ref: 69b312d13bcff1743b5954c191292863fd1ec42c
dir: /jsnumber.c/
#include "jsi.h" #include "jsvalue.h" #include "jsbuiltin.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1700) /* VS2012 has stdint.h */ typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #else #include <stdint.h> #endif static void jsB_new_Number(js_State *J) { js_newnumber(J, js_gettop(J) > 1 ? js_tonumber(J, 1) : 0); } static void jsB_Number(js_State *J) { js_pushnumber(J, js_gettop(J) > 1 ? js_tonumber(J, 1) : 0); } static void Np_valueOf(js_State *J) { js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, 0); if (self->type != JS_CNUMBER) js_typeerror(J, "not a number"); js_pushnumber(J, self->u.number); } static void Np_toString(js_State *J) { char buf[100]; js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, 0); int radix = js_isundefined(J, 1) ? 10 : js_tointeger(J, 1); if (self->type != JS_CNUMBER) js_typeerror(J, "not a number"); if (radix == 10) { js_pushstring(J, jsV_numbertostring(J, buf, self->u.number)); return; } if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) js_rangeerror(J, "invalid radix"); /* lame number to string conversion for any radix from 2 to 36 */ { static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; double number = self->u.number; int sign = self->u.number < 0; js_Buffer *sb = NULL; uint64_t u, limit = ((uint64_t)1<<52); int ndigits, exp, point; if (number == 0) { js_pushstring(J, "0"); return; } if (isnan(number)) { js_pushstring(J, "NaN"); return; } if (isinf(number)) { js_pushstring(J, sign ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity"); return; } if (sign) number = -number; /* fit as many digits as we want in an int */ exp = 0; while (number * pow(radix, exp) > limit) --exp; while (number * pow(radix, exp+1) < limit) ++exp; u = number * pow(radix, exp) + 0.5; /* trim trailing zeros */ while (u > 0 && (u % radix) == 0) { u /= radix; --exp; } /* serialize digits */ ndigits = 0; while (u > 0) { buf[ndigits++] = digits[u % radix]; u /= radix; } point = ndigits - exp; if (js_try(J)) { js_free(J, sb); js_throw(J); } if (sign) js_putc(J, &sb, '-'); if (point <= 0) { js_putc(J, &sb, '0'); js_putc(J, &sb, '.'); while (point++ < 0) js_putc(J, &sb, '0'); while (ndigits-- > 0) js_putc(J, &sb, buf[ndigits]); } else { while (ndigits-- > 0) { js_putc(J, &sb, buf[ndigits]); if (--point == 0 && ndigits > 0) js_putc(J, &sb, '.'); } while (point-- > 0) js_putc(J, &sb, '0'); } js_putc(J, &sb, 0); js_pushstring(J, sb->s); js_endtry(J); js_free(J, sb); } } /* Customized ToString() on a number */ static void numtostr(js_State *J, const char *fmt, int w, double n) { /* buf needs to fit printf("%.20f", 1e20) */ char buf[50], *e; sprintf(buf, fmt, w, n); e = strchr(buf, 'e'); if (e) { int exp = atoi(e+1); sprintf(e, "e%+d", exp); } js_pushstring(J, buf); } static void Np_toFixed(js_State *J) { js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, 0); int width = js_tointeger(J, 1); char buf[32]; double x; if (self->type != JS_CNUMBER) js_typeerror(J, "not a number"); if (width < 0) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); if (width > 20) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); x = self->u.number; if (isnan(x) || isinf(x) || x <= -1e21 || x >= 1e21) js_pushstring(J, jsV_numbertostring(J, buf, x)); else numtostr(J, "%.*f", width, x); } static void Np_toExponential(js_State *J) { js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, 0); int width = js_tointeger(J, 1); char buf[32]; double x; if (self->type != JS_CNUMBER) js_typeerror(J, "not a number"); if (width < 0) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); if (width > 20) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); x = self->u.number; if (isnan(x) || isinf(x)) js_pushstring(J, jsV_numbertostring(J, buf, x)); else numtostr(J, "%.*e", width, self->u.number); } static void Np_toPrecision(js_State *J) { js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, 0); int width = js_tointeger(J, 1); char buf[32]; double x; if (self->type != JS_CNUMBER) js_typeerror(J, "not a number"); if (width < 1) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); if (width > 21) js_rangeerror(J, "precision %d out of range", width); x = self->u.number; if (isnan(x) || isinf(x)) js_pushstring(J, jsV_numbertostring(J, buf, x)); else numtostr(J, "%.*g", width, self->u.number); } void jsB_initnumber(js_State *J) { J->Number_prototype->u.number = 0; js_pushobject(J, J->Number_prototype); { jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.valueOf", Np_valueOf, 0); jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.toString", Np_toString, 1); jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.toLocaleString", Np_toString, 0); jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.toFixed", Np_toFixed, 1); jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.toExponential", Np_toExponential, 1); jsB_propf(J, "Number.prototype.toPrecision", Np_toPrecision, 1); } js_newcconstructor(J, jsB_Number, jsB_new_Number, "Number", 0); /* 1 */ { jsB_propn(J, "MAX_VALUE", 1.7976931348623157e+308); jsB_propn(J, "MIN_VALUE", 5e-324); jsB_propn(J, "NaN", NAN); jsB_propn(J, "NEGATIVE_INFINITY", -INFINITY); jsB_propn(J, "POSITIVE_INFINITY", INFINITY); } js_defglobal(J, "Number", JS_DONTENUM); }