ref: 00c219c7d9c2b9f60c2db0e1ba7289b2301209a7
dir: /appl/acme/scrl.b/
implement Scroll; include "common.m"; sys : Sys; drawm : Draw; acme : Acme; graph : Graph; utils : Utils; gui : Gui; dat : Dat; framem : Framem; textm : Textm; timerm : Timerm; BORD, BACK : import Framem; FALSE, TRUE, XXX, Maxblock : import Dat; error, warning : import utils; Point, Rect, Image, Display : import drawm; draw : import graph; black, white, display : import gui; mouse, cmouse : import dat; Frame : import framem; Timer : import Dat; Text : import textm; frgetmouse : import acme; mainwin : import gui; init(mods : ref Dat->Mods) { sys = mods.sys; drawm = mods.draw; acme = mods.acme; graph = mods.graph; utils = mods.utils; gui = mods.gui; dat = mods.dat; framem = mods.framem; textm = mods.textm; timerm = mods.timerm; } scrpos(r : Rect, p0 : int, p1 : int, tot : int) : Rect { h : int; q : Rect; q = r; # q = r.inset(1); h = q.max.y-q.min.y; if(tot == 0) return q; if(tot > 1024*1024){ tot >>= 10; p0 >>= 10; p1 >>= 10; } if(p0 > 0) q.min.y += h*p0/tot; if(p1 < tot) q.max.y -= h*(tot-p1)/tot; if(q.max.y < q.min.y+2){ if(q.min.y+2 <= r.max.y) q.max.y = q.min.y+2; else q.min.y = q.max.y-2; } return q; } scrx : ref Image; scrresize() { scrx = nil; h := 1024; if (display != nil) h = display.image.r.dy(); rr := Rect((0, 0), (32, h)); scrx = graph->balloc(rr, mainwin.chans, Draw->White); if(scrx == nil) error("scroll balloc"); } scrdraw(t : ref Text) { r, r1, r2 : Rect; if(t.w==nil || t.what!=Textm->Body || t != t.w.body) return; if(scrx == nil) scrresize(); r = t.scrollr; b := scrx; r1 = r; # r.min.x += 1; # border between margin and bar r1.min.x = 0; r1.max.x = r.dx(); r2 = scrpos(r1,,,; if(!r2.eq(t.lastsr)){ t.lastsr = r2; draw(b, r1, t.frame.cols[BORD], nil, (0, 0)); draw(b, r2, t.frame.cols[BACK], nil, (0, 0)); r2.min.x = r2.max.x-1; draw(b, r2, t.frame.cols[BORD], nil, (0, 0)); draw(t.frame.b, r, b, nil, (0, r1.min.y)); # bflush(); } } scrsleep(dt : int) { timer : ref Timer; timer = timerm->timerstart(dt); graph->bflush(); # only run from mouse task, so safe to use cmouse alt{ <-(timer.c) => timerm->timerstop(timer); *mouse = *<-cmouse => spawn timerm->timerwaittask(timer); } } scroll(t : ref Text, but : int) { p0, oldp0 : int; s : Rect; x, y, my, h, first : int; s = t.scrollr.inset(1); h = s.max.y-s.min.y; x = (s.min.x+s.max.x)/2; oldp0 = ~0; first = TRUE; do{ graph->bflush(); my = mouse.xy.y; if(my < s.min.y) my = s.min.y; if(my >= s.max.y) my = s.max.y; if(but == 2){ y = my; if(y > s.max.y-2) y = s.max.y-2; if( > 1024*1024) p0 = ((>>10)*(y-s.min.y)/h)<<10; else p0 =*(y-s.min.y)/h; if(oldp0 != p0) t.setorigin(p0, FALSE); oldp0 = p0; frgetmouse(); continue; } if(but == 1) { p0 = t.backnl(, (my-s.min.y)/t.frame.font.height); if(p0 == p0 = t.backnl(, 1); } else { p0 =>frcharofpt(t.frame, (s.max.x, my)); if(p0 == p0 = t.forwnl(, 1); } if(oldp0 != p0) t.setorigin(p0, TRUE); oldp0 = p0; # debounce if(first){ graph->bflush(); sys->sleep(200); alt { *mouse = *<-cmouse => ; * => ; } first = FALSE; } scrsleep(80); }while(mouse.buttons & (1<<(but-1))); while(mouse.buttons) frgetmouse(); }