ref: a9d88e54afe2e6bfa1a284770604fdd6009f2fdd
dir: /main.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #include <io.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include "mujs.h" static char *xoptarg; /* Global argument pointer. */ static int xoptind = 0; /* Global argv index. */ static int xgetopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *optstring) { static char *scan = NULL; /* Private scan pointer. */ char c; char *place; xoptarg = NULL; if (!scan || *scan == '\0') { if (xoptind == 0) xoptind++; if (xoptind >= argc || argv[xoptind][0] != '-' || argv[xoptind][1] == '\0') return EOF; if (argv[xoptind][1] == '-' && argv[xoptind][2] == '\0') { xoptind++; return EOF; } scan = argv[xoptind]+1; xoptind++; } c = *scan++; place = strchr(optstring, c); if (!place || c == ':') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option -%c\n", argv[0], c); return '?'; } place++; if (*place == ':') { if (*scan != '\0') { xoptarg = scan; scan = NULL; } else if (xoptind < argc) { xoptarg = argv[xoptind]; xoptind++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: option requires argument -%c\n", argv[0], c); return ':'; } } return c; } #ifdef HAVE_READLINE #include <readline/readline.h> #include <readline/history.h> #else void using_history(void) { } void add_history(const char *string) { } void rl_bind_key(int key, void (*fun)(void)) { } void rl_insert(void) { } char *readline(const char *prompt) { static char line[500], *p; int n; fputs(prompt, stdout); p = fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin); if (p) { n = strlen(line); if (n > 0 && line[n-1] == '\n') line[--n] = 0; p = malloc(n+1); memcpy(p, line, n+1); return p; } return NULL; } #endif #define PS1 "> " static void jsB_gc(js_State *J) { int report = js_toboolean(J, 1); js_gc(J, report); js_pushundefined(J); } static void jsB_load(js_State *J) { int i, n = js_gettop(J); for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) { js_loadfile(J, js_tostring(J, i)); js_pushundefined(J); js_call(J, 0); js_pop(J, 1); } js_pushundefined(J); } static void jsB_compile(js_State *J) { const char *source = js_tostring(J, 1); const char *filename = js_isdefined(J, 2) ? js_tostring(J, 2) : "[string]"; js_loadstring(J, filename, source); } static void jsB_print(js_State *J) { int i, top = js_gettop(J); for (i = 1; i < top; ++i) { const char *s = js_tostring(J, i); if (i > 1) putchar(' '); fputs(s, stdout); } putchar('\n'); js_pushundefined(J); } static void jsB_write(js_State *J) { int i, top = js_gettop(J); for (i = 1; i < top; ++i) { const char *s = js_tostring(J, i); if (i > 1) putchar(' '); fputs(s, stdout); } js_pushundefined(J); } static void jsB_read(js_State *J) { const char *filename = js_tostring(J, 1); FILE *f; char *s; int n, t; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { js_error(J, "cannot open file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); } if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) { fclose(f); js_error(J, "cannot seek in file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); } n = ftell(f); if (n < 0) { fclose(f); js_error(J, "cannot tell in file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); } if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { fclose(f); js_error(J, "cannot seek in file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); } s = malloc(n + 1); if (!s) { fclose(f); js_error(J, "out of memory"); } t = fread(s, 1, n, f); if (t != n) { free(s); fclose(f); js_error(J, "cannot read data from file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); } s[n] = 0; js_pushstring(J, s); free(s); fclose(f); } static void jsB_readline(js_State *J) { char *line = readline(""); if (!line) { js_pushnull(J); return; } js_pushstring(J, line); if (*line) add_history(line); free(line); } static void jsB_quit(js_State *J) { exit(js_tonumber(J, 1)); } static void jsB_repr(js_State *J) { js_repr(J, 1); } static const char *require_js = "function require(name) {\n" "var cache = require.cache;\n" "if (name in cache) return cache[name];\n" "var exports = {};\n" "cache[name] = exports;\n" "Function('exports', read(name+'.js'))(exports);\n" "return exports;\n" "}\n" "require.cache = Object.create(null);\n" ; static const char *stacktrace_js = "Error.prototype.toString = function() {\n" "var s =;\n" "if ('message' in this) s += ': ' + this.message;\n" "if ('stackTrace' in this) s += this.stackTrace;\n" "return s;\n" "};\n" ; static int eval_print(js_State *J, const char *source) { if (js_ploadstring(J, "[stdin]", source)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", js_trystring(J, -1, "Error")); js_pop(J, 1); return 1; } js_pushundefined(J); if (js_pcall(J, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", js_trystring(J, -1, "Error")); js_pop(J, 1); return 1; } if (js_isdefined(J, -1)) { printf("%s\n", js_tryrepr(J, -1, "can't convert to string")); } js_pop(J, 1); return 0; } static char *read_stdin(void) { int n = 0; int t = 512; char *s = NULL; for (;;) { char *ss = realloc(s, t); if (!ss) { free(s); fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate storage for stdin contents\n"); return NULL; } s = ss; n += fread(s + n, 1, t - n - 1, stdin); if (n < t - 1) break; t *= 2; } if (ferror(stdin)) { free(s); fprintf(stderr, "error reading stdin\n"); return NULL; } s[n] = 0; return s; } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mujs [options] [script [scriptArgs*]]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-i: Enter interactive prompt after running code.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-s: Check strictness.\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *input; js_State *J; int status = 0; int strict = 0; int interactive = 0; int i, c; while ((c = xgetopt(argc, argv, "is")) != -1) { switch (c) { default: usage(); break; case 'i': interactive = 1; break; case 's': strict = 1; break; } } J = js_newstate(NULL, NULL, strict ? JS_STRICT : 0); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_gc, "gc", 0); js_setglobal(J, "gc"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_load, "load", 1); js_setglobal(J, "load"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_compile, "compile", 2); js_setglobal(J, "compile"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_print, "print", 0); js_setglobal(J, "print"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_write, "write", 0); js_setglobal(J, "write"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_read, "read", 1); js_setglobal(J, "read"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_readline, "readline", 0); js_setglobal(J, "readline"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_repr, "repr", 0); js_setglobal(J, "repr"); js_newcfunction(J, jsB_quit, "quit", 1); js_setglobal(J, "quit"); js_dostring(J, require_js); js_dostring(J, stacktrace_js); if (xoptind == argc) { interactive = 1; } else { c = xoptind++; js_newarray(J); i = 0; while (xoptind < argc) { js_pushstring(J, argv[xoptind++]); js_setindex(J, -2, i++); } js_setglobal(J, "scriptArgs"); if (js_dofile(J, argv[c])) status = 1; } if (interactive) { if (isatty(0)) { using_history(); rl_bind_key('\t', rl_insert); input = readline(PS1); while (input) { eval_print(J, input); if (*input) add_history(input); free(input); input = readline(PS1); } putchar('\n'); } else { input = read_stdin(); if (!input || !js_dostring(J, input)) status = 1; free(input); } } js_gc(J, 0); js_freestate(J); return status; }