ref: 00c219c7d9c2b9f60c2db0e1ba7289b2301209a7
dir: /appl/acme/text.b/
implement Textm; include "common.m"; include "keyboard.m"; sys : Sys; utils : Utils; framem : Framem; drawm : Draw; acme : Acme; graph : Graph; gui : Gui; dat : Dat; scrl : Scroll; bufferm : Bufferm; filem : Filem; columnm : Columnm; windowm : Windowm; exec : Exec; Dir, sprint : import sys; frgetmouse : import acme; min, warning, error, stralloc, strfree, isalnum : import utils; Frame, frinsert, frdelete, frptofchar, frcharofpt, frselect, frdrawsel, frdrawsel0, frtick : import framem; BUFSIZE, Astring, SZINT, TRUE, FALSE, XXX, Reffont, Dirlist,Scrollwid, Scrollgap, seq, mouse : import dat; EM_NORMAL, EM_RAW, EM_MASK : import dat; ALPHA_LATIN, ALPHA_GREEK, ALPHA_CYRILLIC: import Dat; BACK, TEXT, HIGH, HTEXT : import Framem; Flushon, Flushoff : import Draw; Point, Display, Rect, Image : import drawm; charwidth, bflush, draw : import graph; black, white, mainwin, display : import gui; Buffer : import bufferm; File : import filem; Column : import columnm; Window : import windowm; scrdraw : import scrl; cvlist: adt { ld: int; nm: string; si: string; so: string; }; # "@@", "'EKSTYZekstyz ", "ьЕКСТЫЗекстызъЁё", latintab := array[] of { cvlist( ALPHA_LATIN, "latin", nil, nil ), cvlist( ALPHA_GREEK, "greek", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ΑΒΞΔΕΦΓΘΙΪΚΛΜΝΟΠΨΡΣΤΥΫΩΧΗΖαβξδεφγθιϊκλμνοπψρστυϋωχηζ" ), cvlist( ALPHA_CYRILLIC, "cyrillic", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "АБЧДЭФГШИЙХЛМНОПЕРЩЦУВЮХЯЖабчдэфгшийхлмноперщцувюхяж" ), cvlist(-1, nil, nil, nil) }; alphabet := ALPHA_LATIN; # per window perhaps setalphabet(s: string) { for(a := 0; latintab[a].ld != -1; a++){ k := latintab[a].ld; for(i := 0; latintab[i].ld != -1; i++){ if(s == transs(latintab[i].nm, k)){ alphabet = latintab[i].ld; return; } } } } transc(c: int, k: int): int { for(i := 0; latintab[i].ld != -1; i++){ if(k == latintab[i].ld){ si := latintab[i].si; so := latintab[i].so; ln := len si; for(j := 0; j < ln; j++) if(c == si[j]) return so[j]; } } return c; } transs(s: string, k: int): string { ln := len s; for(i := 0; i < ln; i++) s[i] = transc(s[i], k); return s; } init(mods : ref Dat->Mods) { sys = mods.sys; framem = mods.framem; dat = mods.dat; utils = mods.utils; drawm = mods.draw; acme = mods.acme; graph = mods.graph; gui = mods.gui; scrl = mods.scroll; bufferm = mods.bufferm; filem = mods.filem; columnm = mods.columnm; windowm = mods.windowm; exec = mods.exec; } TABDIR : con 3; # width of tabs in directory windows # remove eventually KF : con 16rF000; Kup : con KF | 16r0E; Kleft : con KF | 16r11; Kright : con KF | 16r12; Kend : con KF | 16r18; Kdown : con 16r80; nulltext : Text; newtext() : ref Text { t := ref nulltext; t.frame = framem->newframe(); return t; } Text.init(t : self ref Text, f : ref File, r : Rect, rf : ref Dat->Reffont, cols : array of ref Image) { t.file = f; t.all = r; t.scrollr = r; t.scrollr.max.x = r.min.x+Scrollwid; t.lastsr = dat->nullrect; r.min.x += Scrollwid+Scrollgap; t.eq0 = ~0; t.ncache = 0; t.reffont = rf; t.tabstop = dat->maxtab; for(i:=0; i<Framem->NCOL; i++) t.frame.cols[i] = cols[i]; t.redraw(r, rf.f, mainwin, -1); } Text.redraw(t : self ref Text, r : Rect, f : ref Draw->Font, b : ref Image, odx : int) { framem->frinit(t.frame, r, f, b, t.frame.cols); rr := t.frame.r; rr.min.x -= Scrollwid; # back fill to scroll bar draw(t.frame.b, rr, t.frame.cols[Framem->BACK], nil, (0, 0)); # use no wider than 3-space tabs in a directory maxt := dat->maxtab; if(t.what == Body){ if(t.w != nil && t.w.isdir) maxt = min(TABDIR, dat->maxtab); else maxt = t.tabstop; } t.frame.maxtab = maxt*charwidth(f, '0'); # c = '0'; # if(t.what==Body && t.w!=nil && t.w.isdir) # c = ' '; # t.frame.maxtab = Dat->Maxtab*charwidth(f, c); if(t.what==Body && t.w.isdir && odx!=t.all.dx()){ if(t.frame.maxlines > 0){ t.reset(); t.columnate(t.w.dlp, t.w.ndl);, 0, TRUE); } }else{ t.fill(); t.setselect(t.q0, t.q1); } } Text.reshape(t : self ref Text, r : Rect) : int { odx : int; if(r.dy() > 0) r.max.y -= r.dy()%t.frame.font.height; else r.max.y = r.min.y; odx = t.all.dx(); t.all = r; t.scrollr = r; t.scrollr.max.x = r.min.x+Scrollwid; t.lastsr = dat->nullrect; r.min.x += Scrollwid+Scrollgap; framem->frclear(t.frame, 0); # t.redraw(r, t.frame.font, t.frame.b, odx); t.redraw(r, t.frame.font, mainwin, odx); return r.max.y; } Text.close(t : self ref Text) { t.cache = nil; framem->frclear(t.frame, 1); t.file.deltext(t); t.file = nil; t.reffont.close(); if(dat->argtext == t) dat->argtext = nil; if(dat->typetext == t) dat->typetext = nil; if(dat->seltext == t) dat->seltext = nil; if(dat->mousetext == t) dat->mousetext = nil; if(dat->barttext == t) dat->barttext = nil; } dircmp(da : ref Dirlist, db : ref Dirlist) : int { if (da.r < db.r) return -1; if (da.r > db.r) return 1; return 0; } qsort(a : array of ref Dirlist, n : int) { i, j : int; t : ref Dirlist; while(n > 1) { i = n>>1; t = a[0]; a[0] = a[i]; a[i] = t; i = 0; j = n; for(;;) { do i++; while(i < n && dircmp(a[i], a[0]) < 0); do j--; while(j > 0 && dircmp(a[j], a[0]) > 0); if(j < i) break; t = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = t; } t = a[0]; a[0] = a[j]; a[j] = t; n = n-j-1; if(j >= n) { qsort(a, j); a = a[j+1:]; } else { qsort(a[j+1:], n); n = j; } } } Text.columnate(t : self ref Text, dlp : array of ref Dirlist, ndl : int) { i, j, w, colw, mint, maxt, ncol, nrow : int; dl : ref Dirlist; q1 : int; if(t.file.ntext > 1) return; mint = charwidth(t.frame.font, '0'); # go for narrower tabs if set more than 3 wide t.frame.maxtab = min(dat->maxtab, TABDIR)*mint; maxt = t.frame.maxtab; colw = 0; for(i=0; i<ndl; i++){ dl = dlp[i]; w = dl.wid; if(maxt-w%maxt < mint) w += mint; if(w % maxt) w += maxt-(w%maxt); if(w > colw) colw = w; } if(colw == 0) ncol = 1; else ncol = utils->max(1, t.frame.r.dx()/colw); nrow = (ndl+ncol-1)/ncol; q1 = 0; for(i=0; i<nrow; i++){ for(j=i; j<ndl; j+=nrow){ dl = dlp[j]; t.file.insert(q1, dl.r, len dl.r); q1 += len dl.r; if(j+nrow >= ndl) break; w = dl.wid; if(maxt-w%maxt < mint){ t.file.insert(q1, "\t", 1); q1++; w += mint; } do{ t.file.insert(q1, "\t", 1); q1++; w += maxt-(w%maxt); }while(w < colw); } t.file.insert(q1, "\n", 1); q1++; } } Text.loadx(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, file : string, setqid : int) : int { rp : ref Astring; dl : ref Dirlist; dlp : array of ref Dirlist; i, n, ndl : int; fd : ref Sys->FD; q, q1 : int; d : Dir; u : ref Text; ok : int; if(t.ncache!=0 || || t.w==nil || t!=t.w.body || (t.w.isdir && error("text.load"); { fd = sys->open(file, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil){ warning(nil, sprint("can't open %s: %r\n", file)); raise "e"; } (ok, d) = sys->fstat(fd); if(ok){ warning(nil, sprint("can't fstat %s: %r\n", file)); raise "e"; } if(d.qid.qtype & Sys->QTDIR){ # this is checked in get() but it's possible the file changed underfoot if(t.file.ntext > 1){ warning(nil, sprint("%s is a directory; can't read with multiple windows on it\n", file)); raise "e"; } t.w.isdir = TRUE; t.w.filemenu = FALSE; if([len] != '/') t.w.setname( + "/", len; dlp = nil; ndl = 0; for(;;){ (nd, dbuf) := sys->dirread(fd); if(nd <= 0) break; for(i=0; i<nd; i++){ dl = ref Dirlist; dl.r = dbuf[i].name; if(dbuf[i].mode & Sys->DMDIR) dl.r = dl.r + "/"; dl.wid = graph->strwidth(t.frame.font, dl.r); ndl++; odlp := dlp; dlp = array[ndl] of ref Dirlist; dlp[0:] = odlp[0:ndl-1]; odlp = nil; dlp[ndl-1] = dl; } } qsort(dlp, ndl); t.w.dlp = dlp; t.w.ndl = ndl; t.columnate(dlp, ndl); q1 =; }else{ tmp : int; t.w.isdir = FALSE; t.w.filemenu = TRUE; tmp = t.file.loadx(q0, fd); q1 = q0 + tmp; } fd = nil; if(setqid){ =; t.file.mtime = d.mtime; t.file.qidpath = d.qid.path; } rp = stralloc(BUFSIZE); for(q=q0; q<q1; q+=n){ n = q1-q; if(n > Dat->BUFSIZE) n = Dat->BUFSIZE;, rp, 0, n); if(q < += n; else if(q <= frinsert(t.frame, rp.s, n,; if(t.frame.lastlinefull) break; } strfree(rp); rp = nil; for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u != t){ if( > # will be 0 because of reset(), but safety first = 0; u.reshape(u.all); u.backnl(, 0); # go to beginning of line } u.setselect(q0, q0); } return q1-q0; } exception{ * => fd = nil; return 0; } return 0; } Text.bsinsert(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, r : string, n : int, tofile : int) : (int, int) { tp : ref Astring; bp, up : int; i, initial : int; { if(t.what == Tag) # can't happen but safety first: mustn't backspace over file name raise "e"; bp = 0; for(i=0; i<n; i++) if(r[bp++] == '\b'){ --bp; initial = 0; tp = utils->stralloc(n); for (k := 0; k < i; k++) tp.s[k] = r[k]; up = i; for(; i<n; i++){ tp.s[up] = r[bp++]; if(tp.s[up] == '\b') if(up == 0) initial++; else --up; else up++; } if(initial){ if(initial > q0) initial = q0; q0 -= initial; t.delete(q0, q0+initial, tofile); } n = up; t.insert(q0, tp.s, n, tofile, 0); strfree(tp); tp = nil; return (q0, n); } raise "e"; return(0, 0); } exception{ * => t.insert(q0, r, n, tofile, 0); return (q0, n); } return (0, 0); } Text.insert(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, r : string, n : int, tofile : int, echomode : int) { c, i : int; u : ref Text; if(tofile && t.ncache != 0) error("text.insert"); if(n == 0) return; if(tofile){ t.file.insert(q0, r, n); if(t.what == Body){ t.w.dirty = TRUE; t.w.utflastqid = -1; } if(t.file.ntext > 1) for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u != t){ u.w.dirty = TRUE; # always a body u.insert(q0, r, n, FALSE, echomode); u.setselect(u.q0, u.q1); scrdraw(u); } } } if(q0 < t.q1) t.q1 += n; if(q0 < t.q0) t.q0 += n; if(q0 < += n; else if(q0 <= { if (echomode == EM_MASK && len r == 1 && r[0] != '\n') frinsert(t.frame, "*", n,; else frinsert(t.frame, r, n,; } if(t.w != nil){ c = 'i'; if(t.what == Body) c = 'I'; if(n <= Dat->EVENTSIZE) t.w.event(sprint("%c%d %d 0 %d %s\n", c, q0, q0+n, n, r[0:n])); else t.w.event(sprint("%c%d %d 0 0 \n", c, q0, q0+n)); } } Text.fill(t : self ref Text) { rp : ref Astring; i, n, m, nl : int; if(t.frame.lastlinefull || t.nofill) return; if(t.ncache > 0){ if(t.w != nil) t.w.commit(t); else t.commit(TRUE); } rp = stralloc(BUFSIZE); do{ n =; if(n == 0) break; if(n > 2000) # educated guess at reasonable amount n = 2000;, rp, 0, n); # # it's expensive to frinsert more than we need, so # count newlines. # nl = t.frame.maxlines-t.frame.nlines; m = 0; for(i=0; i<n; ){ if(rp.s[i++] == '\n'){ m++; if(m >= nl) break; } } frinsert(t.frame, rp.s, i, t.frame.nchars); }while(t.frame.lastlinefull == FALSE); strfree(rp); rp = nil; } Text.delete(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int, tofile : int) { n, p0, p1 : int; i, c : int; u : ref Text; if(tofile && t.ncache != 0) error("text.delete"); n = q1-q0; if(n == 0) return; if(tofile){ t.file.delete(q0, q1); if(t.what == Body){ t.w.dirty = TRUE; t.w.utflastqid = -1; } if(t.file.ntext > 1) for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u != t){ u.w.dirty = TRUE; # always a body u.delete(q0, q1, FALSE); u.setselect(u.q0, u.q1); scrdraw(u); } } } if(q0 < t.q0) t.q0 -= min(n, t.q0-q0); if(q0 < t.q1) t.q1 -= min(n, t.q1-q0); if(q1 <= -= n; else if(q0 <{ p1 = q1 -; if(p1 > t.frame.nchars) p1 = t.frame.nchars; if(q0 <{ = q0; p0 = 0; }else p0 = q0 -; frdelete(t.frame, p0, p1); t.fill(); } if(t.w != nil){ c = 'd'; if(t.what == Body) c = 'D'; t.w.event(sprint("%c%d %d 0 0 \n", c, q0, q1)); } } onechar : ref Astring; Text.readc(t : self ref Text, q : int) : int { if(t.cq0<=q && q<t.cq0+t.ncache) return t.cache[q-t.cq0]; if (onechar == nil) onechar = stralloc(1);, onechar, 0, 1); return onechar.s[0]; } Text.bswidth(t : self ref Text, c : int) : int { q, eq : int; r : int; skipping : int; # there is known to be at least one character to erase if(c == 16r08) # ^H: erase character return 1; q = t.q0; skipping = TRUE; while(q > 0){ r = t.readc(q-1); if(r == '\n'){ # eat at most one more character if(q == t.q0) # eat the newline --q; break; } if(c == 16r17){ eq = isalnum(r); if(eq && skipping) # found one; stop skipping skipping = FALSE; else if(!eq && !skipping) break; } --q; } return t.q0-q; } Text.typex(t : self ref Text, r : int, echomode : int) { q0, q1 : int; nnb, nb, n, i : int; u : ref Text; if(alphabet != ALPHA_LATIN) r = transc(r, alphabet); if (echomode == EM_RAW && t.what == Body) { if (t.w != nil) { s := "a"; s[0] = r; t.w.event(sprint("R0 0 0 1 %s\n", s)); } return; } if(t.what!=Body && r=='\n') return; case r { Dat->Kscrolldown=> if(t.what == Body){ q0 =, (t.frame.r.min.x, t.frame.r.min.y+2*t.frame.font.height)); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); } return; Dat->Kscrollup=> if(t.what == Body){ q0 = t.backnl(, 4); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); } return; Kdown or Keyboard->Down => n = t.frame.maxlines/3; q0 =, (t.frame.r.min.x, t.frame.r.min.y+n*t.frame.font.height)); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); return; Keyboard->Pgdown => n = 2*t.frame.maxlines/3; q0 =, (t.frame.r.min.x, t.frame.r.min.y+n*t.frame.font.height)); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); return; Kup or Keyboard->Up => n = t.frame.maxlines/3; q0 = t.backnl(, n); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); return; Keyboard->Pgup => n = 2*t.frame.maxlines/3; q0 = t.backnl(, n); t.setorigin(q0, FALSE); return; Keyboard->Home => t.commit(TRUE);, 0, FALSE); return; Kend or Keyboard->End => t.commit(TRUE);,, FALSE); return; Kleft or Keyboard->Left => t.commit(TRUE); if(t.q0 != t.q1), t.q0, TRUE); else if(t.q0 != 0), t.q0-1, TRUE); return; Kright or Keyboard->Right => t.commit(TRUE); if(t.q0 != t.q1), t.q1, TRUE); else if(t.q1 !=, t.q1+1, TRUE); return; 1 => # ^A: beginning of line t.commit(TRUE); # go to where ^U would erase, if not already at BOL nnb = 0; if(t.q0>0 && t.readc(t.q0-1)!='\n') nnb = t.bswidth(16r15);, t.q0-nnb, TRUE); return; 5 => # ^E: end of line t.commit(TRUE); q0 = t.q0; while(q0< && t.readc(q0)!='\n') q0++;, q0, TRUE); return; } if(t.what == Body){ seq++; t.file.mark(); } if(t.q1 > t.q0){ if(t.ncache != 0) error("text.type"); exec->cut(t, t, TRUE, TRUE); t.eq0 = ~0; if (r == 16r08 || r == 16r7f){ # erase character : odd if a char then erased, t.q0,TRUE); return; } }, t.q0, TRUE); case(r){ 16r1B => if(t.eq0 != ~0) t.setselect(t.eq0, t.q0); if(t.ncache > 0){ if(t.w != nil) t.w.commit(t); else t.commit(TRUE); } return; 16r08 or 16r15 or 16r17 => # ^H: erase character or ^U: erase line or ^W: erase word if(t.q0 == 0) return; if(0) # DEBUGGING for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u.cq0!=t.cq0 && (u.ncache!=t.ncache || t.ncache!=0)) error("text.type inconsistent caches"); } nnb = t.bswidth(r); q1 = t.q0; q0 = q1-nnb; for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; u.nofill = TRUE; nb = nnb; n = u.ncache; if(n > 0){ if(q1 != u.cq0+n) error("text.type backspace"); if(n > nb) n = nb; u.ncache -= n; u.delete(q1-n, q1, FALSE); nb -= n; } if(u.eq0==q1 || u.eq0==~0) u.eq0 = q0; if(nb && u==t) u.delete(q0, q0+nb, TRUE); if(u != t) u.setselect(u.q0, u.q1); else t.setselect(q0, q0); u.nofill = FALSE; } for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++) t.file.text[i].fill(); return; 16r7f or Keyboard->Del => # Delete character - forward delete t.commit(TRUE); if(t.q0 >= return; nnb = 1; q0 = t.q0; q1 = q0+nnb; for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if (u!=t) u.commit(FALSE); u.nofill = TRUE; if(u.eq0==q1 || u.eq0==~0) u.eq0 = q0; if(u==t) u.delete(q0, q1, TRUE); if(u != t) u.setselect(u.q0, u.q1); else t.setselect(q0, q0); u.nofill = FALSE; } for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++) t.file.text[i].fill(); return; } # otherwise ordinary character; just insert, typically in caches of all texts if(0) # DEBUGGING for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u.cq0!=t.cq0 && (u.ncache!=t.ncache || t.ncache!=0)) error("text.type inconsistent caches"); } for(i=0; i<t.file.ntext; i++){ u = t.file.text[i]; if(u.eq0 == ~0) u.eq0 = t.q0; if(u.ncache == 0) u.cq0 = t.q0; else if(t.q0 != u.cq0+u.ncache) error("text.type cq1"); str := "Z"; str[0] = r; u.insert(t.q0, str, 1, FALSE, echomode); str = nil; if(u != t) u.setselect(u.q0, u.q1); if(u.ncache == u.ncachealloc){ u.ncachealloc += 10; u.cache += "1234567890"; } u.cache[u.ncache++] = r; } t.setselect(t.q0+1, t.q0+1); if(r=='\n' && t.w!=nil) t.w.commit(t); } Text.commit(t : self ref Text, tofile : int) { if(t.ncache == 0) return; if(tofile) t.file.insert(t.cq0, t.cache, t.ncache); if(t.what == Body){ t.w.dirty = TRUE; t.w.utflastqid = -1; } t.ncache = 0; } clicktext : ref Text; clickmsec : int = 0; selecttext : ref Text; selectq : int = 0; # # called from frame library # framescroll(f : ref Frame, dl : int) { if(f != selecttext.frame) error("frameselect not right frame"); selecttext.framescroll(dl); } Text.framescroll(t : self ref Text, dl : int) { q0 : int; if(dl == 0){ scrl->scrsleep(100); return; } if(dl < 0){ q0 = t.backnl(, -dl); if(selectq > t.setselect0(, selectq); else t.setselect0(selectq,; }else{ if( == return; q0 =, (t.frame.r.min.x, t.frame.r.min.y+dl*t.frame.font.height)); if(selectq > t.setselect0(, selectq); else t.setselect0(selectq,; } t.setorigin(q0, TRUE); } : self ref Text, double : int) { q0, q1 : int; b, x, y : int; state : int; selecttext = t; # # To have double-clicking and chording, we double-click # immediately if it might make sense. # b = mouse.buttons; q0 = t.q0; q1 = t.q1; selectq =, mouse.xy); if(double || (clicktext==t && mouse.msec-clickmsec<500)) if(q0==q1 && selectq==q0){ (q0, q1) = t.doubleclick(q0, q1); t.setselect(q0, q1); bflush(); x = mouse.xy.x; y = mouse.xy.y; # stay here until something interesting happens do frgetmouse(); while(mouse.buttons==b && utils->abs(mouse.xy.x-x)<3 && utils->abs(mouse.xy.y-y)<3); mouse.xy.x = x; # in case we're calling frselect mouse.xy.y = y; q0 = t.q0; # may have changed q1 = t.q1; selectq = q0; } if(mouse.buttons == b){ t.frame.scroll = 1; frselect(t.frame, mouse); # horrible botch: while asleep, may have lost selection altogether if(selectq > selectq = + t.frame.p0; t.frame.scroll = 0; if(selectq < q0 = selectq; else q0 = + t.frame.p0; if(selectq > q1 = selectq; else q1 =; } if(q0 == q1){ if(q0==t.q0 && (double || clicktext==t && mouse.msec-clickmsec<500)){ (q0, q1) = t.doubleclick(q0, q1); clicktext = nil; }else{ clicktext = t; clickmsec = mouse.msec; } }else clicktext = nil; t.setselect(q0, q1); bflush(); state = 0; # undo when possible; +1 for cut, -1 for paste while(mouse.buttons){ mouse.msec = 0; b = mouse.buttons; if(b & 6){ if(state==0 && t.what==Body){ seq++; t.w.body.file.mark(); } if(b & 2){ if(state==-1 && t.what==Body){ t.w.undo(TRUE); t.setselect(q0, t.q0); state = 0; }else if(state != 1){ exec->cut(t, t, TRUE, TRUE); state = 1; } }else{ if(state==1 && t.what==Body){ t.w.undo(TRUE); t.setselect(q0, t.q1); state = 0; }else if(state != -1){ exec->paste(t, t, TRUE, FALSE); state = -1; } } scrdraw(t); utils->clearmouse(); } bflush(); while(mouse.buttons == b) frgetmouse(); clicktext = nil; } } : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int, doselect : int) { qe : int; nl : int; q : int; if(t.what != Body){ if(doselect) t.setselect(q0, q1); return; } if(t.w!=nil && t.frame.maxlines==0) t.col.grow(t.w, 1, 0); if(doselect) t.setselect(q0, q1); qe =; if(<=q0 && (q0<qe || (q0==qe && scrdraw(t); else{ if(t.w.nopen[Dat->QWevent]>byte 0) nl = 3*t.frame.maxlines/4; else nl = t.frame.maxlines/4; q = t.backnl(q0, nl); # avoid going backwards if trying to go forwards - long lines! if(!(q0> && q< t.setorigin(q, TRUE); while(q0 > t.setorigin(, FALSE); } } region(a, b : int) : int { if(a < b) return -1; if(a == b) return 0; return 1; } selrestore(f : ref Frame, pt0 : Point, p0 : int, p1 : int) { if(p1<=f.p0 || p0>=f.p1){ # no overlap frdrawsel0(f, pt0, p0, p1, f.cols[BACK], f.cols[TEXT]); return; } if(p0>=f.p0 && p1<=f.p1){ # entirely inside frdrawsel0(f, pt0, p0, p1, f.cols[HIGH], f.cols[HTEXT]); return; } # they now are known to overlap # before selection if(p0 < f.p0){ frdrawsel0(f, pt0, p0, f.p0, f.cols[BACK], f.cols[TEXT]); p0 = f.p0; pt0 = frptofchar(f, p0); } # after selection if(p1 > f.p1){ frdrawsel0(f, frptofchar(f, f.p1), f.p1, p1, f.cols[BACK], f.cols[TEXT]); p1 = f.p1; } # inside selection frdrawsel0(f, pt0, p0, p1, f.cols[HIGH], f.cols[HTEXT]); } Text.setselect(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int) { p0, p1 : int; # t.p0 and t.p1 are always right; t.q0 and t.q1 may be off t.q0 = q0; t.q1 = q1; # compute desired p0,p1 from q0,q1 p0 =; p1 =; if(p0 < 0) p0 = 0; if(p1 < 0) p1 = 0; if(p0 > t.frame.nchars) p0 = t.frame.nchars; if(p1 > t.frame.nchars) p1 = t.frame.nchars; if(p0==t.frame.p0 && p1==t.frame.p1) return; # screen disagrees with desired selection if(t.frame.p1<=p0 || p1<=t.frame.p0 || p0==p1 || t.frame.p1==t.frame.p0){ # no overlap or too easy to bother trying frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, t.frame.p0), t.frame.p0, t.frame.p1, 0); frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, p0), p0, p1, 1); t.frame.p0 = p0; t.frame.p1 = p1; return; } # overlap; avoid unnecessary painting if(p0 < t.frame.p0){ # extend selection backwards frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, p0), p0, t.frame.p0, 1); }else if(p0 > t.frame.p0){ # trim first part of selection frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, t.frame.p0), t.frame.p0, p0, 0); } if(p1 > t.frame.p1){ # extend selection forwards frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, t.frame.p1), t.frame.p1, p1, 1); }else if(p1 < t.frame.p1){ # trim last part of selection frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, p1), p1, t.frame.p1, 0); } t.frame.p0 = p0; t.frame.p1 = p1; } Text.setselect0(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int) { t.q0 = q0; t.q1 = q1; } xselect(f : ref Frame, mc : ref Draw->Pointer, col, colt : ref Image) : (int, int) { p0, p1, q, tmp : int; mp, pt0, pt1, qt : Point; reg, b : int; # when called button 1 is down mp = mc.xy; b = mc.buttons; # remove tick if(f.p0 == f.p1) frtick(f, frptofchar(f, f.p0), 0); p0 = p1 = frcharofpt(f, mp); pt0 = frptofchar(f, p0); pt1 = frptofchar(f, p1); reg = 0; frtick(f, pt0, 1); do{ q = frcharofpt(f, mc.xy); if(p1 != q){ if(p0 == p1) frtick(f, pt0, 0); if(reg != region(q, p0)){ # crossed starting point; reset if(reg > 0) selrestore(f, pt0, p0, p1); else if(reg < 0) selrestore(f, pt1, p1, p0); p1 = p0; pt1 = pt0; reg = region(q, p0); if(reg == 0) frdrawsel0(f, pt0, p0, p1, col, colt); } qt = frptofchar(f, q); if(reg > 0){ if(q > p1) frdrawsel0(f, pt1, p1, q, col, colt); else if(q < p1) selrestore(f, qt, q, p1); }else if(reg < 0){ if(q > p1) selrestore(f, pt1, p1, q); else frdrawsel0(f, qt, q, p1, col, colt); } p1 = q; pt1 = qt; } if(p0 == p1) frtick(f, pt0, 1); bflush(); frgetmouse(); }while(mc.buttons == b); if(p1 < p0){ tmp = p0; p0 = p1; p1 = tmp; } pt0 = frptofchar(f, p0); if(p0 == p1) frtick(f, pt0, 0); selrestore(f, pt0, p0, p1); # restore tick if(f.p0 == f.p1) frtick(f, frptofchar(f, f.p0), 1); bflush(); return (p0, p1); } Text.select23(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int, high, low : ref Image, mask : int) : (int, int, int) { p0, p1 : int; buts : int; (p0, p1) = xselect(t.frame, mouse, high, low); buts = mouse.buttons; if((buts & mask) == 0){ q0 =; q1 =; } while(mouse.buttons) frgetmouse(); return (buts, q0, q1); } Text.select2(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int) : (int, ref Text, int, int) { buts : int; (buts, q0, q1) = t.select23(q0, q1, acme->but2col, acme->but2colt, 4); if(buts & 4) return (0, nil, q0, q1); if(buts & 1) # pick up argument return (1, dat->argtext, q0, q1); return (1, nil, q0, q1); } Text.select3(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int) : (int, int, int) { buts : int; (buts, q0, q1) = t.select23(q0, q1, acme->but3col, acme->but3colt, 1|2); return (buts == 0, q0, q1); } left := array[4] of { "{[(<«", "\n", "'\"`", nil }; right := array[4] of { "}])>»", "\n", "'\"`", nil }; Text.doubleclick(t : self ref Text, q0 : int, q1 : int) : (int, int) { c, i : int; r, l : string; p : int; q : int; res : int; for(i=0; left[i]!=nil; i++){ q = q0; l = left[i]; r = right[i]; # try matching character to left, looking right if(q == 0) c = '\n'; else c = t.readc(q-1); p = utils->strchr(l, c); if(p >= 0){ (res, q) = t.clickmatch(c, r[p], 1, q); if (res) q1 = q-(c!='\n'); return (q0, q1); } # try matching character to right, looking left if(q == c = '\n'; else c = t.readc(q); p = utils->strchr(r, c); if(p >= 0){ (res, q) = t.clickmatch(c, l[p], -1, q); if (res){ q1 = q0+(q0< && c=='\n'); q0 = q; if(c!='\n' || q!=0 || t.readc(0)=='\n') q0++; } return (q0, q1); } } # try filling out word to right while(q1< && isalnum(t.readc(q1))) q1++; # try filling out word to left while(q0>0 && isalnum(t.readc(q0-1))) q0--; return (q0, q1); } Text.clickmatch(t : self ref Text, cl : int, cr : int, dir : int, q : int) : (int, int) { c : int; nest : int; nest = 1; for(;;){ if(dir > 0){ if(q == break; c = t.readc(q); q++; }else{ if(q == 0) break; q--; c = t.readc(q); } if(c == cr){ if(--nest==0) return (1, q); }else if(c == cl) nest++; } return (cl=='\n' && nest==1, q); } Text.forwnl(t : self ref Text, p : int, n : int) : int { i, j : int; e :=; i = n; while(i-- > 0 && p<e){ ++p; if(p == e) break; for(j=128; --j>0 && p<e; p++) if(t.readc(p)=='\n') break; } return p; } Text.backnl(t : self ref Text, p : int, n : int) : int { i, j : int; # look for start of this line if n==0 if(n==0 && p>0 && t.readc(p-1)!='\n') n = 1; i = n; while(i-- > 0 && p>0){ --p; # it's at a newline now; back over it if(p == 0) break; # at 128 chars, call it a line anyway for(j=128; --j>0 && p>0; p--) if(t.readc(p-1)=='\n') break; } return p; } Text.setorigin(t : self ref Text, org : int, exact : int) { i, a : int; r : ref Astring; n : int; t.frame.b.flush(Flushoff); if(org>0 && !exact){ # org is an estimate of the char posn; find a newline # don't try harder than 256 chars for(i=0; i<256 && org<; i++){ if(t.readc(org) == '\n'){ org++; break; } org++; } } a =; fixup := 0; if(a>=0 && a<t.frame.nchars){ frdelete(t.frame, 0, a); fixup = 1; # frdelete can leave end of last line in wrong selection mode; it doesn't know what follows } else if(a<0 && -a<t.frame.nchars){ n = - org; r = utils->stralloc(n);, r, 0, n); frinsert(t.frame, r.s, n, 0); utils->strfree(r); r = nil; }else frdelete(t.frame, 0, t.frame.nchars); = org; t.fill(); scrdraw(t); t.setselect(t.q0, t.q1); if(fixup && t.frame.p1 > t.frame.p0) frdrawsel(t.frame, frptofchar(t.frame, t.frame.p1-1), t.frame.p1-1, t.frame.p1, 1); t.frame.b.flush(Flushon); } Text.reset(t : self ref Text) { t.file.seq = 0; t.eq0 = ~0; # do t.delete(0,, TRUE) without building backup stuff t.setselect(,; frdelete(t.frame, 0, t.frame.nchars); = 0; t.q0 = 0; t.q1 = 0; t.file.reset(); t.file.buf.reset(); }