ref: f79a7ae0b06de1c33758ff9fad433fa24d8cff4a
dir: /
$! for Freetype2------------------------------------ $! make Freetype2 under OpenVMS $! $! In case of problems with the build you might want to contact me at $! [email protected] (preferred) or [email protected] (Work) $! $! This procedure currently does support the following commandline options $! in arbitrary order $! $! * DEBUG - Compile modules with /noopt/debug and link shareable image $! with /debug $! * LOPTS - Options to be passed to the link command $! * CCOPT - Options to be passed to the C compiler $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! Just some general constants $! $ true = 1 $ false = 0 $ Make = "" $! $! Setup variables holding "config" information $! $ name = "Freetype2" $ mapfile = name + ".map" $ optfile = name + ".opt" $ s_case = false $ libdefs = "" $ libincs = "" $ liblist = "" $ ccopt = "" $ lopts = "" $! $! Check for MMK/MMS $! $ If F$Search ("Sys$System:MMS.EXE") .nes. "" Then Make = "MMS" $ If F$Type (MMK) .eqs. "STRING" Then Make = "MMK" $! $! Which command parameters were given $! $ gosub check_opts $! $! Create option file $! $ open/write optf 'optfile' $! $! Pull in external libraries $! $ gosub check_create_vmslib $! $! Create objects $! $ if libdefs .nes. "" then ccopt = ccopt + "/define=(" + libdefs + ")" $! $ if f$locate("AS_IS",f$edit(ccopt,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(ccopt) - then s_case = true $ gosub crea_mms $! $ 'Make' /macro=(comp_flags="''ccopt'") $ delete/nolog/noconf temp.mms;*,descrip.fdl;* $ purge/nolog [...]descrip.mms $! $! Add them to options $! $FLOOP: $ file = f$edit(f$search("[...]*.obj"),"UPCASE") $ if (file .nes. "") $ then $ if f$locate("DEMOS",file) .eqs. f$length(file) then write optf file $ goto floop $ endif $! $! Pull in external libraries $! $ gosub check_create_vmslib $! $ if s_case then WRITE optf "case_sensitive=YES" $ close optf $! $! $! Alpha gets a shareable image $! $ If f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .gt. 1024 $ Then $ LINK_/NODEB/NOSHARE/NOEXE/MAP='mapfile'/full 'optfile'/opt $ call anal_map_axp 'mapfile' _link.opt $ LINK_/NODEB/SHARE=[.lib]freetype2shr.exe 'optfile'/opt,_link.opt/opt $ dele/noconf 'mapfile';* $ endif $! $ exit $! $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! If MMS/MMK are available dump out the descrip.mms if required $! $CREA_MMS: $ write sys$output "Creating descrip.mms files ..." $ write sys$output "... Main directory" $ copy sys$input: descrip.mms $ deck # # FreeType 2 build system -- top-level Makefile for OpenVMS # # Copyright 2001 by # David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. # # This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified, # and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license, # LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you # indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it # fully. all : define freetype [--.include.freetype] define psaux [-.psaux] define autohint [-.autohint] define base [-.base] define cache [-.cache] define cff [-.cff] define cid [-.cid] define pcf [-.pcf] define psnames [-.psnames] define raster [-.raster] define sfnt [-.sfnt] define smooth [-.smooth] define truetype [-.truetype] define type1 [-.type1] define winfonts [-.winfonts] if f$search("lib.dir") .eqs. "" then create/directory [.lib] set default [.builds.vms] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [--.src.autohint] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.base] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.bdf] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.cache] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.cff] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.cid] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.gzip] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.pcf] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.pfr] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.psaux] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.pshinter] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.psnames] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.raster] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.sfnt] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.smooth] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.truetype] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.type1] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.type42] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [-.winfonts] $(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) set default [--] # EOF $ eod $ anal/rms/fdl descrip.mms $ create/fdl=descrip.fdl temp.mms $ open/append mmsf temp.mms $ write mmsf "CFLAGS = ", ccopt $ close mmsf $ copy temp.mms,descrip.mms;-1 descrip.mms $ write sys$output "... [.src.gzip] directory" $ copy sys$input: [.src.gzip]descrip.mms $ deck # # FreeType 2 GZip support compilation rules for VMS # # Copyright 2002 by # David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. # # This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified, # and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license, # LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you # indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it # fully. CFLAGS=$(COMP_FLAGS)$(DEBUG)/include=($(LIBINCS)[--.include],[--.src.gzip]) OBJS=ftgzip.obj all : $(OBJS) library [--.lib]freetype.olb $(OBJS) # EOF $ eod $ create/fdl=descrip.fdl temp.mms $ if libincs .nes. "" $ then $ open/append mmsf temp.mms $ write mmsf "LIBINCS = ", libincs, "," $ close mmsf $ copy temp.mms,[.src.gzip]descrip.mms;-1 [.src.gzip]descrip.mms $ endif $ return $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! Check command line options and set symbols accordingly $! $ CHECK_OPTS: $ i = 1 $ OPT_LOOP: $ if i .lt. 9 $ then $ cparm = f$edit(p'i',"upcase") $ if cparm .eqs. "DEBUG" $ then $ ccopt = ccopt + "/noopt/deb" $ lopts = lopts + "/deb" $ endif $! if cparm .eqs. "LINK" then linkonly = true $ if f$locate("LOPTS",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm) $ then $ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1 $ len = f$length(cparm) - start $ lopts = lopts + f$extract(start,len,cparm) $ endif $ if f$locate("CCOPT",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm) $ then $ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1 $ len = f$length(cparm) - start $ ccopt = ccopt + f$extract(start,len,cparm) $ endif $ i = i + 1 $ goto opt_loop $ endif $ return $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! Take care of driver file with information about external libraries $! $CHECK_CREATE_VMSLIB: $! $ if f$search("VMSLIB.DAT") .eqs. "" $ then $ type/out=vmslib.dat sys$input ! ! This is a simple driver file with information used by to ! check if external libraries (like t1lib and freetype) are available on ! the system. ! ! Layout of the file: ! ! - Lines starting with ! are treated as comments ! - Elements in a data line are separated by # signs ! - The elements need to be listed in the following order ! 1.) Name of the Library ! 2.) Location where the object library can be found ! 3.) Location where the include files for the library can be found ! 4.) Include file used to verify library location ! 5.) CPP define to pass to the build to indicate availability of ! the library ! ! Example: The following lines show how definitions ! might look like. They are site specific and the locations of the ! library and include files need almost certainly to be changed. ! ! Location: All of the libaries can be found at the following addresses ! ! ZLIB: ! !ZLIB # pubbin:libz.olb # public$Root:[util.libs.zlib] # zlib.h # FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SYSTEM_ZLIB $ write sys$output "New driver file vmslib.dat created." $ write sys$output "Please customize libary locations for your site" $ write sys$output "and afterwards re-execute" $ write sys$output "Exiting..." $ close/nolog optf $ exit $ endif $! $! Open data file with location of libraries $! $ open/read/end=end_lib/err=lib_err libdata VMSLIB.DAT $LIB_LOOP: $ read/end=end_lib libdata libline $ libline = f$edit(libline, "UNCOMMENT,COLLAPSE") $ if libline .eqs. "" then goto LIB_LOOP ! Comment line $ libname = f$edit(f$element(0,"#",libline),"UPCASE") $ liblist = liblist + "#" + libname $ write sys$output "Processing ''libname' setup ..." $ libloc = f$element(1,"#",libline) $ libsrc = f$element(2,"#",libline) $ testinc = f$element(3,"#",libline) $ cppdef = f$element(4,"#",libline) $ old_cpp = f$locate("=1",cppdef) $ if$length(cppdef) then cppdef = f$extract(0,old_cpp,cppdef) $ if f$search("''libloc'").eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "Can not find library ''libloc' - Skipping ''libname'" $ goto LIB_LOOP $ endif $ libsrc_elem = 0 $ libsrc_found = false $LIBSRC_LOOP: $ libsrcdir = f$element(libsrc_elem,",",libsrc) $ if (libsrcdir .eqs. ",") then goto END_LIBSRC $ if f$search("''libsrcdir'''testinc'") .nes. "" then libsrc_found = true $ libsrc_elem = libsrc_elem + 1 $ goto LIBSRC_LOOP $END_LIBSRC: $ if .not. libsrc_found $ then $ write sys$output "Can not find includes at ''libsrc' - Skipping ''libname'" $ goto LIB_LOOP $ endif $ if cppdef .nes. "" then libdefs = libdefs + "," + cppdef $ libincs = libincs + "," + libsrc $ lqual = "/lib" $ libtype = f$parse(libloc,,,"TYPE") $ if f$locate("EXE",libtype) .lt. f$length(libtype) then lqual = "/share" $ write optf libloc , lqual $! $! Yet another special treatment for Xpm/X11 $! $ if (libname .eqs. "XPM") $ then $ my_x11 = f$parse("''libsrc'xpm.h",,,"device") + - f$parse("''libsrc'xpm.h",,,"directory") $ x11_save = f$trnlnm("X11") $ define x11 'my_x11',decw$include $ endif $ goto LIB_LOOP $END_LIB: $ close libdata $ libincs = libincs - "," $ libdefs = libdefs - "," $ return $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! Analyze Map for OpenVMS AXP $! $ ANAL_MAP_AXP: Subroutine $ V = 'F$Verify(0) $ SET SYMBOL/GENERAL/SCOPE=(NOLOCAL,NOGLOBAL) $ SAY := "WRITE_ SYS$OUTPUT" $ $ IF F$SEARCH("''P1'") .EQS. "" $ THEN $ SAY " ANAL_MAP_AXP: Error, no mapfile provided" $ goto exit_aa $ ENDIF $ IF "''P2'" .EQS. "" $ THEN $ SAY " ANALYZE_MAP_AXP: Error, no output file provided" $ goto exit_aa $ ENDIF $ $ LINK_TMP = F$PARSE(P2,,,"DEVICE")+F$PARSE(P2,,,"DIRECTORY")+F$PARSE(P2,,,"NAME")+".TMP" $ $ SAY " creating PSECT list in ''P2'" $ OPEN_/READ IN 'P1' $ OPEN_/WRITE OUT 'P2' $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ WRITE_ OUT "! ### PSECT list extracted from ''P1'" $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ LOOP_PSECT_SEARCH: $ READ_/END=EOF_PSECT IN REC $ if F$EXTRACT(0,5,REC) .nes. "$DATA" then goto LOOP_PSECT_SEARCH $ LAST = "" $ LOOP_PSECT: $ READ_/END=EOF_PSECT IN REC $ if F$EXTRACT(0,1,REC) .eqs. "$" .and. F$EXTRACT(0,5,REC) .nes. "$DATA" then goto EOF_PSECT $ if REC - "NOPIC,OVR,REL,GBL,NOSHR,NOEXE, WRT,NOVEC" .nes. REC $ then $ J = F$LOCATE(" ",REC) $ S = F$EXTRACT(0,J,REC) $ IF S .EQS. LAST THEN GOTO LOOP_PSECT $ WRITE_ OUT "symbol_vector = (" + S + " = PSECT)" $ P$_'S= 1 $ LAST = S $ endif $ GOTO LOOP_PSECT $ $ EOF_PSECT: $ CLOSE_ IN $ CLOSE_ OUT $! $ OPEN_/READ IN 'P1' $ OPEN_/APPEND OUT 'P2' $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ WRITE_ OUT "! ### Global definition list extracted from ''P1'" $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ LOOP_DATA_SEARCH: $ READ_/END=EOF_DATA IN REC $ if f$locate("NOPIC,OVR,REL,GBL,NOSHR,NOEXE",rec) .eq. f$length(rec) - then goto LOOP_DATA_SEARCH $ s = f$element(0," ",rec) $! write_ out "symbol_vector = (" + s + " = DATA)" $ p$_'s' =1 $ goto loop_data_search $ EOF_DATA: $ CLOSE_ IN $ CLOSE_ OUT $ SAY " appending list of UNIVERSAL procedures to ''P2'" $ SEARCH_/NOHIGH/WINDOW=(0,0) 'P1' " R-"/OUT='LINK_TMP $ OPEN_/READ IN 'LINK_TMP $ OPEN_/APPEND OUT 'P2' $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ WRITE_ OUT "! ### UNIVERSAL procedures and global definitions extracted from ''P1'" $ WRITE_ OUT "!" $ LOOP_UNIVERSAL: $ READ_/END=EOF_UNIVERSAL IN REC $ data = 0 $ J = F$LOCATE(" R-",REC) $ S = F$EXTRACT(J+3,F$length(rec),REC) $ IF (F$TYPE(P$_'S').EQS."").and.( $ THEN $ WRITE_ OUT "symbol_vector = ("+S+" = PROCEDURE)" $ ELSE $ WRITE_ OUT "symbol_vector = ("+S+" = DATA)" $ ENDIF $ GOTO LOOP_UNIVERSAL $ EOF_UNIVERSAL: $ CLOSE_ IN $ CLOSE_ OUT $ if f$search("''LINK_TMP'") .nes. "" then DELETE_/NOLOG/NOCONFIRM 'LINK_TMP';* $ $ EXIT_AA: $ if V then set verify $ endsubroutine