ref: e7e1e0de9ce6a17e020f3267ba2175779395b2c3
dir: /jscompile.c/
#include "jsi.h" #include "jsparse.h" #include "jscompile.h" #define cexp jsC_cexp /* collision with math.h */ #define JF js_State *J, js_Function *F JS_NORETURN void jsC_error(js_State *J, js_Ast *node, const char *fmt, ...) JS_PRINTFLIKE(3,4); static void cfunbody(JF, js_Ast *name, js_Ast *params, js_Ast *body); static void cexp(JF, js_Ast *exp); static void cstmlist(JF, js_Ast *list); static void cstm(JF, js_Ast *stm); void jsC_error(js_State *J, js_Ast *node, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char buf[512]; char msgbuf[256]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msgbuf, 256, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); snprintf(buf, 256, "%s:%d: ", J->filename, node->line); strcat(buf, msgbuf); js_newsyntaxerror(J, buf); js_throw(J); } static js_Function *newfun(js_State *J, js_Ast *name, js_Ast *params, js_Ast *body, int script) { js_Function *F = malloc(sizeof *F); memset(F, 0, sizeof *F); F->gcmark = 0; F->gcnext = J->gcfun; J->gcfun = F; ++J->gccounter; F->filename = js_intern(J, J->filename); F->line = name ? name->line : params ? params->line : body ? body->line : 1; F->script = script; F->name = name ? name->string : ""; cfunbody(J, F, name, params, body); return F; } /* Emit opcodes, constants and jumps */ static void emitraw(JF, int value) { if (F->codelen >= F->codecap) { F->codecap = F->codecap ? F->codecap * 2 : 64; F->code = realloc(F->code, F->codecap * sizeof *F->code); } F->code[F->codelen++] = value; } static void emit(JF, int value) { emitraw(J, F, value); } static int addfunction(JF, js_Function *value) { if (F->funlen >= F->funcap) { F->funcap = F->funcap ? F->funcap * 2 : 16; F->funtab = realloc(F->funtab, F->funcap * sizeof *F->funtab); } F->funtab[F->funlen] = value; return F->funlen++; } static int addnumber(JF, double value) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < F->numlen; ++i) if (F->numtab[i] == value) return i; if (F->numlen >= F->numcap) { F->numcap = F->numcap ? F->numcap * 2 : 16; F->numtab = realloc(F->numtab, F->numcap * sizeof *F->numtab); } F->numtab[F->numlen] = value; return F->numlen++; } static int addstring(JF, const char *value) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < F->strlen; ++i) if (!strcmp(F->strtab[i], value)) return i; if (F->strlen >= F->strcap) { F->strcap = F->strcap ? F->strcap * 2 : 16; F->strtab = realloc(F->strtab, F->strcap * sizeof *F->strtab); } F->strtab[F->strlen] = value; return F->strlen++; } static void addlocal(JF, const char *name, int reuse) { if (reuse) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < F->varlen; ++i) if (!strcmp(F->vartab[i], name)) return; } if (F->varlen >= F->varcap) { F->varcap = F->varcap ? F->varcap * 2 : 16; F->vartab = realloc(F->vartab, F->varcap * sizeof *F->vartab); } F->vartab[F->varlen++] = name; } static int findlocal(JF, const char *name) { unsigned int i; for (i = F->varlen; i > 0; --i) if (!strcmp(F->vartab[i-1], name)) return i; return -1; } static void emitfunction(JF, js_Function *fun) { emit(J, F, OP_CLOSURE); emitraw(J, F, addfunction(J, F, fun)); } static void emitnumber(JF, double num) { if (num == 0) emit(J, F, OP_NUMBER_0); else if (num == 1) emit(J, F, OP_NUMBER_1); else if (num == (short)num) { emit(J, F, OP_NUMBER_N); emitraw(J, F, (short)num); } else { emit(J, F, OP_NUMBER); emitraw(J, F, addnumber(J, F, num)); } } static void emitstring(JF, int opcode, const char *str) { emit(J, F, opcode); emitraw(J, F, addstring(J, F, str)); } static void emitlocal(JF, int oploc, int opvar, const char *name) { int i; if (F->lightweight) { i = findlocal(J, F, name); if (i >= 0) { emit(J, F, oploc); emitraw(J, F, i); return; } } emitstring(J, F, opvar, name); } static int here(JF) { return F->codelen; } static int emitjump(JF, int opcode) { int inst = F->codelen + 1; emit(J, F, opcode); emitraw(J, F, 0); return inst; } static void emitjumpto(JF, int opcode, int dest) { emit(J, F, opcode); emitraw(J, F, dest); } static void label(JF, int inst) { F->code[inst] = F->codelen; } static void labelto(JF, int inst, int addr) { F->code[inst] = addr; } /* Expressions */ static void ctypeof(JF, js_Ast *exp) { if (exp->type == EXP_IDENTIFIER) emitlocal(J, F, OP_GETLOCAL, OP_HASVAR, exp->string); else cexp(J, F, exp); emit(J, F, OP_TYPEOF); } static void cunary(JF, js_Ast *exp, int opcode) { cexp(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, opcode); } static void cbinary(JF, js_Ast *exp, int opcode) { cexp(J, F, exp->a); cexp(J, F, exp->b); emit(J, F, opcode); } static void carray(JF, js_Ast *list) { int i = 0; while (list) { if (list->a->type != EXP_UNDEF) { cexp(J, F, list->a); emit(J, F, OP_INITPROP_N); emitraw(J, F, i++); } else { ++i; } list = list->b; } } static void cobject(JF, js_Ast *list) { while (list) { js_Ast *kv = list->a; js_Ast *prop = kv->a; if (kv->type == EXP_PROP_VAL) { if (prop->type == AST_IDENTIFIER || prop->type == EXP_STRING) { cexp(J, F, kv->b); emitstring(J, F, OP_INITPROP_S, prop->string); } else if (prop->type == EXP_NUMBER) { if (prop->number == (short)prop->number) { cexp(J, F, kv->b); emit(J, F, OP_INITPROP_N); emitraw(J, F, (short)prop->number); } else { emitnumber(J, F, prop->number); cexp(J, F, kv->b); emit(J, F, OP_INITPROP); } } else { jsC_error(J, list, "illegal property name in object initializer"); } } else { if (prop->type == AST_IDENTIFIER || prop->type == EXP_STRING) emitstring(J, F, OP_STRING, prop->string); if (prop->type == EXP_NUMBER) emitnumber(J, F, prop->number); emitfunction(J, F, newfun(J, NULL, kv->b, kv->c, 0)); if (kv->type == EXP_PROP_GET) emit(J, F, OP_INITGETTER); if (kv->type == EXP_PROP_SET) emit(J, F, OP_INITSETTER); } list = list->b; } } static int cargs(JF, js_Ast *list) { int n = 0; while (list) { cexp(J, F, list->a); list = list->b; ++n; } return n; } static void cassign(JF, js_Ast *lhs, js_Ast *rhs) { switch (lhs->type) { case EXP_IDENTIFIER: cexp(J, F, rhs); emitlocal(J, F, OP_SETLOCAL, OP_SETVAR, lhs->string); break; case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); cexp(J, F, lhs->b); cexp(J, F, rhs); emit(J, F, OP_SETPROP); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); cexp(J, F, rhs); emitstring(J, F, OP_SETPROP_S, lhs->b->string); break; default: jsC_error(J, lhs, "invalid l-value in assignment"); } } static void cassignforin(JF, js_Ast *stm) { js_Ast *lhs = stm->a; if (stm->type == STM_FOR_IN_VAR) { if (lhs->b) jsC_error(J, lhs->b, "more than one loop variable in for-in statement"); emitlocal(J, F, OP_SETLOCAL, OP_SETVAR, lhs->a->a->string); /* list(var-init(ident)) */ emit(J, F, OP_POP); return; } switch (lhs->type) { case EXP_IDENTIFIER: emitlocal(J, F, OP_SETLOCAL, OP_SETVAR, lhs->string); emit(J, F, OP_POP); break; case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); cexp(J, F, lhs->b); emit(J, F, OP_ROT3); emit(J, F, OP_SETPROP); emit(J, F, OP_POP); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); emitstring(J, F, OP_SETPROP_S, lhs->b->string); emit(J, F, OP_POP); break; default: jsC_error(J, lhs, "invalid l-value in for-in loop assignment"); } } static void cassignop1(JF, js_Ast *lhs, int dup) { switch (lhs->type) { case EXP_IDENTIFIER: emitlocal(J, F, OP_GETLOCAL, OP_GETVAR, lhs->string); if (dup) emit(J, F, OP_DUP); break; case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); cexp(J, F, lhs->b); emit(J, F, OP_DUP2); emit(J, F, OP_GETPROP); if (dup) emit(J, F, OP_DUP1ROT4); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, lhs->a); emit(J, F, OP_DUP); emitstring(J, F, OP_GETPROP_S, lhs->b->string); if (dup) emit(J, F, OP_DUP1ROT3); break; default: jsC_error(J, lhs, "invalid l-value in assignment"); } } static void cassignop2(JF, js_Ast *lhs) { switch (lhs->type) { case EXP_IDENTIFIER: emitlocal(J, F, OP_SETLOCAL, OP_SETVAR, lhs->string); break; case EXP_INDEX: emit(J, F, OP_SETPROP); break; case EXP_MEMBER: emitstring(J, F, OP_SETPROP_S, lhs->b->string); break; default: jsC_error(J, lhs, "invalid l-value in assignment"); } } static void cassignop(JF, js_Ast *lhs, js_Ast *rhs, int opcode) { cassignop1(J, F, lhs, 0); cexp(J, F, rhs); emit(J, F, opcode); cassignop2(J, F, lhs); } static void cdelete(JF, js_Ast *exp) { switch (exp->type) { case EXP_IDENTIFIER: emitlocal(J, F, OP_DELLOCAL, OP_DELVAR, exp->string); break; case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, exp->a); cexp(J, F, exp->b); emit(J, F, OP_DELPROP); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emitstring(J, F, OP_DELPROP_S, exp->b->string); break; default: jsC_error(J, exp, "invalid l-value in delete expression"); } } static void ccall(JF, js_Ast *fun, js_Ast *args) { int n; switch (fun->type) { case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, fun->a); emit(J, F, OP_DUP); cexp(J, F, fun->b); emit(J, F, OP_GETPROP); emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, fun->a); emit(J, F, OP_DUP); emitstring(J, F, OP_GETPROP_S, fun->b->string); emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); break; default: cexp(J, F, fun); emit(J, F, OP_GLOBAL); break; } n = cargs(J, F, args); emit(J, F, OP_CALL); emitraw(J, F, n); } static void cexp(JF, js_Ast *exp) { int then, end; int n; switch (exp->type) { case EXP_STRING: emitstring(J, F, OP_STRING, exp->string); break; case EXP_NUMBER: emitnumber(J, F, exp->number); break; case EXP_UNDEF: emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); break; case EXP_NULL: emit(J, F, OP_NULL); break; case EXP_TRUE: emit(J, F, OP_TRUE); break; case EXP_FALSE: emit(J, F, OP_FALSE); break; case EXP_THIS: emit(J, F, OP_THIS); break; case EXP_REGEXP: emit(J, F, OP_NEWREGEXP); emitraw(J, F, addstring(J, F, exp->string)); emitraw(J, F, exp->number); break; case EXP_OBJECT: emit(J, F, OP_NEWOBJECT); cobject(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_ARRAY: emit(J, F, OP_NEWARRAY); carray(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_FUN: emitfunction(J, F, newfun(J, exp->a, exp->b, exp->c, 0)); break; case EXP_IDENTIFIER: emitlocal(J, F, OP_GETLOCAL, OP_GETVAR, exp->string); break; case EXP_INDEX: cexp(J, F, exp->a); cexp(J, F, exp->b); emit(J, F, OP_GETPROP); break; case EXP_MEMBER: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emitstring(J, F, OP_GETPROP_S, exp->b->string); break; case EXP_CALL: ccall(J, F, exp->a, exp->b); break; case EXP_NEW: cexp(J, F, exp->a); n = cargs(J, F, exp->b); emit(J, F, OP_NEW); emitraw(J, F, n); break; case EXP_DELETE: cdelete(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_PREINC: cassignop1(J, F, exp->a, 0); emit(J, F, OP_INC); cassignop2(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_PREDEC: cassignop1(J, F, exp->a, 0); emit(J, F, OP_DEC); cassignop2(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_POSTINC: cassignop1(J, F, exp->a, 1); emit(J, F, OP_INC); cassignop2(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); break; case EXP_POSTDEC: cassignop1(J, F, exp->a, 1); emit(J, F, OP_DEC); cassignop2(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); break; case EXP_VOID: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); break; case EXP_TYPEOF: ctypeof(J, F, exp->a); break; case EXP_POS: cunary(J, F, exp, OP_POS); break; case EXP_NEG: cunary(J, F, exp, OP_NEG); break; case EXP_BITNOT: cunary(J, F, exp, OP_BITNOT); break; case EXP_LOGNOT: cunary(J, F, exp, OP_LOGNOT); break; case EXP_BITOR: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_BITOR); break; case EXP_BITXOR: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_BITXOR); break; case EXP_BITAND: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_BITAND); break; case EXP_EQ: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_EQ); break; case EXP_NE: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_NE); break; case EXP_STRICTEQ: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_STRICTEQ); break; case EXP_STRICTNE: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_STRICTNE); break; case EXP_LT: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_LT); break; case EXP_GT: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_GT); break; case EXP_LE: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_LE); break; case EXP_GE: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_GE); break; case EXP_INSTANCEOF: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_INSTANCEOF); break; case EXP_IN: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_IN); break; case EXP_SHL: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_SHL); break; case EXP_SHR: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_SHR); break; case EXP_USHR: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_USHR); break; case EXP_ADD: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_ADD); break; case EXP_SUB: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_SUB); break; case EXP_MUL: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_MUL); break; case EXP_DIV: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_DIV); break; case EXP_MOD: cbinary(J, F, exp, OP_MOD); break; case EXP_ASS: cassign(J, F, exp->a, exp->b); break; case EXP_ASS_MUL: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_MUL); break; case EXP_ASS_DIV: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_DIV); break; case EXP_ASS_MOD: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_MOD); break; case EXP_ASS_ADD: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_ADD); break; case EXP_ASS_SUB: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_SUB); break; case EXP_ASS_SHL: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_SHL); break; case EXP_ASS_SHR: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_SHR); break; case EXP_ASS_USHR: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_USHR); break; case EXP_ASS_BITAND: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_BITAND); break; case EXP_ASS_BITXOR: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_BITXOR); break; case EXP_ASS_BITOR: cassignop(J, F, exp->a, exp->b, OP_BITOR); break; case EXP_COMMA: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); cexp(J, F, exp->b); break; case EXP_LOGOR: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_DUP); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JTRUE); emit(J, F, OP_POP); cexp(J, F, exp->b); label(J, F, end); break; case EXP_LOGAND: cexp(J, F, exp->a); emit(J, F, OP_DUP); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); emit(J, F, OP_POP); cexp(J, F, exp->b); label(J, F, end); break; case EXP_COND: cexp(J, F, exp->a); then = emitjump(J, F, OP_JTRUE); cexp(J, F, exp->c); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); label(J, F, then); cexp(J, F, exp->b); label(J, F, end); break; default: jsC_error(J, exp, "unknown expression: (%s)", jsP_aststring(exp->type)); } } /* Patch break and continue statements */ static void addjump(JF, enum js_AstType type, js_Ast *target, int inst) { js_JumpList *jump = malloc(sizeof *jump); jump->type = type; jump->inst = inst; jump->next = target->jumps; target->jumps = jump; } static void labeljumps(JF, js_JumpList *jump, int baddr, int caddr) { while (jump) { if (jump->type == STM_BREAK) labelto(J, F, jump->inst, baddr); if (jump->type == STM_CONTINUE) labelto(J, F, jump->inst, caddr); jump = jump->next; } } static int isloop(enum js_AstType T) { return T == STM_DO || T == STM_WHILE || T == STM_FOR || T == STM_FOR_VAR || T == STM_FOR_IN || T == STM_FOR_IN_VAR; } static int isfun(enum js_AstType T) { return T == AST_FUNDEC || T == EXP_FUN || T == EXP_PROP_GET || T == EXP_PROP_SET; } static int matchlabel(js_Ast *node, const char *label) { while (node && node->type == STM_LABEL) { if (!strcmp(node->a->string, label)) return 1; node = node->parent; } return 0; } static js_Ast *breaktarget(JF, js_Ast *node, const char *label) { while (node) { if (isfun(node->type)) break; if (!label) { if (isloop(node->type) || node->type == STM_SWITCH) return node; } else { if (matchlabel(node->parent, label)) return node; } node = node->parent; } return NULL; } static js_Ast *continuetarget(JF, js_Ast *node, const char *label) { while (node) { if (isfun(node->type)) break; if (isloop(node->type)) { if (!label) return node; else if (matchlabel(node->parent, label)) return node; } node = node->parent; } return NULL; } static js_Ast *returntarget(JF, js_Ast *node) { while (node) { if (isfun(node->type)) return node; node = node->parent; } return NULL; } /* Emit code to rebalance stack and scopes during an abrupt exit */ static void cexit(JF, enum js_AstType T, js_Ast *node, js_Ast *target) { js_Ast *prev; do { prev = node, node = node->parent; switch (node->type) { case STM_WITH: emit(J, F, OP_ENDWITH); break; case STM_FOR_IN: case STM_FOR_IN_VAR: /* pop the iterator if leaving the loop */ if (F->script) { if (T == STM_RETURN || T == STM_BREAK || (T == STM_CONTINUE && target != node)) emit(J, F, OP_ROT2POP1); /* pop the iterator, save the return or exp value */ if (T == STM_CONTINUE) emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); /* put the iterator back on top */ } else { if (T == STM_RETURN) emit(J, F, OP_ROT2POP1); /* pop the iterator, save the return value */ if (T == STM_BREAK || (T == STM_CONTINUE && target != node)) emit(J, F, OP_POP); /* pop the iterator */ } break; case STM_TRY: /* came from try block */ if (prev == node->a) { emit(J, F, OP_ENDTRY); if (node->d) cstm(J, F, node->d); /* finally */ } /* came from catch block */ if (prev == node->c) { /* ... with finally */ if (node->d) { emit(J, F, OP_ENDCATCH); emit(J, F, OP_ENDTRY); cstm(J, F, node->d); /* finally */ } else { emit(J, F, OP_ENDCATCH); } } break; } } while (node != target); } /* Try/catch/finally */ static void ctryfinally(JF, js_Ast *trystm, js_Ast *finallystm) { int L1; L1 = emitjump(J, F, OP_TRY); { /* if we get here, we have caught an exception in the try block */ cstm(J, F, finallystm); /* inline finally block */ emit(J, F, OP_THROW); /* rethrow exception */ } label(J, F, L1); cstm(J, F, trystm); emit(J, F, OP_ENDTRY); cstm(J, F, finallystm); } static void ctrycatch(JF, js_Ast *trystm, js_Ast *catchvar, js_Ast *catchstm) { int L1, L2; L1 = emitjump(J, F, OP_TRY); { /* if we get here, we have caught an exception in the try block */ emitstring(J, F, OP_CATCH, catchvar->string); cstm(J, F, catchstm); emit(J, F, OP_ENDCATCH); L2 = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); /* skip past the try block */ } label(J, F, L1); cstm(J, F, trystm); emit(J, F, OP_ENDTRY); label(J, F, L2); } static void ctrycatchfinally(JF, js_Ast *trystm, js_Ast *catchvar, js_Ast *catchstm, js_Ast *finallystm) { int L1, L2, L3; L1 = emitjump(J, F, OP_TRY); { /* if we get here, we have caught an exception in the try block */ L2 = emitjump(J, F, OP_TRY); { /* if we get here, we have caught an exception in the catch block */ cstm(J, F, finallystm); /* inline finally block */ emit(J, F, OP_THROW); /* rethrow exception */ } label(J, F, L2); emitstring(J, F, OP_CATCH, catchvar->string); cstm(J, F, catchstm); emit(J, F, OP_ENDCATCH); L3 = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); /* skip past the try block to the finally block */ } label(J, F, L1); cstm(J, F, trystm); emit(J, F, OP_ENDTRY); label(J, F, L3); cstm(J, F, finallystm); } /* Switch */ static void cswitch(JF, js_Ast *ref, js_Ast *head) { js_Ast *node, *clause, *def = NULL; int end; cexp(J, F, ref); /* emit an if-else chain of tests for the case clause expressions */ for (node = head; node; node = node->b) { clause = node->a; if (clause->type == STM_DEFAULT) { if (def) jsC_error(J, clause, "more than one default label in switch"); def = clause; } else { cexp(J, F, clause->a); clause->casejump = emitjump(J, F, OP_JCASE); } } emit(J, F, OP_POP); if (def) { def->casejump = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); end = 0; } else { end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); } /* emit the casue clause bodies */ for (node = head; node; node = node->b) { clause = node->a; label(J, F, clause->casejump); if (clause->type == STM_DEFAULT) cstmlist(J, F, clause->a); else cstmlist(J, F, clause->b); } if (end) label(J, F, end); } /* Statements */ static void cvarinit(JF, js_Ast *list) { while (list) { js_Ast *var = list->a; if (var->b) { cexp(J, F, var->b); emitlocal(J, F, OP_SETLOCAL, OP_SETVAR, var->a->string); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } list = list->b; } } static void cstm(JF, js_Ast *stm) { js_Ast *target; int loop, cont, then, end; switch (stm->type) { case AST_FUNDEC: break; case STM_BLOCK: cstmlist(J, F, stm->a); break; case STM_EMPTY: if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_POP); emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); } break; case STM_VAR: cvarinit(J, F, stm->a); break; case STM_IF: if (stm->c) { cexp(J, F, stm->a); then = emitjump(J, F, OP_JTRUE); cstm(J, F, stm->c); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); label(J, F, then); cstm(J, F, stm->b); label(J, F, end); } else { cexp(J, F, stm->a); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cstm(J, F, stm->b); label(J, F, end); } break; case STM_DO: loop = here(J, F); cstm(J, F, stm->a); cont = here(J, F); cexp(J, F, stm->b); emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JTRUE, loop); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), cont); break; case STM_WHILE: loop = here(J, F); cexp(J, F, stm->a); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cstm(J, F, stm->b); emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), loop); break; case STM_FOR: case STM_FOR_VAR: if (stm->type == STM_FOR_VAR) { cvarinit(J, F, stm->a); } else { if (stm->a) { cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } } loop = here(J, F); if (stm->b) { cexp(J, F, stm->b); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); } else { end = 0; } cstm(J, F, stm->d); cont = here(J, F); if (stm->c) { cexp(J, F, stm->c); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); if (end) label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), cont); break; case STM_FOR_IN: case STM_FOR_IN_VAR: cexp(J, F, stm->b); emit(J, F, OP_ITERATOR); loop = here(J, F); { emit(J, F, OP_NEXTITER); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cassignforin(J, F, stm); if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); cstm(J, F, stm->c); emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); } else { cstm(J, F, stm->c); } emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); } label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), loop); break; case STM_SWITCH: cswitch(J, F, stm->a, stm->b); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), 0); break; case STM_LABEL: cstm(J, F, stm->b); /* skip consecutive labels */ while (stm->type == STM_LABEL) stm = stm->b; /* loops and switches have already been labelled */ if (!isloop(stm->type) && stm->type != STM_SWITCH) labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), 0); break; case STM_BREAK: if (stm->a) { target = breaktarget(J, F, stm, stm->a->string); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "break label not found: %s", stm->a->string); } else { target = breaktarget(J, F, stm, NULL); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "unlabelled break must be inside loop or switch"); } cexit(J, F, STM_BREAK, stm, target); addjump(J, F, STM_BREAK, target, emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP)); break; case STM_CONTINUE: if (stm->a) { target = continuetarget(J, F, stm, stm->a->string); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "continue label not found: %s", stm->a->string); } else { target = continuetarget(J, F, stm, NULL); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "continue must be inside loop"); } cexit(J, F, STM_CONTINUE, stm, target); addjump(J, F, STM_CONTINUE, target, emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP)); break; case STM_RETURN: if (stm->a) cexp(J, F, stm->a); else emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); target = returntarget(J, F, stm); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "return not in function"); cexit(J, F, STM_RETURN, stm, target); emit(J, F, OP_RETURN); break; case STM_THROW: cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_THROW); break; case STM_WITH: cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_WITH); cstm(J, F, stm->b); emit(J, F, OP_ENDWITH); break; case STM_TRY: if (stm->b && stm->c) { if (stm->d) ctrycatchfinally(J, F, stm->a, stm->b, stm->c, stm->d); else ctrycatch(J, F, stm->a, stm->b, stm->c); } else { ctryfinally(J, F, stm->a, stm->d); } break; case STM_DEBUGGER: emit(J, F, OP_DEBUGGER); break; default: if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_POP); cexp(J, F, stm); } else { cexp(J, F, stm); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } break; } } static void cstmlist(JF, js_Ast *list) { while (list) { cstm(J, F, list->a); list = list->b; } } /* Analyze */ static void analyze(JF, js_Ast *node) { if (isfun(node->type)) { F->lightweight = 0; return; /* don't scan inner functions */ } if (node->type == STM_WITH) { F->lightweight = 0; } if (node->type == EXP_IDENTIFIER) { if (!strcmp(node->string, "arguments")) { F->lightweight = 0; F->arguments = 1; } else if (!strcmp(node->string, "eval")) { /* eval may only be used as a direct function call */ if (!node->parent || node->parent->type != EXP_CALL || node->parent->a != node) js_evalerror(J, "%s:%d: illegal use of 'eval'", J->filename, node->line); F->lightweight = 0; } } if (node->a) analyze(J, F, node->a); if (node->b) analyze(J, F, node->b); if (node->c) analyze(J, F, node->c); if (node->d) analyze(J, F, node->d); } /* Declarations and programs */ static int listlength(js_Ast *list) { int n = 0; while (list) ++n, list = list->b; return n; } static void cparams(JF, js_Ast *list) { F->numparams = listlength(list); while (list) { addlocal(J, F, list->a->string, 0); list = list->b; } } static void cvardecs(JF, js_Ast *node) { if (isfun(node->type)) return; /* stop at inner functions */ if (node->type == EXP_VAR) { if (F->lightweight) addlocal(J, F, node->a->string, 1); else emitstring(J, F, OP_DEFVAR, node->a->string); } if (node->a) cvardecs(J, F, node->a); if (node->b) cvardecs(J, F, node->b); if (node->c) cvardecs(J, F, node->c); if (node->d) cvardecs(J, F, node->d); } static void cfundecs(JF, js_Ast *list) { while (list) { js_Ast *stm = list->a; if (stm->type == AST_FUNDEC) { emitfunction(J, F, newfun(J, stm->a, stm->b, stm->c, 0)); emitstring(J, F, OP_INITVAR, stm->a->string); } list = list->b; } } static void cfunbody(JF, js_Ast *name, js_Ast *params, js_Ast *body) { F->lightweight = 1; F->arguments = 0; if (F->script) F->lightweight = 0; if (body) analyze(J, F, body); cparams(J, F, params); if (name) { emit(J, F, OP_CURRENT); if (F->lightweight) { addlocal(J, F, name->string, 0); emit(J, F, OP_INITLOCAL); emitraw(J, F, findlocal(J, F, name->string)); } else { emitstring(J, F, OP_INITVAR, name->string); } } if (body) { cvardecs(J, F, body); cfundecs(J, F, body); } if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); cstmlist(J, F, body); emit(J, F, OP_RETURN); } else { cstmlist(J, F, body); emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); emit(J, F, OP_RETURN); } } js_Function *jsC_compilefunction(js_State *J, js_Ast *prog) { return newfun(J, prog->a, prog->b, prog->c, 0); } js_Function *jsC_compile(js_State *J, js_Ast *prog) { return newfun(J, NULL, NULL, prog, 1); }