fixed stupid math lib bug in the Makefile
another massive changes in order to completely avoid
a new massive grunt work. Redefined the EXPORT_DEF,
additional changes, this time in order to pass extra parameters
another fix for the build system (the module list wasn't
I knew the first CVS commit wouldn't be good :o)
re-added the "" that was mistakenly deleted
logged directory re-organisation
major re-organisation of the FreeType 2 directory hierarchy
added experimental emboldening/outlining code. This
closed most of the memory leaks in the Type 1 driver(s)
changes the type of the "mode" parameter in FT_Set_Raster_Mode
finally a auto-hinter module interface I'm satisfied with,
fixed a compilation problem that occurred with the
an update to FT_Outline_Funcs used to improve
at last, the bug seems to be solved. Now, the source code
very preliminray CID support
still working on that damn rasterizer bug !! ;-)
"ftrast.c" now works for monochrome bitmaps, and doesn't
various updates to reduce the compilation warnings
added FT_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_CALCS to ensure that
removed the smooth renderer from the demos directory
updates needed to compile the source programs now that
added support for version 2 of the OS/2 table
in order to ensure that the bytecode interpretation is exactly
added a simple line to set "glyph.control_len" when loading
changes to reflect the new files
first version of "t1tables", which will be used to access the
added the definition of the MaxProfile table
added the declaration of the smooth renderer to "include"
defined FT_Pointer as a typeless pointer
a few updates to the OpenType Layout code
moved the smooth renderer to the base layer directory
added FT_Sqrt64 to ensure that all bytecode operations are
removed an over-zealous assertation that halted the engine
added macros to read little endian words from a byte stream
raised TT_MAX_SUBGLYPHS to 96 to avoid problems
implemented extra interface for "FT_Get_Sfnt_Table"
added FT_Get_Sfnt_Table from "include/tttables.h"
added new auto-hinter driver interface !
added a new include file to access TrueType tables
added the FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUOHINT flag
fixed another small bug. The metrics were not computed
fixed a small bug that prevented the loading of certain
raised the value of TT_MAX_SUBGLYPHS, as it prevented
Fixed a compiler warning.
Removed compiler warnings.
Adding LDFLAGS. I don't know yet a good solution (within GNU make) to
Added pre-liminary autoconf support files for Unix. Note that these don't work
a small improvement to the Type 1 hinter, that
formatting, and remove the "interface" identifier
Consider the smooth renderer completed ! It will probably
simple fix required by the auto-hinting module
minor improvements, mainly to the PFB testing code...
fixed the display on 24-bit and 32-bit displays
major changes to the library:
support for FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE needed by the auto-hinter
ftoutln.c is now mandatory. The optional parts of this
fixed a stupid bug in FT_MulFix
a new program to demonstrate the new convenience glyph
a new simple program to display composite glyphs in a given
Adding the new languages codes from Apple and the new Unicode ranges as for 3.0
fixed a _really_ stupid bugs in the TrueType Collection
use escapes instead of 8-bit in the Text constant: the 8-bit version got mangled by maccvs...
use stream->memory instead of malloc/free.
updated the "smooth" anti-aliaser. By increasing the number
Here's the Mac FOND driver! It seems to work well, but it turns out the Type 1 drivers (old as well as new) reject about half the fonts I have.
Added prototype for T1_Done_Parser()
Added mac FOND driver, and use t1z driver instead of the "old" t1 driver.
Added a new version of the "smooth". This one uses
fix to compile with latest FreeType 2
updated documentation for Beta 4
fix to get rid of compile warning
finished moving all configuration macros to
first step towards moving all configuration options
removed the unused/obsolete "ftbbox.c"
removed src/shared/ttnameid.h (redundant)
renamed ttnamedid.h to ttnameid.h
renamed all outlines functions to the
reformatting, changing the FT_Outline structure:
added the new "smooth" anti-aliaser
fixed a nasty bug that occured with CMAP format 4..
changed the structure of FT_Outline in order to pack
a few fixes to get rid of unwanted compile-time warnings
properly behave in case the console window became active
- ft_new_input_stream: don't make a new copy of the pathname
formatting: some tabs replaced by spaces
A first check of FT2's Make system. Many smaller and larger bugs have been