ref: 63d88a9c1b48234e50ef3e349c546f5e9fee1bea
dir: /jsrun.c/
#include "js.h" #include "jsobject.h" #include "jsparse.h" #include "jscompile.h" #include "jsrun.h" #include "jsstate.h" static void jsR_run(js_State *J, js_Function *F); static inline double tointeger(double n) { double sign = n < 0 ? -1 : 1; if (isnan(n)) return 0; if (n == 0 || isinf(n)) return n; return sign * floor(abs(n)); } static inline int toint32(double n) { double two32 = 4294967296.0; double two31 = 2147483648.0; if (!isfinite(n) || n == 0) return 0; n = fmod(n, two32); n = n >= 0 ? floor(n) : ceil(n) + two32; if (n >= two31) return n - two32; else return n; } static inline unsigned int touint32(double n) { return toint32(n); } /* Push values on stack */ #define STACK (J->stack) #define TOP (J->top) #define BOT (J->bot) static void js_pushvalue(js_State *J, js_Value v) { STACK[TOP] = v; ++TOP; } void js_pushundefined(js_State *J) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TUNDEFINED; ++TOP; } void js_pushnull(js_State *J) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TNULL; ++TOP; } void js_pushboolean(js_State *J, int v) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TBOOLEAN; STACK[TOP].u.boolean = !!v; ++TOP; } void js_pushnumber(js_State *J, double v) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TNUMBER; STACK[TOP].u.number = v; ++TOP; } void js_pushstring(js_State *J, const char *v) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TSTRING; STACK[TOP].u.string = js_intern(J, v); ++TOP; } void js_pushliteral(js_State *J, const char *v) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TSTRING; STACK[TOP].u.string = v; ++TOP; } void js_pushobject(js_State *J, js_Object *v) { STACK[TOP].type = JS_TOBJECT; STACK[TOP].u.object = v; ++TOP; } void js_pushglobal(js_State *J) { js_pushobject(J, J->G); } /* Read values from stack */ static const js_Value *stackidx(js_State *J, int idx) { static js_Value undefined = { JS_TUNDEFINED, { 0 } }; idx = idx < 0 ? TOP + idx : BOT + idx; if (idx < 0 || idx >= TOP) return &undefined; return STACK + idx; } int js_isundefined(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TUNDEFINED; } int js_isnull(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TNULL; } int js_isboolean(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TBOOLEAN; } int js_isnumber(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TNUMBER; } int js_isstring(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TSTRING; } int js_isprimitive(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type != JS_TOBJECT; } int js_isobject(js_State *J, int idx) { return stackidx(J, idx)->type == JS_TOBJECT; } js_Value js_tovalue(js_State *J, int idx) { return *stackidx(J, idx); } int js_toboolean(js_State *J, int idx) { return jsR_toboolean(J, stackidx(J, idx)); } double js_tonumber(js_State *J, int idx) { return jsR_tonumber(J, stackidx(J, idx)); } const char *js_tostring(js_State *J, int idx) { return jsR_tostring(J, stackidx(J, idx)); } js_Object *js_toobject(js_State *J, int idx) { return jsR_toobject(J, stackidx(J, idx)); } js_Value js_toprimitive(js_State *J, int idx, int hint) { return jsR_toprimitive(J, stackidx(J, idx), hint); } /* Stack manipulation */ void js_pop(js_State *J, int n) { TOP -= n; } void js_copy(js_State *J, int idx) { STACK[TOP] = *stackidx(J, idx); ++TOP; } void js_dup(js_State *J) { STACK[TOP] = STACK[TOP-1]; ++TOP; } void js_dup2(js_State *J) { STACK[TOP] = STACK[TOP-2]; STACK[TOP+1] = STACK[TOP-1]; TOP += 2; } void js_rot2(js_State *J) { /* A B -> B A */ js_Value tmp = STACK[TOP-1]; /* A B (B) */ STACK[TOP-1] = STACK[TOP-2]; /* A A */ STACK[TOP-2] = tmp; /* B A */ } void js_rot3(js_State *J) { /* A B C -> C A B */ js_Value tmp = STACK[TOP-1]; /* A B C (C) */ STACK[TOP-1] = STACK[TOP-2]; /* A B B */ STACK[TOP-2] = STACK[TOP-3]; /* A A B */ STACK[TOP-3] = tmp; /* C A B */ } void js_rot3pop2(js_State *J) { /* A B C -> C */ STACK[TOP-3] = STACK[TOP-1]; TOP -= 2; } void js_dup1rot4(js_State *J) { /* A B C -> C A B C */ STACK[TOP] = STACK[TOP-1]; /* A B C C */ STACK[TOP-1] = STACK[TOP-2]; /* A B B C */ STACK[TOP-2] = STACK[TOP-3]; /* A A B C */ STACK[TOP-3] = STACK[TOP]; /* C A B C */ ++TOP; } void js_rot(js_State *J, int n) { int i; js_Value tmp = STACK[TOP-1]; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) STACK[TOP-i] = STACK[TOP-i-1]; STACK[TOP-i] = tmp; } /* Global and object property accessors */ void js_getglobal(js_State *J, const char *name) { js_Property *ref = jsR_getproperty(J, J->G, name); if (ref) js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); else js_pushundefined(J); } void js_setglobal(js_State *J, const char *name) { js_Property *ref = jsR_setproperty(J, J->G, name); if (ref) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); } void js_getownproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, idx); js_Property *ref = jsR_getownproperty(J, obj, name); if (ref) js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); else js_pushundefined(J); } void js_getproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, idx); js_Property *ref = jsR_getproperty(J, obj, name); if (ref) js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); else js_pushundefined(J); } void js_setproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, idx); js_Property *ref = jsR_setproperty(J, obj, name); if (ref) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); } int js_nextproperty(js_State *J, int idx) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, idx); js_Property *ref = jsR_nextproperty(J, obj, js_tostring(J, -1)); js_pop(J, 1); if (ref) { js_pushliteral(J, ref->name); js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); return 1; } return 0; } /* Environment records */ js_Environment *jsR_newenvironment(js_State *J, js_Object *vars, js_Environment *outer) { js_Environment *E = malloc(sizeof *E); E->gcmark = 0; E->gcnext = J->gcenv; J->gcenv = E; ++J->gccounter; E->outer = outer; E->variables = vars; return E; } static js_Property *js_decvar(js_State *J, const char *name) { return jsR_setproperty(J, J->E->variables, name); } static js_Property *js_getvar(js_State *J, const char *name) { js_Environment *E = J->E; do { js_Property *ref = jsR_getproperty(J, E->variables, name); if (ref) return ref; E = E->outer; } while (E); return NULL; } static js_Property *js_setvar(js_State *J, const char *name) { js_Environment *E = J->E; do { js_Property *ref = jsR_getproperty(J, E->variables, name); if (ref) return ref; E = E->outer; } while (E); return jsR_setproperty(J, J->G, name); } /* Function calls */ static void jsR_callfunction(js_State *J, int n, js_Function *F, js_Environment *scope) { js_Environment *saveE; int i; saveE = J->E; J->E = jsR_newenvironment(J, jsR_newobject(J, JS_COBJECT, NULL), scope); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { js_Property *ref = js_decvar(J, F->params[i]); if (i < n) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, i + 1); } js_pop(J, n); jsR_run(J, F); js_rot3pop2(J); J->E = saveE; } static void jsR_callscript(js_State *J, int n, js_Function *F) { js_pop(J, n); jsR_run(J, F); js_rot3pop2(J); } static void jsR_callcfunction(js_State *J, int n, js_CFunction F) { int rv = F(J, n + 1); if (rv) { js_Value v = js_tovalue(J, -1); js_pop(J, TOP - BOT + 1); js_pushvalue(J, v); } else { js_pop(J, TOP - BOT + 1); js_pushundefined(J); } } void js_call(js_State *J, int n) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, -n - 2); int savebot = BOT; BOT = TOP - n - 1; if (obj->type == JS_CFUNCTION) jsR_callfunction(J, n, obj->function, obj->scope); else if (obj->type == JS_CSCRIPT) jsR_callscript(J, n, obj->function); else if (obj->type == JS_CCFUNCTION) jsR_callcfunction(J, n, obj->cfunction); else jsR_error(J, "TypeError (not a function)"); BOT = savebot; } void js_construct(js_State *J, int n) { js_Object *obj = js_toobject(J, -n - 1); js_Object *prototype; /* built-in constructors create their own objects */ if (obj->type == JS_CCFUNCTION && obj->cconstructor) { int savebot = BOT; BOT = TOP - n; jsR_callcfunction(J, n, obj->cconstructor); BOT = savebot; return; } /* extract the function object's prototype property */ js_getproperty(J, -n - 1, "prototype"); if (js_isobject(J, -1)) prototype = js_toobject(J, -1); else prototype = J->Object_prototype; js_pop(J, 1); /* create a new object with above prototype, and shift it into the 'this' slot */ js_pushobject(J, jsR_newobject(J, JS_COBJECT, prototype)); if (n > 0) js_rot(J, n + 1); /* call the function */ js_call(J, n); } /* Main interpreter loop */ void jsR_dumpstack(js_State *J) { int i; printf("stack {\n"); for (i = 0; i < TOP; ++i) { putchar(i == BOT ? '>' : ' '); printf("% 4d: ", i); js_dumpvalue(J, STACK[i]); putchar('\n'); } printf("}\n"); } void jsR_dumpenvironment(js_State *J, js_Environment *E, int d) { printf("scope %d ", d); js_dumpobject(J, E->variables); if (E->outer) jsR_dumpenvironment(J, E->outer, d+1); } void js_trap(js_State *J, int pc) { fprintf(stderr, "trap at %d in ", pc); js_Function *F = STACK[BOT-1].u.object->function; jsC_dumpfunction(J, F); jsR_dumpstack(J); jsR_dumpenvironment(J, J->E, 0); } static void jsR_run(js_State *J, js_Function *F) { js_Function **FT = F->funtab; double *NT = F->numtab; const char **ST = F->strtab; short *pcstart = F->code; short *pc = F->code; int opcode, offset; const char *str; js_Object *obj; js_Property *ref; double x, y; int b; while (1) { if (J->gccounter > JS_GCLIMIT) { J->gccounter = 0; js_gc(J, 0); } opcode = *pc++; switch (opcode) { case OP_POP: js_pop(J, 1); break; case OP_DUP: js_dup(J); break; case OP_DUP2: js_dup2(J); break; case OP_ROT2: js_rot2(J); break; case OP_ROT3: js_rot3(J); break; case OP_DUP1ROT4: js_dup1rot4(J); break; case OP_NUMBER_0: js_pushnumber(J, 0); break; case OP_NUMBER_1: js_pushnumber(J, 1); break; case OP_NUMBER_X: js_pushnumber(J, *pc++); break; case OP_NUMBER: js_pushnumber(J, NT[*pc++]); break; case OP_STRING: js_pushliteral(J, ST[*pc++]); break; case OP_CLOSURE: js_newfunction(J, FT[*pc++], J->E); break; case OP_NEWOBJECT: js_newobject(J); break; case OP_NEWARRAY: js_newarray(J); break; case OP_UNDEF: js_pushundefined(J); break; case OP_NULL: js_pushnull(J); break; case OP_TRUE: js_pushboolean(J, 1); break; case OP_FALSE: js_pushboolean(J, 0); break; case OP_THIS: js_copy(J, 0); break; case OP_GLOBAL: js_pushobject(J, J->G); break; case OP_FUNDEC: ref = js_decvar(J, ST[*pc++]); if (ref) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); break; case OP_VARDEC: ref = js_decvar(J, ST[*pc++]); break; case OP_GETVAR: str = ST[*pc++]; ref = js_getvar(J, str); if (ref) js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); else jsR_error(J, "ReferenceError (%s)", str); break; case OP_SETVAR: ref = js_setvar(J, ST[*pc++]); if (ref) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, -1); break; // OP_DELVAR case OP_IN: str = js_tostring(J, -2); obj = js_toobject(J, -1); ref = jsR_getproperty(J, obj, str); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, ref != NULL); break; case OP_GETPROP: str = js_tostring(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); js_getproperty(J, -1, str); obj = js_toobject(J, -2); ref = jsR_getproperty(J, obj, str); js_pop(J, 2); if (ref) js_pushvalue(J, ref->value); else js_pushundefined(J); break; case OP_SETPROP: obj = js_toobject(J, -3); str = js_tostring(J, -2); ref = jsR_setproperty(J, obj, str); if (ref) ref->value = js_tovalue(J, -1); js_rot3pop2(J); break; // OP_DELPROP case OP_NEXTPROP: obj = js_toobject(J, -2); if (js_isundefined(J, -1)) str = NULL; else str = js_tostring(J, -1); ref = jsR_nextproperty(J, obj, str); if (!ref && obj->prototype) { obj = obj->prototype; ref = jsR_nextproperty(J, obj, NULL); } js_pop(J, 2); if (ref) { js_pushobject(J, obj); js_pushliteral(J, ref->name); js_pushboolean(J, 1); } else { js_pushboolean(J, 0); } break; case OP_CALL: js_call(J, *pc++); break; case OP_NEW: js_construct(J, *pc++); break; /* Unary expressions */ case OP_POS: x = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); js_pushnumber(J, x); break; case OP_NEG: x = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); js_pushnumber(J, -x); break; case OP_BITNOT: x = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); js_pushnumber(J, ~toint32(x)); break; case OP_LOGNOT: b = js_toboolean(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); js_pushboolean(J, !b); break; /* Binary expressions */ case OP_ADD: { js_Value va = js_toprimitive(J, -2, JS_HNONE); js_Value vb = js_toprimitive(J, -1, JS_HNONE); if (va.type == JS_TSTRING || vb.type == JS_TSTRING) { const char *sa = jsR_tostring(J, &va); const char *sb = jsR_tostring(J, &vb); char *sab = malloc(strlen(sa) + strlen(sb) + 1); strcpy(sab, sa); strcat(sab, sb); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushstring(J, sab); free(sab); } else { x = jsR_tonumber(J, &va); y = jsR_tonumber(J, &vb); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, x + y); } } break; case OP_SUB: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, x - y); break; case OP_MUL: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, x * y); break; case OP_DIV: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, x / y); break; case OP_MOD: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, fmod(x, y)); break; case OP_SHL: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, toint32(x) << (touint32(y) & 0x1F)); break; case OP_SHR: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, toint32(x) >> (touint32(y) & 0x1F)); break; break; case OP_USHR: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, touint32(x) >> (touint32(y) & 0x1F)); break; break; case OP_BITAND: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, toint32(x) & toint32(y)); break; case OP_BITXOR: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, toint32(x) ^ toint32(y)); break; case OP_BITOR: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushnumber(J, toint32(x) | toint32(y)); break; /* Relational expressions */ /* TODO: string comparisons */ case OP_LT: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x < y); break; case OP_GT: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x > y); break; case OP_LE: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x <= y); break; case OP_GE: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x >= y); break; case OP_EQ: case OP_STRICTEQ: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x == y); break; case OP_NE: case OP_STRICTNE: x = js_tonumber(J, -2); y = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 2); js_pushboolean(J, x != y); break; /* Branching */ case OP_DEBUGGER: js_trap(J, (int)(pc - pcstart) - 1); break; case OP_JUMP: pc = pcstart + *pc; break; case OP_JTRUE: offset = *pc++; b = js_toboolean(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); if (b) pc = pcstart + offset; break; case OP_JFALSE: offset = *pc++; b = js_toboolean(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); if (!b) pc = pcstart + offset; break; case OP_RETURN: return; default: fprintf(stderr, "illegal instruction: %d (pc=%d)\n", opcode, (int)(pc - F->code - 1)); return; } } } int jsR_loadscript(js_State *J, const char *filename, const char *source) { js_Ast *P; js_Function *F; // TODO: push exception stack P = jsP_parse(J, filename, source); if (!P) return 1; jsP_optimize(J, P); F = jsC_compile(J, P); jsP_freeparse(J); if (!F) return 1; js_newscript(J, F); return 0; } void jsR_error(js_State *J, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "runtime error: "); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); longjmp(J->jb, 1); }