ref: 72a5620a5e18621cc153e8056c9e5003d07175d3
dir: /apps/wman/app.rc/
fn conf_enable_wman { wman_base_uri=$conf_wd wman_man_path=$* if(~ $#wman_man_path 0) wman_man_path=$wman_base_uri conf_enable_app wman } wman_junk_filter='/(\/(INDEX|\.cvsignore)|\.9p|\.html)$/d; s!/man([0-9]+/[^/]+)$!/\1!; ' fn wman_ls_pages { ls $* \ | sed $dirfilter^$wman_junk_filter^' s/\.([0-9]|9p)$//; s!/0intro$!/intro!' \ | sort -u } fn wman_init { ifs=$ifs^'/' { p=`{echo $req_path | sed 's!^'^$wman_base_uri^'!!'} } wman_cat=$p(1) wman_page=$p(2) if(~ $#wman_unix_mode 1) { wman_cp='man' wman_pe=.^$"wman_cat } if(! ~ $"wman_cat '') { wman_cat_path=$wman_man_path^/^$"wman_cp^$p(1) if(! ~ $"wman_page '') { wman_page_file=$wman_page^$"wman_pe # Hack to handle 0intro files. if(~ $wman_page intro && test -f $wman_cat_path^/0^$"wman_page_file) wman_page_file=0^$"wman_page_file wman_page_file=$wman_cat_path^/^$"wman_page_file } } wman_cat_list=`{ls -F $wman_man_path/*/ \ | sed -e $wman_junk_filter -e 's!.*/([^/]+)/[^/]+$!\1!; /[0-9]+/!d' \ | sort -un} synth_paths=($wman_base_uri$wman_cat_list'/') if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri && ~ $"handler_body_main '') handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/section_list.tpl) if not if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri^*) { #^*/[a-z0-9]*[a-z]* $wman_base_uri^*/*[a-z]*[a-z0-9] $wman_base_uri^*/[a-z]) if(echo $req_path | grep -s '^'^$wman_base_uri^'/*[0-9]+/[0-9a-z\-\+\.]+$') if(test -f $wman_page_file) # Check for 404 handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/man_page.tpl) if not if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri^*/) handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/page_list.tpl) if not if(~ $p(2) [A-Z]* [0-9][A-Z]*) # Correct badly capitalized links perm_redirect $wman_base_uri^$p(1)^/^`{echo $p(2) |tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'} } # Search ll_add handlers_body_head tpl_handler apps/wman/search.tpl if(! ~ $"post_arg_wman_search '') { s=`{echo $post_arg_wman_search | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+//g; s/\.+/./g; 1q'} ifs='' { wman_search_results=`{wman_ls_pages $wman_man_path/*/*^$"s^*} } if(! ~ $"post_arg_go '' && ~ `{echo -n $wman_search_results|wc -l} 1) post_redirect $wman_base_uri^`{echo $wman_search_results|awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}'} } } fn wman_get_section_desc { cat $wman_man_path/^$"wman_cp^$1/0intro* >[2]/dev/null| sed '1,2d; s!intro \\- [Ii]ntroduction to !!; 3q;' } fn wman_page_gen { #troff -manhtml $1| troff2html -t 'Plan 9 from User Space' troff -N -man $1 \ | escape_html \ | sed 's!([\.\-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\(('^`{echo $wman_cat_list|tr ' ' '|'}^')\)!<a href="../\2/\1">&</a>!g' \ | awk '/^$/ {if(n != 1) print; n=1; next} /./ {n=0; print}' }