ref: 5e85d358c641ed23822406845607c3360b98b7b7
dir: /apps/blagh/rss20.tpl/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> %{ fn statpost { f = $1 post_uri = `{echo $f | sed 's,^'$sitedir',,'} #title=`{basename $f | sed 's/^[0-9\-]*_(.*)\.md$/\1/; s/_/ /g' } title=`{read $f/} date=`{ndate -m} # rss 2.0 spec says pubDate should conform to rfc822 post_uri=$base_url^`{cleanname `{echo $f | sed -e 's!^'$sitedir'!!'}}^'/' by=`{ls -m $f | sed 's/^\[//g; s/].*$//g' >[2]/dev/null} ifs=() {summary=`{ cat $f/ |strip_title_from_md_file| ifs=$difs {$formatter | escape_html} }} } %} <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""> <channel> <atom:link href="%($base_url^$req_path%)" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <title><![CDATA[%($siteTitle%)]]></title> <link>%($base_url^$req_path%)</link> <description><![CDATA[%($blogDesc%)]]></description> <language>en-us</language> <generator><![CDATA[Tom Duff's rc, and Kris Maglione's clever hackery]]></generator> %{ # <webMaster>[email protected] (Uriel)</webMaster> for(f in `{get_post_list $blagh_root$blagh_dirs}) { statpost $f # Hack to aproximate the last build date #(use the mdate from last posted item) # Commented out for now because maybe a wrong value is worse than no value #if(~ $#last_build_date 0) { #last_build_date='<lastBuildDate>'^$"mdate'</lastBuildDate>' #echo $last_build_date #} %} <item> <title><![CDATA[%($title%)]]></title> <author><![CDATA[%($by%) (%($by%))]]></author> <link>%($post_uri%)</link> <guid isPermaLink="true">%($post_uri%)</guid> <pubDate>%($date%)</pubDate> <description> %($summary%) </description> </item> % } </channel> </rss>