ref: 94c0205e99c4fa49dce8963a580ad37e2963f24f
dir: /bin/werc.rc/
#!/usr/local/plan9/bin/rc . ./cgilib.rc cd .. forbidden_uri_chars='[^a-zA-Z0-9_+\-\/\.]' response_format=html fn get_lib_file { if(test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1) echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1 if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1) echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1 if not if(test -f lib/$1) echo -n lib/$1 } # Title fn gentitle { echo '<h1 class="headerTitle"><a href="/">' ^ $"siteTitle ^ ' <span id="headerSubTitle">' ^ $"siteSubTitle ^ '</span></a></h1>' } # Don't change var name or trailing ';', dirfilter might be changed from _werc/config! # TODO: Specify the canonical path input format handled by dirfilter dirfilter='s/\*$//; s,/+\./+,/,g; /\/[._]/d; /'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; /^\/(robots|sitemap)\.txt$|\/index\.(md|html|txt|tpl)$/d; /_werc\/?$/d; s,^\./,,; s,\.(md|html|txt)$,,; ' # To be used from config files fn hide_paths { for(i in $*) dirfilter=$dirfilter^'/^'$i'$/d; ' } # Sidebar fn gensidebar { for(d in ./ $args) { dd=$"dd^'/'^$d dirs=( $sitedir^$dd $dirs ) } # Ignore stderr, last item in path might be a file that doesn't exist (eg., foo for ls -F $dirs >[2]/dev/null | sed 's,^'$sitedir',,; '^$dirfilter | sort -u | awk -F/ ' function p(x, y, s) { for(i=0; i < x-y; i+=1) print s } # XXX Regexp to hide non-document/non-dir stuff, there must be a better way, if we really want this. /^\/([a-zA-Z0-9+_\-]+[*\/]?)+$/ { d = "" if(match($0, "/$")) d = "/" sub("/$", "") # Strip trailing / for dirs so NF is consistent p(NF, lNF, "<ul class=\"side-bar\">") p(lNF, NF, "</ul>") lNF = NF bname = $NF d path = $0 d gsub("_", " ", bname) if(index(ENVIRON["REQUEST_URI"] "/", path) == 1) print "<li><a href=\"" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">»<i> " bname "</i></a>" else print "<li><a href=\"" path "\">› " bname "</a></li>" } END { p(lNF, 0, "</ul>") } ' } # Handlers fn set_handler { handler=$1 handler_args=$*(2-) } fn md_handler { cat $* | $formatter } fn tpl_handler { template $1 } fn html_handler { # body states: 0 = no <body> found, 2 = after <body>, 1 = after <body></body>, -1 = after </body> awk 'gsub(".*<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>", "") > 0 {body=2} gsub("</ *[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>.*", "") > 0 {print; body=body-1} body==2 {print} body==0 {buf=buf "\n" $0} END {if(body<=0) {print buf}}' < $1 } fn txt_handler { echo '<pre>' # XXX Insering a blank line between lines in input is good for fortunes.txt, but maybe not for other .txt files # XXX Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long cat $1 | sed 's/$/\n/g; s/</\</g; s/>/\>/g' | fmt -l 82 -j echo '</pre>' } fn dir_listing_handler { d=`{basename -d $1} echo $d|sed 's,.*//,,g; s,/$,,; s,/, / ,g; s,.*,<h1 class="dir-list-head">&</h1> <ul class="dir-list">,' # Symlinks suck: '/.' forces ls to list the linked dir if $d is a symlink. ls -F $d/. | sed $dirfilter' s,.*/([^/]+/?)$,<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,' echo '</ul>' } fn 404_handler { template `{get_lib_file 404.tpl} } fn blog_dir_handler { blogDirs=$* tpl_handler lib/feeds/html.tpl } fn blog_post_handler { gen_blog_post_title $1 | $formatter $formatter < $1 } fn select_handler { if(test -f $ { if(! ~ $#inBlog 0) set_handler blog_post_handler $ if not set_handler md_handler $ if(! ~ $#allowComments 0 && ~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) { get_post_args comment_text d=`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race d=$body.md_werc/comments/$d/ u=$logged_user if(~ $#logged_user 0) { get_post_args comment_user_name comment_user_password # TODO Should take this path too if the user can login but doesn't # belong to required group if(! login_user $comment_user_name $comment_user_password) { u=$comment_user_name ':' $comment_user_password d=$d^'_pending' } if not u = $logged_user } umask 002 mkdir -m 775 -p $d echo $u > $d/user echo $comment_text > $d/body } } if not if(test -f $body.tpl) set_handler tpl_handler $body.tpl if not if(test -f $body.html) set_handler html_handler $body.html # Explicit .html urls, unfortunately usually the web server will handle this as static files if not if(~ $body *.html && test -f $body) perm_redirect `{ echo $REQUEST_URI|sed 's/.html$//' } # Rss feeds. TODO: we should check that the request is for a real blog dir if not if(~ $REQUEST_URI */index.rss */index.atom) { response_format=raw uri=`{echo $uri | sed 's/index.(rss|atom)$//'} if(~ $#blogDirs 0) blogDirs=$sitedir^'/'$uri uri=$baseuri$"uri if(~ $REQUEST_URI */index.rss) master_template=feeds/rss20.tpl if not if(~ $REQUEST_URI */index.atom) master_template=feeds/atom.tpl } # Blog handler if not if(~ $body */[bB]log/index */[bB]log//index || ! ~ $#blogDirs 0) { if(~ $#blogDirs 0) blogDirs=`{basename -d $body} u=`{cleanname $baseuri^`{basename -d '/'^$uri}|sed 's,:/,://,'} # Sed recovers '/' in 'http:/' stripped by cleanname extraHeaders=$"extraHeaders ^ \ '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="'$"u'/index.rss" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="ATOM" href="'$"u'/index.atom" />' set_handler tpl_handler lib/feeds/html.tpl } # Global tpl (eg sitemap.tpl) if not if(test -f lib/^$uri^.tpl) set_handler tpl_handler lib/^$uri^.tpl if not if(test -f $body.txt) set_handler txt_handler $body.txt # Apps if not if(! ~ $#enabled_apps 0 && select_apps) set_handler app_handler # Dir listing if not if(~ $body */index) set_handler dir_listing_handler $body # File not found if not { set_handler 404_handler $body dprint 'NOT FOUND: '$SERVER_NAME^$REQUEST_URI^' - '^$"HTTP_REFERER^' - '^$"HTTP_USER_AGENT echo 'Status: 404 Not Found' } } fn genbody { $handler $handler_args } # Careful, the proper p9p path might not be set until initrc.local is sourced path=(. $PLAN9/bin ./bin/ /bin/ /usr/bin) site=$SERVER_NAME headers=lib/headers.tpl master_template=default_master.tpl sidebar=sidebar baseuri=http://$site/ current_date_time=`{date} for(i in siteTitle siteSubTitle pageTitle extraHeaders) $i = '' . ./etc/initrc if(test -f etc/initrc.local) . ./etc/initrc.local # Parse request URL uri=`{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed 's/\?.*//; s/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'//g; s/\.\.*/./g; 1q'} ifs='/' { args=`{echo -n $uri} } # Hack: preload post data so we can access it from templates where cgi's stdin is not accesible if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) { get_post_args login_user } if(! ~ $args '') { if(~ $args($#args) 'index') perm_redirect `{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's,/index$,/,'} pageTitle=`{echo $args | sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/_/ /g'} req_path=$uri } if not { req_path='/' } fpath=$sitedir for(i in ('' $args)) { # TODO We can build a list of paths here that can be used in sidebar, instead of iterating args twice fpath=$fpath/$i # We don't want blog settings to cascade into posts, note that we are inBlog instead if(! ~ $#blogDirs 0 && ! ~ $req_path */index.rss */index.atom */[bB]log */[bB]log/) { inBlog = $blogDirs blogDirs = () } if(test -f $fpath/_werc/config) . ./$fpath/_werc/config if(~ $#blogDirs 0 && ~ $#inBlog 0 && ~ $i [Bb]log) inBlog = 'yes' } # Redirections and other preprocessing if(~ $#redirectPermanent 1) perm_redirect $"redirectPermanent if not if(~ $#redirectPermanent 2 && {echo $SERVER_NAME^$REQUEST_URI|grep -s $redirectPermanent(1) }) { # Experimental regexp sub-based redirect, probably should find a nicer interface to=`{echo $SERVER_NAME^$REQUEST_URI|sed 's@'^$redirectPermanent(1)^'@'^$redirectPermanent(2)^'@'} if(! ~ $to $REQUEST_URI) perm_redirect $to } # Set Page title if(~ $pageTitle '') pageTitle=$siteTitle^' '^$siteSubTitle if not pageTitle=$"pageTitle^' | '^$"siteTitle^' '^$"siteSubTitle body=$sitedir/$req_path if(test -d $body) { if(! ~ $body */) perm_redirect $REQUEST_URI^'/' body=$body/index } select_handler if(! ~ $#debug 0) dprint ' '$"SERVER_NAME^$"REQUEST_URI' - '$"HTTP_USER_AGENT' - '$"REQUEST_METHOD' - '$"handler # Template/body selection master_template=`{get_lib_file $master_template} if(~ $response_format html) { # Is awk_buffer really useful? template $headers $master_template | awk_buffer echo '</body></html>' } if not if(~ $response_format raw) template < $master_template