n) (0x1E0+(n)) /* receive channel buffer size register */ enum { /* configuration */ CfgSr= 1<<31, /* software reset */ CfgPlbp0= 0<<22, /* PLB priority (0=lowest) */ CfgPlbp1= 1<<22, CfgPlbp2= 2<<22, CfgPlbp3= 3<<22, CfgGa= 1<<21, /* guarded */ CfgOa= 1<<20, /* ordered */ CfgPlble= 1<<19, /* lock error */ CfgPlbt_f= 0xF<<15, /* latency timer field */ CfgPlbt_s= 15, /* latency timer (shift) */ CfgPlbb= 1<<14, /* burst enable */ CfgOpbbl= 1<<7, /* OPB locked */ CfgOepie= 1<<2, /* interrupt on every end of packet */ CfgLea= 1<<1, /* locked error active */ CfgSd= 1<<0, /* scroll to next packet on early termination */ /* error status */ EsrEvb= 1<<31, /* error valid bit */ EsrCid_f= 0x7F<<25, /* field: channel ID causing lock error */ EsrDe= 1<<20, /* descriptor error */ EsrOne= 1<<19, /* OPB non-fullword error */ EsrOte= 1<<18, /* OPB timeout error */ EsrOse= 1<<17, /* OPB slave error */ EsrPein= 1<<16, /* PLB bus error indication */ EsrDei= 1<<4, /* descriptor error interrupt */ EsrOnei= 1<<3, /* OPB non-fulword error interrupt */ EsrOtei= 1<<2, /* OPB timeout error interrupt */ EsrOsei= 1<<1, /* OPB slave error interrupt */ EsrPbei= 1<<0, /* OPB bus error interrupt */ }; typedef struct Malmem Malmem; struct Malmem { Lock; BD* base; BD* limit; BD* avail; }; static Malmem malmem; static Mal* malchans[2][Maxchan]; static void errorintr(Ureg*, void*) { ulong esr, rxdeir, txdeir; /* mal de tête */ esr = getdcr(Esr); txdeir = getdcr(Txdeir); rxdeir = getdcr(Rxdeir); iprint("mal: esr=%8.8lux txdeir=%8.8lux rxdeir=%8.8lux\n", esr, txdeir, rxdeir); putdcr(Rxdeir, rxdeir); putdcr(Txdeir, txdeir); putdcr(Esr, esr); } static void scanintr(Ureg *ur, ulong ir, Mal *chans[]) { Mal *ml; int i; for(i=0; ir != 0 && i < Maxchan; i++) if(ir & IBIT(i)){ ir &= ~IBIT(i); ml = chans[i]; if(ml != nil && ml->interrupt != nil) ml->interrupt(ur, ml->arg); /* unexpected interrupt otherwise */ } } static void txinterrupt(Ureg *ur, void*) { ulong ir; ir = getdcr(Txeobisr); putdcr(Txeobisr, ir); scanintr(ur, ir, malchans[1]); } static void rxinterrupt(Ureg *ur, void*) { ulong ir; ir = getdcr(Rxeobisr); putdcr(Rxeobisr, ir); scanintr(ur, ir, malchans[0]); } void ioinit(void) { int i; putdcr(Txcarr, ~0); putdcr(Rxcarr, ~0); /* reset */ putdcr(Cfg, CfgSr); while(getdcr(Cfg) & CfgSr) ; /* at most one system clock */ /* clear these out whilst we're at it */ for(i=0; i<Nrxchan; i++){ putdcr(RCBS(i), 0); putdcr(RXCTPR(i), 0); } for(i=0; i<Ntxchan; i++) putdcr(TXCTPR(i), 0); putdcr(Cfg, (0xF<<CfgPlbt_s)|CfgPlbb); /* TO DO: check */ /* Ier */ intrenable(VectorMALSERR, errorintr, nil, BUSUNKNOWN, "malserr"); intrenable(VectorMALTXDE, errorintr, nil, BUSUNKNOWN, "maltxde"); intrenable(VectorMALRXDE, errorintr, nil, BUSUNKNOWN, "malrxde"); intrenable(VectorMALTXEOB, txinterrupt, nil, BUSUNKNOWN, "maltxeob"); intrenable(VectorMALRXEOB, rxinterrupt, nil, BUSUNKNOWN, "malrxeob"); putdcr(Ier, EsrDei | EsrOnei | EsrOtei | EsrOsei | EsrPbei); } Mal* malchannel(int n, int tx, void (*intr)(Ureg*, void*), void *arg) { Mal *ml; if((ml = malchans[tx][n]) == nil){ ml = malloc(sizeof(*m)); malchans[tx][n] = ml; } ml->n = n; ml->tx = tx; ml->len = 1; ml->arg = arg; ml->interrupt = intr; return ml; } void maltxreset(Mal *ml) { putdcr(Txcarr, IBIT(ml->n)); } void maltxinit(Mal *ml, Ring *r) { putdcr(TXCTPR(ml->n), PADDR(r->tdr)); } void maltxenable(Mal *ml) { putdcr(Txcasr, getdcr(Txcasr) | IBIT(ml->n)); } void malrxreset(Mal *ml) { putdcr(Rxcarr, IBIT(ml->n)); } void malrxinit(Mal *ml, Ring *r, ulong limit) { putdcr(RXCTPR(ml->n), PADDR(r->rdr)); putdcr(RCBS(ml->n), limit); } void malrxenable(Mal *ml) { putdcr(Rxcasr, getdcr(Rxcasr) | IBIT(ml->n)); } /* * initialise receive and transmit buffer rings * to use both Emacs, or two channels per emac, we'll need * to allocate all rx descriptors at once, and all tx descriptors at once, * in a region where all addresses have the same bits 0-12(!); * see p 20-34. of the MAL chapter. * * the ring entries must be aligned on sizeof(BD) boundaries * rings must be uncached, and buffers must align with cache lines since the cache doesn't snoop * * thus, we initialise it once for all, then hand it out as requested. */ void ioringreserve(int nrx, ulong nrb, int ntx, ulong ntb) { ulong nb, nbd; lock(&malmem); if(malmem.base == nil){ nbd = nrx*nrb + ntx*ntb; nb = mmumapsize(nbd*sizeof(BD)); /* * the data sheet says in the description of buffer tables that they must be on a 4k boundary, * but the pointer register descriptions say 8 bytes; it seems to be the latter. */ malmem.base = mmucacheinhib(xspanalloc(nb, nb, 1<<19), nb); malmem.limit = malmem.base + nbd; malmem.avail = malmem.base; if((PADDR(malmem.base)&~0x7FFFF) != (PADDR(malmem.base)&~0x7FFFF)) print("mal: trouble ahead?\n"); } unlock(&malmem); if(malmem.base == nil) panic("ioringreserve"); } BD* bdalloc(ulong nd) { BD *b; lock(&malmem); b = malmem.avail; if(b+nd > malmem.limit) b = nil; else malmem.avail = b+nd; unlock(&malmem); return b; } int ioringinit(Ring* r, int nrdre, int ntdre) { int i; /* buffers must align with cache lines since the cache doesn't snoop */ r->nrdre = nrdre; if(r->rdr == nil) r->rdr = bdalloc(nrdre); if(r->rxb == nil) r->rxb = malloc(nrdre*sizeof(Block*)); if(r->rdr == nil || r->rxb == nil) return -1; for(i = 0; i < nrdre; i++){ r->rxb[i] = nil; r->rdr[i].length = 0; r->rdr[i].addr = 0; r->rdr[i].status = BDEmpty|BDInt; } r->rdr[i-1].status |= BDWrap; r->rdrx = 0; r->ntdre = ntdre; if(r->tdr == nil) r->tdr = bdalloc(ntdre); if(r->txb == nil) r->txb = malloc(ntdre*sizeof(Block*)); if(r->tdr == nil || r->txb == nil) return -1; for(i = 0; i < ntdre; i++){ r->txb[i] = nil; r->tdr[i].addr = 0; r->tdr[i].length = 0; r->tdr[i].status = 0; } r->tdr[i-1].status |= BDWrap; r->tdrh = 0; r->tdri = 0; r->ntq = 0; return 0; } void dumpmal(void) { int i; iprint("Cfg=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Cfg)); iprint("Esr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Esr)); iprint("Ier=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Ier)); iprint("Txcasr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Txcasr)); iprint("Txcarr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Txcarr)); iprint("Txeobisr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Txeobisr)); iprint("Txdeir=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Txdeir)); iprint("Rxcasr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Rxcasr)); iprint("Rxcarr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Rxcarr)); iprint("Rxeobisr=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Rxeobisr)); iprint("Rxdeir=%8.8lux\n", getdcr(Rxdeir)); for(i=0; i<Nrxchan; i++) iprint("Rxctpr[%d]=%8.8lux Rcbs[%d]=%8.8lux\n", i, getdcr(RXCTPR(i)), i, getdcr(RCBS(i))); for(i=0;i<Ntxchan; i++) iprint("Txctpr[%d]=%8.8lux\n", i, getdcr(TXCTPR(i))); }