ref: 3e632e8d708e5038a318f9f4525cb96916b7359b
dir: /apps/blagh/app.rc/
fn conf_enable_blog { blagh_uri=$conf_wd blagh_dirs=$* if(~ $#blagh_dirs 0) blagh_dirs=( . ) } fn blagh_init { if(~ $#blagh_dirs 0 && ~ $req_path */[bB]log/*) { blagh_uri=`{echo $req_path | sed 's,(/[bB]log/).*,\1,'} blagh_dirs=( . ) } # Should not match sub-dirs! if(! ~ $#blagh_dirs 0) { # && test -d / `{echo '-a -d '^$blagh_root^$blagh_dirs} blagh_url=$base_url^$blagh_uri blagh_root=$sitedir^$blagh_uri if(check_user $blog_editors admin) { editor_mode=on ll_add handlers_bar_left echo '<a href="'$blagh_uri'new_post">Make a new post</a>' } switch($req_path) { case $blagh_uri handler_body_main=blagh_body u=$blagh_uri'index' extraHeaders=$"extraHeaders ^ \ '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="'$"u'.rss" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="ATOM" href="'$"u'.atom" />' case $blagh_uri^index.atom blagh_setup_feed_handlers atom.tpl case $blagh_uri^index.rss blagh_setup_feed_handlers rss20.tpl case $blagh_uri^new_post if(! ~ $#editor_mode 0) { if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET) handler_body_main=( tpl_handler `{get_lib_file blagh/new_post.tpl apps/blagh/new_post.tpl} ) if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) { mkbpost $post_arg_id $post_arg_title $post_arg_body post_redirect $blagh_uri } } } } } fn blagh_setup_feed_handlers { handler_body_main=NOT_USED_by_blagh_feeds res_tail=() master_template=apps/blagh/$1 # Should we allow tempalte override? } fn blagh_body { for(p in `{get_post_list $blagh_root^$blagh_dirs}) { l=`{echo -n $p|sed 's!'$sitedir^$req_path'!!'} sed '1s!.*!' < $p/ | $formatter } } fn get_post_list { # /./->/|/ done to sort -t| and order by date # Note: $paths in blagh_dirs should not contain '/./' or '|' ls -F $*^/./[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/ >[2]/dev/null | sed -n '/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; s,/\./,/|/,; /\/$/p' | sort -r '-t|' +1 | sed 's,/+\|/+,/,' } fn mkbpost { if(! ~ 0 $#1 $#2) { umask 002 # Let group write bptitle=$1 bptext=$2 if(! ~ $#3 0) bpid=`{echo -n '-'^$"bpid | sed 's/'$forbidden_uri_chars'+/_/g; 1q'} d=`{/bin/date +%F|sed 's,-,/,g'} ddir=$blagh_root^$d^'/' n=`{ls $ddir >[2]/dev/null |wc -l} mkdir -p $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/ { echo $bptitle echo '=========================================' # TODO: Enable metadata #echo '* Posted:' `{date} #if(! ~ $#logged_user 0) # echo '* Author: '$logged_user echo echo $bptext }> $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/ } if not status=Missing blog post arguments $"1 $"2 }