shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: f0f00f7c1648daa9b75e7ea97b9f84b78d8a6d9c
dir: /src/cid/cidobjs.c/

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 * cidobjs.c
 *   CID objects manager (body).
 * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h>

#include "cidgload.h"
#include "cidload.h"

#include <freetype/internal/services/svpscmap.h>
#include <freetype/internal/psaux.h>
#include <freetype/internal/pshints.h>
#include <freetype/ftdriver.h>

#include "ciderrs.h"

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.
#define FT_COMPONENT  cidobjs

   *                           SLOT  FUNCTIONS

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cid_slot_done( FT_GlyphSlot  slot )
    if ( slot->internal )
      slot->internal->glyph_hints = NULL;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cid_slot_init( FT_GlyphSlot  slot )
    CID_Face          face;
    PSHinter_Service  pshinter;

    face     = (CID_Face)slot->face;
    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)face->pshinter;

    if ( pshinter )
      FT_Module  module;

      module = FT_Get_Module( slot->face->driver->root.library,
                              "pshinter" );
      if ( module )
        T1_Hints_Funcs  funcs;

        funcs = pshinter->get_t1_funcs( module );
        slot->internal->glyph_hints = (void*)funcs;

    return 0;

   *                          SIZE  FUNCTIONS

  static PSH_Globals_Funcs
  cid_size_get_globals_funcs( CID_Size  size )
    CID_Face          face     = (CID_Face)size->root.face;
    PSHinter_Service  pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)face->pshinter;
    FT_Module         module;

    module = FT_Get_Module( size->root.face->driver->root.library,
                            "pshinter" );
    return ( module && pshinter && pshinter->get_globals_funcs )
           ? pshinter->get_globals_funcs( module )
           : 0;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cid_size_done( FT_Size  cidsize )         /* CID_Size */
    CID_Size  size = (CID_Size)cidsize;

    if ( cidsize->internal->module_data )
      PSH_Globals_Funcs  funcs;

      funcs = cid_size_get_globals_funcs( size );
      if ( funcs )
        funcs->destroy( (PSH_Globals)cidsize->internal->module_data );

      cidsize->internal->module_data = NULL;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cid_size_init( FT_Size  cidsize )     /* CID_Size */
    CID_Size           size  = (CID_Size)cidsize;
    FT_Error           error = FT_Err_Ok;
    PSH_Globals_Funcs  funcs = cid_size_get_globals_funcs( size );

    if ( funcs )
      PSH_Globals   globals;
      CID_Face      face = (CID_Face)cidsize->face;
      CID_FaceDict  dict = face->cid.font_dicts + face->root.face_index;
      PS_Private    priv = &dict->private_dict;

      error = funcs->create( cidsize->face->memory, priv, &globals );
      if ( !error )
        cidsize->internal->module_data = globals;

    return error;

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
  cid_size_request( FT_Size          size,
                    FT_Size_Request  req )
    FT_Error  error;

    PSH_Globals_Funcs  funcs;

    error = FT_Request_Metrics( size->face, req );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    funcs = cid_size_get_globals_funcs( (CID_Size)size );

    if ( funcs )
      funcs->set_scale( (PSH_Globals)size->internal->module_data,
                        0, 0 );

    return error;

   *                          FACE  FUNCTIONS

   * @Function:
   *   cid_face_done
   * @Description:
   *   Finalizes a given face object.
   * @Input:
   *   face ::
   *     A pointer to the face object to destroy.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cid_face_done( FT_Face  cidface )         /* CID_Face */
    CID_Face      face = (CID_Face)cidface;
    FT_Memory     memory;
    CID_FaceInfo  cid;
    PS_FontInfo   info;

    if ( !face )

    cid    = &face->cid;
    info   = &cid->font_info;
    memory = cidface->memory;

    /* release subrs */
    if ( face->subrs )
      FT_Int  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < cid->num_dicts; n++ )
        CID_Subrs  subr = face->subrs + n;

        if ( subr->code )
          FT_FREE( subr->code[0] );
          FT_FREE( subr->code );

      FT_FREE( face->subrs );

    /* release FontInfo strings */
    FT_FREE( info->version );
    FT_FREE( info->notice );
    FT_FREE( info->full_name );
    FT_FREE( info->family_name );
    FT_FREE( info->weight );

    /* release font dictionaries */
    FT_FREE( cid->font_dicts );
    cid->num_dicts = 0;

    /* release other strings */
    FT_FREE( cid->cid_font_name );
    FT_FREE( cid->registry );
    FT_FREE( cid->ordering );

    cidface->family_name = NULL;
    cidface->style_name  = NULL;

    FT_FREE( face->binary_data );
    FT_FREE( face->cid_stream );

   * @Function:
   *   cid_face_init
   * @Description:
   *   Initializes a given CID face object.
   * @Input:
   *   stream ::
   *     The source font stream.
   *   face_index ::
   *     The index of the font face in the resource.
   *   num_params ::
   *     Number of additional generic parameters.  Ignored.
   *   params ::
   *     Additional generic parameters.  Ignored.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The newly built face object.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cid_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cidface,        /* CID_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CID_Face          face = (CID_Face)cidface;
    FT_Error          error;
    PSAux_Service     psaux;
    PSHinter_Service  pshinter;

    FT_UNUSED( num_params );
    FT_UNUSED( params );
    FT_UNUSED( stream );

    cidface->num_faces = 1;

    psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
    if ( !psaux )
      psaux = (PSAux_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                FT_FACE_LIBRARY( face ), "psaux" );

      if ( !psaux )
        FT_ERROR(( "cid_face_init: cannot access `psaux' module\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
        goto Exit;

      face->psaux = psaux;

    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)face->pshinter;
    if ( !pshinter )
      pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                   FT_FACE_LIBRARY( face ), "pshinter" );

      face->pshinter = pshinter;

    FT_TRACE2(( "CID driver\n" ));

    /* open the tokenizer; this will also check the font format */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    error = cid_face_open( face, face_index );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* if we just wanted to check the format, leave successfully now */
    if ( face_index < 0 )
      goto Exit;

    /* check the face index */
    /* XXX: handle CID fonts with more than a single face */
    if ( ( face_index & 0xFFFF ) != 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "cid_face_init: invalid face index\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    /* now load the font program into the face object */

    /* initialize the face object fields */

    /* set up root face fields */
      CID_FaceInfo  cid  = &face->cid;
      PS_FontInfo   info = &cid->font_info;

      cidface->num_glyphs   = (FT_Long)cid->cid_count;
      cidface->num_charmaps = 0;

      cidface->face_index = face_index & 0xFFFF;

      cidface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   | /* scalable outlines */
                             FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL | /* horizontal data   */
                             FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;      /* has native hinter */

      if ( info->is_fixed_pitch )
        cidface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

      /* XXX: TODO: add kerning with .afm support */

      /* get style name -- be careful, some broken fonts only */
      /* have a /FontName dictionary entry!                   */
      cidface->family_name = info->family_name;
      /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
      cidface->style_name = (char *)"Regular";
      if ( cidface->family_name )
        char*  full   = info->full_name;
        char*  family = cidface->family_name;

        if ( full )
          while ( *full )
            if ( *full == *family )
              if ( *full == ' ' || *full == '-' )
              else if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )
                if ( !*family )
                  cidface->style_name = full;
        /* do we have a `/FontName'? */
        if ( cid->cid_font_name )
          cidface->family_name = cid->cid_font_name;

      /* compute style flags */
      cidface->style_flags = 0;
      if ( info->italic_angle )
        cidface->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
      if ( info->weight )
        if ( !ft_strcmp( info->weight, "Bold"  ) ||
             !ft_strcmp( info->weight, "Black" ) )
          cidface->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

      /* no embedded bitmap support */
      cidface->num_fixed_sizes = 0;
      cidface->available_sizes = NULL;

      cidface->bbox.xMin =   cid->font_bbox.xMin            >> 16;
      cidface->bbox.yMin =   cid->font_bbox.yMin            >> 16;
      /* no `U' suffix here to 0xFFFF! */
      cidface->bbox.xMax = ( cid->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;
      cidface->bbox.yMax = ( cid->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;

      if ( !cidface->units_per_EM )
        cidface->units_per_EM = 1000;

      cidface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cidface->bbox.yMax );
      cidface->descender = (FT_Short)( cidface->bbox.yMin );

      cidface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cidface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
      if ( cidface->height < cidface->ascender - cidface->descender )
        cidface->height = (FT_Short)( cidface->ascender - cidface->descender );

      cidface->underline_position  = (FT_Short)info->underline_position;
      cidface->underline_thickness = (FT_Short)info->underline_thickness;

    return error;

   * @Function:
   *   cid_driver_init
   * @Description:
   *   Initializes a given CID driver object.
   * @Input:
   *   driver ::
   *     A handle to the target driver object.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cid_driver_init( FT_Module  module )
    PS_Driver  driver = (PS_Driver)module;

    FT_UInt32  seed;

    /* set default property values, cf. `ftt1drv.h' */
    driver->hinting_engine = FT_HINTING_ADOBE;

    driver->no_stem_darkening = TRUE;

    driver->darken_params[0] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_X1;
    driver->darken_params[1] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_Y1;
    driver->darken_params[2] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_X2;
    driver->darken_params[3] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_Y2;
    driver->darken_params[4] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_X3;
    driver->darken_params[5] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_Y3;
    driver->darken_params[6] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_X4;
    driver->darken_params[7] = CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_Y4;

    /* compute random seed from some memory addresses */
    seed = (FT_UInt32)( (FT_Offset)(char*)&seed          ^
                        (FT_Offset)(char*)&module        ^
                        (FT_Offset)(char*)module->memory );
    seed = seed ^ ( seed >> 10 ) ^ ( seed >> 20 );

    driver->random_seed = (FT_Int32)seed;
    if ( driver->random_seed < 0 )
      driver->random_seed = -driver->random_seed;
    else if ( driver->random_seed == 0 )
      driver->random_seed = 123456789;

    return FT_Err_Ok;

   * @Function:
   *   cid_driver_done
   * @Description:
   *   Finalizes a given CID driver.
   * @Input:
   *   driver ::
   *     A handle to the target CID driver.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cid_driver_done( FT_Module  driver )
    FT_UNUSED( driver );

/* END */