ref: 3b043d737f70ff1e6d14fe6034d7a6c1f2f4d498
dir: /bin/werclib.rc/
fn get_lib_file { if(! ~ $#sitedir 0 && test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1) echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1 if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1) echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1 if not if(test -f lib/$1) echo -n lib/$1 if not if(~ $#* 2) echo -n $2 if not status='Can''t find lib file: '$1 } fn template { awk -f bin/template.awk $* | rc $rcargs } # Auth code # TODO: check allowed_user_chars='[a-zA-Z0-9_]' # Cookie format: WERC_USER: name:timestamp:hash(name.timestamp.password) # login_user can't be used from a template because it sets a cookie fn login_user { # Note: we set the cookie even if it is already there. if(get_user $*) set_cookie werc_user $"logged_user^':0:'^$"logged_password } # Check login status, if called with group arg we check membership too fn check_user { get_user g=($* admin) _status=$status if(! ~ $"_status '') _status=(Not logged in: $"_status) if not if(! ~ $#* 0 && ! ~ $logged_user $* && ! grep -s '^'^$logged_user^'$' $werc_root/etc/users/$g/members >[2]/dev/null) _status=(User $logged_user not in: $*) status=$_status } # If not logged in, try to get user login info from POST or from cookie fn get_user { if(~ $#logged_user 0) { if(~ $#* 2) { user_name=$1 user_password=$2 } if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) get_post_args user_name user_password if(~ $#user_name 0) { ifs=':' { cu=`{ifs=$difs {get_cookie werc_user} | tr -d $NEW_LINE} } if(! ~ $#cu 0) { user_name=$cu(1) user_password=$cu(3) } } auth_user $user_name $user_password } if not status=() } # Check if user_name and user_password represent a valid user account # If valid, 'log in' by setting logged_user fn auth_user { user_name=$1 user_password=$2 pfile=$werc_root/etc/users/$"user_name/password if(~ $#user_name 0 || ~ $#user_password 0) status=('Auth: missing user name or pass: '^$"user_name^' / '^$"user_password) if not if(! test -f $pfile) status=('Auth: cant find '^$pfile) if not if(! test -s $pfile || ! ~ $user_password `{cat $pfile}) status=('Auth: Pass '$user_password' doesnt match '^`{cat $pfile}) if not { logged_user=$user_name logged_password=$user_password dprint Auth: success status=() } } fn user_controls { echo User: $"logged_user } # .md '(meta-)data' extract fn get_md_file_attr { sed -n '/^\* '$2': /p; /^\* '$2': /q; /^$/q' < $1 } # File title extraction fn get_md_title { #sed 's/^(................................................................[^ ]*).*$/\1/g; 1q' < $1 sed -n -e '1N; /^.*\n===*$/N; /.*\n===*\n *$/!b' -e 's/\n==*\n//p' < $1 } fn get_html_title { t=`{sed -n '32q; s/^.*<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]> *([^<]+) *(<\/[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]>.*)?$/\1/p' < $1} # As a backup we might want to pick the first 'non-tag' text in the file with: if(~ $"t '') t=`{sed -n -e 's/^(<[^>]+>)*([^<]+).*/\2/p; 32q' < $1 | sed 1q} echo $t } fn get_file_title { if (~ $1 *.md) get_md_title $1 if not if(~ $1 *.html) get_html_title $1 if not if(~ $1 */) { if(test -f $1/ get_md_title $1/ if not if(test -f $1/index.html) get_html_title $1/index.html } } fn ndate { if(~ $#* 7) date=$*(2-) if not date=`{date} switch($date(2)){ case Jan; mo=01 case Feb; mo=02 case Mar; mo=03 case Apr; mo=04 case May; mo=05 case Jun; mo=06 case Jul; mo=07 case Aug; mo=08 case Sep; mo=09 case Oct; mo=10 case Nov; mo=11 case Dec; mo=12 } switch($date(3)){ case [0-9] da=0^$date(3) case * da=$date(3) } switch($date(5)){ case A; tz=+0100 case ADT; tz=-0300 case AFT; tz=+430 case AKDT; tz=-0800 case AKST; tz=-0900 case ALMT; tz=+0600 case AMST; tz=-0300 case AMT; tz=-0400 case ANAST; tz=+1200 case ANAT; tz=+1200 case AQTT; tz=+0500 case ART; tz=-0300 case AST; tz=-0400 case AZOST; tz=+0000 case AZOT; tz=-0100 case AZST; tz=+0500 case AZT; tz=+0400 case B; tz=+0200 case BNT; tz=+0800 case BOT; tz=-0400 case BRST; tz=-0200 case BRT; tz=-0300 case BST; tz=+0100 case BTT; tz=+0600 case C; tz=+0300 case CAST; tz=+0800 case CAT; tz=+0200 case CCT; tz=+0630 case CDT; tz=-0500 case CEST; tz=+0200 case CET; tz=+0100 case CHADT; tz=+1345 case CHAST; tz=+1245 case CKT; tz=-1000 case CLST; tz=-0300 case CLT; tz=-0400 case COT; tz=-0500 case CST; tz=-0600 case CVT; tz=-0100 case CXT; tz=+0700 case ChST; tz=+1000 case D; tz=+0400 case DAVT; tz=+0700 case E; tz=+0500 case EASST; tz=-0500 case EAST; tz=-0600 case EAT; tz=+0300 case ECT; tz=-0500 case EDT; tz=-0400 case EEST; tz=+0300 case EET; tz=+0200 case EGST; tz=+0000 case EGT; tz=-0100 case EST; tz=-0500 case ET; tz=-0500 case F; tz=+0600 case FJST; tz=+1300 case FJT; tz=+1200 case FKST; tz=-0300 case FKT; tz=-0400 case FNT; tz=-0200 case G; tz=+0700 case GALT; tz=-0600 case GAMT; tz=-0900 case GET; tz=+0400 case GFT; tz=-0300 case GILT; tz=+1200 case GMT; tz=+0000 case GST; tz=+0400 case GYT; tz=-0400 case H; tz=+0800 case HAA; tz=-0300 case HAC; tz=-0500 case HADT; tz=-0900 case HAE; tz=-0400 case HAP; tz=-0700 case HAR; tz=-0600 case HAST; tz=-1000 case HAT; tz=-0230 case HAY; tz=-0800 case HKT; tz=+0800 case HLV; tz=-0430 case HNA; tz=-0400 case HNC; tz=-0600 case HNE; tz=-0500 case HNP; tz=-0800 case HNR; tz=-0700 case HNT; tz=-0330 case HNY; tz=-0900 case HOVT; tz=+0700 case I; tz=+0900 case ICT; tz=+0700 case IDT; tz=+0300 case IOT; tz=+0600 case IRDT; tz=+0430 case IRKST; tz=+0900 case IRKT; tz=+0800 case IRST; tz=+0330 case IST; tz=+0200 case JST; tz=+0900 case K; tz=+1000 case KGT; tz=+0600 case KRAST; tz=+0800 case KRAT; tz=+0700 case KST; tz=+0900 case KUYT; tz=+0400 case L; tz=+1100 case LHDT; tz=+1100 case LHST; tz=+1030 case LINT; tz=+1400 case M; tz=+1200 case MAGST; tz=+1200 case MAGT; tz=+1100 case MART; tz=-0930 case MAWT; tz=+0500 case MDT; tz=-0600 case MHT; tz=+1200 case MMT; tz=+0630 case MSD; tz=+0400 case MSK; tz=+0300 case MST; tz=-0700 case MUT; tz=+0400 case MVT; tz=+0500 case MYT; tz=+0800 case N; tz=-0100 case NCT; tz=+1100 case NDT; tz=-0230 case NFT; tz=+1130 case NOVST; tz=+0700 case NOVT; tz=+0600 case NPT; tz=+0545 case NST; tz=-0330 case NUT; tz=-1100 case NZDT; tz=+1300 case NZST; tz=+1200 case O; tz=-0200 case OMSST; tz=+0700 case OMST; tz=+0600 case P; tz=-0300 case PDT; tz=-0700 case PET; tz=-0500 case PETST; tz=+1200 case PETT; tz=+1200 case PGT; tz=+1000 case PHOT; tz=+1300 case PHT; tz=+0800 case PKT; tz=+0500 case PMDT; tz=-0200 case PMST; tz=-0300 case PONT; tz=+1100 case PST; tz=-0800 case PT; tz=-0800 case PWT; tz=+0900 case PYST; tz=-0300 case PYT; tz=-0400 case Q; tz=-0400 case R; tz=-0500 case RET; tz=+0400 case S; tz=-0600 case SAMT; tz=+0400 case SAST; tz=+0200 case SBT; tz=+1100 case SCT; tz=+0400 case SGT; tz=+0800 case SRT; tz=-0300 case SST; tz=-1100 case T; tz=-0700 case TAHT; tz=-1000 case TFT; tz=+0500 case TJT; tz=+0500 case TKT; tz=-1000 case TLT; tz=+0900 case TMT; tz=+0500 case TVT; tz=+1200 case U; tz=-0800 case ULAT; tz=+0800 case UYST; tz=-0200 case UYT; tz=-0300 case UZT; tz=+0500 case V; tz=-0900 case VET; tz=-0430 case VLAST; tz=+1100 case VLAT; tz=+1000 case VUT; tz=+1100 case W; tz=-1000 case WAST; tz=+0200 case WAT; tz=+0100 case WDT; tz=+0900 case WEST; tz=+0100 case WET; tz=+0000 case WFT; tz=+1200 case WGST; tz=-0200 case WGT; tz=-0300 case WIB; tz=+0700 case WIT; tz=+0900 case WITA; tz=+0800 case WST; tz=+0800 case WT; tz=+0000 case X; tz=-1100 case Y; tz=-1200 case YAKST; tz=+1000 case YAKT; tz=+0900 case YAPT; tz=+1000 case YEKST; tz=+0600 case YEKT; tz=+0500 case Z; tz=+0000 } switch($1){ case -a # rfc3339 tz=`{echo $tz | sed 's/00$/:00/'} echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da^T^$date(4)^$tz case -i # iso-8601 lite echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da case -m # rfc2822 echo $date(1)^, $da $date(2) $date(6) $date(4) $tz case -t # iso-8601 echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da^T^$date(4)^$tz } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## #app_blog_methods = ( _post index.rss ) #fn app_blog__post { # echo #} # #app_blog___default { # if (~ $blog) # call_app blogpost #} # ## -- #app_blogpost_methods = ( comment _edit ) # #fn app_blogpost_comment { # call_app comments #} # ## -- #app_comments_methods = ( _post _edit ) # #fn app_comments___default { # #}