ref: 02ac617541ca1a7bf82b1615fb5a58235469b5d3
dir: /appl/lib/dict.b/
implement Dictionary; # # This is intended to be a simple dictionary of string tuples # It is not intended for large data sets or efficient deletion of keys # include "dict.m"; Dict.add( d: self ref Dict, e: (string, string) ) { if (d.entries == nil) d.entries = e::nil; else d.entries = e::d.entries; } Dict.delete( d: self ref Dict, k: string ) { key : string; newlist : list of (string, string); temp := d.entries; while (temp != nil) { (key,nil) = hd temp; if (key != k) newlist = (hd temp)::newlist; temp = tl temp; } d.entries = newlist; } Dict.lookup( d: self ref Dict, k: string ) :string { key, value :string; temp := d.entries; while (temp != nil) { (key,value) = hd temp; if (key == k) return value; temp = tl temp; } return nil; } Dict.keys( d: self ref Dict ) :list of string { key: string; keylist : list of string; temp := d.entries; while (temp != nil) { (key, nil) = hd temp; keylist = key::keylist; temp = tl temp; } return keylist; }