ref: f13e6333f9724bf254754c843597c686f347fbf9
dir: /src/cff/t2load.c/
/***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* t2load.h */ /* */ /* TrueType glyph data/program tables loader (body). */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996-1999 by */ /* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */ /* */ /* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used */ /* modified and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */ /* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */ /* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */ /* understand and accept it fully. */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ #include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h> #include <freetype/internal/ftobjs.h> #include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h> #include <freetype/internal/psnames.h> #include <freetype/fterrors.h> #include <freetype/tttags.h> #include <t2load.h> #include <t2parse.h> #include <t2errors.h> #undef FT_COMPONENT #define FT_COMPONENT trace_ttload /* read a CFF offset from memory */ static FT_ULong t2_get_offset( FT_Byte* p, FT_Byte off_size ) { FT_ULong result; for ( result = 0; off_size > 0; off_size-- ) result = (result <<= 8) | *p++; return result; } static FT_Error t2_new_cff_index( CFF_Index* index, FT_Stream stream, FT_Bool load ) { FT_Error error; FT_Memory memory = stream->memory; FT_UShort count; MEM_Set( index, 0, sizeof(*index) ); if ( !READ_UShort( count ) && count > 0 ) { FT_Byte* p; FT_Byte offsize; FT_ULong data_size; FT_ULong* poff; /* there is at least one element, read the offset size */ /* then access the offset table to compute the index's total size */ if ( READ_Byte( offsize ) ) goto Exit; index->stream = stream; index->count = count; index->off_size = offsize; data_size = (FT_ULong)(count+1) * offsize; if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( index->offsets, count+1, FT_ULong ) || ACCESS_Frame( data_size )) goto Exit; poff = index->offsets; p = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor; for ( ; (FT_Short)count >= 0; count-- ) { poff[0] = t2_get_offset( p, offsize ); poff++; p += offsize; } FORGET_Frame(); index->data_offset = FILE_Pos(); data_size = poff[-1]-1; if (load) { /* load the data */ if ( EXTRACT_Frame( data_size, index->bytes ) ) goto Exit; } else { /* skip the data */ (void)FILE_Skip( data_size ); } } Exit: if (error) FREE( index->offsets ); return error; } static void t2_done_cff_index( CFF_Index* index ) { FT_Stream stream = index->stream; FT_Memory memory = stream->memory; if (index->bytes) RELEASE_Frame( index->bytes ); FREE( index->offsets ); MEM_Set( index, 0, sizeof(*index) ); } static FT_Error t2_access_element( CFF_Index* index, FT_UInt element, FT_Byte* *pbytes, FT_ULong *pbyte_len ) { FT_Error error = 0; if ( index && index->count > element ) { /* compute start and end offsets */ FT_ULong off1, off2; off1 = index->offsets[element]; if (off1) { do { element++; off2 = index->offsets[element]; } while (off2 == 0 && element < index->count); if (!off2) off1 = 0; } /* access element */ if (off1) { *pbyte_len = off2 - off1; if (index->bytes) { /* this index was completely loaded in memory, that's easy */ *pbytes = index->bytes + off1 - 1; } else { /* this index is still on disk/file, access it through a frame */ FT_Stream stream = index->stream; if ( FILE_Seek( index->data_offset + off1 - 1 ) || EXTRACT_Frame( off2-off1, *pbytes ) ) goto Exit; } } else { /* empty index element */ *pbytes = 0; *pbyte_len = 0; } } else error = FT_Err_Invalid_Argument; Exit: return error; } static void t2_forget_element( CFF_Index* index, FT_Byte* *pbytes ) { if (index->bytes == 0) { FT_Stream stream = index->stream; RELEASE_Frame( *pbytes ); } } static FT_String* t2_get_name( CFF_Index* index, FT_UInt element ) { FT_Memory memory = index->stream->memory; FT_Byte* bytes; FT_ULong byte_len; FT_Error error; FT_String* name = 0; error = t2_access_element( index, element, &bytes, &byte_len ); if (error) goto Exit; if ( !ALLOC( name, byte_len+1 ) ) { MEM_Copy( name, bytes, byte_len ); name[byte_len] = 0; } t2_forget_element( index, &bytes ); Exit: return name; } #if 0 LOCAL_FUNC FT_String* T2_Get_String( CFF_Index* index, FT_UInt sid, PSNames_Interface* interface ) { /* if it's not a standard string, return it */ if ( sid > 390 ) return t2_get_name( index, sid - 390 ); /* that's a standard string, fetch a copy from the psnamed module */ { FT_String* name = 0; const char* adobe_name = interface->adobe_std_strings( sid ); FT_UInt len; if (adobe_name) { FT_Memory memory = index->stream->memory; FT_Error error; len = (FT_UInt)strlen(adobe_name); if ( !ALLOC( name, len+1 ) ) { MEM_Copy( name, adobe_name, len ); name[len] = 0; } } return name; } } #endif LOCAL_FUNC FT_Error T2_Load_CFF_Font( FT_Stream stream, FT_Int face_index, CFF_Font* font ) { static const FT_Frame_Field cff_header_fields[] = { FT_FRAME_START(4), FT_FRAME_BYTE( CFF_Font, version_major ), FT_FRAME_BYTE( CFF_Font, version_minor ), FT_FRAME_BYTE( CFF_Font, header_size ), FT_FRAME_BYTE( CFF_Font, absolute_offsize ), FT_FRAME_END }; FT_Error error; FT_Memory memory = stream->memory; FT_ULong base_offset; MEM_Set( font, 0, sizeof(*font) ); font->stream = stream; font->memory = memory; base_offset = FILE_Pos(); /* read CFF font header */ if ( READ_Fields( cff_header_fields, font ) ) goto Exit; /* check format */ if ( font->version_major != 1 || font->header_size < 4 || font->absolute_offsize > 4 ) { FT_ERROR(( "incorrect CFF font header !!\n" )); error = FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format; goto Exit; } /* skip the rest of the header */ (void)FILE_Skip( font->header_size - 4 ); /* read the name, top dict, string and global subrs index */ error = t2_new_cff_index( &font->name_index, stream, 0 ) || t2_new_cff_index( &font->top_dict_index, stream, 0 ) || t2_new_cff_index( &font->string_index, stream, 0 ) || t2_new_cff_index( &font->global_subrs_index, stream, 1 ); if (error) goto Exit; /* well, we don't really forget the "disabled" fonts.. */ font->num_faces = font->name_index.count; if (face_index >= font->num_faces) { FT_ERROR(( "T2.Load_Font: incorrect face index = %d\n", face_index )); error = FT_Err_Invalid_Argument; } /* in case of a font format check, simply exit now */ if (face_index >= 0) { T2_Parser parser; FT_Byte* dict; FT_ULong dict_len; CFF_Index* index = &font->top_dict_index; /* parse the top-level font dictionary */ T2_Parser_Init( &parser, T2CODE_TOPDICT, &font->top_dict ); error = t2_access_element( index, face_index, &dict, &dict_len ) || T2_Parser_Run( &parser, dict, dict + dict_len ); t2_forget_element( &font->top_dict_index, &dict ); if (error) goto Exit; /* parse the private dictionary, if any */ if (font->top_dict.private_offset && font->top_dict.private_size) { T2_Parser_Init( &parser, T2CODE_PRIVATE, &font->private_dict ); if ( FILE_Seek( base_offset + font->top_dict.private_offset ) || ACCESS_Frame( font->top_dict.private_size ) ) goto Exit; error = T2_Parser_Run( &parser, (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor, (FT_Byte*)stream->limit ); FORGET_Frame(); if (error) goto Exit; } /* read the charstrings index now */ if ( font->top_dict.charstrings_offset == 0 ) { FT_ERROR(( "T2.New_CFF_Font: no charstrings offset !!\n" )); error = FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format; goto Exit; } if ( FILE_Seek( base_offset + font->top_dict.charstrings_offset ) ) goto Exit; error = t2_new_cff_index( &font->charstrings_index, stream, 0 ); if (error) goto Exit; } /* get the font name */ font->font_name = t2_get_name( &font->name_index, face_index ); Exit: return error; } LOCAL_FUNC void T2_Done_CFF_Font( CFF_Font* font ) { t2_done_cff_index( &font->global_subrs_index ); t2_done_cff_index( &font->string_index ); t2_done_cff_index( &font->top_dict_index ); t2_done_cff_index( &font->name_index ); t2_done_cff_index( &font->charstrings_index ); } /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** TYPE 2 TABLES DECODING.. *****/ /***** *****/ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* END */