ref: 9f45db11e1c4856f9f3902ef56203d4292b9b052
dir: /bin/cgilib.rc/
############################################## # Useful CGI functions NEW_LINE = ' ' fn dprint { echo $* >[1=2] } fn escape_html { sed 's/&/\&/g; s/</\</g; s/>/\>/g' $* } fn perm_redirect { echo 'Status: 301 Moved Permanantly Location: '^$1^' ' exit } fn get_post_args { if(~ $#POST_ARGS 0) { ifs='& ' for(pair in `{cat}) { pair = `{echo -n $pair | sed 's/=/\&/'} \ # Maybe we should urldecode on the first pass? POST_ARGS = ($POST_ARGS $pair) ifs=() \ if(~ $pair(1) $*) $pair(1) = `{echo -n $pair(2) | urldecode | tr -d ' '} } } if not { pa = $POST_ARGS while(! ~ $#pa 0) { ifs=() \ if(~ $pa(1) $*) $pa(1) = `{echo -n $pa(2) | urldecode | tr -d ' '} pa = $pa(3-) } } } # Is this really useful? fn awk_buffer { awk '{ buf = buf $0"\n" if(length(buf) > 8192) { printf "%s", buf buf = "" } } END{ printf "%s", buf }' } fn urldecode { awk ' BEGIN { hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8; hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9; hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10 hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11; hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12; hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13; hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14; hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15; } { decoded = "" i = 1 len = length ($0) while ( i <= len ) { c = substr ($0, i, 1) if ( c == "%" ) { if ( i+2 <= len ) { c1 = substr ($0, i+1, 1) c2 = substr ($0, i+2, 1) if ( hextab [c1] == "" || hextab [c2] == "" ) { print "WARNING: invalid hex encoding: %" c1 c2 | "cat >&2" } else { code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0 c = sprintf ("%c", code) i = i + 2 } } else { print "WARNING: invalid % encoding: " substr ($0, i, len - i) } } else if ( c == "+" ) { c = " " } decoded = decoded c ++i } printf decoded } ' } fn crop_text { max_chars = $0 awk -v max'='^$max_chars^' ' ' { nc += 1 + length; if(nc > max) { print substr($0, 1, nc - max) "..." exit } print }' } # Cookies fn set_cookie { # TODO: should check input values more carefully name = $1 val = $2 extraHttpHeaders = ($extraHttpHeaders 'Set-cookie: '^$"name^'='^$"val^'; path=/;') } fn get_cookie { ifs=';' { co = `{ echo $HTTP_COOKIE } } #for(c in $co) # if(~ $c $1^'='*) # This matching doesn't work # echo $c|sed 's/[^=]*=//' # WARNING: we might be adding a trailing new line { for(c in $co) echo $c} | sed -n 's/[^=]*=//p' } ############################################## # More werc-specific functions fn template { template.awk $* | rc $rcargs } # .rec parsing fn parse_rec { ifs=' ' for(i in `{sed 's/% *//g; /^$/q' < $1}) { v = `{echo -n $i | sed 's/^/rec_/; s/=.*//;'} $v = `{echo -n $i | sed 's/^[^=]*=//'} } ifs=() { rec_data = `{sed -n '/^[^%]./,$p' < $1} } } # Auth code # Cookie format: WERC_USER: name:timestamp:hash(name.timestamp.password) # login_user can't be used from a template because it sets a cookie fn login_user { # Note: get_user can use an existing cookie, so we might end up setting an existing cookie if(get_user $*) set_cookie werc_user $"logged_user^':0:'^$"logged_password } # Checks if we are logged in, if called with an argument, we check group membership too fn check_user { if(! get_user) status='Not logged in' if not if (! ~ $#1 0 && ! grep -s '^'^$logged_user^'$' etc/groups/$1) status=User $logged_user not in group $1 if not true } # If not logged in, try to get user login info from POST info or from cookie fn get_user { if (~ $#logged_user 0) { if (~ $#* 2) { user_name = $1 user_password $2 } if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) get_post_args user_name user_password if(~ $#user_name 0) { ifs=':' { cu = `{get_cookie werc_user|tr -d $NEW_LINE} } if(! ~ $#cu 0) { user_name = $cu(1) user_password = $cu(3) } } auth_user $user_name $user_password } if not true } # Check if user_name and user_password represent a valid user account # If valid, 'log in' by setting logged_user fn auth_user { user_name = $1 user_password = $2 pfile = 'etc/users/'^$"user_name^'/password' if (~ $#user_name 0 || ~ $#user_password 0) status='Auth: missing user name or pass: '^$"user_name^' / '^$"user_password if not if(! test -f $pfile) status='Auth: cant find '^$pfile if not if (! ~ $user_password `{cat $pfile}) status='Auth: Pass '$user_password' doesnt match '^`{cat $pfile} if not { logged_user = $user_name logged_password = $user_password dprint Auth: success } } # Blog stuff fn make_blog_post { bdir = $1 btitle = $2 btext = $3 if(! ~ 0 $#1 $#2 $#3) { date=`{/bin/date +%F} n = 1 for(f in $bdir^$date^'-'*) { i = `{echo -n $f | sed -n 's,^.*/'$date'-([0-9]+)_.*,\1,p'|tr -d $NEW_LINE} if(! ~ $#i 0 && test $i -ge $n) n = `{hoc -e $i'+1'} } btitle = `{echo -n $"btitle | sed 's/[ ]+/_/g; 1q'} echo $btext > $bdir^'/'^$"date^'-'^$"n^_$" } if not status=Missing blog post arguments $1 $2 $3 } # -------- # #app_blog_methods = ( _post index.rss ) #fn app_blog__post { # echo #} # #app_blog___default { # if (~ $blog) # call_app blogpost #} # ## -- #app_blogpost_methods = ( comment _edit ) # #fn app_blogpost_comment { # call_app comments #} # ## -- #app_comments_methods = ( _post _edit ) # #fn app_comments___default { # #}